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Big Brother's Sexy Best Mate

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by Amber Drake

  Big Brother’s Sexy Best Mate

  By Amber Drake

  Frankie can’t be within touching distance of her brother’s sexy best mate, Luke, without getting all hot and wet and ready for sex. She wants him bad in the worst kind of way. The problem? In his eyes she’s still her brother, Ben’s, kid sister.

  But at the upcoming wedding Frankie will get her chance to show him that she is not a little girl any more. She has lots of exciting little kinks and she is ready and able to bring his filthiest fantasy to life.

  Warning! This story is strictly for adults only. Explicit sex, dirty talk, oral sex, and role play

  Published by Spank the Naughty Maid Erotica

  Copyrights 2011 Amber Drake

  Cover Art: Amber Drake

  Smashwords Edition

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Warning: The following ebook was written for adults only. It contains strong, explicit sex scenes that some may find offensive. Please protect your files and store securely.

  Big Brother’s Sexy Best Mate

  I’ve wanted my brother’s best mate, Luke, since I was a kid. But what started as a fun little crush morphed into one serious case of Fuck-Me-Now lust as I got older. Not that he ever noticed. To him I’ve always just been his friend’s kid sister. Sigh.

  I’ve been secretly lusting after this guy for going on ten years and to say he’s filled out is an understatement. From a sexy twenty-something with his tight ass and handsome face he’s turned into one fucking hot thirty-something. Stronger jawline, wider shoulders, thicker thighs, bigger arms. He looks like a man who’s been working hard, pounding out a living and ramming himself headfirst into life.

  Back when I first met him he’d been a builder’s labourer but I was pretty sure I heard he was some kind of big shot project manager or something now. Whatever the hell that means.

  I remember he used to talk to me a lot when he came round. My parents always invited him to stay for dinner and after we would watch TV. Me and my brother, Ben, would argue over shows and Luke would nearly always side with me. We agreed every time – a good slasher flick beat the shit out of any other supernatural horror any day… But then soon after I turned sixteen he stopped talking to me.

  Nah, that’s not quite it. He didn’t ignore me he just seemed less interested in what I had to say, nearly never looked at me anymore and most of the time he and Ben would just go up to his room. I can’t remember him ever staying for dinner much after that either.

  Then when Ben moved out into his own flat Luke stopped coming round all together.

  Now here we were stuck in a car together. We’d just watched my brother get married and since he was the best man and I was the maid of honour we had to drive off together behind the bride and groom.

  Luke was driving and I was staring out the passenger seat window. I was studying trees, buildings, grass anything to distract me from the aching pulse in my pussy. I could smell him, aftershave, soap and masculine musk.

  Before I could stop it I got a vision of him in the shower. One hand planted on the tiled wall, water pouring down like hot rain, his other hand pumping vigorously between his legs.

  I blinked and took a breath then crossed my long tanned legs and squeezed my thighs together to ease some of the pressure.

  I looked at him and instantly regretted it. He looked fine in a tux, even that stupid bloody bowtie looked hot around his thick neck. His large hands rested on the wheel and his smoky green eyes were focused on the road ahead.


  How the hell can I be so ready to go, as in bend me over the hood and fuck my brains out ready and he be so unaware?

  “So.” His voice came so out of the blue I nearly yelped in shock. “No date for the wedding?”

  “No.” The first thing he’s said to me since, hello, at the church, and it touched a sore point. I snickered and looked out the window. “Last thing I need is another man telling me who I can and can’t fuck.”

  I threw him a wide, cheeky grin when he coughed out a laugh. “You speak to your mother with that mouth?”

  “You wouldn’t believe what I can do with this mouth.” Now we were talking it seemed a shame to waste the opportunity. I threw him a lopsided smirk and a wink and I swear his cheeks turned pink. How frigging adorable is that?

  I watched, pleased with myself, as his hands tightened on the wheel, he sat up a bit straighter and swallowed hard.

  He cleared his throat, threw me a sidelong look and changed the subject. “Tell me about this girl you’re brother’s marrying.”

  “He’s your best mate and you don’t know who he dates?”

  “We sort of lost touch over the last year or so,” he said, defensively. “I was busy, he was busy. He said he was dating this girl, he probably mentioned her name a few times but I never really met her till today.”

  “Sure you have,” I said, waving a hand at him. “It’s Marnie, you remember Marnie.”

  He made a gesture with his hand. “Yes that’s her name… And?”

  I looked over at him incredulously. “Well I was maid-of-honour soooo.” At his vacant shrug I took pity on him, it had been ten years after all. “Marnie was my BFF all through school. She was the one who liked horses she was sort of shy, mousy brown hair and braces.”

  “Holy shit!” He looked at me wide-eyed. “Marnie-Banani? No way was that Marnie-Banani! She had braces and laughed like a hyena on steroids.”

  “Yeah she um did that thing where you get older, happens to some of us humans you know. Oh and if you call her that when we get to the reception she will gouge your eyes out.”

  He slammed his hand down hard on the steering wheel and swore. “That hypocritical son-of-a-bitch,” he muttered.

  “Oi, that bitch is my mother too.” I turned in my seat to look at him. “What’s your problem with Marnie anyway?”

  “Forget it, your brother just had this rule about…” He flicked me another look and muttered. “Forget it. There’s nothing wrong with Marnie. She looked beautiful didn’t she? What do you think that dress was made of?”

  “Oh no, you can distract me that easily.” At least while you still have your pants on. “This is way too juicy. Spill it.”

  “No. Just forget it, Frankie.”

  I would have pushed for more but just then there was a loud BANG and the car swerved. Luke quickly brought it under control and brought it to a sudden stop. His arm shot out to protect me from the sudden throw forward and my breasts flattened against it, there was no way he couldn’t feel my erect nipples.

  “Flat tire?” I looked out my window as if I could see from here.

  “Yeah, got a spare though. It’ll only take a few to change.” He flicked the radio on and climbed out.

  From where I sat I had the perfect view as he pulled of his coat and laid it on the back seat then loosened and removed his bow tie.

  My blood pressure shot through the roof as he unbuttoned the first few buttons of his white shirt. Exactly how undressed was he planning to get to change this tire? Not that I’d be complaining. The shirt was stretched tightly across his wide chest. He rolled his sleeves to his elbows then moved round to the back to open the boot.

My pussy felt so heavy and I could feel my wetness on my thighs. My nipples were so tight against the white corset style top and my whole body was actually tingling and humming with arousal. I needed to do something to release the pressure. I pressed my thighs together and nearly moaned at the shot of pleasure it sent up my body.

  It didn’t take long for Luke to get the tire set and in no time he climbed back in and started up the car again. He looked at me and immediately looked concerned.

  “Hey, are you alright?” He reached forward to rest a hand on my forehead. “You’re all flushed.”

  “I’m fine, nothing a good stiff… Drink won’t solve.”

  “If you say so, we’re only a few minutes away.”

  It wasn’t long before we pulled into the car park of Black Stallion Ranch, a huge country-themed function venue.

  “So she’s still a horse nut then?” Luke said as he climbed out.

  “Yep.” I climbed out and opened the back door. “Can you give me a sec?”

  Always prepared I unclipped the long piece of lace that made up my flowing skirt and unwound it to reveal a short white skirt. Then after placing the lace skirt next to Luke’s jacket I unclipped the lacy frills from around my chest and shoulders and pulled it away to reveal a matching creamy pink corset top.

  Quick change complete I turned to follow Luke only to find him looking right back at me. His gaze dropped to my white thigh-high fuck-me boots, up to where my sheer stockings met my barely there skirt, then up to where my bodice held my plump breasts in place. I reached up to unhook my hair and his eyes turned almost black.

  “You – ah – ready to go?”

  I let my lips twist into a slow, sensual smile. About time he noticed. “Lead the way, cowboy.”

  Following close behind I took my time, enjoying the view. I loved just watching him walk. His thick thighs, his tight ass, his wide shoulders. I could imagine the muscles in his back shifting and moving almost panther like with his long stride. Immediately I had a vision of my fingernails digging into his back, feeling those muscles flexing as he fucked his rock hard cock into my eager pussy.

  I gasped in a breath and my whole body flushed with heat. Shit I was going to have to do something. I needed to get this sorted and soon… A wicked idea struck me just as we entered the reception room and were engulfed by music, laughing and the smells of yummy food.

  After saying my hellos to everyone I knew and hugging my brother and best friend for the tenth time I excused myself and snuck off the ladies. It was risky, possibly humiliating, and probably stupid and I would more than likely need a few drinks before I even tried it but all the same a wicked smile ticked my lips as I slipped my white lace thong down my thighs slipped them into my purse.


  Once back out everyone was sitting at their tables. Marnie and Ben were side by side at the main table and Luke and I were sitting either side of them. When I sat next to my best friend she seemed more bright-eyed then usual but also oddly quiet.

  “You alright?” I leaned closer to whisper in her ear. “What happened to Rolf? Didn’t he stay for the reception?”

  Her eyes flicked to the door and away quickly before she turned to look at me. “Yeah, I’m … Just great.” Her smile was too bright and a little shaky… “Rolf is here somewhere. Probably just popped out for a smoke.”

  “We can sneak off to the ladies and take a moment, you know a bit of girl time if you like.”

  “No I’m alright and I think they’ll be starting the speeches in a moment.”

  She looked away pointedly towards my brother. Discussion closed. I was a bit surprised by her abruptness and her sudden coolness but I couldn’t imagine how she was feeling. Weddings were always stressful on the brides and groom.

  We ate and as Luke and Ben chatted and joked Marnie and I ate in silence, the occasional comment on the beautiful layout, the tasty food. Feeling a little rejected I probably drank more then I ate, the wine went down easy and left me feeling light and tingly and soon my thoughts turned back to Luke and my plan.

  Food and speeches complete it was announced that it was time for the Bride and Groom’s first Waltz. As the music started Ben pulled Marnie into his arms and they moved easily together in the steps to the age old dance.

  A side door opened and Rolf stepped in. His expression gave away nothing but his gaze never left the form of his stepsister as she moved about the floor.

  “Wow, Marnie-Banani,” Luke said sitting next to me. “I still can’t wrap my head around it.”

  “I know, right?” I leaned closer to speak to him and tingled at the closeness. God, he smelt amazing. “She’s had this mega crush on my brother since forever.”

  “Really? I never noticed.”

  Taking another shot of liquid courage I reached into my purse and pulled out my panties then with every cell in my body quaking I slipped the panties into his pocket.

  “Did you just put something in my pocket?” He was about to reach in and find out what but I stopped him with a hand on his wrist. “Count to ten, then look.”

  He arched an eyebrow at me and all I could do was smile, take another shot and walk away towards the back door. I had just reached the door, counting to ten with him. When I reached ten I turned just in time to see him reach into his pocket. His eyes widened. His mouth fell open. When he looked up at me by the door I smiled and tipped my head towards it then slipped out into the brisk night air.

  No sooner had the door closed behind me then it swung open again and Luke stood facing me in the moonlight, the loud music muted behind the closed door.

  “I think you lost something.” His look had changed from surprised to predatory in the time it had taken for him to get to the door.

  “Really?” I backed up towards the barn. “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh I think so.” His voice was dangerously low and the sound vibrated all the way to my rekindling pussy making it feel heavy and wet.

  My back hit the barn wall and as Luke drew closer his fingers interlinked with mine. He pulled my wrists upwards and pinned them above my head then leaned in so his lips were almost touching mine.

  He was looking at me now. Really looking at me. The arousal obvious in his nearly black eyes, his chest rising and falling faster than before. “Where did you come from?”

  “I’ve been under your nose all along,” I whispered back. “Gagging for a taste of your cock.”

  A strangled groan was his reply. “You have a filthy mouth.”

  “Then you better put it to good use.”

  His eyes never left mine as he used his free hand to explore my heated body. Those long fingers travelled down my arm, over my side and up to cup my breast. He squeezed just hard enough to make me gasp and his lips formed a tight O at the feel of the soft flesh and erect nipple. His hand travelled downwards again till he reached the bottom of my short skirt. His fingers just grazed the soft silky skin of my thigh before sliding upwards, beneath my skirt.

  “You are one very bad girl,” he murmured as his fingers caressed higher. He let out a groan when his hand reached my neatly groomed pussy. “Fuck, you’re so wet.”

  “I’m always wet when you’re around.”

  Slowly he parted my folds and let two fingers dip deeper. They settled either side of my already swollen clit and moved in tight, even circles. The feeling was so incredible I nearly cried. So long I’d been waiting for him to touch me this way. Sure I fucked other men, lots of men but it was always him in the back of my mind, his face that came forward when my body shook with pleasure.

  “Ooh… Ooh god, Luke…” I moaned as he slipped one thick finger into my cunt, thumb still stroking my clit.

  “Like that?” His voice was barely audible.

  “Yessss.” The word came out a long hiss as he circled his thumb around my clit, his finger still fucking my cunt.

  “You’re so wet.”

  “It’s all for you…” I writhed and moaned as he used the tip of his tongue to lick u
p around my jawline. “I’m burning up to feel you touch me.”

  Just then the door to the main function room swung open and we were assaulted by the loud sounds of music and laughing again.

  “Fuck!” he muttered and pulled me away from the wall. “In here.” He opened the door to the barn and we both tumbled in.

  The rich farmy smells of hay and horse dung caught me off guard. But I soon recovered as footsteps sounded just outside. “There’s a ladder to the upper floor.” I pointed and we ran for it together.

  I climbed up first with Luke close behind. The footsteps walked straight past the door and Luke halted my climbing with a hand on my ankle.


  “What?” I looked down to see him looking right up my skirt. I quirked him a smile. “Like the view?”

  “Spectacular.” His voice was heavy with arousal and I could see his tented pants from where I was. “Don’t move. Don’t let go.”

  I held fast, watching curiously as he turned himself around so his back was pressed against the ladder and slowly, carefully climbed higher. A few rungs up I caught on to his plan and bit my lip.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  He grinned up at me. “Trust me, sweet thing.” He had climbed up till his face was just below my pussy and now he was slowly kissing up my thighs. “Fuck you smell so good.”

  With his hands still gripping the rungs he leaned forward and lapped his tongue from my tight hole to my clit. It felt so fucking good I nearly let go and fell. I gripped the rungs tighter and rocked my hips forward, greedy for the feel of his mouth.

  “Fuck, Luke.” My voice moaned from my chest.

  He was flicking the tip of his tongue over my clit. Again and again. Relentless, merciless. Finally he circled his swirled his tongue in tight, quick circles before sucking it between his lips and I was gone.

  My whole body tensed. Every muscle, every nerve, every part of my being centred on his mouth and my cunt. I let out a cry of sheer joy as my orgasm finally hit. The one I’d been seeking for so long now flooded through my veins and exploded from every part of me in a flash of pure, intense pleasure.

  “Hello?” A voice called from just outside the door.


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