It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 36

by Ivory B.

  Rob was a lot like Douglas a complete asshole that is. He was Ty’s college sweetheart throughout most of her undergrad and in their last year of college he proposed. But right after Ty opened up to him about her past he started treating her like complete and utter shit. At the time no one could convince Ty to leave Rob. It wasn’t until she’d had enough of his blatant disrespect that she finally called off not only the engagement but the relationship as well.

  “Ty Nice ain’t Rob, fuck Rob. I never liked his ass anyways. In my opinion you dodged the biggest bullet of your life when you ended things with him. Imagine you could be unhappily married with children right now. Nice is different Ty, he really loves you I see the way he looks at you,” Lucky argued. The look on Ty’s face told Lucky she was wasting her breath. Ty wasn’t going to take the route of honesty; it damn sure wasn’t the best policy in her opinion, she didn’t care how much Lucky tried to convince her. Lucky had no other choice but to rock with whatever her cousin wanted to do. “Okay, okay fine then don’t tell him. Besides how else would Nice find out?” “I don’t know Lucky, Nice know a lot of people.” “I doubt he knows anybody like Tony scum ass. You gotta relax; look at you you’re shaking. If you tryna keep something from Nice you doing a horrible job. Ty you saw him but it’s not like he knows where you live, work, or how to contact you. It’ll be alright.” Lucky said shaking her head at how distraught her cousin was before pulling her into a hug. “Girl you should’ve called me as soon as you saw that piece of shit.” “I wanted to trust me I did but you was in Colombia with Los and I didn’t wanna talk to you about it with him around. I stressed the whole weekend after I ran into him. I didn’t even wanna go to that Black Out party. Then Nice came home and I forced myself into believing I never saw Tony but… I swear I’ve been so on edge lately afraid of running into Tony again this time while Nice with me.” “Ty you gotta stop stressin over this, fuck him do like you been doing pretend it never happened. He ain’t gon have a day of good luck in his life after what he’s done to you. May that Bastard boil in a pot of water over a fire with shit and apples.” Both women made eye contact then burst out into laughter. “Boil in a pot with shit and apples?” Ty repeated with a raised eyebrow through laughter and tears. Lucky folded over with laughter holding her stomach. “Girl I have no idea where that came from. I guess all them fairytales me and Los been reading to Baby Jah and Ky got me zoning,” Lucky admitted. They both shared a hearty laugh at Lucky’s expense getting stares from other patrons before they gained control of themselves.

  Ty was laughing and crying at the same time, Lucky was truly a goofball. Lucky gave Ty a serious look as she reached over and wiped a lone tear that slid down Ty’s cheek. “For real Ty Tony was in your past keep him there, look to your future and that’s Nice. You got a good man focus on him and Ky.” Ty shook her head in agreement and smiled appreciatively. Lucky was always strong when she was weak and never missed a chance to be brave enough for the both of them when she needed to be. “Love you Lady Luck.” “Love you too Pebbles. Ain’t that what Nice calls you?” Lucky teased. Ty blushed like a little school girl causing Lucky to laugh. Yeah Nice definitely had Ty wide open Lucky concluded.

  Lunch was enjoyable and therapeutic for both women and after they ate they did some retail therapy doing a little damage to Los and Nice’s credit cards. They were on their way to Nice’s Range Rover parked in an outdoor parking lot hands full of bags engrossed in a deep conversation when they heard Ty’s name being called.

  “Yeah you heard me. Ty you a nasty ass triflin bitch!” Both Ty and Lucky knew exactly who it was before even turning around. They turned around to see Shasona crossing the street towards them flanked by three other chicks that looked like straight brawlers. You know the type of chicks that looked hood, dusty and rough as hell, there was nothing feminine or kind looking about them. All four of them were making quick steps towards Ty and Lucky like they wanted it. Lucky knew things were about to get out of hand she could feel it in the air so she stepped up.

  “Now hold up Nona if you and Ty got problems y’all family that’s between you two. I don’t understand why you brought a whole bunch of chicks with you like y’all gon jump her or somethin cause that’s not about to happen,” Lucky said with attitude. “First off, Lucky you’s a phony fake ass bitch for hookin Ty and Nice up! If it wasn’t for me puttin you on to Los you would still be the same lame, bum bitch you used to be. Bitch I made you hot, I’m the one that put you on!” Nona shouted with hostility. “I was a bum bitch?!” Lucky shouted incredulously. Lucky had to catch herself from getting upset and chuckle because this was truly silly and obviously Nona was trying to put on for these chicks out here. “You know what Nona I’m not even going to dignify this shit because it’s childish. And for the record I didn’t hook anybody up.” “Yeah whateva, whateva,” Nona spat while staring Ty down like she hated her guts. Nona had so much hate in her eyes it wasn’t even funny. Her fists were balled up at her sides and her body was in a fighter’s stance.

  “Yeah so what up bitch see me now! What! What!” Nona challenged. “That’s right Nona whoop that snake bitch ass,” one of the girls screamed from the sidelines putting that Double D sized battery in Nona’s back. Lucky shook her head in disgust at Nona before turning her back and grabbing ahold of Ty’s arm. “Ty let’s just go this shit is petty and Nona out here doing the most, tryna show off for these chicks.” Ty had already dropped her bags by then and she wasn’t as unconcerned about the situation as Lucky was, neither did she trust these bitches enough to turn her back on them either. “Lucky!” Ty screamed swinging wildly over Lucky’s head. Before Lucky could react or knew what was going on she felt a hard thud in the back of her head that sent her crashing to the ground. Everything went fuzzy for a few seconds; Lucky blinked rapidly trying to focus through the paralyzing pain that ran from the back of her head down to her shoulder blades. The temporary ringing in Lucky’s ears was almost deafening as she tried desperately to bring everything into focus. All she could make out at first was colors and fast moving objects before things got clearer. When the haze was finally lifted from Lucky’s vision she saw Ty and Nona going at it hardbody like two gladiators. The way they were fighting you wouldn’t know they shared any type of kinship; they were bangin out like two complete strangers. Ty had stepped out of her nude colored Red Bottom pumps and was now fighting Nona bare footed in the streets like she had zero fucks to give. Both women had toppled to the ground holding each other’s hair swinging on one another.

  Ty was on top of Nona pounding her out getting the best of her while Nona had a vice grip on Ty’s hair. “Get the fuck off my hair bitch!” Ty screamed then delivered a stiff punch to Nona’s head. Nona was holding onto Ty’s hair for dear life knowing that if Ty got a loose she would tear her ass up. Lucky was still dazed as she reached for the back of her head hoping and praying she didn’t feel an open wound or warm blood. Thankfully she didn’t feel anything that would require stitches but within a blink of an eye a fair one turned into Ty being jumped. Lucky saw the girls that were standing around the fight sneaking punches and kicks into Ty’s back and face. “Get her Nona! Get her! Whoop her ass! Don’t let that Bougie bitch beat you!” One girl screamed. Another girl grabbed two handfuls of Ty’s hair yanking her backwards giving Nona enough leverage to pull her legs from underneath Ty and kick her square in the stomach. Ty’s body seemed to go limp after that hit. Awe hell fuckin nah! Lucky thought. Lucky wasn’t going to let no one jump Ty. Lucky was hurting in the worse way but she found the strength from somewhere to jump into action. She scrambled for her Birkin bag that was knocked to the ground when she was hit in the back of her head, grabbed her 22 out of the bag, wobbled to her feet still a little dizzy but she fought hard to regain all of her balance. Without thinking or hesitating Lucky rushed over to the chick that was holding Ty by her hair and smashed the butt of the gun into her head sending the girl crashing to the ground holding her head. “Oh bitch is you crazy!” Lucky heard one of
the girls scream before she licked shots in the air sending all of the girls including Nona scurrying away like roaches when the lights came on.

  Ty was still on the ground though lying on her side. “Oh my god Ty! You okay? Ty!” “Yeah, I’m okay, I’m okay,” Ty said in a strained tone as she pulled herself up to a sitting position. Lucky was thinking the worse before she saw Ty’s face. She thought Ty was going to be pretty messed up after being jumped but besides some scratches to her face and bloodied lip she was straight. Lucky began pulling Ty up from the ground all awhile fuming. “I can’t believe that simple bitch gon pull some shit like this,” Lucky fussed. Ty took a few steps towards the truck then suddenly folded like a chair. “Awwe!” Ty screamed out in agony. “What’s wrong?!” “My stomach, my stomach,” Ty cried. Lucky ushered Ty into the truck helping her climb in the passenger seat then closed the door. Before she hopped in the truck she grabbed both of their purses leaving their shopping bags behind. She didn’t give a fuck about the clothes her cousin’s health came first. Knowing Nona petty ass and them sewer rats she had with her today they might’ve been so inclined to come back and take the shopping bags.

  Lucky tore through the streets heading towards Temple University hospital emergency room since it was the closest. Ty was in the passenger seat crying and gripping her stomach in obvious pain. “Ty we almost there baby," Lucky pressed Hubby on her call list while she was stopped at a red light. Her adrenaline was still rushing after what just took place and her hands shook as she held her phone to her ear. Los answered mid second ring. “Princ…” is all he got out. “Carlos! I’m bringing Ty to Temple emergency room something’s wrong with her stomach!” “Emergency room! What happened” “Nona and some broads jumped Ty! I didn’t think they would do anything so I turned my back and one of them bitches snuck me from behind. Ty and Nona started fighting and them chicks with Nona was gettin hits in so I…I hit one of them with my gun and let off a few shots in the air.” “You did what?! Lucky what the hell was you thinking? What about law school?” “Carlos I don’t give a fuck! They was jumpin my cousin! What was I supposed to do? I shot up in the aiirrr!” Carlos took a deep breath to calm himself and the situation down because it was obvious by Lucky’s tone she was close to losing her shit, she was getting hysterical and he knew it had to do with Ty being hurt. He wanted to reach out and really touch Nona smut ass for pulling some punk shit like that. “A’ight, A'ight ma I’m not mad, calm down. You should’ve called me, I would’ve handled it,” he assured Lucky as he heard her whimpering softly. “You good though baby? Are you okay?” “Yeah I’m fine, but Ty I don’t know what’s wrong with her. I think her ribs might be broken,” Lucky admitted while looking over at Ty who was now balled up groaning. Carlos could hear Ty’s soft agonizing moans in the background. “Luck just get her to the hospital. I’ll be there, I love you.” “Love you too,” Lucky said before hanging up. Los called Nice right after and told him everything Lucky said and you could literally feel Nice’s fury through the phone. Nice hit a U-turn in the middle of the street and put that top of the line engine in that Aston Martin to use as he floored it to Temple U Hospital. Nice hoped there was nothing seriously wrong with Ty as he cursed Nona with every mile he drove.

  Lucky stood over Ty’s bed holding an ice pack to the back of her head. She had suffered a minor concussion; some scrapes and bruises but was fine. Ty on the other hand was lying in a hospital bed with a busted lip, bruised face and hooked up to an I.V. for dehydration and was going to have to be admitted overnight.

  Lucky held Ty’s hand as silent tears streamed down Ty’s face. She was still reeling from the news she just got a little over 15 minutes ago. It seems as if she was going to be a mommy. Ty was 11 weeks pregnant and before today she had no idea she was. Now all the headaches, fatigue, sharp pains in her stomach, and little emotional breakdowns made perfect sense. Lucky squeezed Ty’s hand, “It’s gonna be alright mama.” Ty wiped her eyes and squeezed back. “I’m scared of what he might say. What if he’s not ready for this? Look at all the bullshit he’s going through with Mia right now. Sometimes I hear him sayin things like ‘what was I thinking?’ What if he’s not ready to deal with this too?” “Stop jumping to conclusions, let the man say how he feels, you stressin ya’self and this lil pumpkin over nothing,” Lucky said rubbing Ty’s stomach gently. “I know, I know but girl I can’t believe I’m pregnant.” “I don’t know why you can’t, wit all the sucking and fucking y’all do you know something was bound to come outta that sooner than later,” Lucky said trying to hold back a laugh. Ty couldn’t help but crack a smile her and Nice definitely had somewhat of an overactive sex life. “Girl Bye, I know you ain’t talkin you and Los are the worst, y’all like fuckin rabbits,” Ty said with a laugh. Lucky burst out in a guilty chuckle because it was true. “But Lucky on a serious note you know I’m not for the whole Baby Mama mess either. Like I ain’t tryna spit out kids for this nigga every year and he ain’t willing to make a serious commitment. Uuhhh,” Ty sighed loudly with exasperation. “I know…Ty take it one step at a time, you just found out your pregnant it’ll all work out.” Lucky advised. “Fuck him if he don’t want this baby. I can do it on my own. It ain’t like I don’t have my own, I don’t need him” Ty fussed putting on her bravado. “Oh my goodness Tyyy shut up; will you let that man speak for himself he didn’t sa…”

  At that very second Nice rushed into the hospital room. He took one look at Ty and the expression on his face looked as if he wanted to catch a body. His eyes shifted to Lucky then back to Ty lying in that hospital bed when he suddenly did an about face balled up his fist and grunted. You could tell he definitely wanted to put hands on not one but a few people. Ty turned into complete mush and started crying all over again. All that tough talk about her not needing him was out the window. Nice turned around and his caramel complexion was reddened as if he were sun burned. “Yo, when I see ya bird brain ass cousin I’ma smack the fuckin fiya out that bitch,” he gritted. Ty shook her head no as she sat propped up on a pile of pillows, “No baby, let it go,” she cried holding her arms up to Nice for a hug. Lucky felt weird; as if she were imposing on a very private moment so she excused herself to wait for Los in the waiting room.

  Nice pulled Ty into his arms and hugged her tight before pulling away to get a closer look at her face. He shook his head with anger as he gently stroked the bruised and swollen side of Ty’s face while staring down at her. He noticed then that she was hooked up to an IV as he sat down on the side of her bed. The scene was making him nervous this was a bit much for Ty to have only been involved in a little scrap. “When they giving you ya walking papers so I can bring you home and take care of you?” Ty sucked in her bottom lip and fought back tears. “Not tonight, they want to admit me,” her voice squeaked. “Admit you, for what?” Nice asked his nerves showing through his tone. “They want to keep me for observation because I’m…I’m pregnant and the baby been through some trauma with the fight,” Ty rambled off the last bit of the sentence quickly. “Whoa, whoa, bring that back, you what?” Ty hesitated searching his eyes before she responded. “I’m 11 weeks pregnant,” Ty said just above a whisper. A smile slowly crept up on Nice’s face turning into one of the biggest and brightest smiles Ty had ever seen. “You not mad?” Ty asked. “Mad? Nah Baby girl I’m happy as hell. I’m just surprised this ain’t happen a lot sooner. I was beginning to think a nigga soldiers wasn’t marching no more.” Ty burst out into laughter causing her ribs to ache. She grimaced at the pain and gripped her side. Nice jumped in response rubbing her gently on her stomach where their love child was. “What happened? Is the baby alright?” “The baby’s fine. I just have sore ribs from the fight.” Nice shook his head back and forth feeling truly sorry but thanking god the baby was fine. “I don’t think I can let this shit ride out Ty.” “Yes you can, you know we violated for messing with each other in the first place, but it is what it is. Now I’m pregnant and I don’t wanna have to bang out with my own cousin every time I
see her. Please leave it alone.” Nice leaned over and kissed her stomach lovingly. He wouldn’t answer instead he changed the subject. “I’ll grab some stuff from the house to bring up here since it looks like ‘we’ staying the night.” Ty smiled brightly. “Okay, can you tell Lucky to come back in before you leave?” “Anything for you Pebbs,” he said while kissing her on her forehead then gently on her swollen lips. “I mean it baby leave it alone.” Ty whispered looking into his eyes before he could pull away. She knew him better than he thought and she knew that little change of subject thing was him avoiding telling her a bold face lie. Nice sighed hard before running his hand over his mouth, it looked as if he were going to say something else before he said, “Ty I’ll go and get Lucky for you a’ight.” Ty shook her head as she watched Nice leave the room.

  Lucky was sitting on Los’ lap as he examined the large bump on the back of her head. His baby had a big knot on the back of her dome. “Who hit you?” Los asked for the fifth time. “Baby I told you I don’t know they hit me from behind.” Lucky wasn’t going to tell him that according to Ty the person who hit her was the dustiest bitch out the group who was rocking the SpongeBob pajama pants and purple head scarf. Los hissed “You turned ya back on them bitches, Lucky I can’t believe you did something so reckless, you don’t eva turn ya back on someone,” Lucky’s only response was a loud frustrated sigh she wasn’t going to respond and explain herself because Carlos had said this only about ten times already. "Man watch when I see that Cumbucket ass cousin of yours…” “Carlos knock it off, that’s still my family.” Los held his tongue but he had other plans in mind.

  The nurse walked over giving Lucky her discharge papers and after care instructions. From the looks of it Los would have to stay up and keep an eye on Lucky when she fell off to sleep, waking her every couple of hours because she had a concussion. On top of that she needed to be in the hospital the very next day for a CAT scan because she was disorientated for a brief period of time following the blow to her head the nurse explained. Lucky wanted the nurse to shut the hell up because the more she talked about Lucky’s injuries the more upset Los got. His blood was boiling; Lucky could literally feel his heart beating wildly as her back lay against his chest although his outward appearance looked calm and collected. Los couldn’t understand how Lucky’s own cousin let some chick pull a sucka move by busting her in the back of the head like that. Right as the nurse rushed off to go help another patient in the busy emergency room Nice walked back into the emergency waiting room from the examination area.


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