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Descent into Tartarus

Page 7

by David Thompson

  Thanatos continued drawing without further interruption. When he was finished, he stood back and admired his work.

  "You do know, that's far too large for me to take along, right?" Dan pointed out.

  Thanatos sighed, then he folded up the large piece of paper. Then he held it up and unfolded it. It was now the size of a regular sheet of typing paper.

  "How's this?"

  "Good, thank you," Dan replied.

  Dan placed the map on the table and studied it.

  "Go fetch your backpack. We need to make room for Megaera's armor and weapons," Thanatos ordered.

  Dan went out the back door, with Brianna following. Dan's car was parked just to the right, near the corner to the house.

  "How can you walk outside so easily?" Dan asked as they walked.

  "This entire lot is a projection, not just the inside," Brianna explained.

  "Ok," Dan said. "Then how did I see this place from the road when I dropped off Megaera?"

  Dan stopped and opened the trunk.

  "Easy, the same way you saw her before then, the same reasons I'm hanging out here like a physical person," Brianna said while Dan lifted out his hiking backpack. She reached into the trunk and grabbed the box of chemical sticks.

  "See?" Brianna said as she turned and walked back to the porch. Dan snorted and followed his niece back into the house.

  When he got to the kitchen, Thanatos had Dan unload the backpack, and he sorted through the equipment he'd packed earlier. Thanatos picked up the Glock.

  "Why did you pack this? It will not work there," Thanatos said. Dan reached out and took it away. He checked the slide and slipped it into the leather holster.

  "I wish to bring it along. It might work, only way would be to test it," Dan pointed out.

  "Is he always like this with his weapons?" Thanatos asked Brianna.

  "Pretty much all guys act that way. Think of it as a penis extension or a pacifier," Brianna replied.

  "Language, Bree!" Dan scolded her.

  "I'm dead, I can use whatever language I feel like!" Brianna said. Then she grinned. "He's been like that since I was a small kid."

  "I see," Thanatos said. He had everything Dan had packed all strewn across the table. "Most of this is useless. Such as the lights. I suggest you leave it all and just go there with Megaera's weapons, and hope for the best."

  Dan repacked the equipment, muttering, "I'll decide what I need and don't need, thank you."

  Then he stopped and looked at the compass. "Let me guess, no magnetic field, right?"

  "Honestly, I don't know. And if it had one, no telling which direction it'd point," Hermes said, shrugging. "I usually got my bearings by keeping the red glow from the Phlegethon to my left as I flew towards the Palace."

  "Fly?" Dan looked up. "I didn't know that was an option?"

  "It is if you have wings on your hat and shoes!" Hermes laughed.

  "Let's go assemble Megaera's armor and weapons," Thanatos said, leaving the kitchen. Dan followed.

  They crossed the living area and stopped in front of the weapon wall. Dan stood in awe. Any archaeologist in the world would commit a felony to be able to examine the weapons on that wall.

  Off to one side was a tarnished breast plate and leather skirt. The design was still visible, a series of geometric shapes running along the edges. It looked as if it was molded from Megaera's body to the millimeter.

  "Man, some figure, huh?" Brianna said.

  Dan remembered the last time she spent the night. He marveled at how accurate the breastplate was crafted.

  "No room for her wings, though," Dan pointed out. "The back is solid. See?"

  "She sprouted her wings around you?" That was Tisiphone. She had walked up to the group while Dan was examining the armor. "And she killed no one?"

  "No, they showed up when the demon appeared in my hallway," Dan explained.

  "Ah, I figured it had to be something to make them appear. Our wings typically only appear when we're after targets," Tisiphone explained. "I haven't used mine to fly in centuries."

  She reached out and lifted the breastplate off its hook and gave it to Brianna. Brianna held it up to herself.

  "Might fit me, maybe?" Brianna asked.

  "How old is it?" Dan asked.

  "These were made over five millennia ago. When we last fought Sorath," Tisiphone told them as she took down the bow. She examined the unique compound bow. "This was made at the same time."

  She gave the bow to Dan, who studied it with fascination.

  "Now, these are special arrows," Tisiphone said as she took down the quiver. "They ignite when shot and cause demons to explode."

  The last thing left on the wall was a short sheath with an ivory handle protruding. Tisiphone took it gently.

  "Of all the items you need to take, this is the most important. This isn't just a dagger." She slid the dagger out and turned it in the light. The light glinted off the bright bronze, the symbols easily seen.

  "I've seen markings like that," Dan remarked. He looked at Brianna. "On her face and torso."

  "God, yes," Brianna said.

  "This is actually a key, it fits the locks in the Tartarus prison blocks. It's the only way to release a prisoner. It goes without saying that Sorath and his goons have one of these, which is how he locked up Megaera."

  Dan took it carefully and threaded the sheath to his belt, then slid the dagger in. "It won't leave my body while I am alive."

  "That's about it. Alecto will take you to the portal, so say your farewell to your niece, you have a long trip ahead of you," Tisiphone said, taking Megaera's armament with her into the kitchen.

  "Bree, I---" Dan was suddenly pulled into a tight hug by Brianna. When she pulled back, her eyes were wet. "Hey, pumpkin, I'll be back."

  She just nodded. Dan pulled her close and kissed her gently on her forehead.

  She backed up and wiped her eyes. "Yeah, you'd better. I want to see my cousin. I want to be around as he grows up."

  Dan reached out and touched Brianna on the chin. "I'll be back. Count on it, pumpkin."

  Dan smiled, then he turned and headed to the kitchen. Alecto was waiting, looking impatient. Dan carefully repacked his gear and threaded the breastplate to the outside of the backpack. The arrows were inside, and the bow fit nicely along one side. It was a backpack designed for hikers who carried cameras, it was easy for Dan to rig the bow to the loops where a tripod normally went.

  "Let's hit it," Dan said. He looked back one more time and saw Brianna leaning against the door frame. Then he turned and followed Alecto out to the back.

  Outside, her maroon motorcycle was waiting. It started up as she approached.

  "Hell of a bike," Dan commented.

  "Yes, she is," Alecto said, climbing on. She patted the spot behind her. "Hold on tight, she takes off like you wouldn't believe."

  "I'm starting to--" Dan was thrown back sharply as the motorcycle took off, the landscape blurring. As they traveled faster and faster, the landscape stretched into a pin point in front, and then streaked past.


  Two demons guarded the top of the stairs that led to Sorath's room. They both stood aside as Bune and Rommel passed on their way to the top floor. As they passed the guards, Rommel looked out over the railing that ran along the landing. The distance appeared to extend into two different time zones. The building appeared to have increased in size since he last visited.

  "I take it the temporal engineers have been hard at work?" Rommel mused as they entered the long corridor to Sorath's temporary throne room.

  "Yes, Sorath feels this Palace needed a more impressive appearance. So, some engineers played a bit with the area. It's hardly stable and keeps snapping back. Much to my amusement," Bune said as they stopped in front of Sorath's bedroom door. Clauberg exited after examining his patient. He nodded at Bune and Rommel as he passed.

  Themis spotted Bune and Rommel approaching.

  "Gentlemen, he's awake, but stil
l sedated. Now would be a good time for any bad news you may have," Themis suggested as he showed them into the bedchamber.

  Sorath was sitting up in bed, his head was tilted back as he napped. His color was starting to return, his face no longer a pale green, but a florid green with orange overtones. His head now shaved, leaving a short mohawk of orange fur down the center.

  "Your highness," Themis said, clearing his throat.

  Sorath's eyes snapped open, and he moved his eyes to see who was talking. He slowly moved his head and looked at his visitors.

  "Ah, my friends! Welcome!" Sorath said, his grin displaying rows of needle-sharp teeth. "What brings you here today?"

  "Just a status update, sire," Bune said, bowing deeply.

  Rommel kicked his heals together and bowed his head.

  "Begin," Sorath said.

  "Air patrols have now intercepted three more spies sent by Hades' Palace. Two of them twice," Bune reported. "One was intercepted in the mountains, and dropped into the Phlegethon, an accident. But we caught him trying again, this time he was being carried by a harpy."

  "Persistent bastard, I'll give him that," Sorath said with a smile. "What was his fate the second time?"

  "He's still in custody, awaiting your orders," Bune told him.

  "You interrogated him?"

  "Yes, quite thoroughly."

  "He survived?" Sorath said, an eye ridge arching up.

  "We wound up removing most of the fingers on his left paw, and, at Doctor Clauberg's suggestion, we removed most of the skin from one leg," Bune replied. "He still did not talk, so I'm open to suggestions."

  "Can you suggest someone, Herr Marshall?" Sorath asked.

  "Yes. Herr Gottlob, sire," Rommel suggested.

  "Gottlob Scharff? I approve. But wait until I can move around, I want to be present. Clauberg said it might only be a few more days."

  "It'd be a pleasure to have you witness it," Bune said.

  "And the others?"

  "Both were fed to the dragons, in small pieces, so it'll be awhile before they reappear," Bune said.

  "I heard you've been talking to our guest in the security wing." A statement, not a question.

  "I am trying a different method with my interrogations," Bune said.

  "Stop it. She is to stay isolated until we attack the surface and destroy her sisters. Then I may make her a slave," Sorath said, tilting his head back, eying Bune. "Why bother with her?"

  "I'm curious as to why she's weak, why she didn't fight when you took her," Bune answered.

  "Never mind. Unless, you wish her as your own slave? And you are trying to appear gallant, for her sake, woo her to your point of view?"

  "The Fury disgusts me. I'd sooner stick my member into a harpy," Bune spat.

  "Ha! If given half a chance, you'd bed her, Bune. I know you too well."

  Bune stood mute, his eyes narrow slits. His face blushed a bright green.

  Sorath laughed, then shook his head. "Herr Marshal, what do you have to report?"

  "The dragons are proving to be an effective deterrence for defectors, after they heal from being flamed," Rommel reported. "New tactics are being tested, and we'll be ready to do your bidding in a short time."

  "You are lucky the doctor shot me full of tranquilizers, Herr Rommel, I expect full capacity by the time I can walk," Sorath grunted. He was slipping downward.

  Rommel shot a quick glance at Bune, then nodded.

  "Get out of my sight," Sorath said, his words slurring.

  Themis escorted them out of the bedchamber and watched as they walked down the hallway. He returned to his master's bedside and stood awaiting instructions. Sorath sat up, shaking his head.

  "Fetch me the Fury, under heavy guard. I want to know what Bune is trying," Sorath ordered. Themis bowed his head and quickly left the room.


  There was no real sense of traveling. There was no wind blowing past Dan's face, no sounds, it was total silence.

  One moment, Dan saw the landscape streaking past, the next, they were driving down a small road, towards a small hill. Below the hill was a small village, comprised of modern houses with red tile roofs. The sound suddenly returned, and the air was hot in his face as they cruised through the town.

  Dan finally relaxed his grip on Alecto's hips and looked around as they motored towards the hill.

  She pointed to a collection of brick buildings on top of a small hill. "The Necromanteion."

  He hopped off the motorcycle and turned to Alecto. "How do I find the portal?"

  "You can't see the entrance directly, but only out of the side of your eye," Alecto explained. "Don't go to the ruins most tourists see, as that is only where the oracle worked. The actual entrance is along that small hiking trail there, to the western edge of those trees. Walk carefully and keep your mind open."

  Alecto indicated a small area of bluffs, on the southern edge of the small hill. To his right was a small field with soccer goals; a few of the local kids were playing and kicking up dust. In the distance, tall mountains rose into the haze.

  "Then what?" Dan asked, while his eyes searched the hillside. He could see the old 18th century monastery and the densely wooded area.

  "It appears simply as a normal cave, so keep going until you come to the third and final room. The back wall is the portal, then it's just a matter of walking through and into the Underworld," Alecto instructed.

  "That's it? Just walk through a solid wall of rock, eh?" Dan's eyes were squinting in the harsh sunlight. He was also perspiring; the heat was oppressive.

  "Okay, then what?"

  "Try to keep yourself from being killed, for starters," Alecto advised. She handed Dan two small coins. "Give these to the boatman when he takes you across the river Styx."

  He raised his eyebrows.

  "Oh, right? To pay the boatman?" Dan asked, looking at the small coins.

  "No," Alecto said. "Charon collects coins, and I found these, I figured he'd like them."

  Dan looked at the coins, brownish and covered in barely recognizable letters. He shrugged and pocketed the coins.

  "Anything else?" He asked, looking up the steep trail to the top of the hill.

  "Yes. If anyone asks, tell them you're a god." Alecto laughed and took off in a burst of violet light, leaving an afterimage in Dan's vision.

  "Yes ma'am. At least I'm related to one," he muttered as he looked at a long stretch of concrete road that wound its way up the hill to the ruins.

  He hiked up the incline to the ruins. Few tourists were around, but he tried to keep Megaera's weapons hidden by wrapping his jacket over the backpack.

  He stopped and looked at the old building. As he walked, he glanced at a few markers that gave the history of the old building. The plaques were in Greek with English, so he pretended to read. He wandered to his left and found a set of stairs leading down the hill, the into the trees. He found the shaded hiking trail to be somewhat cooler. He slowly made his way around the hill and to the west.

  The trail wound around the ruins towards a rocky area, then down some old steps made from rock. He crossed through the overgrown grass to the edge of the trees. He remembered not to look at it straight on, but out of the corner of his eyes.

  It was dark back in the shade of the trees, and he was in the harsh sunlight. He stepped into the shade and stood looking to the right. Then he had to climb out those bushes, pick out another spot and step into the shadows again. There wasn't a clear line of sight of the limestone bluff, and he was spending a lot of time picking his way and stepping around the undergrowth.

  He was about to give up and try to catch a bus back to town, grab a hotel and try again in the morning, when he saw an unusual rock shadow. He climbed through the underbrush to the edge of the rock face and looked. Between the broken boulders was an opening.

  "Well, maybe," he said to himself.

  He sat the backpack down the pulled out his light, it was clipped to the bill of an old baseball hat. One he'd
bought when he was still in Dallas, a blue cap with a large letter "T" on the front. He switched on the light and put the hat on.

  He looked into the opening, and saw that it appeared to make a hard turn to the left.

  "Next time, Danny old boy, fall for a nice, normal psychotic girl, ok?" He took a breath and squeezed himself into the small opening, pulling the backpack in behind him.

  The corridor twisted and then it opened out into a small room. Graffiti littered the walls, signs of a camp fire and the remains of a recent party in the room's center. He stepped around the circle of rocks and the blackened wood to examined the back wall.

  There had to be another room. He hesitated, fearing he'd found the wrong cave. This one appeared to be just this one room. Then he looked at the smoke pattern on the ceiling, and it looked like the smoke was wafted outside. He sat his backpack down and dug around, pulling out his container of water-proof matches. He struck one and watched the smoke.

  Yes, it drifted to the opening. There had to be another passage. He stepped carefully around the room and burned his fingers as the match burned down. He struck another and continued on around the room. Yes, he finally found an air shaft. It was low, partially blocked by a rock fall.

  He adjusted his light and looked into the hole. He sat back and pulled rocks away. As he did, he caused more to fall. He crawled back until the rocks settled.

  Dan looked at his backpack and realized he had allowed Thanatos to remove the small shovel. He could use the breastplate to dig, but that would damage it.

  He sat back on his heels, studying the situation. There was a movement to his right, and he spotted a gray rock squirrel peering around an outcrop of rock. Then it ducked back into the crack.

  Dan stood and went to the crack, and found another opening. A tight squeeze, but he could fit.

  He went back and picked up his backpack and slid himself sideways through the crack. He almost got stuck, then he pulled himself through and into another room.


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