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Constant Cravings

Page 14

by Tracey H. Kitts

  Had I really just made a demigod moan? That was exciting enough, but then he flicked his tongue across my hard nipple as he said, “More.” I tilted my head back and poured the wine down my throat. Instantly, I felt his mouth on my collarbone, his lips sucking gently as his tongue lightly grazed my skin. I touched my fingertip to the rim of the bottle and ran some of the wine across my lips.


  Constant Cravings

  Cernunnos’ smile was full of promise as he pulled me closer to meet his kiss. He flicked his tongue across my lips then pulled them gently into his mouth. He kissed me deeply before going back to sucking my lower lip. When he moaned again I opened my mouth, letting him slip his tongue inside. My clit throbbed and I felt myself becoming wetter. I devoured him with my kiss, surprising myself and probably Cernunnos as well. When he pulled back from me his eyes promised the passion I craved.

  “Put your legs around me,” he said.

  I did as he asked and my bare sex rubbed against his waist. My arms were around his neck for support and I still held the bottle in one hand. Cernunnos kept one arm around me as he reached between our bodies to rub my soaking pussy.

  I had never done anything like this before and knowing that Liam was watching, that he approved, turned me on like I can’t describe. I looked up into the demigod’s eyes that now noticeably sparkled with magic.

  “Finger me,” I whispered, arching into his hand. I was on the verge of begging him to change form and fuck me when, through his touch, I understood that he took pleasure in denying me this.

  “Why let me read your thoughts if you’re going to hold back the good parts?” My voice was husky and strained with desire.

  He smiled down at me and stroked my clit in a slow torturous move. “I love to be wanted,” he said. “It is my desire to give you pleasure in a way that pleases me. A good hard fuck is easy enough.” I gasped as he stroked my clit again. “But I want to hear you beg before I make you come.”

  “And then?”

  “I want to eat your pussy, to drink your juices just like wine while you scream for me.”

  Holy shit. Did all men with magic in their blood know exactly what to say to turn me on? My next move surprised me further. I arched against his hand again, rubbing my juices over the fingers he deliberately kept from moving closer.

  “That’s what you say now,” I said, “but you can’t resist fucking me.” What had come over me? I had no idea, but I embraced it. I loved the boldness I felt when he looked at me and knew through what emotions he allowed me to read that my taunting was getting him off.

  He dipped one finger inside me and I gasped. “More,” I begged.

  He smiled, but that didn’t stop him from plunging his finger into my pussy again.

  “I’m the one who names the price, remember?”

  “Then why are you still fingering me?”

  His laughter was a rough, masculine sound. Cernunnos moved his hands to my waist and lifted me so that I had to put my knees on his shoulders for balance. “Pour the wine,” he commanded.


  Tracey H. Kitts

  I poured the wine down my abs. Cernunnos waited until it trickled over my pussy and buried his face between my thighs, sucking the wine from my skin and pulling my clit into his mouth.

  “Yes,” I growled.

  I dropped the bottle and grabbed his head by the horns. I heard Liam gasp. Maybe what I’d done was forbidden, but by Cernunnos’ growl, I didn’t think he objected. It wasn’t that kind of a growl.

  I used my leverage on his shoulders and my grip on his horns to thrust my pussy harder into his face. He opened his mouth wide and tongued my clit. The orgasm began as a hard ache deep inside me that spread down my thighs before my pussy contracted and I cried out with release. Cernunnos held me to him, drinking me down just like he’d said he would as I ran my fingers through his soft hair. The feel of his powerful body holding me tight and shaking with desire seemed to intensify my orgasm.

  He lowered me until my body was flat against his chest and with my juices still on his tongue, he kissed me.

  “You still want me to fuck you?” he asked, his voice trembling.


  Cernunnos laid me down across the stone altar and I pushed the pumpkin aside. In the time it took me to look back at him he was changed. His body was now completely human with a lust-worthy display of muscles and a long, thick cock. The only parts that remained otherworldly in their appearance were his sparkling gray eyes and his black horns.

  “Shaman,” he called, turning toward Liam. “Come into the circle.” Liam did as he asked and when he moved closer, I could feel the emotions pouring out from him. Liam was very, very turned-on. Not just from watching us, but from looking at Cernunnos.

  He moved closer to Liam and when they were face-to-face I realized that even in this form, Cernunnos was still close to seven feet tall. At first I thought he was going to kiss Liam, but the demigod stopped just short of contact.

  “I want you to watch closely. I want you to see the instant I penetrate her flesh…and remember.”

  Liam visibly trembled at his words.

  “Maybe next time, you’ll be the one to summon me.” Cernunnos turned back to me then and pulled me toward the end of the altar so that my ass hung off. He leaned over me and smiled as his long hair spilled across my face. “No one’s ever grabbed me by the horns before,” he said softly.

  I was afraid he would scold me but instead he said, “I liked it. Do it again.” He spread my legs with his thighs and as he leaned farther over me, I wrapped my legs around his waist at the same time he thrust into me, deep and hard. He paused with his cock buried inside me and his arms propped beside my face.


  Constant Cravings

  “Tell me what you need,” he said.

  I grabbed his horns as I answered, “Fuck me hard.” He growled again as he slammed into me and my mind was filled with images of Nym with the she-wolf. Obviously Cernunnos had some mind-reading abilities as well.

  His lusty grin gave him away.

  “Accidentally read your friend’s mind, I see. And is this what you wanted when you watched him fuck her?”

  He slammed into me again and I said, “Yes.”

  “You wanted to be fucked like that?”


  “Tell me.”

  I pulled his face closer to mine, still holding tight to his horns. “I watched him fuck her and I liked it. I came. I imagined what it would feel like and I came.” He watched me, staring into my eyes as he fucked me so hard I could barely breathe. It’s what I asked for, what I craved, and he gave it to me like no one ever had.

  He pumped in and out of me until our bodies were slick with sweat, even in the midst of the cold. When I pulled him down for a kiss, I came the instant his tongue plunged inside my mouth. Cernunnos moved slowly now, letting me feel every inch of his long shaft as he thrust into me again. I released his horns and wrapped my arms around him.

  A feeling of complete rapture swept over me as he whispered, “I’m coming.” Magic broke over us as Cernunnos cried out with release. I could hear startled birds flying away as the trees around us shook.

  Cernunnos rose slowly and, to my delight, seemed unsteady on his feet. He reached for me and helped me sit up. Liam’s face was flushed with arousal and even though he hadn’t participated, I could tell he was pleased.

  “I need a minute,” Cernunnos said, still breathing hard. He was covered in a fine sheen of sweat that highlighted his every curve. The demigod turned slightly and I found myself staring at his ass as if it was my job. He walked to the edge of the circle before turning back to me with a smile, “I’ll be back.” He disappeared into the woods.


  Tracey H. Kitts

  Chapter Fourteen

  Liam and I were silent for a moment while I took a few steadying breaths. What happened with Cernunnos was beyond a doubt the sexiest and most intense experience of my
life. Despite his reassurance earlier, I awaited Liam’s response somewhat anxiously.

  “Wow. You really got to him,” Liam said. “In all the time I’ve known him, I’ve never heard of Cernunnos losing control.”

  I was relieved to see he wasn’t angry. No matter what he said before, I only had experiences with human men to compare to. Maybe others were more fortunate than I’d been, but I’d never had a man who would go along with something like this.

  “Do you really think he lost it?”

  Liam smiled as he replied, “You took it. You took him. I don’t believe anyone’s ever treated him that way in the whole of his existence.” I was touched and impressed to hear this. Truly, I didn’t know I had it in me. Then another thought crossed my mind. I remembered the way he’d spoken to Liam when he asked him to enter the circle.

  “You said he’d helped you before. When you summoned him in the past, you paid the price, didn’t you?”

  The flush on Liam’s cheeks appeared to be more from arousal than from embarrassment. “Nym can never hear about this.” I laughed. It didn’t bother me at all to hear he’d been with Cernunnos. Actually, I thought it was kind of sexy. Images of Liam with Cernunnos flashed through my mind.

  Their bodies were entwined, their lips locked in a kiss. My heart fluttered and I knew that Cernunnos had sent me his memory. I looked around, but the demigod had still not returned.

  “I thought you weren’t attracted to men,” I said to Liam.

  He sighed. “I’m not, only to Cernunnos.”

  “That was a long time ago,” Cernunnos said, stepping into the circle once again in his centaur form. “Besides, what happens with a demigod stays with the demigod. Isn’t that right, Liam?”

  “Well, I never heard any rumors,” he said, laughing softly.

  Cernunnos looked down at me and asked, “So do you feel up to that ride?” I was about to say no, but realized I felt invigorated after sex with him instead of exhausted. However, I was also covered in sweat and my inner thighs were slick.

  “Is there someplace I could wash up first?” I asked.


  Constant Cravings

  “There’s a stream through the woods there,” Cernunnos said. “Unless you need to go to the house. I’ll wait.”

  I could not imagine how Liam’s aunt would react if I went up to the door naked, in this weather especially, and covered in sweat. What would I say, “Hi, nice to meet you.

  Could I use your bathroom to wash up?” I tried not to laugh at the thought. Even though he could read my mind, I didn’t want to take a chance that Cernunnos would misinterpret my humor.

  I offered him a smile. “The stream is fine. I’m just a little sweaty.” And my pussy was soaking wet, but I saw no reason to point that out. I took a small hand towel from Liam’s bag. “I’m borrowing this,” I said. “You boys be nice.” Cernunnos knew my comment was a subtle reference to the memory he’d sent me and smiled.

  Ordinarily, a cool stream in the middle of winter did not sound like a place I’d like to go skinny dipping. However, Liam’s warming spell was still working and my blood was thoroughly heated from my encounter with Cernunnos. I walked in until the water reached my waist, then used the towel to wash my face and chest. I couldn’t get over how great I felt! Every part of me was so alive, it was as if I tingled with energy.

  As I walked back into the clearing I heard Cernunnos say, “If that’s all right with you.”

  He turned to me and smiled. “I was just telling Liam that I would very much like to see you some time. You know, when I’m not tracking down someone with a death sentence.”

  His request shocked the hell out of me. Even more surprising, Liam looked agreeable.

  “Socially?” I asked.

  “Or privately.” He paused and glanced to Liam who nodded his consent. “Think it over. But first, I owe you some answers and you promised me a ride.”

  “You want me to go naked?” I asked.

  “Of course.”

  “Can I at least put on a bra? Seriously, breasts this big weren’t meant for riding centaurs naked.”

  “I can see where that would be a problem,” he said, barely containing his grin.

  Once I’d put on my bra I turned back to him wearing nothing else except for the smile I couldn’t help. Cernunnos reached for me and swung me up onto his back.

  “Wow. I thought that would be harder to do,” I said.

  “I’m stronger than I look,” he joked.

  We took off at a light canter through the woods and once we were out of earshot of Liam he asked, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”


  Tracey H. Kitts

  “No,” I said. I moved so that my body was pressed flat against the back of his human half and wrapped my arms around him. “I liked it.”

  “Good,” he said, patting my arm. “I’ve never lost control like that before.” Even though he’d just confirmed Liam’s suspicions about losing control, I thought it best not to comment on the fact. Still, I was very flattered to know I’d had such a powerful effect.

  “I can’t believe I’m not sore,” I confessed. “To tell the truth, I could go again.”

  “Don’t tempt me. We’ve got business and I’ve got someone to track down.” His voice was softer when he said, “About before, you have no need to worry. You can’t get pregnant unless I wish it.”

  Oh my goodness. How could something like that slip my mind? I was always so careful. Still, these were special circumstances and apparently no harm was done. After a moment’s hesitation, I decided not to beat myself up. It wasn’t as if I had unprotected sex with a demigod every day. What were the odds of even having such an opportunity?

  “Thank you,” I said.

  He turned in the direction of the city as he said, “No one can see us unless I wish that too.” His laughter rumbled through my chest where I was pressed against him.

  “And I don’t. I wouldn’t mind being seen with a gorgeous, naked woman on my back, but I could see where this might be awkward for you.” I laughed then too. “Why is it I can’t help but like you?”

  “I’m charming. As far as the business with your friend, I’m afraid I don’t have an easy answer.”

  I sobered at the thought of getting back to the original reason for coming here.

  He continued, “The creature you described doesn’t sound like a werewolf to me. It sounds like a barghest.”

  “Pretend I don’t know everything and explain to me what that is.”

  “It’s what happens when goblins survive a werewolf attack.” I gasped. “You mean it’s half wolf, half goblin? That’s scarier than a werewolf.”

  “And meaner,” Cernunnos added. “It’s more than your description of the creature that makes me think your friend was eaten by a barghest. You see, I’m missing two.” My heart was beating way too fast and I felt lightheaded. “I’m sorry, but this is all confusing and really fucking scary to me.”

  Cernunnos paused and reached back to touch my thigh. His touch wasn’t sexual, but comforting. The magic in his hands was completely different than Liam’s and yet it had the same soothing effect. As we continued to move forward, he kept his hand on my thigh, and I was grateful for the contact.

  “How is it that death and cold follow you, but I feel peace when you touch me?” My voice was softer as I said, “I thought you only brought death.” 106

  Constant Cravings

  “It’s often been implied that we die a little death when we experience a great orgasm.”

  His deep voice made me shiver with excitement. My breasts were pressed against his back and I loved the subtle vibration I felt every time he spoke.

  “I think Shakespeare said something along those lines,” I said. “Please, go on about what you were saying before. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” He patted my thigh again. “Yes, the missing barghests. The Hunt is made up of all sorts of hunters. One of the most valuable to me is my trackers. I prefer barghests to were
wolves because they lack humanity. That sounds harsh, I realize, but there is always a chance that a werewolf might have a change of heart once it locates its prey.” I swallowed hard. “Are you telling me these things are senseless beasts intent on nothing but murder and two of them are loose?”

  “Not exactly. They can think and reason just like anyone else. Unlike a human who is infected with lycanthropy, a goblin becomes another creature entirely, not a combination of two.”

  I thought a werewolf was another creature entirely, but I listened quietly while he explained.

  “The barghest never shifts form, but remains a beast for the rest of its life. It’s for this reason that the creature is more likely to think as a beast than as a goblin. A barghest is capable of both good and evil, but they have a much different definition of evil.”

  He took a deep breath before he continued. “The goblin king promised me four barghests, only two arrived. That was shortly before I came to Atlanta. I can tell you what my suspicions are, but because of my agreement with Oberon, I can’t tell you the reasons behind them. I believe the one I’ve been sent to kill has the barghests. That’s bad enough, but it gets worse. Atlanta is a perfect place for someone with fae blood to hide. Not long ago, in a location not far from where we are now, there was a place designated for executions.”

  “Why in Georgia?”

  “It is a place where the veil has always been thin, the fae are drawn here. The land where the executions were performed absorbed too much fairy blood. Evil fairy blood.

  The soil there still contains much of their power.”

  “You mean the power of the ones executed?”

  “That’s right.”

  “That’s horrible.”

  “It gets worse.”

  “You said that already.”

  “I believe that my target is after that power. I also believe they are after Liam.” My sharp intake of breath conveyed my feelings perfectly.


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