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STEAMPUNK ROMANCE: An Innovative Clockwork Steampunk World Adventure: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Mystery Suspense Romance Short Stories)

Page 33

by Haven, Rose

  Galina shrugged. Perhaps. But never for her.

  Chapter Two

  “Dammit I told Dad we needed a fence around the house.” Chase grumbled as he and Jackson walked around the property. Why they were doing it, he couldn’t say. A property this huge had at least a few dozen ways onto the land and with no fence it was easier to breach the perimeter than they’d like to believe.

  “Yeah, because Vance is such a good listener,” Jackson shot back. Jackson loved his father but his biggest flaw was that he thought he was the only one with good ideas. “Maybe you should have told him not to get a fence.”

  Chase laughed and shook his head. “Hell no. He probably would’ve tried to make us put it up and quite honestly, I’m too good looking for hard labor.” Chase stroked his chin and pouted his lips.

  “Well you are the pretty one,” Jackson grumbled. It was an argument they had often in high school. Chase was the pretty one, Jackson the ruggedly handsome one and Ethan was, he shuddered at the thought, the hot one.

  Chase sighed, knowing what his brother was thinking. “Do you think he’s going to walk away?”

  Jackson shrugged. “Honestly I don’t know. I mean, I figured at some point we’d all have to walk but look at you.” He’d never seen his brother so happy with a woman. Chase dated but usually very briefly and he didn’t get involved. But to see him now with Brooke he was all smiles, cuddles and sickeningly sweet affection.

  “Yeah well I didn’t do it for Vance. Brooke and I had been circling each other for a while and being here kind of made it hard to ignore.”


  Chase looked thoughtfully into the distance and turned to his brother. “I don’t know. Probably because she wasn’t making reservations for my dates, buying flowers or good bye baubles for them. It let her forget about all that and it made it impossible for me to ignore her.”

  “Hmmm, well you guys are good together. I like her. She’s sweet.”

  Chase was surprised at his brother’s admission. “Thanks.”

  “Looks like you’ll end up with all of SE because Ethan is definitely walking away and I can’t see myself settling down anytime soon, if ever.”

  He shook his head at his brother. “Okay, I can get why Ethan is the way he is about women, I mean Dad didn’t acknowledge him at all. He made his mom “the other woman”, that’s tough. Hell we didn’t even know Ethan existed until he came to live with us. Then his mom kills herself and he finds her, shit, I mean that has to be touch to digest. Dad abandoned him first, then his mom did, plus that bitch from college. But why the hell are you so anti-relationship?”

  It was Jackson’s turn for the ambivalent shrug. “I’m not against relationships but I’m not ready to settle down yet. You can’t always trust women when you have the kind of money we have, so I take what they offer and give them something pretty when I’m done. It works for me.” Hell it more than worked for him. One day he’d have a wife and a few kids but not any day soon.

  Chase smiled putting his dimples on full display. “Well it’s a burden to be this handsome.”

  “Pretty,” Jackson coughed into his hand.

  Chase scowled. “As I was saying, it’s a burden to be this handsome and rich as all fuck, but if anyone can do it, it’s me.”

  Jackson laughed and punched his brother playfully in the arm. “You are as delusional as the old man.”

  “Maybe, but still much better looking. Since you and Ethan are going to walk away from all of our hard work, I may as well be as crazy as Vance. There won’t be anyone to keep me in line.” He glanced at his watch, the Tag Heuer Vance bought each of them when they started at SE. “I’m meeting Brooke in the English garden in fifteen minutes so,” his voice trailed off and he pointed his thumb in the other direction.

  Jackson laughed at his brother so eager to get back to his new love. “Sure thing man, just be careful. There’s a stalker out here.”

  Chase sobered, gave a quick nod and rushed off to meet Brooke.

  Jackson continued his slow walk back to the main house. There was nothing waiting for him but financial reports, Vance’s nonsense and a beautiful blonde he needed to avoid. In no rush to get back inside, he stopped at the greenhouse to see if there was any fresh lavender or jasmine to put in his room. He needed something to keep him calm. Between his thoughts of the stalker and losing SE Jackson, he just might lose his mind.


  After her encounter with Jackson, Galina spent any time she wasn’t in the kitchen, in the greenhouse. She clipped flowers to adorn the many flat surfaces inside Silver House, trimming them as needed to keep them healthy. She moved on to the fresh herbs and snipped what she needed for the day’s meals. Galina enjoyed being in the greenhouse, almost as much as she enjoyed baking in that magnificent kitchen.

  The flowers were just another quiet refuge, she knew, to help her hide away from the world. Inside these glass walls the flowers were the real beauty and she could simply be. Be Galina, the young Polish girl with unusual white blond hair. Be the quiet girl with the amazing baking ability instead of the pretty girl men wanted for sex and nothing more.

  She stiffened at the sound of someone entering the greenhouse. It had to be one of the Silver boys since no one but her ever spent much time in here. She knew it was Jackson before he came into view. His sure steps were surprisingly light, but those causal steps were pure Jackson. His slow deliberate gait matched his confident walk and her heart stopped at the slow smile that crossed his face.

  “Jackson, hello.”

  He grinned at the nervousness in her voice. He felt the same, he was just better at hiding it than she was. “Galina. Lovely to see you again.”

  “Wh-what brings you here?” she asked.

  He shrugged, taking in the different plants, herbs and flowers surrounding them. “I was out for a stroll with my brother and came here looking for something…calming.”

  Galina shivered at his words. She could feel them like an actual caress over her body. That was probably why she felt so skittish around him. No man had ever provoked such desire in her. The few lovers she’d had were adequate but they never inspired the same level of want and need Jackson did. She knew she should run in the other direction for her own sanity, but instead she nodded obediently and said, “I have just the thing.”

  He watched as she floated around like a hummingbird, snipping a few buds here and a few leaves there. She finally came to a stop in front of him holding out two linen bags. Against his better judgment Jackson reached for the bags but took her wrist instead and pulled her flush against him. “Almost kissing you in the kitchen today only wet my appetite for another taste of you.” He nipped her ear lobe, still whispering. “I often think about our first and only kiss and where else I would love to taste you.” When that involuntary groan sounded, Jackson did the only thing he could, he captured those pretty pink lips with his own.

  She was so sweet, so warm and lush that the kiss quickly spiraled out of control. Galina was wrapped around him tight enough he could feel the warmth seeping between her legs against his straining erection, her beaded nipples pressed against his chest. His hands cupped her firm ass to keep her against him while her hands threaded his hair, pulling him in so she could taste more of him. Jackson couldn’t help himself and thrusted lightly into her, causing her to cry out. He pulled away abruptly, panting and staring into her eyes, now navy blue with desire. “I want you so much Galina.”

  She nodded her agreement, still trying to slow down her erratic breathing.

  “But I’m not the man for you. Not really.”

  At his words Galina felt pieces of her die a little, her heart shredded even more and she didn’t plead with him. She merely nodded and stepped back.

  “Dammit Galina don’t look at me like that. I’m telling you this for you, not me.”

  She continued to nod, backing up away from him and turning her back to hide the evidence of her arousal and his effect on her body. She heard the heavy sigh esca
pe into the silent greenhouse and even with her eyes closed tight she could imagine him running fingers through his short russet locks.

  “Look Galina,-“

  She cut him off quickly with one hand. “Save your apologies and explanations Jackson. I’m a big girl and I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time. I don’t need anyone else to do it for me.” She turned to face him. “I know you are not the man for me but I was willing to take the chance. But if you walk away now, don’t come back.” She could see the hurt and disappointment flash across his beautiful rugged face but he nodded.

  And walked away.


  I am an ass. A big fat stupid ass. Jackson practically ran from the greenhouse and straight to his room. He didn’t stop for his father or Ethan, instead focused on making it up the stairs, down the hall and into his suite of rooms. With a flick of his wrists he opened the French doors leading to the balcony and marched back inside to pour himself a drink and rid his mouth of her taste. He closed his eyes to stop seeing the refreshing beauty of her flushed skin and clutched his hands to avoid reaching out and reliving her touch. Her body wrapped around him, her scent clogging his brain, her moans torturing him.

  He fucked up big time with her. He knew it and her words—don’t come back—rang in his ears. He wanted to run back to her and tell her that he was wrong but he believed her words. So he drank.

  His efforts to drink himself blind were interrupted by the chirp of his phone. Cade. “What do you have for me Cade?”

  “Hello Jackson, I’m fine. How are you?”

  Jackson huffed. “Seriously?” When Cade said nothing he went on. “Fine. Hey Cade, how’s it going man?” Another pause. “So do you have anything for me or is this call just to harass me?”

  “As fun as it is to harass you this call has a purpose. I went out on the property last night and early this morning and captured an image I believe is the stalker. She was too far away to catch, but luckily my camera is faster.” He waited in case Jackson had questions. “I’ve sent it to your email. It is a little blurry but show it around and tell me if anyone recognizes it.”

  He thanked Cade and ended the call. Jackson sat and opened up the attached image and even through the blurriness he didn’t recognize the figure. The slight frame definitely indicated a female but none of the women in their lives were strong or daring enough to trek through the thick woods surrounding Silver House. Back to the study, I guess.

  Down in the study the four Silver men convened once again to figure out who in the hell was trying to cause them trouble. Ethan grabbed the phone and projected the image onto the large TV monitor hanging on the wall in Vance’s office. Each brother stared at the fuzzy image of the older woman, slightly older than middle age with dark brown or black hair and oversized sunglasses. Most of her body is covered by a calf length jacket but compared to the surrounding images, she was petite.

  “I don’t know any women this old,” Ethan broke the silence.

  “Oh.” The boys all turned to look at Vance, who was now pale and wide eyed. “I think I know who it is.”

  Jackson scoffed. “Of course it would be one of his women.”

  Vance narrowed his gaze at his son before turning back to the monitor. The figure was aged a few decades but he’d know those lips and cheekbones anywhere. “That’s your woman too, smart ass.” He glanced at Chase. “Yours too.”

  “Sorry man I’ve never taken your sloppy seconds.” Chase was indignant, outraged.

  “I think that woman,” he pointed at the screen, “is your mother.”

  “Our dead mother?” Vance nodded and Jackson went on, “That’s crazy dad. She’s been dead for almost thirty years.”

  “And if she isn’t dead, where the hell has she been and what the fuck does she want now?” Ethan roared, all eyes now turned in his direction.

  “It can’t be her,” Chase whispered, not sure if he was trying to convince himself or the others. “It can’t be.”

  Vance nodded, feeling sympathetic towards his sons in their shock but sure the woman in that photo was his dead wife Zoe.

  “This is crazy.” Jackson stood up and stormed out of the office and through the house until he was outside, gulping in salty sea air. He needed, hell he didn’t know what he needed but he knew whatever it was it would be found wherever Galina was.


  Galina had never been so happy to end her work day. Normally she enjoyed working at Silver House, the cleaning wasn’t too cumbersome and the cooking was her favorite part, but today had her feeling on edge and it wasn’t a feeling she enjoyed at all. She made a submarine sandwich with Italian meats, cheese, tomatoes, onions and lettuce tossed in red wine vinegar and she was putting the finishing touches on her sea salt and parmesan cheese popcorn.

  She had two movies, a romantic comedy and a horror movie to get her through the evening. Add in a bottle of wine and she foresaw a relaxing evening in her future. At least she did until her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door.

  She groaned, knowing there was only one person it could be. “Just a second.” She pulled the door open, gasping when she saw Jackson with fire in his eyes. “What are you doing here?” She tried to put steel in her voice but she was pretty sure she failed miserably.

  Jackson couldn’t say anything, nor did he hear her question thanks to the blood rushing quickly to the area just below his belt. She looked like the sexiest fucking fantasy he’d ever had in silky blue shorts that barely covered her ass and a nearly see through white camisole. He could clearly see the pink dots of her nipples through the shirt and with her hair down in messy waves she looked like she’d just come from bed. “Are you alone?” He growled at her, scanning the carriage house for another person. That he would rip apart with his bare hands.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at him. “I don’t believe that’s any of your business Mr. Silver.”

  Ouch. Yep, he deserved it. In fact he deserved much more and was damned lucky she hadn’t slammed the door in his face. Yet. “Can I come in?”

  Galina shook her head knowing it was a terrible idea. She looked over her shoulder at the bed just beyond the living room. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. What do you need?”

  “You.” Jackson did what he had been aching to do, he reached out and wrapped those soft golden locks around his fist to angle his mouth over hers. She stiffened before succumbing to the heat between them and kissing him back with wild abandon. She pulled at his hair with one hand and his shirt with the other, a frenzy of passion overtaking her.

  God this felt so good, so right. She knew she should stop but she couldn’t bring herself to do it yet. Just a few more seconds in his arms, with his lips and then I swear I’ll stop, she promised to herself.

  She didn’t have to stop it because Jackson did, with a fierce expression on his face. “I’m sorry for walking away earlier Galina but I meant what I said. I’m not the right man for you. I’m not looking to settle down and you are exactly what a man in search of a wife is looking for. You’re gorgeous, so damn gorgeous, smart, warm, caring and you are one hell of a cook.” He smiled shyly at her. “But I don’t think I can give that to anyone. Not even you.”

  Not even me? What does that mean? She didn’t have time to ponder too long when Jackson picked her up and kissed her until she was breathless. She knew this was her time, her one night of pleasure with Jackson Silver and dammit, she was going to take it. “I never thought you were mine to keep Jackson. But you can be mine for tonight.” Those words hurt like hell to say but apparently it was exactly what he needed to hear because he attacked her mouth while he walked her back to the big bed waiting for them.

  He released her so she slid down his body, her feet softly hitting the floor. Galina didn’t have time to be nervous because the moment her feet hit the floor Jackson was removing her clothes. The dark look in his eyes made her a little uneasy because she didn’t know what he was thinking as he took in the sight of h
er naked body. Her modeling days were long behind her but she thought she looked pretty good and hoped he did too. “Fuck, you are too beautiful for an old bastard like me Galina, but dammit I want you and I’m too selfish to walk away.”

  She squared her shoulders, pushing her chest out a bit. “Tonight I don’t want you to walk away.” She closed the gap between them and nipped his bottom lip. Jackson picked her up and tossed her on the bed, crawling up her body until his mouth was level with one of her aching breasts. Galina squirmed from the first touch of his hot mouth on her sensitive nipple. He sucked hard, almost too hard, but before she could protest he soothed it with his tongue and felt the rush of liquid between her legs. “Oh, Jack. Yes!”

  The sound that came from him when she called him Jack was low and dark and deep. He moved his attention to her other breast until he received the same reaction. She was so responsive. “I love it,” she whispered again. From the tip of her nipple he kissed up her chest, licking her neck and biting the shell of her ear before taking the journey down again. She tasted like honey and cream and rose petals and he couldn’t get enough. Bites lined underside of her breasts, her ribs, the curve of her waist and the dip of her hips. He licked her thighs so light she could barely feel it, grabbing his hair for something to hold on to and digging her heels deep in to the bed.

  “Jack. So, so incredible. Jack!” She screamed in her cute polish accent, when she felt his tongue separate her lips and licked hard against her clit. He licked and licked and licked until she was delirious with desire. “Fuck yeah, Jack. Yeah. Oh yeah.” When he opened her thighs wider she crossed her ankles behind his head and thrust up into his mouth. When his lips wrapped around her clit and sucked, the sensation of his teeth against the sensitive nub sent her cresting that wave. Breathing hard with her eyes closed, still spread wantonly before him, Galina gasped when the full length and width of him invaded her.


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