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Brie's Submission (1-3) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set)

Page 16

by Red Phoenix

  “Are you worried about Miss Wilson?” he asked.

  She shivered a little, because there was something that was bothering her. “Sir, will Mary really be forced to tell us what happened? Shouldn’t something that painful be kept private?”

  “The three of you must learn from each other. It is part of the strength of this program. Yes, she will share the details from her past that caused her to react so violently tonight, but she will be instructed on how much needs to be revealed. You are a collective now; it is imperative you learn as a unit. Consider it a submissive sisterhood of sorts.”

  She nodded, not breaking eye contact with him.

  His eyes traveled to her collar and she felt a warm burn around her neck. “Anything else you would like to discuss, Miss Bennett?”

  Her voice trembled. “Sir, I—”

  He put his hand up to stop her. “We must keep to our roles. I am your trainer and you are my student. Your future depends on remembering that.”

  She blurted it anyway, despite his warning. “I am glad you were my first, Sir.”

  He looked down at his folded hands and said nothing. Each ticking second that went by broke her confidence. Maybe she had misread his intentions.

  “If that is all, you are dismissed. Tell the panel I will join them after I finish the paperwork.”

  Brie stood up and turned, a single tear falling down her cheek as she walked away. Had she just been a conquest for him? I’m such a fool. As she headed towards the door, she straightened her back and lifted her head a little higher.

  “Brie.” Her name on his lips was like honey.

  She turned, discreetly wiping the tear away. “Sir?”

  “I am grateful, as well.”

  “I’m thrilled to hear that, Sir,” she whispered.

  He nodded, and then picked up the pen on his desk and began to write. She walked down the hallway, trying to contain the utter joy she felt. She concentrated on her walk to calm herself down. The damn heels were starting to feel like a part of her, and she just loved the way they clicked on the tiled floor.

  When she returned to the commons, she saw that Mary had rejoined the group. She had a peaceful expression on her face and looked more relaxed than Brie had ever seen her. It was a pleasant look for Mary.

  After Brie had delivered Sir’s message, she sat down between the two girls. Mary tensed and growled under her breath, in typical Blonde Nemesis fashion.

  Marquis Gray stood up. “We have kept you longer than we’d intended due to tonight’s unusual circumstances. You have a full day of rest tomorrow. We expect you to take time to reflect on this past week. We will read over your Doms’ evaluations and base this coming week’s curriculum around what we discover.”

  He looked at each of the girls, but focused specifically on Brie. Once again, she found his dark eyes penetrating her soul. Was he trying to gauge the extent of her interaction with Sir? She hoped her calm exterior gave nothing away.

  His eyes narrowed as if he suspected something, but he didn’t comment on it. “We will see you Monday, then. Come prepared for a thorough critique. You are dismissed—except for you, Miss Wilson. We would like to speak with you privately.”

  Lea and Brie stood up and smiled at each other. Brie was planning to ask Lea to join her at her apartment for a little nightcap. Maybe Lea would even agree to be filmed and they could both share their individual fantasies for her documentary. One thing was certain, it was going to be a late night, full of girly fun and plenty of giggles.

  She looked back at Mary and actually felt a pang of sympathy. That poor woman had suffered through a difficult experience, and now she was being forced to stay after hours to discuss it. It surprised Brie to realize that she cared about the bitch. Who would have guessed?

  Just as the elevator doors closed, Brie saw Sir sit down with the panel. She held her breath, hoping he would look in her direction, but he didn’t. She understood that he couldn’t.

  Damn, graduation day seemed a lifetime away. She forced herself to concentrate on the week that lay ahead, a week that promised new lessons and a ton of sexy adventures.

  Anatomy of the Mighty Shaft

  Lea had not left Brie’s apartment until four in the morning. They’d been having way too much fun discussing their training experiences to call it a night until it was close to dawn. It had left Brie so exhausted that she’d slept until noon the next day. Her time spent with Rytsar had been an extraordinary gift that still permeated her being the moment she woke. The Russian Dom’s take on her warrior fantasy had been something she would cherish forever. It was hard to believe that just a week ago she’d been bemoaning her boring life, but now…life couldn’t be more thrilling or challenging.

  She got out of bed and immediately bent over in pain. Oh, crap! She ran to her calendar and counted out the weeks. Shit, her body was like clockwork. Now what was she going to do? Missing five days of training would be totally unacceptable.

  She grabbed her phone and emailed the Submissive Training Center. Thankfully, Rachael answered her an hour later.

  Dear Miss Bennett,

  Thank you for emailing me about your concern. Rest assured we are quite aware of our students’ cycles. If you recall, it was one of the questions on your application. Keep in mind we have been doing this for twenty-five years and have it down to a science. This week’s curriculum will not require vaginal penetration.

  Your classmates happen to be in sync with each other and are a week later than you, so that week has been planned out as well. (Now you have a better understanding of why we keep the classes quite small.)

  You will not miss any training, so I humbly suggest you enjoy your day off and not let it concern you further.

  If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to email or call.


  Rachael Dunningham

  Brie felt a surge of relief, but she couldn’t help wondering what the week’s curriculum would involve if there wasn’t going to be any pussy action.

  She spent the day pampering herself with the movie 9 ½ Weeks, a pedicure and Chinese takeout. In the evening, she recorded an addition to her latest training session for the documentary she was making. She specifically addressed her reluctance to obey Rytsar over a simple command, because Marquis Gray had insisted it was important.

  Brie looked directly into the lens. “Why was I hesitant? Well…it’s so private. I don’t know. It felt weird having him stand in the bathroom. I realize it’s not really a big deal, but I balked. It wasn’t until my Dom looked cross with me that I pulled down my panties. I can’t tell you how thankful I was when he left the room so my shy bladder could release.” She sighed and shrugged. “I guess I just won’t think about how exposed I feel if it happens again. Seriously, if my Dom wants to use it as a power play then, just like Ms. Clark said, it’s a harmless enough request.” Brie snickered at the camera. “Although imagining mean ol’ Ms. Clark peeing for Rytsar cracks me up!” She giggled as she turned off the camera.

  Monday morning came far too soon. Even though she was looking forward to her evening classes, getting through another tedious day at the tobacco shop was pure torture. There was also the added pressure of knowing they were going to be rated by their weekend Doms. What if Ms. Clark was right and she had highly overrated herself? Master Coen and Ms. Clark will never let me live it down.

  “Brie, what’s wrong with you today?” Mr. Reynolds asked with genuine concern. “You’ve put all the cigarettes in the wrong spots. You’ll have to redo them all.”

  She gave out an irritated sigh. Stocking the cigarettes wasn’t even her job, but Jeff was on vacation in Florida with the owner of the shop. In fact, all of the employees except Mr. Reynolds and Brie were sunning themselves in Florida. She noted it was another reason not to hire family when running a business.

  She pulled the cigarettes off the shelves and started over, apologizing to him. “I’m sorry, sir… No, I mean, Mr. Reynolds.” Brie felt heat rise to
her cheeks. Calling anyone else ‘sir’ felt wrong, no matter how she meant it. He looked at her oddly, but let it pass.

  Brie was extremely grateful when her shift was over. She raced home to get ready for class and arrived at the Training Center fifteen minutes early. She was shocked to find Blue Eyes at the entrance of the school, apparently waiting to talk to her. He held out his hand and formally introduced himself. “Hi, my name is Todd Wallace.”

  She hesitated and did not immediately shake his hand. Seeing him here was disconcerting, considering the last time they’d met he’d called the cops to rescue her from a supposed kidnapping.

  He chuckled self-consciously. “I want to apologize again for this weekend. I never meant to embarrass you.”

  She smiled slightly and took his hand. “That’s okay. I appreciate that you were looking out for my welfare.”

  He seemed relieved and gave her a crooked grin. “I didn’t realize there is another school on this campus. So…you’re studying to be a submissive?”

  She burned with—what? Guilt? Shame? It was the first time someone from outside the school had known what she was doing. Well, she had no reason to feel ashamed, so she answered, “Yes, I am currently enrolled in the Training Center.”

  “That’s great… I mean, I never knew such a thing existed until I checked the website.”

  She knew exactly what Blue Eyes had found when he’d clicked on the website—all kinds of erotic photos of women in various BDSM poses. The last thing she needed was a total novice thinking he had a chance with her.

  “Well, I can’t be late for class.” She brushed past him and hurried to the elevator.

  Mr. Gallant was preparing for his lesson and acknowledged her with a slight nod. She sat down and waited patiently for the bell to ring. Her eyes were riveted to the papers lying on his desk. Those had to be their evaluations. She hoped he would keep the contents of them private, but knowing the school’s emphasis on teaching the girls as a unit, she suspected everyone would know how she’d rated with Rytsar Durov.

  She let out a nervous sigh and Mr. Gallant glanced up at her. “Anything wrong, Miss Bennett?”

  She graced him with a tense smile. “Just curious about my evaluation, Mr. Gallant.”

  He nodded his head in understanding, but did not relieve her fears by reassuring her.

  Both Mary and Lea entered the classroom at the same time. Once they were seated, he began the class—a full five minutes before the bell.

  “I know you are all curious to know what your Doms thought of you, so I won’t drag it out any longer than necessary. However, I have a question I want you to ponder before you look over your evaluations. Do you believe it is possible to be the perfect sub?”

  Brie would have answered yes, but the tone in which he’d asked the question made her think it was the wrong answer. But why couldn’t a submissive become the best at everything? Surely, it had to be possible—it was her single driving goal.

  He handed Lea her evaluation first. “Master Harris gave you an overall rating of five. Very good, considering your three days of training. Please look over the individual points so you can identify your strengths and weaknesses.”

  He walked over to Mary next. “Tono Nosaka chose not to give you a final rating because of your episode. However, he did comment on those elements he experienced with you.” If Blonde Nemesis was embarrassed, she sure didn’t show it. She took the evaluation and calmly glanced through it.

  Mr. Gallant walked over to Brie last. “Miss Bennett, Rytsar Durov gave you a rating of seven. Very unusual considering your level of training and his expertise. Note the areas of weakness and seek to improve on them.” She was stunned when he gave her a little wink as he handed the paper over. Mr. Gallant was proud of her, and it thrilled her to no end.

  Suck on that, Ms. Clark! she thought. As she studied the evaluation, Brie was humbled by Rytsar’s comments. “Great potential. Attractive presentation. An enthusiastic fuck. Played her part well, but with an individual flair.” But it was his negative comments that stayed with her. “Resisted a simple command. Severely lacking in oral skills. Ignored her Master in the initial car ride from the school.”

  Brie burned with shame. She’d always thought she was good at giving head. To be criticized for severely lacking in that department was humiliating. She was also mortified to realize she’d obsessed over Tono purchasing Mary when she should have focused solely on her Dom. It didn’t matter whether he had been paying attention to her at the time or not. Rytsar had been right to call her on it.

  Mr. Gallant spoke up after giving them several minutes to digest their evaluations. “You were told that we would focus this week’s training around your evaluations. After reading through them, it is quite obvious you three are beginners when it comes to oral skills. This week we will have to start with the basics.”

  Brie actually sighed with relief. At least we all suck. Well…we suck, but not very well.

  Mr. Gallant took three chairs and placed them at the front of the classroom. “Please join me up here,” he instructed.

  The girls moved over to the seats. Thankfully, Lea sat in the middle so Brie did not have to sit next to Mary, who was eyeing her with loathing. Mary was obviously jealous of her rating and that made Brie quite happy.

  An extremely handsome man with wheat-colored hair and hunky muscles entered the classroom. He immediately stripped out of his clothes before standing before them. Brie couldn’t help staring, because the man was mightily endowed.

  Mr. Gallant took a small pointer and gave them an anatomy lesson. “Here is a quick list of the sensitive areas of the penis. The slit on the tip of the penis is called the meatus. The corona is the ridge around the head of the penis. The frenulum is the stringy bit just under the head of the cock. The base is just above the testicles. All of these points are highly sensitive and provide maximum stimulation. Naturally, you will need to be aware what is pleasurable and not pleasurable for each Dom.” He slid the pointer up and down the man’s large dick. “Many women mistake stroking the shaft as adequate stimulation. Although it is an important part of fellatio, the shaft has the least number of nerve endings.”

  The simple touches of the pointer were having an effect on the model. His large dick was becoming even more impressive.

  Mr. Gallant continued, “Massaging the balls can boost the feeling of erection, especially scrunching them gently upwards. Taking the balls into your mouth and sucking lightly will also add to his pleasure. The perineum is the area between the testicles and the anus. Do not forget this area. You can stimulate it with either a finger caress or a lick. Pay particular attention to the amount of pressure your partner enjoys.”

  He held out the pointer and asked Brie to take it. “Please point out the areas as I name them.”

  She looked shyly at the model. What did it feel like to be an anatomy lesson for a small group of submissives? Then it struck her. He was a submissive too, no different than they were. It gave her a little more courage when Mr. Gallant told her to point out where the frenulum was. He seemed pleased that she had listened and was able to successfully identify all the body parts as they were called out.

  He had her sit down and did the same with the other two girls. Poor Lea was not the studious type and made several mistakes. Mr. Gallant patiently went over the names until she had correctly identified each one. After Lea had sat back down, he dismissed their hunky model. The poor man had to re-dress with his massive hard-on straining against his pants. He left the classroom, walking stiffly. Brie felt for him—sometimes the life of a submissive was not an easy one.

  “Ladies, your practicums this evening will test what you have just learned. I expect you will have far more success now you are better acquainted with penis basics. Make good use of your newfound knowledge.”

  The girls went back to their original seats to collect their belongings. Brie was more than ready to begin the first practicum of the night. However, Mr. Gallant asked them to sit down

  “You will have homework this week. Please take this home and practice relaxing your gag reflexes.” He handed each of them a skin-colored phallus. Brie was frightened by the width and size of it, even though it was only six inches long. “It is flexible, like a real penis, and has been made especially for this practice. You are not allowed to use medication to relax your gag reflexes artificially.”

  Brie looked at it again with trepidation. She’d gagged on a toothbrush while brushing her teeth before. How the heck was she going to take a cock down her throat?

  Oral Practicums

  The girls spent the night on their knees, servicing the cocks of unknown Doms. Sir commanded the area to stimulate and whether it was to be with the tongue, lips, teeth, or manual caresses. Her new Dom for the second practicum was of Italian descent. His long, dark hair was tied back in a sexy ponytail. Even better, he had waxed his pubic hair so that she could thoroughly taste and tease all his manly parts. Servicing him was a pleasurable education. She watched him shiver and groan while she experimented with his cock. His body language, guttural noises and hand movements told her exactly what pleased him most.

  Ms. Clark—who had been unusually subdued that night—announced at the end of the session, “Unless your Dom says otherwise, assume you will be swallowing his ejaculation. This is an honor.”

  As if on cue, Brie’s Dom began thrusting his cock faster in preparation of his climax. His semen shot into her mouth. She instinctively understood the importance of swallowing his male essence and gulped with enthusiasm, wanting to receive that part of him.

  Brie heard one of the other girls gagging, and felt sorry for her—and the Dom. To have his seed rejected was unacceptable. However, she also sympathized with the girl who wanted to take it, but whose body was struggling to accept the taste and consistency. Brie was lucky that the idea of his gift had more than compensated for the bitter taste of her Dom’s viscous come. She’d enjoyed connecting with him in such an intimate manner.


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