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Constant Cravings

Page 5

by Tracey H. Kitts

  I swayed to the slow, grinding rhythm as I lit the candles around the back room.

  Without realizing what I was doing, I was casting a circle with both my intent and the way the candles ringed the room.

  I placed the ingredients on the small table in the center, starting with a large pink candle. According to the book, pink represented romantic love. It seemed like a more appropriate choice for summoning a true love than lusty red.

  I sprinkled cinnamon around the dish where the candle stood, before rubbing the candle down with cinnamon oil. I kept the first type of cinnamon around for baking and the second because it smelled good. As I anointed the candle, stroking its length, I 32

  Constant Cravings

  pictured Liam’s long, full cock. I remembered him standing in my shower and my pussy started to ache with desire. I was so tense. I needed to be fucked good and hard, just like Nym had done to Tina. Images of him pumping in and out of her filled my mind as I continued to stroke the candle. Unknowingly, I was charging the spell with all my sexual energy.

  I put the candle back on the plate and lit some sandalwood incense. I also kept this around because I liked the rich, earthy fragrance. These were all the magical ingredients I could find in my kitchen. I would have to do the rest with my words. The book also stated that the most powerful spells are the ones people write themselves.

  Making up my own spell seemed like a good idea at the time, especially since my vision was starting to blur and I couldn’t read the spells in the book. I lit the pink candle and thought for a moment about what I would say.

  I finished my glass of wine and lifted my arms to the ceiling as if petitioning the sky for help.

  “Goddess of love and God of desire, I summon you now by the light of this fire.” Emotion suddenly choked me as I realized just how much I wanted to be loved. I was alone, perhaps more than I’d ever been. When I continued the spell, it was more than desire that inspired me—it was a need to belong, to know I had a place.

  “I want nothing that is not meant to be and ask for love that is only given free. I ask that you do this by your divine power. Send to me my true love no matter the hour.” I paused to remember the words to close the spell. “So mote it be.” 33

  Tracey H. Kitts

  Chapter Four

  In a rush the candles went out. All except the pink one sitting in the middle of the table. I’m surprised this didn’t sober me up, but it didn’t. I moved back to the living room and fell asleep as I stared into the fireplace.

  I woke suddenly, unsure how much time had passed. The sweet smell of cinnamon mixed with the rich undertone of sandalwood drifted toward me. At first I thought I was dreaming. Liam was standing over me wearing nothing but a long, purple robe.

  The fabric looked like velvet and the way it hung open in front revealed much of his gorgeous body.

  “The potion is ready,” he said. His deep voice was smoother than I remembered and it flowed over me as he spoke.

  “It hasn’t been two days yet, has it?” I blinked several times to be sure he was real.

  “How did you get in here?”

  He smiled and when the fire reflected off his violet eyes my heart fluttered. I knew then, perhaps because of our connection, that his eyes changed shades according to his mood. As he looked down at me, reclining there with my robe completely open, they turned as dark as the rich shade of his robe.

  “This spell came together faster than I’d expected, but only by a few hours. Thanks to the connection we share, I don’t need a key.” He moved closer and sat beside me.

  “Did you summon me on purpose this time or was it an accident?”

  “Well, I—”

  “It doesn’t matter,” he said, placing his finger over my lips. “I was coming for you anyway.”

  I was still a little tipsy, but sober enough to remember every detail of the spell I performed. I chose not to mention this to Liam. Besides, he might already know.

  “Why were you coming for me?” I asked, wondering if I should take his appearance as an answer to my spell.

  “The potion can only be taken during the witching hour.”


  He smiled as he reached for me, helping me to a sitting position. “It’s past midnight, sweetheart. The witching hour lasts from midnight to three in the morning.” I sighed, enjoying the sound of his voice. I liked it when he called me sweetheart.

  “So, it’s sort of like happy hour?”

  “Sort of. It’s one o’clock. The sooner you take the potion, the better you’ll feel.” 34

  Constant Cravings

  All of a sudden I felt sad at the thought of losing the pain, of being rid of that ache in my chest. After all, it was all I had left of Rachel. Perhaps Liam could sense my sadness or maybe he just read my expression. Whatever the reason, he reached for me and I let him wrap me inside the robe against his chest. For the moment it didn’t matter that he was naked beneath the soft fabric. What mattered was that he was next to me and the feel of his skin gave me more strength and reassurance than I ever thought possible.

  “You’ll never lose her memory,” he said. He stroked my hair as he whispered softly in a language I didn’t understand. “You must ease the pain in order to see this through.

  Grief and horror cloud your vision quite literally. I have no idea what to expect as we explore this further, only that something is not right. It would take years for your pain to fade naturally. My potion will not harm your memories of Rachel, only make it not hurt when you think of her.”

  He hugged me tighter and began to whisper to me again. I snuggled my face underneath his chin and sighed.

  “Are your words magic?” I asked.

  “The robe is too,” he said. “Does it help?”

  I took another deep breath, savoring the fresh smell of his skin mingled with cologne.

  “It helps.”

  After another few minutes, Liam rose to his feet. “You should come with me,” he said, stretching his hand toward me.

  “It’s freezing outside. Can I at least get my coat?” The soft, sexy rumble of his laughter made me want to pull him close again.

  “Kiss me again and you won’t need a coat, or a key to my house.” How could I refuse an offer like that? He reached into an inner pocket and pulled out what looked like a sugar cube.

  “What is that, LSD?”

  He burst out laughing. “Not even close. Summoning is different for humans. You can bring me here no problem. But for me to bring you somewhere, I need an extra bit of magic.”

  “You’re half-human, does that affect you being summoned?”

  “I’m not sure yet. You’re the only one who has ever summoned me.” I smiled. “You mean you’ve never kissed a human with psychic ability before?” He winked. “Not the way I kissed you.”

  His answer took me by surprise and when I paused he added, “I promise I’m not a drug addict and this cube is mostly sugar.”



  Tracey H. Kitts

  He reached down and turned off the electric fireplace before offering me his hand again. “We might be gone awhile.”

  I took his hand and as he pulled me against him, Liam placed the cube on his tongue. Anticipation made me shiver as his lips hovered above mine.

  “Hold on,” he whispered.

  The gentle warmth of his lips burned through me, spreading from the point of contact all the way to my toes. He held me tighter and opened his mouth, deepening the kiss. His tongue plunged inside my mouth and the instant I touched the cube the room started to spin.

  Wind rushed over me, whipping Liam’s hair across my face. I kept my eyes closed, enjoying the gentle press of his lips and the feel of his skin beneath the robe. The world fell away and when Liam pulled back from me, we were at his place.

  We were standing beside his fireplace. It was a massive collection of stones, most larger than my head. The hearth had a rounded half-moon shape and stuck out into
the room, allowing more space for the big logs burning there.

  I turned to scan the rest of the room and was greeted by the earthy smell of incense and fresh flowers. The wooden floors were highly polished and had a reddish tint.

  White paper lanterns were strung across the ceiling in rows like you might see at an outdoor café. This soft light added warmth to the loft-style apartment.

  Plants were placed at seemingly random locations. A vine of lavender morning glories grew on a shelf, hanging down over one window like it was part of the curtain.


  “Glad you like it.”

  Liam’s robe trailed the floor behind him as he moved farther into the apartment.

  When he neared a dungeon-style door at the back of the room I asked, “Where are you going?”

  He glanced back at me and smiled. “To the bedroom. That’s where I left the potion.” He turned back, took two steps and paused again. This time he turned completely around and his robe fell open once more, giving me a much-appreciated view of his muscular thighs and his nice big cock.

  “Do you have a particular aversion to following me into my bedroom?” he teased.

  “Well, I didn’t until I saw that door.”

  He laughed. “It adds a certain something to the room, don’t you think?”

  “Where did you find it, Dungeons ‘R’ Us?”

  “I wish there was such a thing,” he said, moving back toward the door. “This beauty here came with the place. It’s made of iron and plated with silver. Keeps out other fairies and werewolves.”

  I assumed he left out vampires because some of them could resist the effects of silver or so I had heard.


  Constant Cravings

  “What about vampires?”

  “I grow garlic in my bathroom.”

  I burst out laughing and he said, “I’m only kidding. A wizard lived here before me, because I’m sure you were wondering who would have a door like this installed.”

  “Actually, I was just about to ask. What about you? I read that iron hurts fairies.

  How do you open it without feeling pain?”

  He shrugged. “It’s a side effect of my humanity. I’m completely immune to the effects of iron. Plus, silver is good at holding in magical energy. That makes my bedroom the perfect place to work spells.”

  As he opened the door I moved closer behind him. “Is it true that a fairy can only be killed with an iron weapon?”

  “In most cases, yes.”

  I wanted to ask more. I wanted to know if the man I found myself so drawn to was immortal like his legendary ancestors. But just then he finished opening the door and I was distracted by the sight of his bedroom.

  The bed was enormous and sat in the far left corner of the room. A canopy of sheer curtains hung to the floor, covering the bed except for the side facing us where they were parted. The color of the curtains was difficult to describe. It wasn’t exactly black, but more like the darkest plum I’d ever seen. A lush comforter was pulled back enough to show sheets of the same shade, covered with a pattern of silver moons and stars. I’d never seen anything more decadent and inviting. Instead of lanterns, there was a string of lights in the shape of dragonflies across the top of the dresser.

  There was another fireplace against the right wall. In front of this was a velvet sofa that matched the bed. Along the back wall was a large bookshelf stuffed to overflowing with numerous volumes. And directly in the center of the room was a magic circle of what looked like salt. Inside the circle was the shape of the pentagram and at each point of the star was a different color candle. Within the circle there was a scattering of dried herbs and a cauldron sitting atop a small burner. The mixture inside was silver and it bubbled loudly.

  “We should hurry,” Liam said.

  He walked past me and I followed him into the bathroom. My entire apartment could have fit in his bedroom, so as you could imagine I was in awe of his bathroom.

  My tub doubles as my shower, but Liam had both. In the middle of the floor was a large tub. When I looked at it more closely I saw the tiles that made up the basin were actually quartz stones of every color imaginable.

  Liam began to fill the tub as he explained, “In order for you to get the maximum effect of the potion, you’ll need to do a ritual cleansing first.”

  “What does that consist of exactly?”


  Tracey H. Kitts

  He was crouched beside the tub and when I asked this he looked up, causing white hair to fall across his face. His eyes flashed bright for an instant before he said, “You can’t get a better ritual cleansing than having a shaman bathe you.” My heart fluttered and already I felt the stirrings of desire low in my stomach. To say Liam gave me butterflies is such an understatement, but as close as I can come to describing the sensation.

  “Well, good thing I didn’t get dressed, huh?”

  He smiled. “I don’t mean to rush you, but we’ve only got about an hour and a half.”

  “How long will this take?”

  “That depends on how much negative energy I’ll have to wash off you.” He poured something in the bathwater and when he set aside the bottle I read aloud, “Potions, lotions, and other wicked notions.” Beneath that was, “Wash away your sins, ritual bath wash.”

  “I order it from some witches in South Carolina. Good stuff.”

  “It smells great.” I took a deep breath and let my robe fall to the floor. “Since we’ve already had an entire conversation butt-naked in my shower, guess there’s no point in hesitating.”

  He laughed. “You have a beautiful body.”

  “Thank you,” I said. I unclasped my bra and dropped it beside the robe.

  He picked up a bowl beside the tub and began scattering dried herbs over the water. Liam watched me as he used his hand to stir the ingredients. “I’m sure you already know that fairies have quite a lifespan.” That was putting it mildly and even though he was hinting at a subject of great interest to me, I felt like now was not the time to get into it. “Yes, I’ve heard.”

  “I can’t tell you how many naked women I’ve seen. Not to imply that I slept with them all.” He added the last quickly. “My point is, this is an important part of the ritual, one I’ve performed many times, and all I can seem to do is look at you.” I had received compliments before, but never one that moved me quite like his.

  There was a longing in his voice that touched my heart. Maybe he was sent to me as an answer to my spell. Then again, Liam said he was already coming for me. Perhaps my spell hadn’t worked at all. Regardless of the reason for him being in my life, his words were touching. I felt my eyes mist over with tears.

  “That’s probably the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about my body.” As I slid out of my panties he replied, “Your body is not the only reason I stare.” Liam stood and let his robe fall to the floor. I took a moment to admire his form. He stood there, naked and looking more proud than any warrior. He was magnificent, like a work of art. His pale skin only enhanced the graceful curves of his muscles, particularly his long legs.


  Constant Cravings

  He stepped down into the tub and reached for me. I took his hands to steady myself as I joined him. We stood there for a moment before he brushed back my hair and, to my surprise, placed a soft kiss against my face.

  “There is something in your eyes that calls to me,” he said.

  I smiled weakly. “They’re just plain old brown, nothing magical.”

  “They are soulful,” he said, moving closer. “Everything you feel is in your eyes.

  There is much more to you than what most people see.” His words conveyed his emotions, so much so that I could feel his sadness when he spoke.

  “I’m lonely,” I confessed. “Rachel was the closest relationship in my life. We were like sisters. I’m an only child. My father passed away and my mother and I don’t speak.”

  “She doesn’t understand your ability

  “To say the least. I don’t make many friends because I don’t trust people easily.”

  “I believe Nym and Aurora are quite taken with you.” I smiled. “I haven’t had a date in three months. Shit. Why can’t I stop myself from telling you all this?”

  “Because you’re standing in cleansing bath wash.”

  “And it makes me spill my guts?”

  He laughed. “It helps to get things off your chest. It is for this reason most practitioners who use a cleansing wash choose to bathe alone.” I moved closer and ran my hand over his chest. “Are you here because you wanted to know my secrets?” I teased.

  “I’m here to help you.” He paused and I noticed a smile tugging at the corners of his full mouth. “And to hear your secrets.”

  “Why can I feel such sadness in your voice?” I asked.

  “Because I’m lonely too.”

  We looked at each other for a moment. I suppose both of us were afraid to open our mouths in case we spilled some other deeply personal information.

  Finally, Liam took a deep breath and sat down in the tub. The water reached his chest.

  “Everything that’s on your mind, all those distracting and perhaps painful thoughts are tainting your aura,” he said.

  I sat down across from him and propped my arms on the rim of the tub.

  “Tainting my aura?”

  “They are clogging up your emotional energy flow. That is what this bath will cleanse from you. You’ll still think of these things, but you won’t dwell on them.” 39

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  “You mean it won’t help me get more dates, it’ll just help me not be so sad about it?”

  He laughed. “I don’t think you need to worry about that.”

  “What should I worry about?”

  His smile was smooth and sexy. “Nothing at all. That’s why you’ve got me.” I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, but I liked the sound of it.

  “Come here,” he said softly, “and turn around.” I did as he asked and when Liam put his long legs on either side of me I thought I might have a heart attack.


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