Book Read Free

It Is What it Is

Page 51

by Ivory B.

  “Your honor this isn’t fair, those are private personal pictures,” Mia’s lawyer argued. “There’s nothing private about social media its fair game, if people don’t want things seen don’t post them,” Susan argued. “Judge I’m asking for a recess,” Mia’s lawyer pleaded. “Recess for what?” the judge inquired. “There’s some uh…things I need to go over with my client.” “I’ll give you till after lunch,” the judge replied banging her gavel. Mia’s lawyer was beet red in the face as he gathered up his briefcase damn near speed walking to the exit with Mia on his heels. It was apparent she hadn’t disclosed everything with her lawyer and he was blindsided with evidence and a case that wasn’t going so well. Court continued as scheduled. People who’s cases were already ruled on found them a seat and sat right back down. No one wanted to leave and miss the ending to Nice and Mia’s case it was almost like a black daytime soap opera.

  After the recess Nice and Mia were back seated on opposite sides of the courtroom like to opposers ready to get it on to the death. “Your honor we’re requesting a postponement on any judgment of support today on the grounds that Mr. Richards’ has falsified his financial affidavit. It’s our belief that he makes a lot more than what’s stated on the documents he submitted to the courts today. We want an audit to be granted by the courts”. Nice looked over at his lawyer with slight alarm. They wildin, audit Hell no! Nice didn’t want the state of New Jersey in his finances conducting an audit. Mia’s lawyer was absolutely right the financial affidavits were definitely doctored although it would be a hard thing to prove. “Your honor we are going to object to this. Of course this is a ploy to drag this case on. My client has rights, and it’s his right to have a fair and just amount for child support put in place by the courts,” Susan argued. Damn this bitch good Nice thought to himself. The judge had heard enough she was ready to put in a ruling.

  “Miss. Lewis were you receiving state assistance, cash and food stamps in conjunction with receiving child support from Mr. Richards?” Mia rolled her eyes defiantly “I don’t know.” “Well, I suggest you find out real soon. From where I’m sitting it looks like you committed fraud. Let me start by saying this, I do not condone or take lightly to individuals that use and abuse the court systems for personal vendetta’s. Today you have kept me away from helping someone who’s in real need of child support. Child support Miss Lewis is just what it sounds like ‘child support,’ It’s to be used for your child’s needs not for shopping sprees. Both parents not only one is financially responsible for a child. You should look into getting yourself gainfully employed Miss Lewis,” Mia’s only response was a defiant glare and roll of her eyes. She couldn’t believe this judge had tried to put her on blast like that.

  “I’m ready to rule,” the judge stated while slipping on her wire framed glasses. “Mr. Richards I hear by order you to continue providing the following, healthcare, tuition, along with any childcare services such as after or before school programs. As far as monetary support if nothing else changes financially you’re ordered to pay $1,200 per month.” The judge banged the gavel and her word was bond.

  “What?!” Mia shrieked in disbelief. At that very moment she felt as if her entire life had ended. She couldn’t maintain her lifestyle off of that type of money. The court room started bustling with chit chatter and light laughter. “Dayum she took a straight L and she brought him to court for child support, stupid hoe,” someone commented. “She was gettin 4 stacks a month and a credit card, my baby daddy was ordered to pay a $100 dollars a week for two kids and his sorry ass can’t pay that,” another person said. Mia started seeing red as she watched Nice smiling from ear to ear shaking his lawyer’s hands.

  “Today was a good day Mr. Richards get ready for phase two,” Susan said shaking Nice’s hand. “Really? What the fuck was that? What was you even here for?” Mia fumed at her lawyer. A bailiff walked over to Mia’s table and whispered something to her as her lawyer packed up his briefcase quickly to make a fast getaway. Nice looked over at Mia and that cocky self assured smirk he often wore on his face enraged her. “Checkmate,” he said before walking off.

  Nice’s celebration in the hallway with his family was short lived. Mia came storming out of the courtroom out for blood. She saw Nice and Los dapping each other out, giving each other manly hugs, really celebrating like they won the Super bowl. “Oh so you out here celebrating? Nigga you ain’t shit! You don’t wanna do for ya daughter you sorry as hell!” “Fuck outta here wit that bullshit, I do for mine! You just mad I ain’t supportin that little white habit of yours no more. Don’t worry you’ll get ya lil ass 12 hunnit. That ain’t shit to me bitch that’s sneaker money. I wipe my ass wit 12 hunnit,” Nice cackled. Mia looked at Ty who was standing beside Nice and felt slightly embarrassed that he had mentioned her drug use in front of Ty. The embarrassment was short lived, Mia didn’t care what Ty thought of her. What she did care about was her money though. “I’m grown I do what the fuck I want. Don’t worry about me worry about that wack bitch beside you. You ain’t said shit I’m still a Boss! My ass is still the fattest and trick niggaz like you come a dime a dozen nigga I’ma stay winning!” “You a boss?!” Nice asked incredulously with a raised eyebrow. This chick has really lost her damn mind he thought to himself. “You ain’t no boss you’s a bum bitch, you be all on the Gram and Facebook flexin like you stay touchin gwap, but let’s be honest niggaz out here use you as a cum dumpster. They fuck you in every hole on ya body and give you pennies on a dime for that wack ass pussy. If it wasn’t for child support you’d be caught in a struggle. But according to you using child support as a come up that’s boss shit nowadays right?” He laughed. That insult touched Mia to her core and without thinking she attempted to rush Nice. Mia felt a surge of hatred run through her chest propelling her to try and do some major bodily harm. Ty saw Mia coming and swung on her trying to take Mia’s whole damn head off. If it wasn’t for Jah grabbing Ty when he did that punch would’ve laid Mia flat on her back. Luckily for Mia the punch only grazed her face. Jah wanted to let Ty get in that ass but he couldn’t see his girl get bagged over some trash like Mia. “Put ya fuckin hands on him if you stupid!” Ty snarled trying to get at Mia who was going totally insane now. “Bitch you put ya fuckin hands on me! Is you crazy?! I will fuck you up bitch! You wanna be me. You want my daughter cause yo stank ass can’t have kids hoe. Too many niggaz done fucked ya womb out that’s why you lost the baby you was pregnant wit!” Ty heard that mess and tried with all her might to get Jah off her, she wanted to kill Mia. “Jah get off me, Jah get off me! I swear to god I’ma kill that bitch!” Ty gritted as she struggled against Jah’s strength to no avail. Nice rushed towards Mia with intentions of knocking her teeth down her throat for that disrespectful shit she was spitting about Ty’s miscarriage. Mia’s girls began pulling her towards the stairs to exit the courthouse. Los grabbed at Nice and told him to cool it. “Yo Bruh leave that shit alone, not here not now, you know it’s a time and place for everything,” Nice knew Los was right but damn he wanted to choke the life out of Mia’s ass. Mia was still running her mouth hurling insults left and right. Nice tuned her ranting out as he watched Jah usher an obviously wounded Ty down the hall away from the chaos where she broke down crying. Usually she would never let words get to her like this but the loss she suffered was still too fresh.

  The shouting and commotion got the attention of several bailiffs and state police, who began to converge on the scene separating the two parties. “Kamar leave it alone that girl got issues, don’t pay her no mind. She don’t know no better,” Cathy urged as she noticed Mia getting more out of pocket with her mouth. “You need to mind yo damn business; he a grown ass man. I didn’t fuck you to make my daughter I fucked him,” Mia shot back nastily. Cathy’s head whirled around and her amber eyes were cold enough to freeze over hell. “Excuse me, this is my son so that makes it my business,” “That ain’t yo son! Keep that shit real he’s a orphan wit a crack hoe as a mother. He sit here acting like he better
than somebody.” “Don’t you worry about what the hell he is to me. I may not have given birth to him but I’m more of a mother to him than you have ever been to your own child, that’s what yo ass need to worry about,” Cathy hissed trying to make her way to Mia now. All Cathy wanted to do was smack Mia one good time, maybe knock some sense and class into her. “Mom, Mom,” Nice called after Cathy holding her back along with Los. Mia must’ve really pushed a button because this was so out of Cathy’s character to act a fool in public. Mia had clearly lost her mind but her friends weren’t going to watch her commit suicide by letting her actually try and run up on Cathy. Cops, court house, and the threat of jail time wouldn’t keep both Los and Nice off of Mia for touching their mother and Mia’s friends knew that. They held Mia back as the cops escorted them out of the court house. The state police ordered Nice and his party to wait before exiting to avoid any further altercations. This was nothing new to them; they had many outbursts after court when parties collided. Money and children wasn’t a good mix.

  “I can’t believe this mess, got me out here acting a damn fool right along with this simple bitch. I’m too old for this!” Cathy fussed pulling away from Nice and Los. “Clean this mess up. Do you hear me? Look at the drama and chaos you done brought into this family. I’m disgusted; you got me about to go to jail out here.”Cathy said sternly with her finger pointed in Nice’s face. Nice took a deep breath and looked to the ground. His deep caramel complexion was reddened with embarrassment. He bit his tongue, the respect and love he had for this woman wouldn’t allow him to say anything in his own defense or disrespect her.

  Ty felt some type of way about Cathy blasting Nice. She stayed in her place though knowing this was a mother and son situation. Ty stood beside Nice rubbing his back gently showing her support. “You know what? Let me get outta here,” Cathy said turning around and diva strutting it to the exit with Los and Jah flanking after her making sure they kept a good distance. You didn’t want to bother with Cathy when she was heated and right now she was kettle hot. Once Los made sure Cathy was in her car safely and had pulled off he headed to Nice’s house to grab Lucky.

  Lucky looked up at the door when she heard it being unlocked to find Nice, Ty, and Los walking in looking exhausted. “Hey y’all looking tired.” Los walked over pulling her into his arms to place a kiss on her forehead. All he could think about was this could’ve been their reality had he really slipped up and gotten crazy ass Shyanne pregnant. “What up Luck?” Nice said flatly as he made a beeline to his man cave along with Los closing the door behind them. Lucky furrowed her brows. “Okaayy,” Lucky dragged. “So how did it go today?” Ty sighed as she made her way to the kitchen opening the refrigerator pulling out a gallon of ice tea to pour herself a glass. Lucky took a seat on a stool and waited impatiently for an answer. A smile crept up on Ty’s lips “Giiiirrl $1,200 a month.” Lucky’s mouth fell open, “Stop playin,” she said in a loud excited whisper. Ty smiled and shook her head up and down. “Dayum I know he wishing he would’ve been took her ass to court a long time ago. If everything went good why all the long faces?” Ty sighed hard and sat down on a stool opposite Lucky. “Cause ya girl didn’t take her stacks being cut lightly. She showed her ass something awful.” “How bad?” “Bad enough that Cathy was about to go upside her head and I swung on that bitch.” Lucky’s eyes bulged. “What? Wait all this went down at court today? Damn I’m mad I missed it and hold up Mom?” “Yes girl Mom. It was a hot ass of a mess.” “And you swung on her at court girl what is wrong with you?” “That bitch tried to rush Nice like she was gon hit him. Then she started poppin off talkin real reckless. She said some shit like I wanted her child cause I can’t have one and that’s why I lost my baby. Or something like that but girl I was seeing red and that damn Jah was holding me back. I gotta call him and apologize cause I know I must’ve put all types of scratches on his arms. Then Cathy went off on Nice blaming him for all that’s going on by getting Mia pregnant in the first place so he’s all in his feelings. I mean, I understand her frustrations trust me I do but Ky is already here so there’s no need to dwell on old shit. It is what it is.” Ty said shaking her head back and forth. “Wait that bitch said what about your baby?” Lucky asked her green eyes ablaze with anger. “You know what Ty as a matter of fact don’t even repeat that cause I’m hot right now.” Lucky looked over at her cousin with sympathetic eyes she couldn’t imagine how Ty must’ve felt. It took a strong woman who really loved a man to put up with baby mama drama of this magnitude and Lucky gave Ty props for dealing with the bullshit because she didn’t know if she could do it. Lucky stood up and made her way around the island giving Ty a long tight hug. “We almost there Ty, hang in there Mama.”

  You Done Got it F*cked up Now!

  Mia cursed and carried on as she drove home flooring it. “Watch I swear that nigga gon get his. God as my witness I’ma get some niggaz from Jersey to get at his ass.” Mia fumed not caring how grimy she sounded plotting to have bodily harm done to the father of her only child. At that very moment she hated Nice. And if he thought things were going to fly over that smoothly with her he was dead wrong. Hot tears threatened to fall from her eyes. His words kept echoing in her head torturing her. You can listen to them bum bitches if you want. Trust me it ain’t gon end like you expecting. And it sure the hell didn’t. “That fuckin white, racist, bitch gon tell the nigga to give me $1,200. What I’m supposed to do wit that?” No one in the car said anything they knew exactly how Mia could get really crazy that is, especially when she needed to hit a few lines.

  Mia sped into her driveway slammed on the brakes and hopped out of her rental. She had only taken a few steps towards her house when her sister came running out of the front door holding papers. “Mia! They just brought these I signed and pretended to be you.” Her sister had a worried look on her face. Mia snatched the papers from her sister and read only the words that were in bold font aloud. “Kamar T. Richards vs. Mia L. Lewis in Family district court. Kamar T. Richards vs. Mia L. Lewis petition for Sole legal physical Custody of Kynah M. Richards.” Mia was stunned. “Oh no the fuck this nigga didn’t! See now this muthafucka done got it fucked up,” Mia hissed. She was trying not to show it but she was shook as all hell, she never thought Nice would ever pull a move like this. In the past Nice seemed more consumed with having his freedom to do what he wanted as long as he took care of his financial obligations he considered himself a good father. He definitely wasn’t the type to want to stay tied down and be a full-time father, obviously things had changed. Mia was pissed beyond belief self preservation was taking first president in her train of thought. There was no secret that Ky was her meal ticket and if she no longer had Ky she no longer had money coming in no matter how small the amount was now. “Oh he wanna play, I keep tryna tell niggaz I’m not the one.” Mia fumed as she barged into her house with her sister and friends following wondering what her next move would be. Shit if Mia ain’t have money they didn’t either, her child support was supplementing their whole damn clique’s party girl lifestyle.

  Mia stormed into her room slamming her door closed everyone knew what she was up to. There were sounds of things being tossed and broken in the room. A few minutes went by with silence before Mia swung the door open with glassy eyes and a fresh taste for revenge on her tongue. She snatched the cordless off its base and dialed 911. “911 what’s your emergency?” “Yes I’m calling because I need help gettin my daughter from her father. Umm, hmm.” Mia said listening to the dispatcher on the other end. Tears began to fall from her eyes like water. “Yes her father has her and refuses to hand her over to me. She lives with me and I have full custody. No, her father doesn’t have joint custody but he won’t let me see my daughter,” Mia cried becoming hysterical. “He told me I’ll never see her again. I just wanna bring my baby home. He’s gotten violent with me in the past and I’m afraid for my daughter.” The tears Mia was crying weren’t fake at all they were genuine but she was crying for all the wrong reasons.
Crying over money lost in court and stressing about how she was going to maintain the lifestyle she had become so accustomed to if she lost custody of Ky.

  “Ma’am, I’m going to need you to calm down for me,” the operator said with concern. “Okay, okay, I just want my daughter back,” Mia whimpered dramatically. “Ma’am I understand, can you confirm your name and address?” Mia did as she was asked while she continued to act totally beside herself with concern for Kynah. “Miss Lewis hang tight officers have already been dispatched to your residence where they can escort you to pick up your child.” “Oh thank you, thank you so much, god bless you,” Mia said with crocodile tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. Yeah you wanna play pussy nigga you about to get fucked.

  Officers converged on Mia’s house as if there were an active kidnapping taking place. Mia loving the attention played her part as the distraught mother to the tee, tears and all. “My daughter lives here with me look at her school papers it lists this as her residence. Her father ain’t got custody of her and he never had. When I went to pick her up he threatened me. If you look his name up you can see how many times I had to call the cops on him. I’m scared he will hit me if I go to pick my daughter up.” “No one’s going to get hurt,” one cop stated firmly. “Give us his address.” Mia rambled off the address hurriedly. There was one big problem they were in Jersey and Nice lived next door in Pennsylvania where they had no jurisdiction.


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