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by Konrad H Jarausch

  Adenauer, Konrad, 266, 274, 281, 306–8, 310, 315, 375f

  Agricultural Production Cooperative (LPG), 335

  air force (Luftwaffe), 107, 108, 111, 122, 125, 139, 164, 237, 244

  air raids: by Allies, 139, 158, 173, 175, 177; defense against, 102, 105, 148, 158 160, 167; firestorms of, 175

  airlift, 275

  Albers, Hans, 122

  Alenfeld, Erich, 203, 205, 260, 266, 271, 307

  Alenfeld, Irene, 207, 260, 271

  American army, 141, 229, 241, 242; anti-Nazi propaganda of, 252; émigré volunteers in, 226; military intelligence of; occupation government of, 252

  Amundsen, Roald, 104

  ancestors, legacies of, 17–41

  Andersen, Lale, 123

  Andrée, Horst, 19, 21, 47, 57, 85f, 116, 241–43, 245, 247f, 269, 283–85, 303, 317, 362f

  Angress, Werner “Tom,” 6, 30, 47, 59, 60, 63f, 70–74, 84, 87, 94, 194, 197–201, 204, 219, 223, 225, 227–30, 242, 273, 310, 378

  Anschluss (annexation of Austria), 83, 152, 198, 201

  anti-Fascism, 4, 245, 322, 373, 376

  anti-Semitism: Austrian, 201; German, 62, 74; racial, 62, 74, 83

  Apitz, Bruno, 306, 320

  apprenticeship, 23, 55, 86, 87, 88f, 153, 269, 284, 291

  Ariès, Philippe, 43

  Aryan descent, 20f, 89

  Aryanization, 200

  Assmus, Erika, 66, 274, 275, 305. See also Stern, Carola

  atrocities: of Nazis, 103, 134f, 141, 148, 163, 179, 186, 215, 218, 221, 226, 231f, 239, 244f, 246, 270, 365, 370; of Red Army, 139, 141, 179

  Auschwitz, 169, 186, 208–14, 216, 218, 244, 278, 376, 378, 431, 434; Birkenau subcamp, 191, 209, 211, 215; Stammlager, 209, 214f. See also Holocaust

  Autobahn (superhighway), 75

  autobiographies, 1–14, 65, 95–97, 144–46, 186–89, 231–33, 276–78, 316–19, 357–59, 360, 380; apologetic, 65, 67, 144–46, 214, 238, 372–78; self-reflexive, 8, 374; as source, 5–12; writing of, 5–14, 360–80

  Axis, 128

  Backhaus, Wilhelm, 269

  Baeck, Leo, 7, 209, 361

  Baehrenburg, Ursula, 6, 56, 154, 163f, 168f, 176, 178, 181–83, 252–54, 257–61, 263, 268–70, 275–78, 284f, 296, 301, 311, 313, 318, 366, 373, 361

  Barth, Karl, 286

  Basic Treaty, 340

  Bässmann, Joachim, 209, 211f, 214f, 218, 373, 376

  Baucke, Gerhard, 27, 69, 74, 86, 101, 110, 114, 120, 127f, 133–35, 241, 246, 262, 269, 286, 288, 292–94, 299, 302f, 317, 325, 362, 364f

  Bauer, Fritz, 376

  Baum, Herbert, 94, 220

  BBC broadcasts, 172, 219, 226

  Beck, Ludwig, 221

  Beilmann, Christel, 162, 185, 187, 277

  Belgium, 22, 143, 203

  Berger, Gabriel, 336

  Berlin, 5, 7, 18, 22, 26, 29, 34–36, 47, 50, 61, 63, 75, 90, 94, 155, 163, 184, 194, 203, 204, 208, 214, 220f, 223, 229, 233, 241, 296, 301f, 316, 320, 326–28, 331, 333–37, 431f, 434; blockade of, 275, 286; destruction of, 173, 175f, 247, 267; as metropolis, 35, 58, 156, 334

  Bildung (cultivation), 26, 55

  Bismarck, Otto von, 22, 28, 32, 36f, 82

  black market, 207, 241, 252, 258, 275

  Blitzkrieg (lightning warfare), 115, 126, 133

  Bochow, Herbert, 204

  Böll, Heinrich, 3, 270, 306, 371

  Bondy, Kurt, 200

  Bonhöffer, Dietrich, 221, 306

  Borchert, Wolfgang, 270, 306

  Bork, Ingrid, 69, 83, 174, 182, 187, 257–61, 269

  Boy Scouts, 61, 78

  Brandt, Willy, 220, 230, 274, 316, 340, 355, 375

  Braune, Werner, 320, 326, 339, 345, 348–50, 377

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 345

  Bruha, Antonia, 169

  Bruhns, Wibke, 221

  Buchenwald, 169, 193, 218, 320, 377

  Bultmann, Rudolf, 286

  Bulwin, Rolf, 106, 108, 111, 113f, 125, 165, 241, 247–50, 269, 279, 288, 293, 303, 363

  Bulwin, Ruth, 9, 29, 31, 44f, 47, 51, 63, 72, 75, 77, 85f, 88, 90, 92, 95, 104, 113, 154–57, 159f, 162, 165f, 181, 188, 240, 259, 261, 263–65, 275, 277, 279, 287, 303, 360

  Bund deutscher Mädel (BdM, female Hitler Youth), 77f, 82, 85, 92, 95, 122, 125, 143, 148, 151–54, 156–62, 167, 170, 175, 177, 179, 185f, 188, 360, 365, 369, 374

  Bürgertum (middle class): educated (Bildungs-), 26; grand (Gross-), 31; petite (Klein-), 5, 31

  Busch, Marianne, 168, 210, 212, 215f, 218

  Buschmann, Heinrich, 331, 335, 358f, 366, 374

  Busse, Emil, 203

  Butler, Nicholas Murray, 225

  cadre system, 329, 331

  CARE packages, 258

  Catholics, 5, 22, 28, 32–34, 53, 56, 61, 63f, 69, 86, 93, 95, 167, 258, 277, 280, 296f, 302, 304, 306–8, 333; subculture of, 32, 36f

  censorship, 38, 121f, 338f; of Nazis, 38, 121f; of SED, 338

  Center Party, 37, 53

  Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith (CV), 33, 195

  Choltitz, Dietrich von, 136

  Christian Democratic Union (CDU), 274, 306f, 355

  Clay, Lucius, 275

  Cold War, 2, 4, 9, 12, 102, 273, 286, 312, 322, 327, 347, 358, 361, 373

  collaboration, 119f, 149, 187, 267, 278, 304, 325; cost of, 149, 278, 304; motives of, 120, 149, 325

  collective biography, 3, 9

  Communism, 37, 215, 278, 319–59, 365; attraction of, 226, 245, 273; disappointment in, 320–59; persecution of, 194; resistance of, 193, 245, 305

  Communist Party of Germany (KPD), 192, 273f, 308, 323, 326

  concentration camp (KZ), 4, 10, 69, 190f, 208–19, 328, 373, 375; capos of, 212; crematoria in, 190, 212, 214, 251; death marches from, 216f; escapes from, 213f; guards of, 148, 168f, 193, 214f, 376; labor in, 194, 210, 212f; liberation from, 216–18, 228, 371; medical experiments in, 213; plunder in, 214f; selection in, 190, 210, 212f, 215

  consumer society, 294

  Cramer, Ernst, 227

  Cuba, 202–4, 222

  currency reform, 274f, 280, 298

  Czechoslovakia, 34, 201f

  Dachau, 191, 222, 433

  dancing lessons, 90f, 156, 159

  Danzig, 180

  Datsche, 343

  de Gaulle, Charles, 115

  Debus, Hermann, 7, 34f, 71, 110, 132, 141, 145, 238, 249, 261f, 269, 285, 289f, 292, 299, 301f, 309, 362, 364

  Deiters, Heinrich, 29, 376

  democratization, 310, 318, 352; inner, 281; socialist, 353

  demonstrations, 92, 316, 350, 353, 355

  denazification, 257, 264–66, 274, 324, 375

  Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 35, 69

  Deutsche Mark (DM), 356

  dismantling, 249, 252, 282, 323

  Displaced Persons (DPs), 271, 309, 371

  dissidents, 94, 168, 221, 230, 330, 349; Initiative Peace and Human Rights (IFM), 350; New Forum, 353

  Döblin, Alfred, 369

  Dubcek, Alexander, 339

  economy, 87, 159, 176, 249, 305; market, 301, 308, 316, 331, 352; planned, 301, 324, 337–40, 346f, 351; scarcity, 339

  ego documents, 7f; shared experiences, 10f, 372. See also autobiographies

  Eichmann, Adolf, 201, 376

  Einsatzgruppen (Nazi murder units), 102, 206, 218

  Einstein, Albert, 224, 230

  Elias, Ruth, 169, 213, 217, 260, 273

  Equalization of Burdens Law (LAG), 309

  Eretz Israel, 84, 222, 272f

  Erhard, Ludwig, 275, 308

  ethnic cleansing, 2, 135, 191, 206, 232f, 370

  eugenics, 157, 167

  euthanasia, 93, 157, 370

  expellees, 254, 294; claim to homeland, 304; dispossession in, 254–56; expulsion, from East, 2, 33, 277; integration of, 256, 309, 371f; as pressure group, 372; resentment against, 256; revenge during expulsion, 12, 97, 188, 254, 256, 305, 370; violence in, 12, 97, 188, 254, 256, 305, 370

  Eyck, Erich, 36, 224

  Eyck, Frank, 26, 50, 63, 66, 73f, 90, 96, 199
, 222, 225f, 229f, 266, 268

  families, 17–41, 42–65; childcare of, 46f; destruction of, 188; divorce in, 30, 205, 297, 346; ideal of, 17f; orphans of, 157, 263, 309; reassembly of, 247, 250, 256, 259

  Faulhaber, Cardinal Michael von, 95

  Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), 279–19. See also Germany, West

  Feigel, Werner, 321, 325, 327, 329f, 339, 344f, 352f, 357–59, 366

  femininity, volkish, 188; and Weimar “new women,” 149

  Fest, Joachim, 21f, 37, 73, 84, 93, 106f, 132, 138, 142, 239, 240–42, 247, 251, 263, 266, 269, 275, 277f, 280, 283, 286, 307, 360, 362

  Finckh, Renate, 150f, 153, 156–59, 161f, 168, 170–72, 175, 177f, 185–87, 189, 379

  flak, 173, 187, 240

  Flessa, Friedrich, 109

  flight, 2, 114; from GDR, 336f, 348; from Red Army, 12, 97, 142, 149, 179–82, 188, 245, 263, 277, 296, 305, 333, 336, 370; from Third Reich, 196, 199, 222

  Flügge, Elisabeth, 200

  France, defeat of, 114

  Fränkel, Anna, 190, 207f, 213f, 217, 230, 272

  Free Democratic Party (FDP), 274, 307f, 355

  Free German Labor Union (FDGB), 344

  Free German Youth (FDJ), 325, 328, 336, 341, 348

  Freischar (youth group), 61, 77f

  Freisler, Roland, 221

  Frenzel, Paul, 47, 50, 53, 55, 60f, 77f, 84, 88–90, 92, 106, 111, 118–20, 124f, 128, 145, 244, 249, 269, 273, 301, 321, 325f, 330f, 334, 341f, 346f, 350

  Friedan, Betty, 148

  Friedrich, Sabine, 11

  Fröhlich, Peter, 191, 199, 202–4, 222f. See also Gay, Peter

  Führer, cult of, 81f, 93. See also Hitler, Adolf

  Galen, Cardinal Clemens von, 157

  Ganor, Niza, 272, 377. See also Osimok, Anna

  gardens, 24, 31, 47f, 50, 160, 257, 259, 282, 299, 362

  Garton Ash, Timothy, 380

  Gay, Peter, 195, 198, 200, 223–25, 310. See also Fröhlich, Peter

  generational rebellion (1968), 315; critique of, 310–12; as cultural revolution, 311f; motives of, 311f; violence of, 311

  genocide, 96, 135, 218, 233, 379. See also Holocaust

  German Communist Party (DKP), 308

  German Democratic Party (DDP), 36

  German Democratic Republic (GDR), 320–59. See also Germany, East

  German Labor Front (DAF), 89

  German National People’s Party (DNVP), 36

  German People’s Party (DVP), 35

  Germanization, 103, 120, 232

  German-Soviet Friendship Society (DSF), 329, 333

  Germany, East (GDR), 320–59, 372; anti-fascism of, 4, 321–23, 325, 328, 334, 336, 338, 372f, 376f; dictatorship of the proletariat, 281, 306, 321, 323, 327; disenchantment in, 320–59; nostalgia for, 359

  Germany, Imperial, 17–41, 367f

  Germany, West (FRG), 279–319; Basic Law of, 281, 306, 356; chancellor democracy of, 308; economic miracle of, 287f, 293, 303f, 308, 317, 372; magnetism of, 341

  Gestapo, 201, 204, 220–22, 240; brutality of, 93, 96, 138f, 169, 193, 208, 231, 250; denunciation to, 95, 138, 168f

  Globke, Hans, 274

  Goebbels, Joseph, 71, 112f, 118, 125, 128, 132, 139, 172, 179, 202, 219f, 230, 305

  Goerdeler, Carl, 221

  Gogarten, Friedrich, 286

  Goltz, Isa von der, 180

  Gompertz, Albert, 21, 69f, 86f, 194, 200, 223–26, 229f, 273, 310, 377

  Gompertz, Leo, 21, 194, 201f, 224

  Gomulka, Władysław, 332

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 291, 351f

  Göring, Hermann, 114, 125

  grandparents, 7, 9, 19–28, 31, 39, 47, 50, 75, 197, 303, 363, 367

  Grass, Günter, 3, 10, 372, 377

  Great Britain, 22f, 61, 101, 114, 119, 125, 131, 160, 199, 203, 219, 222, 226f, 270, 299, 305; Battle of Britain, 114

  Great Depression, 2, 11, 43, 61, 150, 158, 192, 194, 199, 340, 369, 378

  Green Party, 312, 355

  Greiffenhagen, Martin, 240, 305, 311f

  Gros, Günter, 243

  Groschek, Christel, 256, 292, 296

  Grothus, Gisela, 25, 53, 58, 60, 64, 73, 84, 87f, 90–92, 154, 163, 187, 263, 287, 295, 297f, 312–14, 317

  Grothus, Horst, 25, 29, 49, 60, 80, 82f, 85, 97, 107, 111, 114, 127, 131, 139, 143, 244, 262, 269, 276, 283f, 287, 289–93, 296–98, 300f, 305, 307, 315–17, 362, 364, 374, 377

  Grothus, Ulrich, 7

  guest workers (Gastarbeiter), 291f, 434

  Härtel, Erna, 26, 262, 330, 333

  Härtel, Karl, 7, 18, 26, 31, 38, 42, 44, 48, 50, 54, 56, 60, 65, 78f, 86, 87, 89, 94f, 106, 109, 111, 123, 125, 135, 143, 238, 241–43, 245f, 248, 251, 268, 287, 309, 326, 329, 333, 345, 351, 373, 379

  Haffner, Sebastian, 219, 230. See also Pretzel, Raimund

  Hagemann, Günter, 307, 318

  Hager, Kurt, 352

  Hall, G. Stanley, 67

  hamstern (scavenge), 257

  Harbig, Rudolf, 110

  Harich, Wolfgang, 332

  Hasemann, Erich, 338, 365

  Hauptmann, Gerhard, 34

  Hecht, Ingeborg, 197f, 203, 205f, 271

  Hedin, Sven, 104

  Heimat (homeland), 22, 124

  Helmer, Erich, 7, 17, 21, 57, 59f, 72, 74, 93, 96, 107f, 111, 122f, 125f, 135, 137f, 140, 143–45, 237, 243, 247–50, 257f, 262, 265, 268f, 274, 277, 280, 283f, 286, 290, 304

  Helsinki Declaration, 341

  Heuss, Theodor, 281, 307, 375

  Heydrich, Richard, 206

  Heym, Stefan, 227

  Hierl, Konstantin, 105

  Hillers, Marta, 184, 370

  Himmler, Heinrich, 125, 140f, 167, 205, 219, 242

  Hindenburg, Paul von, 42, 53, 62f, 65f, 68

  Hitler Youth (HJ), 9, 66–68, 71–74, 76–85, 89–94, 107f, 111f, 139, 143, 148, 151, 161, 186, 192, 237, 250, 304, 325, 365, 374; activities of, 71f, 77–81, 83–85, 92, 104f, 112, 369; indoctrination in, 67f, 71f, 77–85, 92, 96, 104f, 112, 156f, 369, 101; peer pressure of, 68, 76–85, 96

  Hitler, Adolf: assassination attempt of, 137, 177, 221, 284; charisma of, 82, 156; as commander in chief, 109, 113f; as orator, 62, 80f, 374; suicide of, 141. See also Führer

  HIWIS (Nazi auxiliaries), 120

  Holland, 35, 114, 141, 199–205, 222, 229

  Hochmuth, Katharina, 7

  Holmer, Uwe, 321

  Holocaust, 190–233; assembly line murder in, 206–12; by bullets, 133–35, 179, 206f, 216; death by labor in, 194, 210, 212f; remembrance of, 218f, 231–33, 310, 376–79

  home, 42–65, 85–95

  home front, 9, 148, 158f, 171, 173, 187, 370

  Homeyer, Wilhelm, 141f, 245f, 276

  Honecker, Erich, 193, 219, 320, 340, 343, 345, 347, 353, 376

  housing, 28, 31, 37, 241, 248, 264, 334, 339; building of, 19, 282, 324, 343; crisis of, 259, 297, 309, 343; destruction of, 259

  Hubbe, Wolfgang, 138

  Huber, Anneliese, 88f, 91, 122, 155f, 163–65, 263, 269, 276, 283, 285, 287, 295, 297f, 300f, 303, 318, 363, 366

  Huber, Paul, 261, 300, 364

  Hübschmann, Klaus, 321, 325f, 330f, 334, 339, 343–45, 357f

  hyperinflation, 2, 38, 40, 50, 369

  identity, 8, 32, 37, 195, 198, 203, 208f, 217f, 223, 227, 232, 333; German, 21, 23; regional, 28, 34

  Iggers, Georg, 197f, 201, 223–26, 273, 378

  imprisonment, 111, 138, 203, 244, 249, 262, 306, 326, 338, 341, 348, 350, 375; American, 241f, 246; British, 242f, 247, 260, 307; correspondence from, 245; flight from, 246; French, 243; homecoming from, 247f, 250; reeducation during, 242; release from, 241, 243, 245–48, 251, 260, 328, 348; Russian, 243f, 300, 370, 435

  intermarriage: Catholic-Protestant, 37; Jewish-gentile, 20, 33, 195

  Isaacson, Judith Magyar, 378

  Italy, 41, 130, 142, 241f, 272, 285, 291, 300

  Janka, Walter, 332

  Jannings, Emil, 172

  Japan, 128, 291

  Jaspers, Karl, 306, 372

  Jewish emigration, 4, 94, 201f, 20
5, 219, 223f, 271f, 272, 300; decision for, 74, 192, 197, 199; papers for, 199, 203; preparation of, 87, 198, 199f, 222; safe havens for, 199, 202, 222, 232

  Jewish persecution: boycott of Jewish businesses, 69, 83, 195f; civil service purge of Jews, 20f, 195; deportation of Jews, 178, 205, 207f, 224; ghettoization of Jews, 205–9, 371; loss of citizenship of Jews, 191, 197; pogrom of (Kristallnacht) Jews, 152, 157, 202; racial laws of, 191, 197–99, 205–7; resistance against, 194f, 197f, 220f, 230, 232; underground survival of Jews, 207–9, 219, 232; yellow star of, 170, 206, 208

  Jewish refugees, 196, 199–206, 222; adjustment of, 200, 204, 223–25, 273; Americanization of, 223, 225–27, 273; finding jobs, 199f, 223–25; name change of, 222f

  Jews: assimilation of, 36, 63, 84, 94, 191, 194f, 197–99, 223; from Eastern Europe, 194; friends with, 194f, 199f, 203; Geltungsjuden, 205; of mixed descent, 194, 197, 205; orthodox, 194; reconciliation of, 310; reform, 195, 223; self-defense of, 194f, 197f, 220f, 230, 232; veterans, 194f, 205; youth groups of, 84, 197f; Zionists, 84, 191, 195, 197, 272

  Joachim, Gerhard, 111, 138, 245, 323, 325–30, 332, 337f, 340, 346, 348, 351f, 356–59, 376

  Joachim, Waiko, 348

  Johannsen, Berndt, 349

  Johannsen, Horst, 78, 140, 249f, 253, 257, 261, 266, 269, 322, 325, 330, 333–35, 338f, 343f, 346f, 349, 351, 353, 355, 358, 360

  Jugendweihe (youth consecration), 326

  June 17, 1953 uprising, 316, 331f

  Junkers, 324

  Kaiser, 17, 27, 37f. See also Wilhelm II

  Kant, Immanuel, 21, 33

  Katterwe, Erna, 125, 263

  Keil, Jack Baruch, 197, 201, 203

  Keil, Samuel, 196

  Kempowski, Walter, 7

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 332, 334, 336

  kindergarten, 47, 285

  Kinderlandverschickung (sending children to countryside), 154, 173

  Klein, Dorle, 47, 346

  Klein, Fritz, 6, 29, 35, 47, 63f, 69, 87, 92, 96, 106f, 110, 145, 274, 321, 325f, 328f, 332, 337f, 341f, 345f, 351f, 359, 361, 365, 376

  Klier, Freya, 350

  Klüger, Ruth, 192, 198, 204, 206f, 209–13, 216, 218, 230, 272, 276, 310, 377f

  Koch, Gertrud, 27, 38, 170, 220, 259, 266

  Koch, Ilse, 169

  Koeppen, Anne Marie, 150

  Kohl, Helmut, 3, 233, 291, 355

  Kolb, Ruth, 125

  Kolesnyk, Sonja, 162, 271

  Kolesnyk, Wilhelm, 81, 85, 96, 108, 113f, 134

  Kopelev, Lev, 184

  Kosing, Alfred, 347, 359, 365, 373, 377

  Krapf, Gerhard, 6, 32, 42, 46, 59, 61, 63, 71, 73, 79f, 82, 84–86, 93–96, 106, 110, 112, 116–18, 121–24, 128, 130f, 137, 139f, 142f, 146, 244, 247f, 271, 276, 310


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