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Planet Noglion

Page 5

by Olivia Black

  Eric's eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open. As Eric watched the fight, the human cringed. He seemed uncomfortable. It didn't seem as though he enjoyed watching the males fight for his attention. Perhaps the scene was a little too violent for him.

  * * * *

  Eric cringed as the first contest ended with one warrior out-cold on the ground. The winner stepped toward him and gave a slight bow.

  "Would you like to give the winner a reward?" William asked.

  He glanced at the other man. "What?"

  "Do you want to give him a kiss for winning?"

  Eric blinked, still trying to come to terms with the arousal he was feeling. His skin tingled, and his cock was hard and aching. Shifting uncomfortably on the stone bench, Eric tried his best to keep his erection covered.

  "I--" He didn't know what to say.

  "It's your choice," William continued. "You don't have to, but they are fighting for the right to claim you as their mate. You never know who you'll end up with."

  Eric glanced at Gru. The starship commander was staring at him. Their eyes clashed, and Eric felt the weight of the male's gaze burning into him. Despite the fact that he wanted Gru, Eric knew William was right. He might end up mated to a different male, so he decided to play along. There was no harm in a kiss.

  In truth, the first battle had captured his attention. The Noglion males fought with a fierceness that was completely unexpected. The warrior standing before him was tall and thickly muscled. His gray-toned scales glistened with moisture. Eric assumed it was sweat, but it didn't quite look right. The dampness on the male's scales looked oily and glistened beneath the light. The male's yellow eyes brightened as he grinned warmly at Eric.

  Eric wasn't sure what to do, but the male had fought for him, so he said, "Sure."

  The male's smile widened as he stepped forward. With his hands still covering his erection, Eric stood up and walked toward the railing of the arena.

  "My name is Skol," he said, introducing himself. The male leaned forward, and Eric met him halfway. Their lips touched with a gentle brush before Skol pulled back. "Thank you, pet."

  "You're welcome," Eric breathed.

  After watching the males fight so brutally, Eric never expected such gentleness. Eric made his way back to his seat and sat down.

  The next battle was called. A winner was declared. And Eric rewarded the male with a kiss. This went on and on until, finally, Gru was up. Eric nearly jumped out of his skin when the male let out a loud battle cry. Gru went after the other male, attacking him.

  Eric fidgeted, aroused at the sight. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh were loud. The males growled and grunted as blows were exchanged. They fought viciously, rolling around in the arena then jumping back to their feet and whaling away at each other. These males were not messing around. Eric heard something break. It was a loud crack sound. Gru's opponent roared as he went down holding his arm. He yielded, giving the win to Gru. Someone came out and helped to drag the loser away.

  "I'm going to assume that you want to kiss Commander Gru."

  Eric chuckled softly. William was a little too observant. Without hesitation, Eric rose from his seat. He went to the edge of the arena and met Gru. Eric reached out and wrapped his arms around the male's neck. He ran the palm of his hands over the scales. When he moved his hand upward, it felt rough and, downward, it was slick.

  The male smiled wickedly, and Eric's knees weakened. He should be scared, but for some reason, he wasn't. His body responded to this male. Eric leaned forward.

  Gru tilted his head and caught Eric's lips in a passionate kiss. The male's tongue licked the seam of Eric's mouth, demanding entry, and Eric parted his lips. Gru shoved his tongue into Eric's mouth. The male's lips were soft, and his tongue was hot. A shiver ran through Eric, and he shuddered. Eric's tongue met Gru's, and the male growled. Gru took full possession of Eric's mouth, kissing him deeply, devouring him completely.

  The male licked Eric's lips and his chin. He used his tongue and teeth, exploring Eric's throat and neck. Eric moaned. It felt amazing.

  "Commander Gru!" William called out. "That's enough."

  The male growled, his chest vibrating. Gru didn't seem happy to be interrupted. And Eric had to agree. He didn't want Gru to stop, but then, he realized that they had an audience. Reluctantly, Eric dropped his arms and took a step back, creating some space between them. Eric panted, trying to catch his breath. He stared at Gru for several moments before making his way back to his seat.

  Gru strode across the arena to where the other fighters were waiting. The next two contestants were called, and the next round began. The fighting continued until the numbers dwindled down. Roars and growls erupted as the males fought. The injured were dragged away until, finally, only two remained. Gru and another male. They appeared equally matched, both in height and muscular stature. Eric held his breath, wondering who would win in the end.

  * * * *

  It was the final match. Gru's cock was hard and ready. He wouldn't have any problem claiming Eric in the arena after he beat the hell out of his opponent. Gru inhaled. He could sense Eric's arousal, and it was driving him insane. It was light and sweet and made him tingle. Gru wanted to eat the human up. All around him, the onlookers seemed to be affected, as well.

  The sounds of sex, skin slapping skin, and moans filled the arena. The audience had thinned out, the Noglion citizens heading home, seeking privacy. Even though claiming mates publically was part of their culture, not everyone wanted to become a public spectacle.

  Gru tuned out the activity around him and focused solely on the male before him. If he wanted Eric, he had to defeat this male. Gru circled his opponent, Khaun. He knew all of Khaun's moves since he'd trained the younger male. Gru didn't wait for the male to make the first move. Instead, being the aggressor, Gru went after him.

  Gru landed a hard blow to Khaun's cheek, and the male staggered back with a grunt. But a second later, Khaun retaliated, hitting Gru across the jaw. His teeth rattled, and his mouth filled with blood. Gru spit the blood onto the ground before he went after the male again.

  He kicked out and connected his foot to Khaun's stomach. The warrior doubled over. But Gru knew that the male wouldn't yield, not yet anyway. Khaun rushed forward, and with a growl, he tackled Gru to the floor. They rolled on the ground, exchanging blows, in a desperate attempt to gain dominance. Fists flew. Knees connected. Elbows jabbed.

  Gru hissed when Khaun punched him in the face and his cheek split open. He felt the trickle of blood roll down his face. Gru rolled Khaun onto his back. Straddling the male, Gru punched him in the face over and over again. He hit the male again and again until he heard a crack. Gru stopped when he broke bone.

  "Have you had enough?" Gru snarled.

  He didn't want to damage Khaun unnecessarily. Plus, Gru knew that Eric didn't enjoy the violence. The sooner this match ended, the better it would be for them all.

  Khaun spit out a mouthful of blood. "No."

  "Yield," Gru said.

  "Never," he growled.

  Gru punched him again, and Khaun's head flew to the left. Punch. The male's head went to the right. Punch. His nose broke.

  "Yield, Khaun!" Gru shouted at the younger male. "You can't win against me."

  Panting, Khaun nodded. "I yield."

  Gru was relieved. Rising to his feet, Gru held out his hand to Khaun, and the other male took it, allowing Gru to help him to his feet. Once Khaun was standing, a medic took the male's arm, leading him out of the arena. Gru looked up at the dais and made eye contact with the king, and the male nodded at him.

  "He's yours, Commander," the king announced.

  Crossing the distance between them, Gru grabbed Eric from the stands. "You are mine."

  Gru picked Eric up and tossed the human over his shoulder and strode to the center of the arena. He wanted to take Eric home. Gru would prefer for their first time together to be private, but on Noglion, the males claimed their mates publically. I
t was the way things were done. He just hoped that Eric wouldn't hold this against him.

  Chapter Seven

  As soon as Gru put Eric down, he looked up at the male. Gru was staring down at him. Eric tried to read the look on his face, but it was impossible. Panting heavily, Gru was slick with sweat, and there was blood on his cheek. As his gaze lowered, Eric saw that the male was hard. His cock stood out straight, tenting his loincloth, and pointing directly at Eric.

  "Are you..." Eric started, unable to even say the words aloud.

  "Am I going to fuck you?" Gru finished.

  Eric glanced back up at the male's face, and Gru grinned.

  "Oh, yeah, pet. I'm going to claim you right here before these witnesses."

  Eric's cock jerked. His body seemed to be onboard with the plan, but his mind was still rebelling. He turned his head and looked around at the crowd. Eric felt a little uncomfortable and self-conscious with the audience. He wasn't sure if he could go through with this. He didn't want to be on display in front of a bunch of strangers. But Eric also knew he didn't really have a choice. This was the way Noglions claimed their mates. It was just part of their culture.

  Gru cupped Eric's face, and he turned to focus back on the male. "It's just the two of us."

  Eric took a deep breath.

  "Ignore everything and everyone but me."

  He nodded.

  "Just stay focused on me, and everything will be okay, pet."

  Again, Eric nodded.

  Gru leaned down and connected their lips. The kiss was hard and demanding. Eric opened his mouth, and Gru plunged his tongue inside. Their tongues twisted and turned, rolling together.

  The male moved one hand up and fisted Eric's hair at his nape while sliding the other down Eric's back to grip his ass. Gru pulled Eric in close, connecting their bodies. Eric moaned as he wrapped his arms around Gru's waist. At this moment, nothing else existed. It was just the two of them, bodies touching and lips moving. Gru kissed Eric until he was breathless.

  Gru wrapped his large palm around Eric's erection. The male jacked Eric's cock from root to tip, and pre-cum flowed from the head of his shaft. Eric was desperate. He tried to move, needing more friction, but Gru held him tight, restricting his movement. The male glided his hand, moving it rapidly over Eric's dick.

  Gru devoured his mouth, driving Eric closer to the edge. It felt too damn good. Eric tried to hold back, but he couldn't.

  "Gru," Eric gasped, disconnecting their lips. "I'm gonna come. I'm gonna..." he panted.

  The male pumped his hand up and down in a quick, jerky movement, pushing Eric over the edge. His muscles tightened, and his body jerked as he came. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart. After a minute or two, Eric looked up at Gru. The male lifted his hand, bringing it up to his mouth. Gru licked his palm and fingers, removing Eric's spunk. The male groaned as if Eric's cum was the best thing he'd ever tasted. Eric pulled his lower lip into his mouth and bit down as he watched.

  Damn. It was the sexiest thing Eric had ever seen.

  Eric went up on his tiptoes and pressed his lips against Gru's. Gru lifted Eric up off his feet, and he wrapped his legs around the male's waist. The Noglion went down on his knees, taking Eric to the ground. Gru pressed Eric's back against the soft gravel of the arena floor. The male came down on top of Eric, covering him like a blanket.

  When Gru pulled back, disconnecting their lips, he left Eric panting. The male moved back. He manipulated Eric's body, flipping him over. Eric knew what was next. It was time for Gru to claim him. He tried to relax as the male urged him to his hands and knees.

  "It will be easier for you this way," he said.

  Eric nodded, even though he would prefer to look at Gru. He wanted the eye contact to distract him from the crowd. He'd never felt more exposed in his life. His legs started to tremble, shaking so hard that Eric thought he might fall on his face in the middle of the arena. Behind him, Gru arranged him on his knees, spread wide, with his ass tilted up. Strong fingers kneaded Eric's ass, massaging the meaty flesh. The male spread his ass cheeks and hummed appreciatively.

  "You are so beautiful." Using the pad of his finger, Gru traced Eric's hole. "And soft." Eric felt the smear of some type of fluid and wondered what it was. "And mine."

  Eric could feel the oil working. His muscles instantly relaxed. The oil that Gru used filled Eric with euphoria. It came on in magnificent waves that rolled through him. Eric could feel it through his entire body. He wondered if the lubricant had the same herbs in it that the mead did. He moaned when something pressed shallowly into him, stretching his ass. Eric knew it wasn't a finger. It couldn't be. It was hard as stone and slick and warm sliding into him.

  Eric glanced over his shoulder. "What..."

  "It's a toy." Gru grinned. "A special toy made for human pets."

  The male pushed the toy deeper into Eric's ass. The tip of the fake cock brushed against his prostate gland, and Eric cried out, pushing back, desperate for more. He flexed his fingers, digging the digits into the red-colored dirt.

  The toy seemed to get bigger, wider, growing in the confines of Eric's tight channel. Eric gasped. Gru wrapped his free hand around Eric's cock, stroking him in time with the toy's movement in Eric's ass. Eric cried out, rocking into Gru's hand as another climax built. A surge of heat rushed up his spine.

  "I'm gonna..."

  Eric screamed, hips pumping, but no relief was to be had. Gru had a tight grip on the base of his cock, and the toy in his ass slipped out, denying Eric release.

  "Not yet, pet," Gru said as he let go of Eric's cock. The male held Eric's hips, preventing him from moving. The head of Gru's cock rubbed against Eric's entrance. "You'll come with me inside you."

  "Fuck!" Eric was close to begging.

  Gru slowly eased himself just inside Eric. He shifted and groaned and pushed back for more. Eric cried out as his body stretched to accommodate the size of the male's cock. Gru covered Eric's back with his slick chest. The male placed a soft kiss on Eric's shoulder before applying more pressure, sinking deeper.

  "That's it. Relax for me, pet."

  Hard and fast, Gru slid into Eric's ass hard until the male was buried deep. The male pushed deeper, his cock getting thicker as it neared the base. Gru filled Eric completely. Eric took a few deep breaths, relaxing his muscles. Soon, the pain disappeared, morphing into something far sweeter than anything Eric had felt before. Pure bliss. Overwhelming pleasure.

  Fuck," Eric ground through clenched teeth.

  Gru paused. "Easy." The male was gasping. "You're so tight. I'm not going to last."

  Eric blew out a heavy breath. "You're so big."

  "Relax, pet. You'll adjust."

  Gru began moving with slow thrusts, pulling out and pushing back in so slowly, and Eric felt every inch of the male.

  The male's angle changed so that he was hitting Eric's sweet spot with each stroke, and Eric pushed back into it. He gave himself over to the pleasure. Eric closed his eyes, allowing the sensations to wash over him and crash through him. He got lost in the rhythm of Gru's thrusts. Smooth and hard, Gru rode him.

  He drew back and pushed in, filling Eric. The male dragged his fingernails down Eric's back. The mixture of pain and pleasure excited him, driving Eric closer to the edge.

  "Eric," Gru breathed out, his voice low and urgent. The male wrapped his palm around Eric's cock, squeezing firmly. "Come for me."

  Eric complied, crying out as he arched back, spilling his seed onto the stadium floor in endless streams.

  Draped over his back, Gru fucked Eric, driving into Eric's ass with punishing thrusts until his own rhythm faltered and the male came, filling Eric's ass. Heat filled Eric. He could feel every jet of spunk as Gru filled him. The male's hips slowed to short jerks.

  Eric shook as he was claimed. With unsteady arms, Eric fell forward, landing in a boneless heap on the ground. Breathing deeply, Eric gasped for air.

  "I'm sorry."

sp; Eric blinked several times, trying to understand why the male was apologizing. "Huh?"

  "You felt too good," Gru said. "I tried to hold back, but I couldn't. I lost control."

  Gru slowly pulled back, moving his cock from Eric's ass. Almost immediately, Eric missed Gru, but he didn't have enough energy to complain. The male helped Eric to a sitting position. Without saying a word, the male slipped a collar around Eric's neck. The Noglion male fastened it around his throat, locking it into place. Eric reached up to confirm his suspicions. It was a leather collar. He ran his fingertip over the material.

  There was some sort of writing engraved, and Eric assumed that it was Gru's name. The male attached a leash, holding it loosely in his hand.

  "This is for your protection," Gru told him, fingering the collar. He smiled. It was a dark, possessive expression that made Eric shudder. "It tells other males that you belong to me."

  Honestly, Eric wasn't sure how he felt about wearing a collar or the leash. But there would be plenty of time to think about it later. Gru grasped Eric's hand and pulled him to his feet. The male bowed, paying respect to the king before strolling out of the arena.

  Eric meekly followed Gru out of the stadium. He stared at the ground, unable to make eye contact with anyone. Now that the high from his intense orgasm had faded and the effects of the aphrodisiac had diminished, Eric wasn't sure what to think or how to feel.

  How exactly was he supposed to navigate his way through life on Noglion? He was a foreigner on a planet he knew nothing about.

  Chapter Eight

  Gru held the leash loosely as he walked out of the stadium. He took small steps so that Eric wouldn't feel rushed or need to run to keep up with his long strides. The male glanced over his shoulder and looked at the young man. Eric appeared lost and disoriented. His lips tilted downward in a frown, and his gaze remained on the ground. Gru sighed in disappointment.


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