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The Goddess Durga Series: (Urban Fantasy box set)

Page 70

by Jen Pretty

  “No way, I’m having this baby in my bed, not in that room.”

  I had seen so many injured vampires in there. Trevor was there when he came home with me and after the rogues attacked him. I didn’t want to have my baby in that cold, stark room.

  “Ok, Lark, up the stairs we go. Just take them one step at a time.” I lifted my foot to set it on the first stair but Vincent swept me off my feet and carried me in his strong arms.

  “Frankie is picking up your doctor. She will be here in a few minutes.”

  I nodded, but the pain was much worse, and I could hardly breathe.

  “Lark, breath like me,” Trevor said making a puff sound. I copied him. It sounded ridiculous. Vincent set me down on the bed and tried to kick everyone out.

  “Leave them alone,” I moaned. I didn’t want Elliot to be born with his dad yelling at people.

  Suddenly, Frankie and a woman in surgical scrubs appeared in my room.

  “Hey Lark. This is Doctor Foster,” Frankie said.

  The doctor was a vampire. She smiled at me and came to the side of the bed. Vincent watched on from the end of the bed, his body tense like he thought he might have to fight someone.

  “Hi, nice to meet you,” I said before another sharp pain shot through me making me groan. The doctor was speaking, but I couldn’t focus on anything but the pain. Where was Durga now? I could use a little of her magic. This hurt like hell.

  “All right, anyone who is staying can stand by Lark’s head. Anyone who is leaving, please leave now, this baby is on its way.” Dr. Foster took control of the room, and everyone did as she asked, even Vincent. It wasn’t long before she told me to push and I pushed for all I was worth.

  It seemed like hours. My matted hair stuck to my face with sweat, and every part of me hurt, but Dr. Foster said one last push and Elliot was born. I lay back on the bed and stared up at Vincent, but he looked worried. His eyes were on the end of the bed. I struggled onto my elbows. Realizing everyone was staring at the little bundle the doctor was rubbing.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  The blanket moved, and I realized the baby I had given birth to was blue.

  “Why does he look like that? Shouldn’t he be screaming or something?” I looked back, and Trevor had his hand over his mouth.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked more forcefully. “What is wrong with Elliot?”

  The doctor didn’t look up; she kept pressing on Elliot’s little chest. The blanket moved again, and I saw his little face, eyes closed like an angel.

  That wasn’t right. I had seen him as a boy.

  I panicked. My heart screamed in my chest. He had to be ok. I tried to find Durga or reach Shiva, but they weren’t here. It was just me, and I had no magic. I remembered the words Emanuel said. The gift he needs to grow into a powerful leader of our people.

  “The crown,” I said. “Where is the crown?”

  Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, but Vincent pulled it out of his pocket and left my side. He stopped the doctor’s efforts and when she leaned back; he leaned forward and placed the tiny crown on Elliot’s peach fuzz covered head.

  The crown disappeared in a ring of golden smoke, and suddenly Elliot took a deep, ragged breath and screamed. His body turned from blue to pink a moment later, and his arms flailed. My body took over, and I scooped him off the bed to hold him on my chest. His screams quieted and his sky-blue eyes locked on mine for the first time. My heart melted into a red goo in my chest. I cradled the most perfect being in my arms. I pulled my blanket up to tuck him in tight to my chest and kissed his beautiful forehead. He was all gooey and gross and perfect. I counted his little fingers and lay back on the pillows. He stared into my eyes while I studied him.

  People moved around the room, but I couldn’t have broken my eyes away from the tiny being in my arms if I wanted too.

  “Lark,” Vincent’s voice whispered beside me. Elliot’s eyes shifted from me to Vincent, breaking the trance. Vincent was smiling at me. “Dr. Foster would like to check him and you out. I thought perhaps Trevor could bath him while the doctor makes sure you are all right?”

  My eyes shot to Trevor. I reminded myself that I trusted Trevor; he would never hurt our baby, but I still had this irrational urge to keep Elliot in my arms.

  “I will guard him with my life, Lark,” the Russian accented voice of Ninel rang through the room, and I took a deep breath. Still wary, I handed Elliot to Vincent who held him while Dr. Foster listened to his heart and felt his stomach. I couldn’t see Elliot’s face from my angle, but I saw his tiny hand wrap around Vincent’s finger. A tear tipped over Vincent’s eyelid to run down his cheek, but his smile nearly split his face in two.

  When the doctor finished, Vincent handed Elliot to Trevor, who set him down and wrapped him up in a blanket, so he was a tiny sausage. Ninel stood at Trevor’s side. The contrast between the tiny baby and the massive vampire warrior was astonishing. Even though Ninel was still thin, he towered over everyone in the room, and he had a sword strapped to his broad shoulders. I had seen him swing the sword battle and decapitate many fallen vampires. I knew he would keep my baby safe.

  Once the doctor checked me out and gave me the all clear, she handed me a couple painkillers and went to get settled into her room. Vincent asked her to stay for a month so that I would have a doctor on hand.

  “So, this was really gross,” Peri said, flopping down on the bed beside me but strategically staying out of the bloody mess that giving birth had made.

  “It was magical, and you know it,” I said, smiling at her.

  “Ok, it was kinda magical,” she agreed. “But let’s not do this again.”


  “Congratulations, you two,” Frankie said. I had forgotten he was here, he was in the far corner of the room, looking awkward.

  “Thanks, Frankie,” I said.

  Trevor and Ninel came back a few minutes later with my sausage baby and handed him to Vincent. I could smell the baby shampoo they had used on him. He smelled like baby powder.

  “Ok, everyone out, I want time with my family,” Vincent said in a soft voice that somehow lacked none of his usual authority even though it was quiet.

  Frankie took hold of Peri’s hand, and the two of them disappeared, everyone else walked out the door. Vincent helped me off the bed to sit me on a chair and set Elliot in my arms. Then he stripped the bed and replaced the sheets and blankets while I stared down at our perfect baby sleeping in my arms.

  Then he helped me into the clean, fresh bed. Vincent lay beside me, and I set our perfect boy between us. We both stared at him for what seemed like hours or maybe just a moment. Vincent played with Elliot’s tiny fingers, and I ran my hand over his soft downy hair.

  “He’s so perfect,” I whispered.

  “You are perfect,” Vincent said, and I looked up to realize he was staring at me.

  “No way. I am nothing compared to Elliot. He is perfect.”

  Vincent leaned in and kissed me, careful not crush our sleeping baby. Then he leaned down and kissed Elliot’s brow, and we lay there in peaceful quiet until I fell asleep.


  “Congratulations, young Lark. Your child is quite precious.” I was somehow in Shiva’s temple, Elliot swaddled in my arms.

  Shiva’s snake slid forward and stuck out its tongue. I held Elliot closer to my chest and narrowed my eyes at the snake.

  “Come now, my serpent won’t harm your child,” Shiva said with a laugh.

  “How did I get here, I thought I couldn’t come now that Durga has left me,” I said. Elliot’s perfect little features pulled my eyes back to him. He stared with more awareness then I thought was normal for a newborn.

  “Durga hasn’t left you,” Shiva said. “She is just resting and didn’t want to disturb the growth of your beautiful boy. Now that he has come into the world, I’m sure she will make her way back to you. When the time is right.”

  A chill ran down my spine. Ma
ybe I wouldn’t have the quiet life of a yoga instructor after all. “When is that likely to be?” I asked.

  “Someday. I dare not speak for the goddess. She does not like it when I do.”

  I smiled. It was kind of funny that the great God Shiva feared Durga’s anger. Though, I supposed she was kind of scary.

  “Come to me when you have problems, I will be available to you. Now goodbye young Lark. Take care of your precious boy. I have important work to do.”


  I opened my eyes to find Vincent sitting on the bed beside me. He was leaning back against the headboard, his legs stretched out and Elliot in his arms.

  He smiled at me, and Elliot made a tiny coo. I sat up and scooted back, so I was leaning against the headboard beside him. Then gazed down at our cute little munchkin. I could stare at him all day. I wondered if all new mothers felt this way. It was actual love at first sight. I had never experienced it before, and it was overwhelming.

  “I have to go away for a few days,” Vincent said.

  “What? Now?” I asked.

  “Yes. Our little guy here has upset the Elders of the magic community. They have a long-standing feud with the elves and aren’t happy that I’m now the father of their king. The magic people think I have joined forces with the elves, and we are planning a takeover. It’s ridiculous. I need to smooth things over with the elders, and then I will be back here with you two.”

  “Why do you have to go? Can’t you send Peri? That’s her job, right? Magical liaison.”

  Vincent studied me for a minute and then sighed. “You’re right.” He kissed the top of my head. “I hired her for a job. I should let her do it. She has a sense of tact sometimes, and she is old enough they will respect her word. I have a control problem.”

  I laughed. “That is an understatement.”

  “Do you see what I have to put up with?” he said to Elliot, laughing.

  “You will find no sympathy from him. I’m the mom, and I am always right.” I reached over and scooped Elliot out of Vincent’s arms. “Isn’t that right Eli?”

  “I like Eli. I was trying to come up with a shorter version of his name. Elliot is as much of a mouthful as Vincent.”

  I studied his profile for a second. “Why don’t you shorten your name? Vinny?” I laughed. Oh no, he was not a Vinny.

  “That’s why. Vinny doesn’t suit me, but it suits Elliot to be Eli.”

  We both watched as Eli swung his hand around like he was casting a spell. God, he was cute.

  “All right, I better go find Peri and let her know she will talk to the elders,” Vincent said, pushing off the bed. “I’ll send up food for you. Rest for today at least? Trevor said he would be glad to change diapers and feed Eli.”

  “Ok, thank you.”

  I watched Vincent stride across the room and out the door before my eyes slipped back to my little bundle. “So, you are all magic and stuff, huh?” Eli cooed again, his little mouth in a tiny circle. “Is that so? Well, just remember that mommy doesn’t have magic, so please don’t make me chase you around too much. Ok?”

  Eli smiled. I don’t care what anyone says it was a wicked grin if ever there was one.

  I was in so much trouble. I laughed anyway.

  This might be the best adventure yet.



  The gym in the house was excellent, and the supply of good fighters was nearly endless. Vincent had a good, disciplined workforce.

  I jumped into a roundhouse kick, knocking the vampire I was sparring with on his ass. He leaped back to his feet before he ever really settled on his back. Quick. I liked that. I threw an arm out towards his head, but he ducked in time and landed a quick jab to my solar plexus, radiating pain through my core muscles. I swept out my leg, catching his front weight bearing leg, and he collapsed like an old house in an earthquake. A smile pulled my lips as I threw myself down, fist first to his face.

  “Stop.” The commanding voice of my new city lord rang through the gym.

  Too late to keep my sparring partner from bleeding everywhere, but I pulled the second punch, so the chap only had a bloody lip and a broken nose, not a fractured jaw to go with it.

  I stood up and turned towards Vincent. “We were just having some fun,” I said.

  The guy on the floor groaned and rolled onto his side. Ok, so I was having fun.

  “I see that you have found a way to keep yourself busy.”

  “You don’t have any rogues or fallen in the city, just keeping my skills sharp,” I said with a grin. One of my teeth had been knocked out in an earlier sparring match. Not a canine, I would have been angry if he had knocked out one of my good chompers, but it was just an incisor. It would grow back but made me look badass, having the gap, I was sure.

  Vincent shook his head. “Can I talk to you in my office?” he asked, turning to go before I answered him.

  I looked down at the bloody vampire at my feet. “I better not be in trouble because you are playing dead.”

  The other vampire sprung to his feet and laughed as he walked away. Asshole.

  I grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat off my brow as I walked out of the gym and down the hall to Lord Vincent’s office.

  His office was kind of like him, uptight and straight edge. I wasn’t sure what Lark saw in him until I saw the man shed a tear at the birth of his son. Then I caught a tiny glimpse of how different he was with Lark. I wondered if that was all an act or if this tough-stick-in-the-mud Vincent was the act. Either way, I wasn’t sure I liked him that much, so my confusion stands.

  “You wanted to see me?” I said, standing in front of his desk.

  “Yes, I assigned you as liaison to the magical community, but I didn’t realize that this role would ever become so vital. As you might be aware, the magic community and the elves have a long-standing distrust for each other due to some feud that began long ago.”

  I nodded, I had heard about it, though I wasn’t around when the wars waged. That was before Vincent’s time too.

  “The magic community has raised an issue with me fathering the king of the elves. They think this is a sign that the vampires are switching allegiance, and I can’t have a war on my doorstep. I worked hard to forge an alliance with the witches and warlocks. This is also terrible timing. Lark needs me around right now, so I would like you to go with Frankie, as our liaison, and meet with the elders. Assure them we are not changing anything and still wish to remain neutral in their war.”

  “Sure, sounds like fun.”

  Vincent bit his lip and rubbed his forehead. “I’m not happy about sending anyone, but I don’t know you Peri, and I am less happy about sending you. I would send my brother, Vlad, but he has gone home to visit my twin, and this won’t wait.” He paused and held my eye contact. It was very dramatic. “Please don’t start a war with the magical community.”

  “No worries, boss. I got this.” He was still rubbing his forehead like he had a headache. “Is that all?” I asked.

  “Yes, you are dismissed.”

  He didn’t look up, so I toddled on my way. I took a shower and changed into some ass kicking clothes, strapped my knife on my leg and then tucked a few more in strategic locations on my body. I sent a text to Frankie that read. “You and me on a field trip to see the old witches?”

  He replied “Really? I expected Vincent to handle this himself.”

  “Well, he has a tiny person to take care of, so I’m up,” I sent.

  “Awesome. You ready to go now?” he asked.

  “Yes. Road trip!”

  This would be a blast.

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  More books by Jen Pretty

  Black Crow Chronicles

  One for Sorrow

  Two for Mir

  Three for a Funeral

  Four for A Birth

  Re-Vamping Las Vegas

  Goddess Durga Series

  And a Meadowlark Sang

  A lark in the Night

  Mourning Lark

  Wings of a Lark

  Origins of Morgana Le Fay

  Darkness Sleeping

  Darkness Chasing (companion novella)

  Darkness Deceiving

  Darkness Creeping

  Alexandra Everest Series

  Fae Magic

  Fae Power

  Fae Queen

  Fae Magic Box Set

  Harlow’s Demons Series

  Gargoyle Huntress

  Half-demon Huntress

  Demon Huntress

  Harlow’s Demons Box Set

  Wings of a Lark Copyright © 2019 by Jen Pretty. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Kudi - Design

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Jen Pretty

  Visit my website at

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing: Jan 2019


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