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Mr. Apple Pie (Man Card Book 9)

Page 4

by Terra Kelly

  “Hannah,” he gasped.

  “Sorry, I took a little detour.” I glanced up and wrapped my lips tightly around the tip and sucked hard.

  “Fuck. If you keep that up I won’t last another second.”

  I moved my mouth up and down his length a few more times. Then I began to pepper light kisses up his abdomen and over his chest. When I reached his neck I lifted my head and smiled. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” he smiled and leaned in to capture my lips. I pushed his head back down and forced my tongue inside. “Hannah,” he mumbled around my lips.

  “You talk too much.” I teased.

  He closed his eyes and softly laughed. “Maybe.” Then he wrapped his arms around my body and spun us around so my back was now on the mattress. “We need a condom.” He inched off the bed and walked over to the dresser in the corner of the room. “Well, we may need more than one.” He held up the box. “Good thing I have just the right amount.”

  I reached out my hands. “Get back here. I want to put that on.” He crawled up my body and handed me the foil package. I ripped off the edge and quickly opened and pulled out the condom. “I have a feeling you’re going to be better than any of my dreams.”

  “You think?” He made sure the condom was pushed up high enough and bent to kiss me. Then he reached down in between our bodies and dragged his finger over my pussy. “Hannah Porter, I plan to fuck you so hard you’ll beg for more.”

  “Promise,” I whispered and wrapped my hand around his cock. Then I positioned my legs so he was in a perfect spot to give me exactly what I craved. The moment his cock touched me, my back flew off the mattress. “Don’t play with me. Give me what I want, Jesse.”

  “Demanding.” He teased and pushed inside me. “I like this side of you.”

  “Good. Now push harder.” He chuckled and bent to kiss me. Then without warning he lifted up and started to move in and out at a fast pace. I threw my hands out to the side to grab onto the mattress. I needed something to keep me grounded because my body was about to be thrown over the edge of a cliff and I was ready for the fall.

  “Come for me, Hannah,” he reached down in between us and rubbed his thumb in circles around my clitoris. Every time he plunged back into me I cried out. The movement on my clit and his growing erection sent me over the edge. I fisted my hands into the comforter and lifted my back off the bed while crying out his name.

  “Fuck me,” I dropped back down onto the mattress and opened my eyes.

  “We’re not done yet, baby.” He bent and kissed me. “I wanted to make sure you were happy first.” Then he increased his speed. I didn’t know how it was possible but the movements were exciting and I needed more. “Hannah,” he yelled.

  “Oh fuck, Jesse,” I raked my nails up his back and wrapped my arms and legs around his body. I loved how Jesse yelled my name and continued with deep, fast movements. He felt so good inside me. “Every one of my dreams was just shattered. This. This right here was so amazing.” I pulled him closer and kissed every part of his face ending with his lips.

  “That was my goal.”

  “Well you succeeded.” I giggled and kissed him again.

  Jesse was more than I expected. Beneath the rough exterior was a loving teddy bear. I was lucky enough to experience this side of him and I planned to experience a whole lot more of him.

  I finally got what I wanted.

  Jesse Appleton. Mr. Apple Pie.



  Two weeks later…

  “Order up,” Hannah yelled and placed two orders of apple pies down in front of me. She leaned closer to my ear. “I have another order that is waiting to be filled.” Then she stepped away and untied her apron.

  “Now?” I glanced toward the pass-through window. The county fair was busy today. At the moment we didn’t have a customer, but it had been busy all day. “Really?”

  “You agreed.” She shrugged her shoulders and opened the back door to the food truck, then took the two steps down. We had a motorhome that we slept in at the fair. It was easier to park and set up shop.

  I glanced at the pass-through window again. No one was there still, so I put the “Be back in ten minutes” sign and followed behind Hannah. “This is the second time today.”

  “Yup,” she said and stepped up into the motorhome.

  I closed and locked the door. “Someone is going to figure out what we’re doing.” She fisted her hands into my shirt and pulled me toward the back. Right as we reached the small bedroom a knock sounded at the door. “I think they figured it out sooner than we planned.”

  She brought her index finger to her lips. “Don’t make a sound and maybe they’ll go away,” she whispered.

  The knock became a bang followed by a yell. “Hey you two, stop fucking and start working.” It was Autumn.

  I dropped my head onto Hannah’s shoulder. “Like I said, it was only a matter of time.”

  Hannah walked around me and went to answer the door. “Hey.” She stepped back and let Autumn inside.

  “I know it’s more fun in here, but there’s a line out there already.” Autumn crossed her arms over her chest. “If you would show me the ropes your sex could’ve commenced, but nooooo.”

  I buttoned my shirt back up. “And that’s how you kill a mood,” I said and quickly exited the motorhome.

  “Jesse,” I heard from behind me.

  When I turned around, I was shocked to come face-to-face with none other than Liam Hicks. “Whoa, are my eyes deceiving me?”

  He walked up and grabbed my hand to pull me in for a hug. “Shut up.” He laughed and slapped my back. “I had a feeling you would be here.”

  “Well, it is fair season.” I glanced back at the motorhome and then at Liam. “You know how people love Appleton apple pies?”

  “That’s the number one reason I’m here.” He looked around like he was trying to find someone.

  “She’s here.” I finally said and walked over to the food truck. “Want me to make you a pie?”

  He stepped around and stood in front of the pass-through window. “Wait, there’s more than one pie option.”

  “Yup. Should I make one of each?” I threw on my apron and waited for the girls to step up into the truck.

  “No, just make an original. It’s been on my mind awhile.” He leaned his elbow on the small counter. “So, you have someone else helping with recipes? I never thought Jesse Appleton would relinquish control.”

  Right as I was about to respond, Autumn stepped up into the truck. “Hey,” I said and glanced at the window then back at her.

  “Why do you look guilty of something?” She laughed and stepped further into the small space.

  “Autumn,” Liam said and I noticed my sister go still.

  “Hey.” I tried to lighten the mood. “Look what the cat dragged in.” The timer on the fryer started to beep right at that moment. I reached for the tongs and pulled out the two pies. “He was craving an apple pie.”

  I have never seen my sister go silent. She was a woman of many words. “I gotta go.” She turned and quickly left.”

  Before Liam could react, I reached out and grabbed his hand. “Don’t. Not now.”

  He stayed rooted to the spot and nodded. “I didn’t know how to tell her I was back.”

  I placed his order down. “There was no good way to do it, man. Just give her time.”

  He nodded and grabbed the pies. “It’s good to see you, Jesse.”

  “Right back at you.” I nodded and watched as he walked away.

  “Okay, what the hell just happened?” Hannah stepped up beside me.

  “That was a long time coming.” I grabbed her hand and tugged her forward. “He was Autumn’s first love.”

  “And then he left?” She wrapped her arms around my waist.

  “Well, it’s a long story.”

  “What’s the short version?”

  “They both still love each other.”

  She lightly laughed. “Th
at part is obvious.”

  “Did I just see Liam?” Levi walked up to the window.

  “You did.” I stepped away from Hannah and leaned my hands on the counter. “You may want to locate Autumn and make sure she’s okay.”

  “On it.” He tapped his hand on the counter and walked away.

  As my brother left I thought about that time all those years ago. Liam had worked on the farm for a few years, but left for college. Autumn begged him to stay, but he was gone the moment classes started.

  “Hey.” Hannah touched her hand on my shoulder. “I’m okay here if you need to go check on Autumn.”

  This was the last fair of the season and the last night. It was bound to get busy. “Are you sure?”

  “Just promise you’ll come back soon.” She placed her palm on my cheek. “The customers could get rowdy tonight.”

  “I’ll be quick. I promise.” I kissed her cheek and ran out the back door. When my feet hit the ground I thought about the past. How Liam left. I stepped around the front of the truck and placed my hands on the counter. “Hannah.”

  She was bent down grabbing something because I could only see her back. “Huh,” she said and lifted up. “You okay?”

  “I meant what I said last night.”

  She looked around. “Which part?”

  I laughed because I had told her how much I loved her pussy. “Not that part, but I did mean that, too.”

  “Oh.” I noticed her shoulders drop and she rested her hands on the counter. “Can you remind me? I was still on that one part in my mind.”

  I burst out laughing. Hannah had managed to change my way of thinking, feeling, and hell, even breathing. We had spent long hours together yelling at each other for over six months. Now we were yelling at each other for a different reason. I loved watching her face as she screamed my name during an orgasm. There was no way I wanted any of this to end.

  “I told you I was in this for the long haul.”

  “Oh, that part.” She leaned forward and rested her elbows on the counter. “I do remember that.” She smiled and reached out her hand. “You won’t be able to get rid of me. You’ve said all the shitty stuff to me already and I still stuck around.”

  “That’s true.” I grabbed her hand. “I just wanted you to hear it again.”

  She glanced around. “We’re not Liam and Autumn. Our story is different.”

  “You’re right,” I squeezed her hand.

  “Now go make sure your sister’s okay.” She kissed the top of my hand and turned to prepare some apple pies.

  I stood there for a moment and realized how fucking lucky I was. Hannah could’ve quit a long time ago, but instead she stayed. Now I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it.

  It was crazy to me how an apple pie recipe changed my life. A little cream cheese, a dash of cinnamon, and a whole lot of love equaled a winning recipe in my kitchen.



  One week later…

  “How’s your sister?” I walked into Jesse’s office.

  “Fine.” He was typing something and stopped to look up at me. “Why? What happened?”

  After Autumn’s old flame showed up unexpectedly, the Appleton’s had been on edge. Levi and Jesse were more protective and going out of their way to make sure Autumn didn’t bump into the guy.

  When I asked about Liam, Jesse actually scrunched up his nose and struggled to share the story. After a lot of pauses I realized it was pointless. The family had a secret and it wasn’t my business. If Autumn wanted to share with me, she would. Of course, I only saw a flash of her two days ago, otherwise she had disappeared. I had a feeling she was locked up in the farmhouse with her mom. It was safe there.

  I held my hands up. “Just asked. No reason..”

  His shoulders slumped. “Sorry, I’ve been on edge the last few days.”

  I walked around the desk and sat on his lap. “You have but it’s okay. Your family is very close, I get.”

  “Hey, Jess,” Levi stopped in the doorway. “I…should come back later.” He laughed and started to leave. He stopped and glanced back at us. “So it’s true, huh?”

  “What’s true?” Jesse said as I stood up.

  “You’re officially together?” He waved his finger in between us.

  Jesse reached down to grab an apple sitting on the desk and threw it at his brother. “Get out of here.” Jesse and Levi were laughing during the exchange. When Levi was almost to the back door, Jesse yelled, “Wait, why did you interrupt us?”

  “Mom wants you to join us for dinner.” Levi grabbed the door handle. “I’ll tell her to plan for one more.”

  Jesse reached for my hand and tugged me closer to him. He pushed my body against the door frame. “You sure you want to be a part of all this?”

  I leaned my body against him. “It’s just another day on Appleton Farm. Am I, right?”

  “Pretty much,” he wrapped his arm around my waist. “So you’re up for dinner with the family?”

  I’d had dinner with the Appleton’s before, but never as Jesse’s girlfriend. “Of course I am. The question should be, are you ready?” He paused for a beat and I swatted my hand against his stomach. “Hey, that should’ve been an easy answer.”

  He jumped back while laughing and grabbed my hand. “Of course I’m ready.” Then he tugged me toward the back door. “I hope you wore your comfy pants because everything my mom makes is amazing.”

  “Especially her apple pie.” I squeezed his hand.

  He stopped and turned toward me. “Well, don’t tell her but I think our apple pies are better.”

  I pretended to zip my lips shut. “I won’t tell a soul that you think your mom’s apple pie is second best.”

  Jesse stopped on the bottom step leading up to the Appleton farmhouse. He pulled me closer and laced his fingers behind my neck. “You didn’t just say that out loud.”

  “Oh, I did.” I dropped my head back and burst out laughing.

  He bent forward and kissed my neck. Then he dragged his tongue up to the sweet spot behind my ear. “You’ll pay for that later,” he whispered.

  “Promise?” I begged and leaned in to kiss him. Every time Jesse’s lips touched mine I craved more. Right as I was about to take the kiss deeper there was a creak like a door opening. I broke the connection and stepped back so quickly I stumbled. Jesse grabbed my forearm right before I fell.

  “Well, that’s an entrance,” Levi said holding the screen door open.

  “Oh hush, Levi,” Janie swatted at her son’s arm. “Hannah, darling.” She waved me up and I quickly walked up the steps. “It’s so good to see you.” She pulled me in for a hug and kissed my cheek.

  “I hope I’m not intruding on your dinner, Mrs. Appleton?” Sex with Jesse was great, but our relationship wasn’t at the next level yet.

  “Oh honey, call me Janie.” She patted my arm and encouraged me to walk with her into the house.

  Well, maybe it was at the next level. I glanced back at Jesse who was rough housing with Levi as they were walking behind me. Oh yeah, this relationship was way more than good sex. I stepped into the kitchen and noticed all the food. If this was my initiation into the Appleton family, I would win with flying colors.

  “Don’t forget to save room for dessert,” Janie said and walked over the table. “You can sit here, sweetie.”

  Jesse sat down beside me. “Are you okay?” He reached forward and grabbed a biscuit for us both.

  “What? Oh yeah, totally.” I sunk my knife into the stick of butter and slathered it onto the biscuit.

  He leaned over and kissed my shoulder. “Chef Hannah Porter.”

  The moment he said chef, I wanted to wrap my arm around his bicep and tug him toward the loft. Instead, I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yes, Chef Jesse Appleton.”

  He leaned back and his eyes went wide. “I thought you said we had to have a culinary degree to be a chef.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. �
�I also thought Appleton Farm was like every other apple orchard, but I was wrong.”

  “Yeah, why’s that?”

  “This farm is special. It thrives because it’s built around heart and soul. It will always do well because of the love you put into it every day.” I sat my knife down and took a bite of the biscuit. “Oh sweet lord, and it will do well because of your mom’s cooking.”

  Jesse leaned closer and snuck a bite of my biscuit. I felt surprised by his action. “You forgot teamwork.” He laced his fingers with mine. “That’s why the food truck is a success.”

  I leaned over to whisper in his ear. “I want you so bad right now.”

  “I agreed to give you want you want. Does this mean we leave dinner early?”

  “No,” I said a little too loud. “I mean, not right now.”

  “If this is sex talk, can you save it for later.” Levi rolled his eyes. I noticed his girlfriend Olivia swat at his arm.

  I whispered. “Oh, we’ll save it for later.”

  “Hannah Porter, I don’t think I will ever get enough of you.”

  “Good, because I can’t stop craving more of your delicious apple pie.”

  “Is it the recipe you’re talking about or something else,” he winked and kissed my temple.

  “You’ll find out later.”

  Are you craving apple pie now? The Appleton family is way too much fun. Were you curious about Liam Hicks? Well, we get to find out in Her Apple Delight. You can preorder Man Card Book Ten here.

  A note from the author

  Jesse wanted to hate Hannah…he tried. BUT she was just too damn irresistible. Kinda like a warm apple pie!

  There’s a fun bonus epilogue that takes you six years in the future. Dive in a find out if they name their kids after apple varieties here.


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