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Planet Noglion

Page 2

by Olivia Black

  What was wrong with him? Was it the food, the wine? Had they been poisoned?

  Pain shot through Eric, and he doubled over. Eric whimpered. He dropped down off the bed and crawled toward the door. Lifting his closed fist, Eric pounded on the door.

  "Help!" he shouted, crying out. "Is anyone there?"

  Black spots filled his vision, and Eric knew he might pass out at any moment.

  "Help," Eric said with the last of his strength before he blacked out.

  Chapter Two

  Commander Gru Poez'iq sat at the helm on the bridge in the control room. He sent a message to Noglion, alerting them that he was returning from his mission early with two humans. Gru spent most of his time away from Noglion, salvaging anything useful for his home planet and trading materials with other alien races. Once the message was sent, Gru stared out the windows, staring off into deep space.

  He barely noticed the vast darkness. Instead, Gru's mind was filled with images of the humans. Of the two that boarded the starship, Gru couldn't get the one called Eric out of his mind. Eric was, without a doubt, the sweetest-looking creature Gru had ever encountered. The human was beautiful.

  With a heart-shaped face, high cheekbones, a pointed chin, and full lips, he was the most delicate creature Gru had ever seen. And on top of his head, the human had honey-colored curls. He was so different from the Noglion people. Lovely. Soft. But the thing that Gru remembered most was the young man's eyes. The grayish-blue colored globes had been filled with fear and uncertainty.

  Gru wanted to reach out and hold the human. He wanted to comfort him and remove the fear. The emotions that rose up within him were foreign and unexpected. Gru's mouth watered for Eric, and his body was desperate to possess him. Eric was every fantasy he'd ever had come to life, and he planned to mate and claim him, taking him in every position imaginable and even some that weren't. Soon, Eric would want him, too.

  The only way to have Eric was for Gru to compete against the other unmated males that were interested in mating a human. The battle would take place as soon as they arrived on Noglion. Gru knew the competition would be fierce. The Noglion males all dreamed of mating with a human.


  Gru jumped to his feet and spun around, facing Krerv Tregyk, one of his trusted warriors. From the wild look in the male's eyes, Gru went on alert. "What happened?"

  "The humans," Krerv panted. "There's something wrong with the humans."

  Gru didn't wait around to ask any questions. Instead, he rushed past the warrior and moved briskly toward the room where the humans were staying. Gru hit the button on the wall, and the door slid open. He stepped into the room, unsure of what he'd find. Gru didn't expect to see Eric sprawled out on the floor, unconscious and the other human, Dennis, passed out on the bed.

  "Eric?" Gru was at the young man's side in an instant. Crouching down, Gru gently rolled the young man over. "Eric?" When the human didn't respond, Gru pulled him into his arms and lifted him up off the floor. Gru held Eric close. "Eric, can you hear me?" Eric's head lolled to the side, and his eyelids remained closed.

  "Grab the other human," Gru ordered. "We need to go to medical."

  With Eric in his arms, Gru ran toward the medical bay at the end of the hallway. As he moved, Gru's heart squeezed painfully. He couldn't remember a time in his life when he'd ever been this scared. But right now, Gru was truly terrified.

  As a Noglion, Gru had grown up surrounded by fierce warriors. The other members of his race were all rough, wild, and unpredictable. They fought often, displaying their strength. The more strength a male possessed, the more power he garnered within their community. He'd seen many wars, killed every opponent in his path, and brought pride to his home planet. Fear had never once entered his heart, but right now, Gru knew he could be brought to his knees by the human in his arms.

  "Doc!" Gru shouted as soon as he entered medical.

  "What happened?" Doctor Dhikk Kryq'yx asked, rushing over.

  "I don't know." And he didn't. He had no idea how the humans ended up in this state.

  Gru lay Eric on one of the empty beds. As soon as the human's head touched the pillow, his eyes opened. He blinked several times as he looked up at Gru.

  "Eric, what happened?" Gru asked in a rush. "Are you okay?"

  "Food. Wine. Poison?" Eric jolted upright and started gagging. "Going to...vomit."

  Gru quickly moved out of the way, and Doctor Kryq'yx took his place, giving Eric a metal bucket. Eric leaned over and emptied out the contents of his stomach, puking.

  "Take care of them," Gru said to the doctor before facing Krerv. "Guard the door. Nobody gets past you. Nobody is allowed in here."

  Krerv nodded in understanding. "Yes, sir."

  Gru marched down the hallway toward the room. As he stepped over the threshold, Gru opened his mouth and scented the room. He categorized each smell, searching for anything that might be out of place. But nothing appeared to be out of order.

  He grabbed the bottle of wine from the bed and took a sip. Gru swished the liquid around in his mouth, classifying each ingredient, but again, he couldn't taste any poison. It was only wine. Gru wanted to taste the food, but the platter was empty. Why would anyone poison the humans? Why would one of his men want to hurt them?

  Gru shook his head. No, no way. None of his men would dare hurt a human, not when every single one of them wanted to mate with one.

  It took a moment, but eventually, Gru realized that the wine was actually responsible for making the humans sick. The wine was a special blend, dosed with the venom of a minodraa, from Gru's personal collection. Gru kept it on board the starship for him and his men. It was stronger than the wine served on Noglion.

  Gru never thought that it would have an adverse effect on the humans though. And since Eric and Dennis almost drank the entire bottle, it stood to reason that they would get sick. But it shouldn't put either of their lives in danger. At least, he hoped it wouldn't. Relief swept through Gru. Even though he knew his men would never hurt a human, he had to admit that he had been a little worried.

  Gru went back to medical. By the time he returned, the hallway was crowded, packed full of Noglion warriors, each one vying for his attention.

  "Commander, what happened to the humans?"

  "Are they okay?"

  "Did someone hurt them?"

  His crew voiced their concerns, asking questions. It was obvious that they were worried about the well-being of the humans. Gru lifted his hand, getting the crew's attention, and everyone stopped talking.

  "The doctor is with the humans right now. I think that they just got sick from the wine."

  Gru's explanation seemed to calm the crowd. They nodded, talking among themselves as they dispersed. Gru stepped over the threshold, and his gaze swept across the room. Both of the humans were lying in bed, sound asleep.

  "Are they going to be okay?" Gru asked in a low voice.

  The doctor nodded. "The tests are all within the normal range for a human."

  "I think it was the wine," Gru told the doctor. "It was laced with minodraa venom."

  "Don't worry, Commander. The venom won't kill them. They will both be fine."

  "Good," Gru breathed out. "That's good news."

  Gru walked over to Eric's bed and took a seat in the chair beside the young man's sleeping form. Humans were fragile and delicate compared to Noglions. They had to be protected and cherished and kept safe. He leaned forward and reached out, touching the human's hand. Eric's skin was silky-soft to the touch. As Gru applied more pressure, taking Eric's hand in his own, he was surprised at how warm Eric was. The human's temperature so was different than his own. Eric's heated flesh warmed Gru's hand, seeping past the scales and into his bones. It felt amazing. Extraordinary.

  "You've never touched a human before, have you?"

  Gru shook his head. He had seen human mates before, but he'd never had the chance to actually touch one.

  "Humans are warm-blooded," Doctor Kryq'
yx said. "Their body temperature usually stays the same, unlike ours."

  Gru looked up at the doctor. "They are interesting creatures, aren't they?"

  "I've been trying to learn everything I can about humans since the first one was brought to our planet. But there is still so much that we don't know about the species."

  "Why haven't you tried to get a human pet?" Gru asked, curiously.

  "I haven't met the right one."

  "For you..." Gru eyed him. "Or for your brothers?"

  On Noglion, the males within the same family unit shared a mate. The eldest brother chose their potential mate, but he didn't have to step into the arena and fight. Usually, that honor went to the strongest male of the family.

  "You know my brothers. They are difficult to handle."

  Gru knew the Kryq'yx brothers well. Dhikk, though he was the eldest, was mild-mannered compared to the other males in his family. They were warriors, fierce and dominate. It would take a strong human to be able to handle the four of them.

  "The Glecerian king promised to deliver a large group of humans to Noglion after their next trip to Earth. Let's hope you find your mate soon."

  Dhikk smiled. "I hope so. My brothers are losing patience with me."

  He understood. Gru, like everyone else, wanted a human mate since the first one had appeared on Noglion from Glecerus. Human males were the most preferred species for pets and mates. But since Gru spent so much time on the starship, he hadn't been ready to take on such a huge responsibility.

  "What about you, Commander? Why haven't I seen you inside the arena?"

  Gru glanced down at Eric. As he stared at the young man, Gru realized that he had finally found a human that he wanted to fight for. When they reached Noglion, Gru would need to speak to his brothers.

  "I have a feeling that I'll be seeing you in the arena soon."

  Before Gru could respond, Dhikk walked away.

  Gru placed Eric's hand on top of his. He ran his fingertips over each of Eric's fingers, over the back of his hand, and up his arm. The differences between them were astonishing. Eric was soft. His skin, tender. It wouldn't take much to penetrate the flesh with a sharp weapon. The young man's fingers were slender, and his nails were blunt. If faced with an enemy, a human would most likely perish. It was no wonder that the humans mated to his kind were locked away from the dangers of the outside world. They were fragile.

  Gru leaned back, relaxing in the chair, but he kept hold of Eric's hand, enjoying the young man's warmth.

  Hours later, Eric opened his eyes. Gru pulled his hand back and sat upright, straightening his posture. "How are you feeling?"

  Eric yawned and rubbed his eyes. "A lot better, thanks."

  "I was worried about your well-being."

  The young man's brows furrowed. "You were...worried...about me?"

  Gru nodded.

  Eric glanced over at the bed beside him. The other human, Dennis, was still asleep. Eric looked back at Gru and asked, "Is he going to be okay?"

  "Yes," Gru told him. "You are both fine."

  "What happened?"

  "The wine was laced with minodraa venom."

  "Mino...minodraa..." He rolled the word around in his mouth, repeating it several times.

  "The venom isn't dangerous to Noglions, but I think it is what made you sick."

  Eric sighed. "Oh, okay."

  They both fell silent.

  Gru racked his mind, trying to think of a way to continue the conversation with Eric. This was his only chance to get to know the human. Soon, they would be arriving on Noglion and Gru would need to hand the human over. After that, the only way he would be able to claim the young man would be to enter the arena.

  "Would you like to take a bath?"

  A slow smile spread across Eric's lips, and his eyes sparkled. He looked excited. Happy, even. "I...yeah. I would. Thanks."

  The look on his face. The expression he was showing right now. It was a look that Gru hoped to see again and again.

  "Come on." Gru rose to his feet. "I'll take you to my quarters."

  Eric kicked his legs over the side of the bed and climbed out. "Lead the way."

  Gru did just that. He walked through medical, heading toward his personal quarters. Gru didn't bother looking over his shoulder. He knew Eric was following him. As he strode down the maze of hallways, passing Noglion males, they all stopped and stared at Eric. It was impossible not to. The human was beautiful.

  Gru didn't say a word. He allowed the other males to look. On Noglion, it was considered a compliment to admire the human mate of another male, as long as no touching was involved. And as far as Gru was concerned, Eric was his mate, or at least he would be soon enough.

  When they reached his quarters, Gru pressed the button on the wall, and the metal door slid open. He stepped over the threshold and moved to the side, allowing Eric to precede him. As soon as he walked into the room, the door slid closed behind him. Eric strolled through Gru's quarters, looking around as he made his way to the luxurious bathroom.

  "Wow," Eric breathed out. He walked over to the oval-shaped tub and ran his fingers along the edge. "This bathtub is huge."

  Gru pressed a few buttons on the wall, and the water started. It poured in from the bottom, filling the tub. Eric put his hands beneath the faucet and wrung them together. The human groaned and closed his eyes, obviously enjoying the warmth.

  The sound went straight to Gru's cock. His shaft hardened, pressing against the soft material of his loincloth. Gru unlaced the knee-length sandals and removed them. Next, he pulled the string on his loincloth, and the material fell to the floor.

  Chapter Three

  Eric couldn't believe he was going to take a bath in a full tub of hot water. On Earth, water was in short supply. It was a luxury he'd never been afforded. As Eric rubbed his hands together beneath the water, he moaned. This was a real treat. Turning around, Eric started to thank Gru, but words failed him. The Noglion male was standing before Eric, completely naked. The only thing that remained was the bronze bands wrapped tightly around his thick biceps. Eric's eyes widened as he took in the sight. Oh my God.

  Gru was muscular and powerful, his entire body covered in brown-tone colored scales, except his hard shaft. The male's cock was smooth and tapered and stuck out straight from his gorgeous body, pointing directly at Eric. His dick glistened. It looked as if his shaft was coated with lubricant. Wet and ready to sink into Eric. It looked like a human cock, only much bigger, like everything else about the male. A musky, spicy scent filled the room. It smelled like sex. Eric inhaled, pulling the scent into his lungs.

  Eric swallowed hard as he stumbled back. But he didn't get far. Gru moved surprisingly fast for his size. He picked Eric up, sweeping him into his arms. Eric instantly stiffened, unsure of how to respond to the male.

  "Relax," Gru said in a graveled, growling voice. "I just want to take care of you."

  The male put Eric back down. As soon as his feet touched the ground, Eric started removing his clothes. Gru smiled. The male climbed into the bathtub and sat down. As he sank beneath the surface, the water rose up to his chest.

  Gru kept his eyes on Eric the entire time. The male's piercing gaze ate him up. Eric tried not to squirm under Gru's scrutiny, but it was hard to remain stoic under the circumstances.

  Eric stepped into the tub. He tried to move away from Gru, wanting some distance from the Noglion male. But the alien wrapped his arms around Eric and pulled him close. Eric thought about struggling against the male's hold, but rather than that, Eric relaxed and went along with it. He allowed Gru to manipulate his body, and Eric sat on the male's lap. Eric felt Gru's erection poking him in the back. He tried not to squirm, but it was difficult to ignore the male's dick.

  The warm water flowed around them, rising. Soon, Gru shut the water off and tapped a button. The water started to churn and bubble. The male sighed. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Gru's hands didn't wander. He didn't do anything. The male simp
ly held Eric. After a couple of minutes, Eric relaxed. He leaned back against Gru's wide chest and let his body go limp. The warm water worked its magic, lulling Eric, and he started to doze off. They stayed that way until Gru moved.

  Eric opened his eyes and watched as the male reached up. He grabbed a bottle and squirted something into his hand. Rubbing both hands together, Gru started massaging Eric's shoulders and chest. His clawed hands, surprisingly gentle, moved over Eric's body. Eric's head fell forward, and he moaned in delight. Gru added more pressure as he washed Eric. It felt amazing, wonderful even. Eric couldn't believe how much he enjoyed having the male touch him.

  When he'd first boarded the ship, the only emotion Eric felt was fear. Now, though, Eric was aroused, from a simple touch. Eric's cock hardened, bobbing in the water, begging for attention. Suddenly and without warning, Gru spun Eric around.

  Eric left out a shriek of surprise as the male lifted him out of the water and sat him on the edge of the tub. He grabbed the rim, desperately trying to hang on. The Noglion male held Eric's hips, keeping him immobile.


  Gru opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around Eric's cock, engulfing his length down to the root.

  "Fuck!" Eric yelled, completely caught off guard.

  Gru's head bobbed up and down. The male's tongue danced over Eric's dick, licking and stroking his length. Gru rolled his tongue around the crown of Eric's cock before swallowing it whole. Eric bucked his hips as a series of nonsensical words spilled from his lips. Gru sucked harder, as if he were trying to pull Eric's release out of his cock.

  "Ahh..." Eric groaned. He reached out and placed his hands on Gru's bald head, running his palms over the male's scale-covered skull. "I'm gonna come..."

  Eric tossed back his head and called out the male's name as he exploded, shooting spunk into Gru's mouth. Gru swallowed every drop, taking everything Eric had to give.

  Eric panted. "Dear God."

  He'd never come so hard or so fast in his life. Gru lifted Eric from the edge of the tub and pulled him back down into the water. Still shaking from his mind-blowing orgasm, Eric reached for Gru's cock, wanting to return the favor, but the male pushed his hand away.


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