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Pancake Panic

Page 5

by Addison Moore

  Dad lowers his chin as he looks at her—the same way he used to when we were in trouble. “That’s because I couldn’t bring myself to set foot in that establishment you work at.” He shifts his ghostly gaze to me. “Lottie, you didn’t tell me she works at a gentlemen’s club.”

  I bite down on the crooked grin slowly breaking out over my face. I’ll have to straighten out the bawdy details later, lest he thinks his youngest daughter is shedding the stitches for drunk men.

  “Nevertheless”—Dad reaches over and pats Meg on the arm—“I love you just the same. I’m proud of you, too, Meggy.”

  I sniff back the torrent of tears struggling to rain down.

  Mom dabs her eyes with a tissue. “You know what I need? I need a man.”

  “No!” I belt it out so loud and fast you would have thought she had requested a bomb. Good Lord, she needs anything but that—especially now with my father here to witness the lascivious events that usually ensue after my mother has made such a perverted proclamation. And trust me, knowing my mother, it will be perverted. “I mean, maybe this is a part of the grief process, you know? Maybe you need to take a little time. You should pretend to date him—Dad, I mean. Wouldn’t that be nice? You could pretend to go to a movie, or to dinner, or have a nice fireside chat just the way you used to.”

  “Lottie!” Lainey smacks me on the arm. “That’s morbid. Besides, Mom is all done grieving Dad. She’s already moved on with dozens of men.”

  Dad sits straight up. “Dozens?”

  “Uh”—I shake my head at him—“there have not been dozens. Mom just likes to keep company with whomever. She was certainly not serious about anyone.”

  Dad looks as if he can breathe again. Not that he needs to.

  Mom tosses a hand in the air. “I thought I’d marry Rich. Then I thought I’d marry Pastor Gaines. I was really hoping something would have panned out with either Topper Blakely or Royce Bentley. Boy, were they ever loaded.” She shakes her head wistfully as she reminisces. “But let’s face it—I’m not the marrying type. Not anymore. The only man I’ll ever belong to is your father.” She plucks out her phone with a marked aggression as if the fact brought her down even more. “You know what I should do? I should do like you younger folks and just do one of those hookup thingies. In fact, I’ll call Brad Rutherford right now. The things that man did to me in the bedroom…” She breaks out into a husky laugh and Dad nearly coughs up a lung I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have anymore. “Did you know that a man’s necktie can be used as a soft restraint?”

  “Mother,” I shout just as Lily comes over with a tray of my snowball pecan cookies and I quickly shove one into my hot-to-trot mother’s mouth.

  My sisters belt out a laugh, but my father is groaning as if we were killing him all over again.

  Meg slaps a hand over the table. “How’s that cookie, Mom? Reminiscent of the ball gag Brad used to shove into your pie hole?”

  “Meg!” I quickly stuff a cookie into her pie hole, too.

  Lainey snaps one up and pops one into her mouth as if beating me to the punch.

  Before I can get ahold of the conversational reins, the door chimes and in walks a slightly familiar young woman and it takes less than a second for me to realize where I recognize her.

  Mom waves her over as she washes down her cookie with the coffee Lily set out.

  “Jennifer!” Mom springs to her feet and the pretty brunette heads this way wearing a long blue coat and a matching scarf. “How are you holding up? How is Lisa?”

  I glance to my sisters. “Jennifer was Flip’s stepdaughter.”

  Dad stands at the sight of her. “Little Jennifer? My, how she’s grown.”

  “I’m fine.” She nods to my mother and offers an affable smile. “In fact, I’m great. I’m just here picking up some cookies for the students in my dance class. It’s my last week and then it’s off to New York in a short while.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” I say. “You’re joining a dance troupe in New York City.”

  She frowns. “Yup. It’s not exactly what I wanted, but hopefully by this time next year I’ll have something I can be proud of.” She looks to my mother. “And since you asked, my mom is holding up pretty well. She’s pretty broken up about it, although I don’t know why. Flip really did a number on her.” She glances out the window. “Anyway, I’m here to buy all of your sugar cookies.”

  “I’ll help you with that,” I say as I head behind the counter and load up a boxful of goodies she hand selects. “It’s on me,” I say as I slide the pink box her way.

  “Oh, don’t do that.” She flashes those crimson eyes at me and I shudder. They are stunning, I’ll give her that. “I’m fine with paying.” She shoves a twenty dollar bill into my tip jar.

  “If you insist. But that’s way too much.”

  “Keep it. My wallet isn’t nearly as thin as it used to be.” She pulls a tight smile as she takes the box and heads to the door.

  Mom waves her off. “Tell Lisa I said hello. I’ll be calling her soon about arrangements!”

  “Will do.” And just like that, Jennifer and her fiery eyes take off.

  I glance to the tip jar. I could have sworn she mentioned something about money being tight at the table yesterday. I guess she’s feeling better about her finances today now that she sees how quickly life can be stolen from you. Perspective is everything.

  The chime goes off again, and this time in strides a tall, dark, and far too handsome for my good senses homicide detective.

  “Hey, Lottie.” Noah’s dimples dig in deep, but it’s more of a forlorn smile he offers. “Do you think we can take a little walk?”

  My heart pounds at the prospect of going anywhere with Noah—of Noah wanting to go anywhere with me.

  I take off my apron and ask Lily to watch the shop before grabbing my purse and coat and heading out with Noah into the icy winter wonderland that Honey Hollow has become.

  My hand clasps over his and he doesn’t reject the effort.

  “Take me anywhere you want, Noah. Wherever you go, I will follow.”

  “Good. Because I’m about to buy you a dress.”

  “A dress?” The prospect of what that could mean runs amuck in my mind. “You really are a mystery, Noah Fox.”

  His brows bounce. “Believe me, this is one mystery I wish I wasn’t a part of.”

  And just like that, my heart breaks all over again.

  Whatever he meant by it, I’m hoping he still very much wants a part of my heart.

  He already has it.

  Chapter 6

  The Scarlet Sage Boutique is just down the way on Main Street, and it’s filled to the brim with every drop-dead gorgeous gown a girl could ever hope to own.

  “Lottie! Noah!” Scarlet Sage herself scuttles over in a floor-length, jewel tone green velvet dress. Scarlet is a little older than me, somewhere in her thirties, with long black spiral waves and lavender eyes that look every bit bewitching.

  Both Noah and I offer her a cheery greeting.

  She nods to Noah with a look that says something I don’t quite understand.

  “Give me a second to get those dresses I’ve pulled out for Lottie.” She looks my way and coos at me as if I’ve just morphed into a kitten before her eyes. “Oh, Lottie, you’re going to be just stunning.”

  “I am?” I look to Noah as Scarlett quickly disappears.

  “You are.” He brushes a loose strand from my cheek and my insides heat at his touch. But there’s something in Noah’s eyes, something pained and full of agony, and that alone tells me we’re not out of the proverbial woods yet. “So”—he straightens—“I just saw Jennifer Norman leave your shop.” He relaxes on his heels. “What did you glean, Lot?”

  His chest expands, and I can see the leather strap that crosses over his left arm and wraps around his back where he houses his gun. I always feel safe when I’m around Noah, with or without his weapon.

  “I didn’t glean anything. I’m not investigating this

  His brows furrow, and he looks ten times more handsome.

  So not fair.

  “What do you mean you’re not investigating this case? Of course, you are. It’s what you do. And don’t worry. I’m not here to try to stop you. I’ve seen the good it will do.” His chest bucks with a silent laugh.

  “No, I’m really not investigating. Good luck to you and Ivy, not that you’ll need it. I’m sure you’ll land the killer behind bars as soon as you can.”

  Any sign of angst leaves him and he’s right back to being the old Noah—the concerned version, but still, the old Noah.

  “Lottie, what’s going on? The truth.” His lips cinch as he says that last part, and it breaks my heart.

  “Noah, I am so very sorry I lied to you last month. But please understand, I only did it to protect you.” I’ve been waiting—dying to have this conversation with him. More than anything I want Noah and me to get back on track—for Noah not to hate me.

  He closes his eyes for a moment. “I know,” he pushes the words out softly. “I’m not talking about that. And I do trust you. And I’m thankful for you to have been so careful with my well-being.” He picks up my hand and warms it with his for the briefest of seconds, and it rips me to pieces that he’s so eager to let go of me in so many different ways. “I will always be thankful to you for that.”

  “But?” I take a deep breath as that image of Cormack nearly pulling her hair out yesterday comes back to me. “You’re with Cormack now. I get it. I had my shot, and I blew it. I blew it big time.”

  “Who says I’m with Cormack?”

  “Oh, come on, Noah. I see her car parked in your driveway these days more than I see your truck. She’s settling in and you’re not stopping her.”

  His lips twist. “Lottie, that’s not true. Now tell me why you’re not investigating the case. Did a ghost come to help you? Is there no ghost? Is that why you’re doing this?”

  “No.” I bring my finger to my lips and glance back at Scarlett who’s still busy in the back. “I have a ghost.” I press my lips together so hard they turn white. “Noah”—I step in and scratch my fingers over his coat—“it’s my father.”

  “What?” His eyes grow stern right before they soften. “My God, Lottie.” He pulls me in hard and lands a heated kiss to the top of my head before letting me go again and taking a full step back as if realizing the error of his ways. “I’m sorry.” His Adam’s apple rises and falls. “I’m just happy for you, that’s all. So your dad...” He cocks his head to the side as he considers this. “Wait a minute. You think if you don’t solve the case he’ll get to stick around.” His dimples depress without the privilege of a smile. “Lottie, don’t you remember what Nell told you? It was her mission when she came back. She had to do it.”

  “I know. And I know I run the risk of things going awry, but I really can’t bring myself to do it this time. The powers that be will have to pry my father from my dead, cold hands.”

  “Not funny.” Noah picks up my hand once again and twirls his thumb over mine. “Lottie, I know this is hard for you. And at the same time, it has to be one of the happiest times of your life. I’m glad you confided in me.”

  “I’m glad I did, too.”

  The shop door opens and in blows a blast of arctic air followed by a petite woman with short dark hair. She’s got on a pink coat and a pink scarf, and I can’t help but note the pastel theme is carried out right down to her pink patent leather heels.

  “She looks familiar,” I say as I lean in toward Noah. “Do we know her?”

  He takes a breath as he inspects her. “I don’t think so. Maybe she’s a customer of yours from the bakery?”

  She heads to the counter and the girl behind the register hands her a gown covered in plastic. The woman pays for it and heads back out into the brutal Vermont winter.

  And just like that, I realize why she seems so familiar.

  I gasp. “Noah, that’s the woman who was seated at Flip’s table yesterday. She was the one he didn’t introduce. I thought maybe he didn’t know her.” Another thought comes crashing to the forefront. “Oh my goodness. I have her purse.” I try to dash outside after her, but it’s too late. I catch the taillights of her car instead. My feet hasten me over to the register. “Excuse me?” I wave at the teenager with long glossy hair and a pair of earbuds plugged into her head slumped over a stool. “Do you know who that woman was?”

  “Just a customer.” She shrugs it off.

  I’m about to bring her up to Noah again just as the door opens once more and in strides Britney Fox—as in Mrs. Fox, Noah’s ex-wife.

  Britney is a tall, luscious blonde with a figure that can make an hourglass green with envy. She’s got a perennial strand of her long locks covering her left eye and her signature red lips are plump and pouty.

  “Noah, Louanne.”

  I can’t help but roll my eyes a moment. Britney, much like Noah’s other ex, can never get my name straight. I’m beginning to think it’s beneath them to actually get it right.

  “Hey, Britney, what’s going on?” I offer a cheery wave to go along with it. Britney and I haven’t always been on the best terms, but as of late we’ve been getting along just fine more or less. Neither of us can stand Cormack. And Britney happens to be dating my half-brother Finn. She owns a handful of Swift Cycle gyms around Vermont and happens to have one right across the street from my shop. And once she’s through working her clients to the exhausted bone, she sends them over to my bakery to replenish all the calories they just lost. It’s been a serious win for both of our businesses.

  She opens her mouth as if to say something, but Noah is quick to walk over to her and whisper something in her ear.

  “Oh,” Britney says it flat and smacks her lips while looking right at me. “Well, isn’t that nice.” She tips her head toward a group of dresses near the front. “I’m just here looking for something to wear.”

  “Fancy night out with Finn coming up?” Although, after Noah’s suspicious move, I’m beginning to think there’s something afoot other than my half-brother.

  “Exactly that.” She frowns. “Have a nice rest of the day, Lola.” She shoots Noah a look. “I’ll see you both soon.” She gets lost among the glamorous selections, but her words have piqued my curiosity even more.

  “Noah, what did you whisper to her?” A laugh gets caught in my throat at the prospect of what this all might mean.

  “All will be revealed soon.” His dimples dig in, and this time it’s a genuine smile that accompanies them. My heart soars as he warms me with that familiar grin.

  Scarlet calls us to the back, and I gasp at the sight of a dozen stunning dresses. Almost all of them are white or sheer nude, and they each look as if they could double as a wedding dress if need be.

  “Noah?” My eyes widen at him. “Oh God, Noah.” I wrap my arms around his warm, strong body and everything in me rejoices. “Noah, I love them all. Tell me right now what’s happening.” I blink back tears as I look into his emerald green eyes.

  “You are about to have one special night, Lottie Lemon.” His eyes grow glossy, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say those were tears. Noah looks crestfallen at the thought of me having a special night. “Now let’s get you in those dresses and see which one you like best.”

  “No way. I’m letting you pick it out. I have a feeling this will be a special day for the both of us.” Here’s hoping.

  I try on dress after dress, and Noah looks at me each time as if he were staring at a delicious meal he can’t have. Scarlet helps me into dress number eight, and Noah about stops breathing when I step out of the dressing room.

  His lips part as he takes in a never-ending breath. His eyes ride up and down my body, and it’s as if I can feel them grazing along my skin.

  “Stunning.” Noah takes a step back, his gaze never leaving mine. “That’s the one, Lottie.”

  I look into the full-length mirror and admire the white lace number with its
sweetheart neckline and long flowing skirt.

  “This is most definitely the one.” I turn back to face him and take up both his hands. “Noah—this wouldn’t be a surprise wedding, would it?” Like the one we shared a few months back. Even though I’m technically married to Everett, Noah and I could do a vow renewal of some sort, couldn’t we? That would be terribly romantic.

  Noah takes a deep breath, but doesn’t say a word.

  And Noah’s silence speaks louder than words.

  Noah doesn’t hate me.

  In fact, he’s about to show me just how much he loves me in the most romantic way.

  I cannot wait.

  Chapter 7

  Nothing says January like a blue patina set over Honey Hollow morning, noon, and night. The snow, the sky, the evergreens, they all reflect the sullen hue.

  Everett texted this afternoon with two simple words. Miss you.

  I’ll admit, my heart melted when I read them.

  The truth is, I miss Everett, too. I miss who we were for that brief moment in time when we were boldly together. The things that man is capable of behind closed doors are perfectly perverse and I’m certain illegal. I may have paid more than one naughty visit to his chambers down at the courthouse as well. I’ll never be able to look at his desk the same again. We were on fire for each other and together. If Everett is the one I ultimately choose to give my heart to forever, there is no doubt in my mind that our lives would be electric in every single capacity.

  Another day has come crashing to an end. My father dropped by the bakery a time or two, but mostly he’s been popping in to visit my sisters and my mother. He’s ecstatic to be here, to be eating my sweet treats, but mostly to spend time with the precious family he was forced to leave behind.

  Thankfully, he didn’t mention anything about Flip or his murder investigation. A part of me is terrified that if we were to try to solve it, the pieces of that puzzle would come together so fast, my father would be gone before I truly had a chance to soak in this glorious moment in time. But I put all of that out of my mind right now.


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