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Page 5

by Belle Winters

  He sighed. “I don’t care if he was fucking cats for a living; he’s going to die unless you do what you’re told. My order? Get ya ass in my fucking car now, I’ll be right behind you.”

  I shuddered. He was so cold and brutal, worse than he’s ever been to me. I’m assuming this is the part of him that everyone has always feared. I knew there was menace in him, but I’d never experienced it… until now. I didn’t think it was wise to push him any further, so I did as he said and walked to the parking lot. James’ car was there but it was empty. I noticed Lucifer’s black escalade and walked to the passenger’s side and hopped in.

  The drive was long, silent, and mostly uncomfortable. Lucifer didn’t spare me a glance and I was just purely afraid of what the heck he was going to end up doing to me. He’d not said a word as to what he wanted or what was going to happen and that scared me the most. I had no idea where exactly he’d end up taking me or if I was even going to make it there. Every time the car slowed or stopped my heart would stop beating thinking that this was the end.

  At some point, exhaustion overcame me and I somehow fell asleep. I was awoken to Lucifer tapping me on the shoulder. When I woke, I looked out the window and realized immediately we were back at the clubhouse. I gulped, not sure what I was expecting but it wasn’t this. My hands began shaking violently. “What are we doing here?” I asked.

  Lucifer narrowed his eyes. “Don’t fucking speak. Get out of the car.” With that he exited his side and walked towards the door not even looking to make sure I followed. I guess he was confident to know that I would because well… I wasn’t crazy enough to cross him at this moment. Hesitantly I exited the car and followed behind him.

  As soon as we were inside, everything hit me. It was like being absorbed into the past. The music was on full blast along with the laughter and voices. The smell of smoke and liquor infiltrated my nose. Lucifer continued to walk into the main room where I’m sure everyone was and I followed behind him. Not two seconds after I entered the room everything went quiet. I felt everyone’s stares on me and I refused to look up. My baby bump was visible, and I’m sure it was garnering attention. I was busy watching my feet that I didn’t notice a body planted in front of me and smashed into it. I looked up to see Bull watching me curiously.

  “Hey sugar?” he greeted me with a wary smile.

  I let out a breath. I figured that he at least wouldn’t harm me. “Hi Bull.”

  He opened his arms in offering and I gladly accepted his hug. I’d stay in the confines of his arms if I could knowing he could at least try to ward off the beast. This seemed like the safest place to be in here. I was snapped out of it when Lucifer’s growl broke through, “let’s go.”

  I stepped back and offered Bull the best smile I could muster, which couldn’t have been convincing at all if his worried expression was any indication. He squeezed my shoulder, “I’ll come see you, yea?” He asked and I nodded.

  I went to catch up to Lucifer and caught sight of Nettie who was watching me with sorry, watery eyes. I offered her a small smile and made my way to the door. Yes, you know which door I’m referring to. The one in which he kept me caged behind that only he had the key to. Beyond that door was a set of stairs going up to a landing with three more doors. One is the room on the right in which I’m sure I’ll be confined to once again. The second, being a shared bathroom. Lastly, it was Lucifer’s room. Why’d he keep me here of all the possible places in the clubhouse? Is so that I’m away from everyone and he could keep a hawk’s eye on me.

  He led me back to my old room and kicked the door open. I entered hesitantly and took a seat on the bed. It appeared untouched from the last time I’d been here with the exception of the made bed. I scanned the room slowly taking it in as memories one by one bombarded me. Being alone, feeling angry, arguing with Lucifer, fun days and nights with Bull, and mostly the intimacy that Lucifer and I had shared in this room. I noticed a door in the room that hadn’t been there before and I eyed it curiously. When I heard Lucifer move, I returned my attention to him.

  “Back here again?” I asked.

  He grunted. “Look, it doesn’t have to be like this… what do you want from me? Are you planning on keeping me here in the club?” I asked.

  He nodded slowly. “Until when? When I have the baby? Then what? You take him and get rid of me?” I asked.

  He shrugged and cocked an eyebrow. “I haven’t decided what I’m going to do to you yet.”

  I sighed. “So this is it? Put me back up like a prisoner and keep me sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for you to decide how to hurt me?” I asked.

  Another shrug, this was getting annoying. “I’ve done nothing wrong!” I argued.

  His eyebrows flew to his hairline. “Haven’t you?” He asked a little too softly. He walked to the door and opened it to leave. “Don’t go anywhere.” Were his last words to me, his tone however was extremely disturbing. I didn’t trust it at all. When the door shut behind him, there was an extra click. I got up to inspect the door and realized it wouldn’t open. He’d locked me in! At some point while I’d been gone he added a lock and it appears to only work from the outside.

  I groaned in frustration and walked over to the dresser. There was a bulb from Christmas hanging off the side of the mirror. It was one of my favorites and I’d kept it with me as a reminder of that night. How it made everyone happy and was ultimately a turning point for Lucifer and I. I snatched it down and threw it across the room. It hit the mysterious door and shattered into a million shiny purple and silver pieces. Once again, I stared at the door and walked over to it. I mean, what did I have to lose at this point really? I turned the knob and it surprisingly opened easily. I stepped inside and was shocked to see it led into the bathroom between my and Lucifer’s room. He really thought this through huh? If he were going to lock me in, I’d still need the restroom… how considerate. I walked to the door that I’m sure was connected to Lucifer’s room and of course, it was locked. Wasn’t he one smart cookie?

  Instead of sulking I decided to take a long bath and wash off the events of the last few hours. I needed to get my head on straight if I was going to make it through this, let alone out of this. When I was done, I entered the closet not at all surprised to see it loaded down with all of my clothes from the home I’d left here. Not only that, but my sketch and design stuff was here also. He must’ve been extremely confident that he was going to find me based on the measures he’s taken. It was unsettling to say the least.

  Chapter 8

  It took some time, but eventually I fell into a fitful sleep last night. I tossed and turned and the dreams that plagued my mind were nothing I’d ever want to see again. I got up and turned on the T.V. and decided to get used to this as my fate. It’s not like this was something new, I mean I’ve been here done this before. Like clockwork as old times Lucifer came to my room in the morning breakfast in hand. The only difference now is that I didn’t have control of the lock.

  He placed the plate and orange juice on the nightstand and went to leave. “So, we’re back to square one?” I asked.

  He grunted but continued walking away. “So that’s how this is going to be? You think you’re just going to lock me in here and I’ll sit quietly?” I asked my anger pulsing.

  He spun on his heels to face me. His grey eyes resembled a brewing storm and were the only indication I was getting to him. I got up and walked until I was only a few steps away from him. “You should know better than that by now.” I said not letting my gaze waver from his. Without giving him a chance to react I turned back around and took my seat on the bed. I picked up the plate and began eating a piece of bacon not acknowledging his presence. It wasn’t until I heard the lock click into place did I release the breath I’d been holding.

  The next two days passed in a similar fashion. Lucifer bringing me my three squares a day like a true prison and neither of us speaking a word. Day three however, I was fed up. So when he came to deliver my lunch I decide
d it was time to talk.

  As soon as he entered the room I cleared my throat. He didn’t acknowledge me, but the tick in his jaw gave away that he’d heard me. “I want Bull.” I demanded crossing my arms.

  He continued walking to the dresser where he placed my food down. “I. WANT. BULL.” I said a little more strongly and louder.

  He grunted, how original. “And why do you think I give a flying fuck what you want? You think I fucking care about what it is you’re asking for? It was my mistake being nice to ya ass before but I won’t make that mistake again. You’re in no position to request shit fuck all in here and you’d do well to remember that.” He said walking to the door.

  “So what? You expect me to do what you want? Please, pray tell what that may be?” I challenged.

  “Eat your food, stay here, and keep your fucking mouth shut.” He said as he walked to the door.

  I crossed my arms. “How about I don’t do any of those?” I asked.

  He grunted. “I don’t give a shit.” Was his response as he left the room and locked me in.

  I stormed over to the dresser and picked up the plate throwing it with all my might into the door. I watched the contents of the sandwich and the pieces of the plate hit the floor. I’ve been breaking a lot as of late it seems but there isn’t a guilty bone in my body. I dragged my body to the bed and collapsed onto it. I tucked myself under the covers and curled into a ball. I put on the T.V. and decided to drown out my issues with movies.

  Lucifer returned to collect the dishes from lunch. I vaguely remember him coming in earlier and finding the mess that was my lunch. I heard him cleaning it up while cursing under his breath. I didn’t move a muscle and decided to ignore him. He was back around his normal time with dinner. I heard him enter and place food down on the nightstand by the bed. Again, I remained in the fetal position on the bed. Not making a sound or any attempt to move. He lingered for a bit longer than usual before the sounds of him leaving and locking the door followed.

  I woke up the next morning hungry and aching. I probably shouldn’t have stayed curled up that way for as long as I had. I looked over to the nightstand and noted there was nothing there. He must’ve come back after I’d fallen asleep to collect the untouched food. I jumped into a steaming hot shower to try to soothe the aches in my body and put on a clean pair of pajamas. I knew it wasn’t smart refusing to eat, but as a testament to me not wanting to bend to his commands I would do what I needed to. I remembered that I kept me a small stash of snacks in one of the drawers and checked. Gratefully, the protein bars and cookies were still there along with a few other miscellaneous things I had kept in here in case he decided to seclude me in here again during my last stay. I took out a few pieces that I knew would sate my hunger and scarfed them down. When I was done, I resumed my place on the bed this time being careful to stretch out and became one with the television.

  Breakfast time rolled around and nothing changed. He came in and placed down the food and left. The only sounds in the room were the T.V., his footsteps, and the sounds from the door. Once again, I refused to acknowledge or touch the food. I didn’t even spare it a glance afraid that I might cave. I’d snacked some more a while before I expected him to return with lunch. A movie that I’ve not seen in years came on just as he came into the room. I was engrossed with the opening scene that I wasn’t paying any attention at all to Lucifer. The next thing I knew his huge body was blocking my view of the television.

  “Are you going to eat or am I wasting my time?” he asked.

  I made sure to keep my face completely blank and looked into his face. He desperately needed a shave, but I’d be damned if that stubble didn’t look positively delicious on him. His hair was a mess almost as if he’d just finished running his fingers through his black soft curls. If I hadn’t known any better, I’d say he looked even more solid than he had before but I’m sure that was impossible. His broad shoulders and chest were massive completely blocking the 50 so inch T.V. and those eyes… my god. They were beautiful but cold. So cold, I had to fight the involuntary shiver threatening to take over my body. When I didn’t respond, and gave him nothing but my blank stare he placed the plate down on the bed directly in front of me.

  I didn’t even look at it. “Fucking eat. I don’t know what fucking game you’re playing at but I don’t have time for this shit. You need to stop being a pain in my ass and just do as you’re told.” He said making his stance more intimidating.

  Too bad his little speech pissed me off. Without looking down I used my knee to nudge the plate. His gaze zeroed in on my movements with narrowed eyes and watched as I ever so slowly pushed the plate off the bed letting it hit the floor.

  A low growl escaped his throat and his body became rigid. “You know what? Fucking starve then for all I fucking care. I won’t bother bringing you shit.” He kicked the contents on the floor hard causing them to fly across the room. The plate smashed into the wall with brutal force and shattered. He stormed out the room, slamming the door, and locking me in. The sound of the lock clicking into place was louder than it’s ever been. It sounded more permanent in my ears almost as if it was never going to open again.

  Dinner time came around and as promised he didn’t return. I wasn’t sure how to feel about that exactly. I won’t lie and say that I thought there was a chance he would just cut me off from food entirely. I mean I am pregnant… that’s the whole reason I’m here for god’s sake. I guess I pushed him too hard. I guess this didn’t mean as much to him as it initially appeared. It makes me wonder why he even went through all the trouble to find me and bring me here. It’s probably about power, I didn’t do as told and he was punishing me. Well, I was not going to make it easy for him. If I was going to starve in this room then I’d go out fighting.

  I was beginning to doze off from exhaustion. My brain had been working overtime trying to figure out how my life has come to this and how to get myself out of it. Thinking wasn’t exactly a good thing when you have mostly bad thoughts. The door opened and I stiffened not sure what type of show it was going to be this time. I should’ve known he wouldn’t just drop my defiance.


  My face broke out into a huge smile and I practically leaped off the bed. Bull stood just inside the doorway with a questioning look. I was so happy to see him I hadn’t noticed the bags in his hands as I jumped up and damn near tackled him with a bear hug. “Hi!”

  He chuckled. “Well, that was one hell of a greeting. I take it you miss me?” He asked as I released him and he waggled his eyebrows.

  I laughed. “You have no idea.” I admitted.

  He smiled. “Well I missed you too, that’s why I had to come see you. You’ve been here how many days and I haven’t spent time with my favorite girl.”

  My eyebrows rose. “Excuse me mister? You knew where I was, it’s not like I could’ve come see you.” I said accusingly.

  He gave me a sheepish grin. “I uh… did ask but Lucifer told me fuck no and to fuck off and I decided not to push him. He finally granted me permission to come up here, but all that matters is I’m here now.”

  I grunted. “Took long enough…” I said and he laughed. I turned to go sit back on the bed when the scent hit me. My mouth instantly watered. I didn’t need to look to know what he had so I spun back around pointing at the bags accusingly. “You didn’t?” I asked on a gasp.

  “Oh, but I did. Not get your hot ass over on that bed so we can eat I’m fucking starved.”

  I did as told and sat on the bed legs crossed waiting for Bull to follow suit. He kicked off his boots and climbed onto the bed with his back to the headboard facing me. I watched as he began unloading food from the bag. He passed me a container. I opened it eagerly and immediately dug in. Once I’ve devoured a good amount of the spaghetti I looked up to him.

  “So how’d you know that I loved this place?” I asked.

  “Uh…” he gripped the back of his neck nervously. “The truth sugar is I didn’t. Lucifer
been pissed off all fucking day, like totally angry. I have no idea what the hell you did or said to the man but he was losing his shit. Then he just fucking disappeared, no words or anything. He pops back up with these bags and practically tossed them into my arms. He said I can come see you and that I take this with me.” My eyebrows shot up in wonder and Bull’s head cocked to the side in question. “I thought maybe you asked for this and he was reinstating the eating together rule again… but I guess that’s not the case?” he asked.

  I sighed. “Well he’s been a total jerk to me.” Bull snickered. “No seriously, like really bad… worse than before. He told me that I was to stay here quiet and just eat and do what he says. I decided I wasn’t going to just let him do this to me so I refused to eat the food he brought to me.” I admitted.

  Bull began laughing so hard he couldn’t speak. “Oh, that is classic. That sure would piss him off.”

  I frowned. “I mean seriously though, why would that make him angry? It’s not like he actually cares. I feel like this whole thing is just some type of punishment for running away.”

  When his laughter faded, he looked at me seriously. “Really, it sort of is. Babe, you know the man was full on fucking angry about you leaving. He still is, at least I think so anyway. Finding you and bringing you back didn’t cure any of those feelings. I don’t think he’d actually hurt you or some shit but if he can make you feel a drop of whatever the fuck is going on in that crazy fucking head of his he will. If he didn’t give a shit about you or any of this then he wouldn’t be doing this. Look, you’re fucking being stubborn and defiant on purpose and those are two traits he can’t fucking stand… and what’s he do? Go out to wherever the hell this place is and got something that he knew you’d eat and set me up to bring it to ya to make sure you did.”

  I rolled my eyes. I mean, what he said made sense I just couldn’t wrap my head around this. It just wasn’t the right thing to do to a person. “So what’s the likely hood I’m going to get out of this place, let alone this room?” I asked.


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