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Laced Impulse

Page 9

by Combs, Sasha

  “Bianca... When we do this... And I do think that one day, we will...” He clarified, to dismiss any doubts. “When we sleep together. I want to know that I have all of you and not just a part of you. I want to get to know you and I want you to get to know me better.”

  He stood from the bed, backing away while saying...

  “This thing that’s between us...” He fought, trying to find the right phrase or set of words; then deciding to say what sat foremost in his mind. “It’s taught me a valuable lesson. We have chemistry Bianca. We’re attracted to one another and I don’t want to do anything that might foul that up. There’s a future for us. I think when we do sleep together, our time won’t be easily forgotten.”

  Mot turned, then walked towards the door. Leaving now was the best course of action at this point because staying would spell disaster.

  His hand was on the doorknob and his thoughts were on Sven and him jerking the Swede away from his inorganic pondering. He hated doing this but someone had to sit and keep watch over Bianca. Not knowing what she’d been given, Sven thought the safest course of action would be never leaving her alone. If she suddenly had a reaction, requiring swift attention; if someone was with her, her odds of survival would be greatly increased. He was pulling back on the door, when he felt her standing behind him. Every part of his body told him not to turn around. In his brain, the scream practically burst his eardrums.

  She said...

  “The music... I now know what it is.”

  Mot’s hand fell away from the knob after closing the door. He turned, dismissing every concern that troubled him.

  “What is it Bianca?”

  “Sven... It’s Sven.” she repeated. She stepped closer then added... “I also know what I want.” Bianca lifted on tiptoes. She pressed her mouth firmly on his lips, sealing her desire with a kiss. When she lowered, her words were no louder than a whisper, she said.

  “You... I want you Mot.” She was behaving rational again and he should have used this to his advantage, but instead, he listened; allowing her lulling voice to bathe him awash with her words.

  “Kiss me... Kiss me Mot.” She pressed her body close to his. He felt his hands, lifting to embrace her.

  “I can’t. You’re luscious Bianca. Truly. But I can’t.” He said. Countless thoughts stopped him, yet the hunger in his body begged to be fed.

  “Kiss me...” Her words reeked of need. He couldn’t fight this anymore and he didn’t want to walk away, all the while knowing that he yearned for her. His hands gripped her arms. Pulling her closer he said...

  “Kiss me.” His inflection saying that, she had to make the next move. If she wanted him, she would have to lead the way. Her final answer would be his only out. One word would direct his actions. Stay or go. He waited, hoping the response would be favorable, yet praying she would send him away. In his head, no two thoughts were alike and there was no basis for comparison. His situation was hopeless, but he couldn’t bring himself to abandon what could be his only and last chance. When all else was failing him, he rested his faith on his heart. Without a doubt, he’d always known. If he stayed with her; yielding to his desire was a foregone conclusion.

  Their faces drew closer; her lifting up, while his shoulders tilted forward, lowering his head, down to her height. Bianca kissed the area beneath his chin. She rose higher, darting her tongue along his cleft, urging his lips to part. When she heard him moan, her hand rose to his head. Fingers spread wide, she raked through his hair; then she closed her hand, jerking him down with fistfuls of hair. When their lips touched, nothing in the world could have parted them.

  Heat coursed throughout her body, demanding that she have more of him. She pulled back, feeling the tug of his hold. It was then that she realized how tightly he held her. His fingers dug into her arms, stilling her body and not wanting to be free of her. Her breathing was deep, bordering on panic. She couldn’t fight her state of being. Every nerve in her body shuttered with jittery expectation. Words sprung forth, doing away with any misconceptions that she may harbor doubts.

  “I want you.” She swallowed hard, saying... “Tell me that you want me.”

  He blew out a deep breath of air; accepting that this was the end of the line.

  “I want you Bianca. Dammit all to hell...I want you.” Saying it out loud... Admitting what he desired most, it freed him in some way.

  The past few times he’d seen her at The Agency; Mot had purposely diverted his gaze. More often than not, seeing her drove him to distraction, and his thoughts would inevitably stray. He tightened his hold; clinging to every second that he’d lost.

  Mot guided her back, taking her over to the bed. He could feel his body warming for the challenge. When she sat down, she said...

  "Here... Let me help you get undress."

  In a gentle manner, he brushed her hand away. Smiling he said...

  "I think I can manage." Truthfully, his need had been skyrocketing from the moment she’d first touched him. Each second, his longing mushroomed, and he didn’t know which of her sensual touches would send him hurdling over a cliff. Already the bulge of his manhood painfully ached, yearning for its release.

  When Mot peeled off his shirt; along the side of his chest, a scar puckered at a right angle. An old knife wound from years long since passed. He didn't even notice it anymore but strangely she did. Eyes squinted, brows raised in question. Bianca’s fervent stare led him to what fascinated her most. She sat on her haunches impatiently waiting for his approach. The blade had sliced him from his nipple to his belt line but sadly, his foe had faired far worse than him. And it wasn't until he observed her cautious gaze he’d been reminded of the man responsible for the blemish. To temper her concern, Mot joked saying...

  "If you think that looks bad, you should see the other guy."

  His nonchalant manner minimized the facts by telling her an abridged version of the events. He steered clear, avoiding truths; not wanting her to know the injury had been life threatening. Why would he lessen this moment by smearing it with details of ugliness from that night? For far too long, he’d waited for this. Waited to be with her and now the time had come. When he neared her; Bianca pitched forward; balancing her weight along the edge of the mattress. Gently, her slender fingers traced the line of his scar. When she touched him, her hands were met by hard tightly coiled muscles. Anxious fingers twirled black curls of hair that covered his broad chest. Greedy eyes followed the trail of his man hair. Like soft wool, it swirled circles around his navel; tapering and dipping low beneath his belt. Slowly, her eyes had traced this path, then raised, landing back on the scar that had first held her gaze. Wet lips pressed against the area that looked the angriest. She extended her tongue; tracing the jagged line from the base, traveling upward. She used one hand for balance, while her other hand cupped the bulge in his pants. His throat caught, when her lips parted then her teeth bit down lightly on his nipple. Mot parted his legs, widening his base to prevent a fall. He sucked in air, praying that his knees wouldn't give way. He did his best, waiting for a break in her relentless onset. He'd been right to assume, at some point she would need air. The moment she lifted her head; Mot stepped back, placing himself outside of her reach. He enjoyed her passion but the night was young and well.... There were still so many things he wanted too do to her.

  He watched her. Wild eyes, set on pleasing him.

  “Here... Sit here. Join me.” Hearing her... She sounded like the Pied Piper. Him playing and enticing with his music. Her calling, luring him with her mesmerizing eyes, body and tongue. She had that affect on him.

  Mot dropped the shirt that had still lay fisted in his hand. He hurriedly freed himself of his pants. As he did this, he watched as she struggled with the zipper on her gown. The dress was soiled and ripped in a few places. He’d been so concerned about her that it wasn’t until now that he noticed the gown and how beautiful she must have looked in it. Even now, he could hardly tear his eyes away; seeing the way her breast ha
d filled the dress. Her lips lifted, pleased that he admired her body.

  “Here...” She was pointing to that place on the side of her neck. “Touch me. Kiss me here.”

  He unzipped the back of her dress, then helped her slip out of it. They were free of the fabrics that had once covered their flesh. He hook the waistband on his boxers, removing the remaining thing that still covered his nakedness.

  During their foreplay... Bianca’s kisses and her declarations. While that all occurred, Mot’s sex had throbbed. Now, standing along the side of the bed, she could see the full extent of his suffering. He also noticed her appreciation. She smiled, patting on the bed next to her.

  “Come...” she said, invitingly. He lowered, then joined her on the bed.

  Bianca’s delicate finger traced along the place she’d wanted him to kiss and caress. He obliged, willingly. He pressed his lips in that special place on the side of her neck.

  “Mmmm...” she swooned. “Sooo good.” she whispered languidly. Her cries were like liquid heat.

  Mot lifted his head, observing her face. She smiled, then raised to meet his lips with a kiss. When she drew back again, this time; she lay flat next to him, nestling her head on a fluffed up pillow. His eyes searched her face, then dance wildly, admiring her naked body. He wove his way through her mind. Saying words that would elicit a response he needed to hear.

  “Bianca...” She was so close to him, her scent alone was enough to drive any man insane. “Bianca...” he said her name again. “Tell me what you know I need to hear you say to me.”

  She rose her arms above her head, arching her back while tempting him with her pert responsive breast. She answered him saying...

  “I love you.”

  A drop of liquid leaked from his body. She didn’t see this of course, and he’d momentarily closed his eyes. She lowered one arm, grasping hold to his wrist. Her need sensed the heavy pulse of his blood; the pounding beat of his heart. Feeling her touch, he opened his eyes; meeting her gaze. Something strong had just occurred to him and she knew this. Because, when she looked in his eyes she could see his struggle to maintain his control.

  Mot gave way to the need that swelled on his tongue. He lowered, then pulled her closer. Hungry lips touched hers, intently kissing and savoring her taste. His tongue stroked the soft fleshy parts in her mouth. He could have gone on and on, but he felt her hold loosen, then her hands fell away. He lifted his head, seeing an expression of seriousness on her face.

  “I love you.” She said.

  “Shhh. You don’t have to keep saying that.”

  He positioned himself to kiss her again, but she moved her mouth away, then said...

  “Mot... I love you.” Her brows furrowed, and her expression was stern. He studied her face. In her eyes he saw things that frightened him. He would remember this moment as being particularly significant in his life.

  “I believe you Bianca. And...” He waited a beat, not trusting that she would understand or remember his declaration. But he said it, because the sentiment wouldn’t remain hidden.

  “I love you too.” He placed emphasis on the words. She sighed, then said... “Touch me. Make love to me.”

  And that was it. He released every inhibition that warned him not to do this. Then he questioned every reason that had prevented him from talking to her. In each kiss, it was as if he was deliberately making up for lost time.

  Bianca wrapped her legs around his waist. He felt his length thicken and throb on her thigh. His tongue danced along the inside of her mouth; touching places that sent shivers racing down her jaw, tingling her nipples, then coiling around her gut just before dropping south. She didn’t want to break this kiss but when his hand slid down her side, creating a space to caress her mound. With two fingers, he parted her lips. All at once, lights flashed like fireworks behind closed eyes. No longer did the music in her head take center stage. Flaming heat engulfed the lower half of her body. He massaged her sensitive area, circling his finger, then alternating the pressure. He coaxed her flesh until it swell. Her legs grew weak, causing her to lose control. Her thighs loosened their hold. Falling to either side of him, her limbs were limp and numb. Mot cupped one hand behind her thigh; lifting it to gain a better foothold. He’d been kissing her all the while he kept up a steady stream of stimulation. Now, the head of his shaft lay at the entrance of her folds. He wanted to force his way inside of her, carving out a place to call his own. But he had to be sure that tomorrow would rise with no regrets. Already, he’d tread along a path that couldn’t be retraced. But the way she moaned. The way she repeatedly called out his name. Opened her legs, spread wide for him to lie there. Oh, how her hips lifted in expectation of him filling her. This was happening for a reason and it was beyond him to question an event that was destined to unfold.

  He kissed her. He kissed her to affirm this notion.

  Bianca’s tongue seductively wet her lips. He tasted her mouth, savoring a tart flavor that ignited his taste buds. When he sealed their lips again, deepening the kiss, her body responded. She shuttered and moaned his name. Her body tilted forward, lifting her hips to meet his throbbing desire. He pulled back, not ready to enter her. The music in her head played the same tune. The memorable beat set the mood. He was on top of her, sending her heart racing. She recognized the sensation. She didn't have to imagine it nor did she draw a picture in her mind. The weight of his body matched with his dark gaze; the experience was heady. She wanted him, in time with the music. She wanted him...this love that they shared.

  Mot shifted his hip, but this time, he was ready. He adjusted forward, easing his way inside. Ecstasy. Mot’s head fell back, a lump in his throat refused to be swallowed. Between her legs she’d greeted him with her warm snug moistness. His gentle exploration had sparked something inside of her. Him entering her had uncoiled something wild. She bucked; releasing a shocked cry. Her heightened pleasure was felt inside. Her muscles spasmed, milking him. Attempting to squeeze him dry. Mot pulled back, then pressed further inside. Again, her lips pursed; and the sound she released sounded like a mewing cat. Her hands gripped his hips; pushing him up, then tugging him down, guiding his erection inside of her. It was clear, she enjoyed the pressure felt each time he entered her partway, but the further he pushed inside of her; the pain, she didn’t much care for. Knowing that any part of their lovemaking caused her pain; Mot would do anything to relieve her discomfort. He shifted his weight, urging Bianca to raise her other leg. When she followed his gentle urging, he felt her inner warmness comfortably sheathing his length. He pushed in further, slowly allowing her body to adjust to his length and girth. Her narrow passage had resisted, but with each in and outward move; their pleasure swelled. Heat coursed up her thighs; burning most near her entrance. In spite of that, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer still. He'd hungered for her the first time he'd seen her, seated in the interview room, outside of the directors office. Even then, something told him; she's the one, yet, he'd ignored that foreknowledge. Now, after today, he wouldn’t be able to imagine his life without her. He didn’t want to.

  As their passion grew, he blurted out her name...

  “Bianca...” Saying her name was as sweet as the taste that coated her flesh.

  He slid his hand to his side, lifting partway to admire her breast. He kept a steady pace; his length gliding in and out of her slick folds. Not wanting to slow their fervor. He cupped one breast, gently caressing and kneading, until he himself couldn’t resist tasting her. He lowered his head, drawing a nipple in his mouth. Rolling his tongue along its tip; circling around the areola, causing the bud to stiffen. With light motions of his tongue, he stroked, licked and sucked, until she could stand no more. In the center of her legs, Bianca’s body rose to a peak. A feverish orgasm building then tipping her over. She yelled out his name, sputtering a string of nonsensical words.

  “Oh God... Oh Mot... That’s... Oh, my... Uhhh...”

  Mot ignored her. He muted the sounds, pump
ing harder and harder. Pointedly directing his hips to excite her flesh. He was determined to bring her to another place of bliss. He could feel her breathy voice, struggling to find her words when he lowered, laying on top of her.

  “Oh... Yes... Yes... Right there... You got it... yes... yes....”

  He had it. And yes, it was all right. And he wasn’t letting go of it. He lifted his head. Her eyes were closed, in deep concentration. She wanted another orgasm as much as he aimed to give her one. But as his pressure increased, Mot felt the call of his own body; warning him of the fire that grew within. He could feel Bianca’s hand stroking him, trailing her nails up and down his back. His senses were heightened. Her every touch was amplified. She was touching him with just the right amount of pressure. The perfect patterns of symmetrical brushes and waves. He tried to draw his mind away from her hands but he couldn’t. Then he felt her tongue glide along the outline of his lobe; biting and licking him to the edge. The warmth felt by her sweet breath excited him. He wanted her mouth on his. He turned, adjusting to search for her lips. As if planned, when their eyes met; the stoked flame exploded. In their locked gaze, their control slipped; no longer could they holdback their release.

  Bianca’s head rolled wildly on her pillow, hips rocking and arms locked around Mot’s shoulders. She cried out his name. The feeling so wonderful; tears streaked down her face. He’d satisfied her completely and every nerve in her body screamed its release; right down to her wiggling toes. Not long after Bianca had cried out his name; Mot’s length slammed deep inside of her, spilling his seed as he hammered her sex. She grinned, enjoying his hot cum as it filled her, then leaked pass the swell of his cock and dripped off the hairs of her swollen folds. She lay still, her body partly numb and tingling. Mot didn’t dare move either, because inside of her, his penis spasmed, draining what still remained. If they stayed this way; her soft beneath him...his sex still inside of her... Being this way; he would want more of her.


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