It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 35

by Ivory B.

  Los woke up the next afternoon a little after 1PM, he yawned and stretched noticing that Lucky was gone. This was so out of character for him rarely did he ever sleep in late. He had his eyes closed with his arms stretched over his head when he suddenly opened his eyes and jumped out of bed. His eyes scanned the floor where he left his clothes and there was nothing there. Los walked over to the closet where they usually placed all their dirty laundry coming up empty as well. “Shit!” He fussed as he yanked on his sweats in search of Lucky. He figured she had to have moved the clothes. Los didn’t know what he was thinking; usually he was never this sloppy with his dirt. He realized in his exhausted state he had left his clothes with the knife he used the night before still inside the pants pocket.

  Los found Lucky downstairs in their kitchen. “Oh hey Daddy, you looked real tired so I didn’t want to wake you,” Lucky said as Los stood in the middle of the kitchen just staring at her. Lucky walked over to him standing on her tippy toes placing a kiss on his cheek then lips. She turned on her heels and walked to the refrigerator all while talking over her shoulder. “I know your probably hungry baby so I’m going to get a late brunch started for you. I was cold so I started a fire over in the great room. I don’t know if I did it correctly you wanna go over and make sure I set it right?” Lucky said turning around and eyeing Los. Los didn’t know what to say he was temporarily speechless. Did she see the clothes or not? Hell yeah she had to; where else would they have gone?

  Los walked over to the fire place noticing that it was raging pretty hard. Through the inferno he spotted the tip of the knife handle he had used and a few pieces of his clothing he had on the night before that was in the process of getting torched. Everything was right there in the fireplace being burnt to ashes. Everything, all the way down to the Gucci loafers he wore on his feet the day before. Los didn’t say anything he was taken aback. He walked back into the kitchen where Lucky was busy cracking eggs to make a late brunch. “Was the fire set right?” “Yeah it was set right,” was Los’ only response before he pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the forehead. He held her in his arms and let his lips linger on her forehead only letting her go once he heard the crackle of the turkey sausages frying on the stove. Lucky turned and tended to the stove like there was absolutely nothing wrong in the world, just like a true Hood Stepford Wife. “You can go upstairs, I’ll call you when it’s ready,” she said in an even tone with her back turned towards Los. He went upstairs feeling both relieved and crazy about the whole situation. Once Los left the kitchen Lucky placed her hand on her chest and took a few deep breaths. She had no idea what crime she had made herself accessory to, all she knew is that she couldn’t lose her husband. So when she woke up and saw those clothes and knife she did what any chick in her position would do, she got rid of evidence and she’d do it all over again if she had to.

  After the incident with the clothing Los had been playing close to home lately which was fine with Lucky. She honestly preferred to know where he was and what he was doing at all times after finding a pile of his clothes soaked in someone else’s blood and a knife in his pocket. Lucky was lying on Los’ chest while he had his fingers buried deep in her hair massaging her scalp. His fingers moved lazily as his breathing got heavier and his eyes closed. He already knew Lucky would be sleeping in no time as well, she was always a sucker for him playing in her hair and it seemed to put her in a lethargic state almost immediately. They were both almost off to LaLa Land when the doorbell rang cutting through their serenity like a knife. Lucky lifted her head and looked up at Los. “Daddy was that the doorbell?” Lucky asked startled at the sound. “Yeah, that was the doorbell you expecting anybody, ya girls coming through or something?” “No,” Lucky answered showing slight alarm. She sat up reaching for the remote on the cocktail table to flick the television to the security monitors outside. Carlos had a good idea who was at the door, all he could say was it’s about damn time. He had been waiting around the house for damn near a week because he didn’t want Lucky to be alone when she got the news of her father’s death. But inwardly he was like a dog scratching at the front door ready to get out. He wasn’t a homebody never been so being cooped up in the house was like torture.

  The camera on the porch showed two people a white woman and black man dressed in suits standing at the front door. The cheap suits and unmarked police car screamed Detectives. Lucky looked back at Los for an explanation. He only shrugged his shoulders giving her the most innocent look he could muster and flashing her a puppy dog look with those Amber eyes of his. “I’ll go get the door,” Lucky said walking off briskly to the door.

  “Who is it?” Lucky called through the thick double wood doors. “Philadelphia police department Ma’am,” a female voice answered from behind the door. Lucky’s heart dropped, as she opened the door slowly holding her breath hoping this didn’t have anything to do with Carlos. Lucky looked over at Carlos before she opened the door. “Yes how can I help you?” “We’re looking for a Louchanna Williams.” “That’s me, What is this about?” Lucky asked with an uneasy feeling settling in her stomach. “Do you know a Louis Badea?” The female detective asked. “Uh yes…that’s my father,” Lucky answered. “Well Ma’am please accept our condolences, we are here to inform you that your father is deceased.” Lucky just stood there for a few seconds frozen. She really didn’t know how to react. So many emotions ran through her body at once it was damn near overwhelming. Sorrow, sadness, relief, and anger all mixed in a bunch. Could she really feel bad for the man who had caused so much strife in her life, but at the same time gave her life?

  Lucky broke down crying right there at the front door shocked at her own reaction. Los hopped up from the couch and rushed over to hold her up when her knees were too weak to hold her own weight. “Ma what’s wrong?” He asked. “My… my father he’s dead, they just said he’s dead” Lucky struggled to get out through tears. Los stood pressing her head to his chest where she cried before she regained her composure. The detectives studied Carlos and noticed he was emotionless.

  “What happened?” Lucky asked looking at the detectives while wiping her tears away. Both Detectives shared a quick glance and decided to spare the gory details of her father’s murder since it seemed as if she was taking this hard enough. “Uhh a jogger found your father in Fairmont Park three days ago. It took us a couple of days to find the next of kin, which was you. We were able to identify him by a shelter ID he had on him from Baltimore. When’s the last time you had contact with your father?” The male Detective asked. Lucky furrowed her brow and thought long and hard. “It’s been years, over 10 for sure. My father had drug problems which caused him to live a very transient lifestyle. Last I heard he moved from Philly to Baltimore, I didn’t even know he was back in Philly.” The Detectives knew he was a drug addict that looked to live a hard life that much was obvious from the condition of his body and the M.E report. “So he hasn’t tried to contact you recently?” the Detective pressed. “No he hasn’t, like I said I haven’t spoken to or seen him in ages.” The Detective really had no reason not to believe her; as a matter of fact it made sense. If her father knew where she was he would’ve probably been hitting her up for money, from the looks of it she had plenty to spare. “Okay well Ma’am if you think of anything that can help us with the investigation of your father’s murder give us a call. I’ll leave you with my card. We want you to know we’ll be working hard to solve your father’s case and bring the person or people responsible to justice. The body is down at the Philadelphia morgue you can contact them for arrangements, again our condolences,” the male Detective said before turning to leave. He gave the standard line of BS; they were supposed to make the victim’s family feel as if they were going to do any and everything in their power to apprehend the killer responsible when in actuality Green was just another number to the already climbing number of homicides in Killa-delphia. There was nothing high profile about his murder that would require them to solve it quickly. He was j
ust another dope fiend that ended up murdered, probably over a drug debt of some sort they had concluded upon finding the body.

  Everything after the Detectives visit was a blur. Lucky had to sit back and really thank god for Los because without him she would’ve been lost, a complete mess. Her fathers’ death had stirred up some ugly memories for her, things she fought so hard to forget. And while dealing with those memories the last thing she needed was the added stress of making funeral arrangements. Thankfully she didn’t have to, Los said he would handle everything and he did. All Lucky had to do was show up to the funeral.

  The funeral was nice but damn near vacant. The only people who showed up were Lucky and Los’ people. Lucky didn’t know any of her father’s family and it had always been that way. He had always been much of an enigma or like the Boogeyman to her as a child. A handful of random people showed up and Los paid some Preacher to tell some lies about what a good and god fearing man Green was. Los discreetly took a second peek at the Frank Muller on his wrist as the Preacher crossed the pulpit for the umpteenth time sweating and panting. Los hired this nigga to say a few good words but now he was up there grandstanding; sweating like he just got finished running a 10K. Every time you thought the fool was through he started right back up again going completely in like this was Sunday service in the South. Lucky squeezed down on Los’ hand as a low cry escaped her lips. Los flashed the preacher a look of annoyance, then glowered at him. The look on Los’ face didn’t go unnoticed by the preacher or Nice either, Nice had to literally tuck his lips in to keep himself from laughing at the way Los looked at ole boy. I swear if this greasy mufucka cross that pulpit one more time I’ma trip his ass and punch him in the back of his fuckin head, Making Lucky cry more wit all this extra shit he doin, Los thought to himself, “Uh..umm sista’s and brother’s now that we bring this homecoming to a closing,” the preacher said stammering over his words a bit while wiping his sweaty and greasy forehead with a handkerchief avoiding further eye contact with Los as he wrapped up his sermon.

  The entire ceremony was short but too damn long for Los and as everyone filed away from the burial site where the grave diggers began to throw dirt on the casket Lucky took a deep breath of relief. Relief that it seemed that chapter in her life was finally closed. She felt Nice’s warm embrace as he gave his condolence then kissed her on the cheek. She remembered being hugged by Keema, Real, Jah and then remembered standing at the limousine hugging Ty and bawling like a child before Los ushered her inside the limo and held her all the way home.

  Now they lay in bed together still in their clothing from the funeral. Los was spooning Lucky from behind holding her close to his chest. “I love you Lucky Charms, it’s gonna be alright.” Lucky turned around to face him and spoke for the first time since they’d been home. “I feel lost, I don’t have a mother and now I don’t have a father, I don’t have no one, you gotta take care of me,” Lucky whimpered beside herself with grief letting the first thing that crossed her mind come out. “Always Ma, you know I’ll take care of you. You know that,” Los assured. He wiped her tears away with his thumbs staring her in the eyes. “I’m fighting these feelings I feel sad… but at the same time relieved he’s gone is that wrong?” Lucky whispered finally admitting verbally what she was feeling, “It’s a part of grieving, it’s not a right or wrong way, you’re not wrong for feeling the way you do, it’ll pass, you’ll be alright.” Lucky looked into Los’ eyes and trusted everything he said before falling off into a deep sleep in his loving embrace.

  Drama! Drama! And More Drama!

  “Girl you look good!” Ty exclaimed giving her cousin the once over as they sat for lunch at one of their favorite lunch spots. “Thanks, and you look good too,” Lucky said giving her cousin a once over. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it but there was something different about Ty. Maybe it was her skin, her eyes, something was different. Then again there was a lot different about Ty ever since her and Nice been together. Different in a good way that is, Ty was the happiest Lucky had ever seen her in a relationship. The waitress provided the two with menus before walking away giving them the right amount of privacy they needed to continue with their conversation.

  “Luck, baby again I’m so sorry about your father I mean… I know he wasn’t much of a father to you but he was still your father.” “Ty I’m fine, really I’m good. Thank god for Carlos though he never left my side during everything and he handled all the funeral arrangements. Honestly, I don’t think I could’ve handled it,” Lucky took a sip of her water and a deep breath before she spoke again.

  “Ty my father used to molest me and um…and my mom knew about it,” Lucky said exhaling hard finally admitting for the first time what she always knew deep down. “I told Carlos the night he proposed. That man loves me so damn much he couldn’t even tell me the truth about my mother knowing, I could see it all in his eyes though, he didn’t want to hurt me.” Ty looked stunned, “Wha…why didn’t you ever say anything to me?” Ty’s eyes began to water. She had always considered herself Lucky’s big sister and protector, this she couldn’t protect Lucky from and she couldn’t help but feel as if she failed her in a way. Lucky shrugged her shoulders with a solemn look on her face. “It just took a toll on me where I balled it up and tried to bury it. The tears I cried at the funeral wasn’t over my father’s death, it was more over my situation growing up. I was a child who trusted and depended on my parents to do the right thing but they never did. My parents should’ve loved and protected me but somehow they fell short.” Lucky pursed her lips together clearly struggling with her emotions. A lone tear escaped her eyes before she quickly wiped it away. “And then I think about all the other little girls out here who living through the same nightmare with their parents behind closed doors that I used to…” Lucky paused and took a deep breath

  “My father’s death brought back memories of a time where my life was dark. Now that he’s gone I feel like…I don’t know…like I’ve really just closed a chapter in my life and I’m looking forward to the next ones. And hell my future’s looking pretty bright; who knows you may be a Aunty pretty soon.” Ty’s watery eyes bulged and Lucky laughed at her reaction. “Oh my god Lucky you pregnant?!” Ty exclaimed happily. “No. Not yet we’re trying. I stopped taking the shot. I cancelled my last appointment for Depo. All I know is my child will never ever go through what I went through as a child,” Lucky said with determination and emotion in her voice.

  Ty looked over at her cousin and realized just how resilient and strong Lucky truly was. So many people would’ve broke after going through what she’d been through, but here Lucky was standing strong and actually looking forward to a brighter future while leaving her past behind . Ty reached over the table grabbing Lucky’s hands into hers giving them a quick squeeze. “I’m so sorry that happened, I can’t believe Auntie Karen,” Ty said with tears streaming down her face. “Ohh Mama don’t cry cause you gon make me cry and I promised myself I wasn’t going to shed one more tear over it,” Lucky cooed while reaching over with a napkin to gently dab at Ty’s cheeks. “Geesh Ty what the hell is that man doing to you? Ever since you started messing with my boy all you do is cry. Good dick got you all mushy inside ha? I know the feeling,” Lucky teased playfully trying to lighten the heavy mood. Ty chuckled lightly knowing what Lucky said was true. She couldn’t explain it, it was as if being with Nice had caused her to become more in touch with her feelings probably a little too in touch as of late. Ty’s emotions had been all over the place lately.

  Ty sucked in her bottom lip shaking her head back and forth trying to gain her composure. Within seconds she was in full cry mode, with the whole ugly cry face and everything. Lucky got up from her seat and rushed around the table to sit beside Ty. She knew from the way Ty was looking that there was much more going on with her. “Ty what’s wrong?” Ty wiped her eyes and swallowed hard before answering just above a whisper. “I saw Tony Lucky” “What?!” Lucky asked with alarm showing all over her face. “When?
Where?” Ty told her about the incident at the grocery store not missing one detail.

  “Lucky I’m so scared this shit gonna blow up in my face and I’ma end up losing Nice when he finds out. I’m so paranoid; I keep thinking this slimy nigga gonna pop up at any given moment.” Ty sniffled. “I know Nice the one and I’ma lose it all…my family Lucky, I don’t know what to do” Ty rambled through tears. Lucky wrapped her arms around Ty because she needed it. Ty looked as if she were literally seconds away from falling apart. “Ty no you won’t. listen…have you ever considered just telling Nice the real? He loves you, I can’t see him letting go of all you two are building together over some shit that happened in the past.” Ty shook her head vigorously “Tell him? Hell no!” Ty said in a loud panicked whisper. “Luck I’m not doing that. You know how niggaz act when they hear certain things, been there done that with Rob, remember him?” Lucky screwed her face up and rolled her eyes with the mere mention of Ty’s Ex-Fiancé.


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