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Page 3

by Kevin McLaughlin

  Opening the maintenance box, he powered on the scanner and inserted the cable. It would take several minutes for a full diagnostic, so he set the machine on top of the port, and sat on the floor. It was a tight space, but he was small, and fit without an issue. After a few moments, he laid back, placing his hands on his sides. He felt the walls touching his arms and hips, preventing him from squirming or moving. He wondered if this was how a coffin felt, and a sudden chill ran down his neck.

  “This is no time to be sleeping,” said a gentle voice from inside the wall.

  Cain popped up and looked at his wrist. The receiver light, which normally showed all incoming calls, was empty. “Who’s there?”

  “It’s Lilith,” she said. “Who else would it be?”

  He relaxed a bit. “Do you always sneak up on people when they’re alone?”

  She giggled. “I saw you got assigned here. Double-checking my analysis, hm? Thought I’d check and see how it was going.”

  “I’m running the scan now. It should be done in a minute.”

  “Oh, goody. I’d love to know what’s happening with these outages.”

  Cain got to his feet and checked the scanner—a few more minutes. “Have any theories?” he asked.

  “We passed an electrical field a few months ago. It may have caused some issues in the grid.”

  “Could be,” he said, leaning against the wall.

  “In any case, there’s yet to be any serious problems. All small stuff. I’m not worried.”

  “Yeah,” he said. “Guess so.”

  “Are you going to your father’s tonight?” she asked.

  The question surprised him. He’d known Lilith for years, of course. She was a trusted friend of his father’s, but Cain had never spent much time with her. “Why do you ask?”

  “Just asking. It sounds like a fun evening. I might even go.”

  “So Father invited you, too?” asked Cain.

  “Not yet, but he always does. So, how about it? Are you going?”

  “Sure, I’ll be there,” he answered. “Can’t promise I’ll stick around, though.”

  “You don’t sound very excited. Don’t you want to see the family?”

  He hesitated, uncertain of what to say. Now that she’d asked him about it directly, he didn’t really have an answer.

  “Don’t worry. I don’t blame you,” she said.


  “Social functions were never my thing, either,” she admitted. “And family get-togethers? Those are always a disaster.”

  Her candid answer surprised him. “No argument there.”

  She laughed. “I try to pretend like I enjoy them, but It’s all an act, I assure you. I’m actually pretty nervous with people. I’ve just gotten good at hiding it.”

  He smiled a bit.

  The scanner beeped. “Done already?” she asked.

  The screen on the device showed no detectable problems with the systems or the grid. Now he could get out of here. “Looks like your scans were right the first time.” He unplugged the device and placed it back inside the supplies kit.

  “No one knows my ship better than me,” she said, a hint of pride in her voice. “This old girl’s rock solid.”

  * * *

  “How long until we begin the deceleration process?” asked Adam. He sat in his chair on the bridge, trying to sludge through the day’s paperwork. He had to sign off on several transfers and two promotions. Not exactly the most exciting work for a veteran soldier, but no matter.

  “About forty-eight hours,” said Lilith, running her fingers through her gorgeous red hair. “Once the process begins, it should take us less than three days to arrive at the next planet.”

  “Think we’ll find anything?” asked Adam.

  “Who knows?” she asked. “It seemed promising on the long range scans.”

  “They’re always promising,” Adam reminded her. “You were convinced the second one was going to be a paradise, but then we got there and it was covered in radiation.”

  “Now don’t go blaming me for that,” she said, scrunching her nose.

  He chuckled. “Of course not.” He leaned back in his chair and thumbed through the reports from each department. Most of it was mundane. Typical readouts and performance assessments. There was one exception, however. Engineering noted and repaired another power outage. It was the third one this month alone. He didn’t even want to guess how many there had been in total. “Lilith, do you know anything about this blackout from last night?”

  “I helped the chief make repairs with his crew. Everything should be operational.”

  “But do we know what caused it?”

  She frowned. “I’m afraid not. My best guess is residual radiation from the electrical storm we passed through a while ago.”

  Adam hated seeing his ship in this sort of condition, but what could he do? No one had any real answers. Only guesswork. Maybe some new information would come to light soon, but for now Engineering would have to do their best to hold things together.

  “Tomorrow should be fun,” said Lilith.

  He blinked. “Huh?”

  “The dinner you’re having with the kids,” said Lilith.

  “Oh, right. I almost forgot.”

  “It’s been a while since everyone got together,” she said, twirling around. As she spun, an elegant silver dress materialized, lined with blue and covered in diamonds. “What do you think? Too formal?” She snapped her fingers and the dress morphed into a short summer skirt. “Maybe something more casual?”

  “Actually, I was planning to talk to you about that,” he said. “I’d like for you to be there, but…” He paused, trying to put together the words.

  “What is it?”

  “The thing is, Eve wants this to be a family thing. A chance for us to reconnect with the kids, particularly Cain.”

  Lilith took a moment to answer. “I see,” she finally said. Her clothes transformed back into her military uniform. “I understand.”

  “Maybe you and I can play a game afterwards, once everyone leaves. How’s that?”

  She smiled, nodding. “Sure.”

  “So you’re not mad?” he asked. He’d expected more of a reaction.

  She scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m friends with half the crew. I’ll find something to do, and then I’ll beat you in whatever game you want to play.”

  He laughed. “You always do.”

  * * *

  Adam stretched his feet across the couch and yawned. He had only meant to take a short nap, but it had been nearly two hours. Why hadn’t anyone woken him? The rest of the family would be there within the hour and he’d meant to help set things up. “Honey.” He cleared his throat. “Hello?”

  “I’m right here,” said Eve. She was in the kitchen. “What is it?”

  “I told you to wake me so I could help.” He sat up, rubbing his neck.

  “You were so adorable I didn’t want to bother you. Drooling a little, too, I think.”

  “Funny,” he said, yawning again. “What else do you have left to do?”

  “I’m about done. As usual, I didn’t need you. Go back to being the freeloading husband you are.”

  “You know, if someone heard you they might not think you were joking.”

  “Who says I’m joking?” She poked her head out from behind the kitchen wall and smiled, then disappeared into the other room. “Silly husband.”

  The door buzzed, startling him. The video feed from the hall lit up a nearby screen, revealing Uriel. Adam grunted lazily.

  “Tell them to have a seat until everyone arrives,” called his wife. “Hey, did you hear me?”

  “I heard you,” he said, going to the door and touching the pad, opening it. In the hall, Uriel stood beside Abel holding a plate of food in her hands. Some kind of mush. “What’s that?”

  Abel shook his head. “Uriel made it. Not sure what it is, though.”

  “It’s a dip, you idiot,” she said, raising an
eye at her husband. “I told you before we left. Pay attention.”

  “In any case, we’re thankful,” said Adam, laughing. “I’m also glad you’re here.” He took the dip out of Uriel’s hands.

  “Wait for me!” called a voice from down the hall. Adam poked his head out from behind the door to see his adopted daughter Azura. Walking briskly through the corridor, she held two large boxes in her arms.

  “Need some help?” asked Abel.

  “If you don’t mind,” she said, handing the load to him.

  “Why’d you bring all that?” asked Uriel.

  “I asked her to,” said Adam, stepping aside to let them all in.

  “What’s in it?” asked Abel.

  “Old memories, mostly. Pictures from the war,” said Adam.

  “Your father’s been feeling nostalgic lately,” said Eve, appearing from behind the kitchen wall. She had a tray of cookies in her hands.

  “Of course,” said Abel. He set the boxes next to the sofa.

  “Looks like we’re all here except for Seth and Cain,” said Uriel.

  “Should I call them?” asked Eve.

  Azura shook her head. “We should give them a few minutes. Seth mentioned he might be a bit late when I saw him on shift this afternoon and—”

  The door buzzed.

  “There we are,” said Eve.

  Adam opened it, revealing both Seth and Cain. “Come on in, boys.”

  “Sorry I’m late,” said Seth, glancing at Azura. “I got caught up.”

  “Nonsense, the others only got here a few seconds ago,” said Eve.

  “I was working,” said Cain. “Sorry.”

  “Well, thank you both for coming,” said Adam, reaching his arms around the two young men. He squeezed them both. “Now, how about some food?”

  “Sounds good to me,” said Seth.

  Cain nodded.

  The door shut behind them and the family convened in the dining room. “The food’s coming now,” said Eve.

  “Here, let me help you,” Seth told his mother.

  Adam watched as his wife and youngest son brought several plates of warm food out to the table. The main dish was synthetic sliced furl, basted with a blend of sauces for added sweetness. On the side, they had fruit salad and roasted agari, a tender red vegetable from the botanical gardens where Eve worked. She often experimented with various fruits and vegetables she brought home from work. Not all of them turned out so well. To her husband’s delight, this was not one of those times.

  Adam dived right into the agari and furl, gulping them down. “How’s everyone doing?” he asked, swallowing, and wiping his lips with a napkin.

  “Pretty good,” said Seth.

  “How about you, Cain?” asked Eve. “How’s your work in Engineering?”

  The last word seemed to linger in the air. Adam didn’t entirely approve of his son’s decision to transfer to Engineering after procuring a spot for him on the bridge. The Kadmons had been pilots and soldiers for centuries. Seth and Abel had followed in their family’s footsteps, much to Adam’s delight. Abel was a starship pilot, while Seth was placed in charge of Security. Cain didn’t want anything to do with either of those. On the contrary, he was far more interested in replacing power converters and electrical cables than following in his family footsteps.

  Adam understood his son’s desire to make his own way. It was admirable, not wanting to rely on others to reach his personal goals. Unfortunately, he knew so little about mechanics and repairs, and truthfully found the prospect somewhat boring. He made attempts to show his support, but Cain never seemed to appreciate them. His boy was distant and isolated, rarely volunteering information or engaging with him. If only Adam could find a middle ground between them, perhaps they could finally connect.

  “Everything’s fine,” Cain said.

  Adam waited for more, but nothing came. He thumbed the side of the table, trying to think of another question. It was so frustrating. Every father should know how to talk to their own child.

  “You’ve been down there for how long?” asked Eve.

  “Eighteen months next week,” said the boy.

  “Already?” she asked. “It doesn’t seem like so long.”

  Azura smiled. “I feel like I filed your transfer paperwork yesterday.”

  Cain shrugged. “Everyone’s been busy. Time flies.”

  “My sister told me you’re doing a great job,” said Uriel.

  Eve’s face lit up. “Oh, that’s right. You and Ariel are coworkers, aren’t you, Cain? Have you made friends?”

  He wavered in his chair. “I guess.”

  “Wonderful,” said Eve, clasping her hands and smiling. She looked at Adam. “Isn’t that wonderful, sweetheart?”

  Adam cleared his throat. “It certainly is.”

  Cain stared at him from across the table.

  “Is Chief Ridwan treating you well?” asked Adam after a short moment.

  “He’s okay.”

  Adam paused. “He’s known for being rough on people, so I can have a word with him if you need me to.”

  “No, it’s fine,” said Cain.

  “Well, you let me know,” said Adam.

  Cain nodded, dropping his eyes to stare at his plate. He took his fork and dug it into the sliced furl.

  Abel drank the last of his wine, setting the glass on the table. “If you ask me, you should just come back to the bridge. Everyone keeps asking when you’ll return.”

  “Now, Abel, leave your brother alone,” said Eve. “He likes his job.”

  “It seems like a waste of his time, that’s all,” he said, glancing at his brother. “No offense.”

  “Whatever,” muttered Cain.

  Abel sighed. “Sorry, I’m not trying to hurt your feelings. I guess I just don’t get it. Why sit in a hole when you could be doing something more fulfilling? Whenever we get to the next planet, someone has to scout and explore. That could be you. Instead, you’re going to be stuck inside the ship, fixing circuit-boards or whatever it is they have you doing.”

  Cain furrowed his brow, digging his fork into the slab of meat on his plate. “Maybe I don’t want to be a pilot,” he said. “Maybe I like where I’m at.”

  “Alright, but what about Security? I’m sure Seth and Uriel could use your help,” said Abel.

  “You worry about yourself,” said Cain, taking a bite of the meat, and chewing. “I’ll worry about me.”

  “Why don’t we talk about something else?” asked Eve.

  Adam nodded. “Great idea.”

  Cain swallowed, and red juice from the meat dripped from the side of his mouth. He wiped it with his sleeve, then set his fork on the table. “I actually need to get going,” he said, pushing his chair out and standing.

  Eve frowned. “Oh, sweetie, please don’t leave.”

  “Sorry, but I have some work to do,” he said.

  “What’s so important?” asked Abel.

  “I have a project I’m working on,” explained Cain. “It’s complicated.”

  Eve went to his side and held his hand. “Are you sure you have to leave right this minute?”

  He nodded. “Yes, Mother.” He hugged her. “I’ll see you later.”

  Adam wanted to say something, but the words wouldn’t come. He wanted to stop him, to say something to get him to stay. Why did everything have to be so difficult?

  Cain tapped the door and it opened. “Later,” he said, quickly, stepping into the hall.

  Eve frowned. As soon as the door slid shut, she glanced at her oldest boy. “Abel, why did you have to say all that?”

  “What did I do?” he asked.

  Uriel smacked his shoulder. “You’re so oblivious sometimes.”

  Chapter 4

  Cain hurried through the halls, eager to get far away from his family. Why did Abel have to give him such a hard time? Why was he such an arrogant prick?

  If only his father had stepped in and said something. Why didn’t the old man care? Because you�
�re not like us, he heard his father’s voice say. You’re not a pilot like the golden boy. You’re a worthless piece of trash.

  “Screw you,” he muttered as he reached the elevator. He tapped the button, waiting for the doors to shut, and then kicked the wall. He grunted his frustration.

  “Somebody’s upset,” said a disembodied voice. It was Lilith, talking from the speaker near the top of the lift.

  He leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. “Leave me alone, please.”

  “Not until you tell me what the problem is.”

  He groaned. “Just go away. I’m not in the mood.”

  “Did something happen at your parents’ place?”

  He avoided the question. “I thought you were going to be there. Something come up?”

  “Sorry about that. Your father asked me to sit this one out. He said he only wanted the family there.”

  Her answer surprised him. “You mean he asked you not to come?”

  A moment of silence. “Yes.”

  Cain shrugged. “Well, you didn’t miss much. I left as soon as I could.”

  “What are you going to do now?” she asked.

  The elevator doors opened. “I don’t know. I said I had to do some work.”

  “Do you?” she asked.

  “Not really.”

  His wrist beeped and he glanced at the screen. Lilith’s face appeared, sporting silver hair and blue eyes. Behind her, he could see a snow covered valley like the one he grew up in. She smiled. “I could use some help if you’re game,” she said, winking.

  “What kind of help?”

  “The power coupling in section seven on deck nine needs replacing. Obviously, I can’t do it myself, and engineering is understaffed at the moment.”

  He had hoped to return to his room in order to work on his processor, but for some reason the thought of helping Lilith didn’t seem to bother him. “Alright, I guess I can spare a few minutes.”

  She jumped and cheered. “Great! You’re the best.”

  “Don’t mention it,” he said. “I have to stop by my room and then I’ll head over.”

  “Call me when you get to section seven. I’ll be waiting!” She waved and spun around, and then the screen clicked off.


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