It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 56

by Ivory B.

  Once again Mia’s busy social media life especially her Facebook and Instagram postings would come back to bite her in the ass. One would think after having your Facebook postings used against you in one court case you would learn your lesson, stop posting or shut your account down all together. But everyone knew Mia wasn’t dealing with a full deck, so she did none of the above.

  The lawyer played a video Mia had posted that Nice had no knowledge of mainly because he wasn’t a fan of the whole social media movement and that’s probably why Mia felt so comfortable in posting something like this. Maybe she thought he would never see it. Nice leaned forward looking past both his lawyers to give Mia a murderous glare. He didn’t care if he came off looking like some crazed obsessed ex looking at her the way he was. He wanted her to know how pissed the hell off he was right now. Mia kept her head straight and wouldn’t give him the benefit of looking his way. She could feel his dark eyes burning a hole through her and to be honest she was afraid to even look despite the courtroom full of bailiffs. Nice turned his attention back to the screen watching his daughter, his princess, pride and joy, not even 6 years old yet, dropping it and popping it like a stripper at Magic City while her mother could be heard in the background encouraging her and telling her what to do. “Yeah you see it! My daughter a bad ass mixed breed lookin cutie, she get it from her mama! That’s right Ky drop it, drop it! Twerk!” Nice shifted uncomfortably in his seat turning his head from the screen. Watching his daughter gyrate inappropriately was something he didn’t want to do. Once Kynah barely out of diapers in his eyes dropped flat on her belly and started humping the floor that was way too much for him to continue watching. “Man fuck is this shit?” He spat looking towards Horowitz like he was about to dumb out. Horowitz never told him about this evidence. Why? Because Nice being the father he was wouldn’t allow them to use it even if it was going to help them prove their claim that Mia was seriously too unstable to have custody.

  The scoffs in the courtroom could be heard loud and clear. Everyone looked uncomfortable seeing a little girl acting so inappropriate while her mother encouraged it. Ty and Lucky seemed to turn their heads to look at one another at the same time giving each other the ‘what the fuck look’. Once the video was over the judge gave both Mia and her lawyer a stern look.

  “Does your client have anything to say for herself in light of this evidence?” “Your honor that was innocent, it was mere dancing. My client is of Caribbean descent and dancing like that in her culture is a norm.” Nice cackled That bitch ain’t no more Caribbean than the American flag she can’t be serious. Even if she was Caribbean this shit is uncalled for. The judge must’ve agreed because she went into a short lecture of the dangers in posting videos up like that of your children or yourself with predators and sex offenders surfing the net.

  After the judge publically chastised Mia things weren’t looking too good for her. Nice’s lawyers didn’t waste time pointing out the fact that Nice currently had temporary custody of his daughter and gained it through Mia abandoning her. Which Mia and her lawyer vehemently denied; Mia claimed she left Ky in the care of a friend while she visited a sick relative down south. The judge didn’t look too convinced and once Nice’s lawyers presented statements from character witnesses including teachers and the head master from Ky’s school Mia definitely wasn’t coming off as the great mother she was pretending to be. School officials stated how there was a noticeable difference in Ky when she was with either parent in everything right down to her hygiene. Mia didn’t really take the time to make sure Ky brushed her teeth properly, washed sleep out of her eyes in the morning, and rarely ironed her uniforms. She took for granted others wouldn’t see the difference but they did.

  “Forgetting to iron proper creases in your child’s school uniforms doesn’t constitute neglect I think that’s reaching,” Mia’s lawyer argued. “That maybe so counselor, however tell me why your client has been habitually late to pick her child up from school? Sometimes never coming at all and having an emergency contact come instead?” The judge asked genuinely curious. “Your honor those instances have been honest schedule mix ups with Mr. Richards.” The judge looked over the brim of her eyeglasses looking a little annoyed. It wasn’t hard to tell Mia had her faults and shortcomings as a mother. What annoyed the judge the most was she seemed to have a never ending stock of excuses.

  “Mr. Richards you currently have temporary custody I see,” the judge said looking over at Nice and his lawyers. “Yes I do,” Nice said speaking up respectfully and nervously. “That’s correct your honor my client was granted custody three weeks ago where Mrs. Lewis failed to even show up to the hearing,” Horowitz added. The judge scribbled something on her notepad. The courtroom became completely quite as the air in the room turned stale in Mia’s direction that is. That’s why Mia’s last ditch effort didn’t come too much as a surprise.

  Mia’s lawyer was feverishly whispering back and forth with her. It was apparent this hearing wasn’t going in Mia’s favor so she had to pull out all the stops. Go hard or go home was her motto. “Your honor, as I was saying my client was not notified of the hearing had she been notified she would’ve contested Mr. Richards be granted custody on the basis of him not being able to provide the child a safe and stable home because of his dealings in illegal narcotics. This man here is a dangerous drug kingpin who makes profits off of selling narcotics. His business could pose a threat to this child’s welfare.”

  The courtroom was stunned, everyone knew Mia was bitter but they didn’t think she would actually take it there. Horowitz didn’t break a sweat or seem panicked at all. As a matter of fact he cackled at her statement making a face as if her accusations were absolutely hogwash. Lucky who was busy sneak texting Keema, trying to keep her up to date with the court proceedings since she was at home with the kids head shot up when Mia’s lawyer made that statement. She really couldn’t believe Mia went there.

  “Your honor this is absolutely ludicrous!” Horowitz interjected. “My client is a law-abiding citizen, business owner and philanthropist. You have his detailed financial documents to prove as much. This is an attempt to discredit and defame my client’s character for custody. Since Ms. Lewis has brought up the subject of drugs we want to point out the fact she seems to be the one with the drug problem. That’s why we are requesting that the court order her to undergo a drug test.” “Excuse me! If my client has to take a test so does yours,” Mia’s lawyer retorted. “That’s absolutely fine; my client can pass a test any day, anywhere, anytime. He has absolutely nothing to hide. He can take a test right now if need be.” Nice squirmed in his seat discreetly eyeing his lawyer. Damn Steve fall back I just smoked a L before coming to court. Even though Ty had begged him not to do it he did anyways. His nerves were too bad; he had a lot riding on this court date his daughter that is.

  The judge rolled her eyes. This was her first case of the day and it was apparent by the way Nice glared over at Mia and Mia cut her eyes into evil slits while returning the glares there was a lot of animosity between them. Presiding over cases for nearly 23 years in custody disputes she had heard some of everything. She sometimes found it amazing how two people walking into her courtroom had ever gotten along long enough to procreate.

  The judge waved her hand making a motion that said cut it out as if she were a mother scolding two bickering kids on a playground. “This is what we’ll do I’m ordering both parties to undergo drug testing. I think Quest Diagnostics closes at 5pm so you both will have more than enough time to make it.” “Uh well your honor my client wasn’t prepared to take a drug test today,” Mia’s lawyer said. “Prepared? There isn’t anything to prepare for, either you pass the test or you don’t.” “No what I meant to say is my client had prior engagements after today’s hearing. She wasn’t prepared to be held up,” Mia’s lawyer offered up trying to save face. The judge stared at the lawyer skeptically before continuing. “I’ll tell you what this case will continue tomorrow. There will be no judgment
put into place today. Tomorrow this case will be my last case called so that should give both parties more than enough time from now until then to submit to drug testing. Good day,” the judge said banging her gavel. Ty exhaled deeply and returned the warm smile Nice flashed her. All and all today was a good day things were looking very good for Nice.

  “Uhhh Ty I can’t drink no more water I’m feeling sick,” Nice groaned. “Nice you know you gotta drink more water to flush your system,” Ty hissed. The moment they left the courtroom they went straight to GNC to purchase a cleanser kit. He needed the kit to detox any marijuana use out of his system. Nice could successfully eliminate any traces of marijuana use out of his system within hours. Mia on the other hand being a heavy cocaine user would need at least a week even with some of the most effective and premium detox kits offered on the market.

  Nice grimaced and gripped the pit of his stomach. The tablets and liquid juice drink from the cleanser kit had him feeling nauseated while leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Not to mention the gallon of water he was guzzling down had him feeling as if he were going to burst at the seams. Ty stood in the doorway leaning her body against the door frame. She could see her man was anything but good his posture said everything. Nice was hunched over one elbow on his knee while his other hand dangled almost lifelessly holding onto the water jug. “Baby you okay?” “Nah hell nah I’m feeling sick as hell, I feel like I’m about to throw up.” “Well c’mon Daddy you gotta drink more water.” “Ty yo I can’t; I told you I’ma throw up. You know you could die from too much water right? I could get water poisoning and die.” “Well you come up dirty tomorrow and I’ma kill you, so you pick your poison. Which one is it gonna be?” Nice looked at Ty and she had that don’t play with me look on her face. He chuckled lightly shaking his head before taking a deep breath and another long swig from the jug. “This is for our baby,” Ty said softly rubbing his back and placing a kiss on his temple. “I know, I know,” he replied hooking his arm around Ty’s legs drawing her near. He had to keep in mind that no matter how uncomfortable he was at the moment everything was for his daughter.

  Nice sat in court the next afternoon feeling confident as ever. Right before court he went and took the drug test passing it with flying colors. Victory was on the horizon he could taste it already. Mia walked in minutes after he did and no longer was that smug smirk plastered on her face. Could it be she knew she was going to lose custody? “Mr. Richards and Miss Lewis we meet again,” the judge said while shifting through papers. She lifted her head and took her glasses off piercing Mia with a hard stare. “I only seem to have the test results for Mr. Richards and not you Miss Lewis is there any reason why?” “No,” Mia stated bluntly with a hint of attitude. “Your honor as I informed you yesterday my client had a schedule conflict and wasn’t able to make the test facility.” The judge’s facial expression said it all; it basically screamed Do I look stupid? “This wasn’t up to your client the drug test was a court order and it was an order to be followed,” the judge said in a fed up tone before picking her glasses up and placing them on her face. “I think this has dragged on long enough I’m ready to rule. Miss Lewis I’m hereby ordering you to enroll and complete a drug rehabilitation program for the duration of a minimal 90 days. If and when you have completed a drug program the matter of custody can be revisited.” Ty exhaled deeply squeezing Lucky’s hand tight. It was as if she was holding in that air for months ever since the back and forth court fiascos had begun. Nice was on cloud 9 he was almost certain that Mia couldn’t and wouldn’t go through a drug treatment program especially for 90 days.

  “The current custody of the child will remain the sa…” “Uh your honor may I approach the bench?” Mia’s lawyer interrupted. “Please your honor this is very, very imperative to this case.” The judge looked thrown off for a minute. She was both angry and annoyed that a lawyer would actually interrupt her during a ruling. Anyone who practiced law knew this was a no, no even lawyers right out of law school. “Counselor you know this is unacceptable behavior,” the judge said not hiding her annoyance in the least. “I understand but this is very important, otherwise I wouldn’t have interrupted.” “Step forward.” Mia’s lawyer eagerly scooped up a few papers on the desk in front of her and hurried to the judge. There were hushed whispers amongst Mia’s lawyer as the judge looked over the papers the lawyer presented to her. Nice got a really troubled feeling about the whole situation. He looked over at Horowitz and his partner for an explanation but they looked puzzled and a little nervous themselves. “What’s this all about?” Nice asked not caring to hide his nervousness. “Counselor,” the judge waved Horowitz over with a finger and a serious tone. Horowitz hopped to his feet immediately buttoning the button on his suit jacket and walking over to approach the bench.

  Minutes later the hushed whispers amongst all three of them became intense and almost argumentative. Then it was suddenly over both lawyers walked back to their tables. However, Horowitz who was now red in the face wouldn’t look Nice in the face. “Yo Steve what the fuck is going on man?” Nice asked in a panicked whisper. “The judge was going to rule in our favor but now things have changed in light of new allegations.” “Allegations? What type of allegations?” Nice asked feeling his emotions start to get away from him. “Horowitz couldn’t bring himself to tell Nice knowing the things that were being alleged weren’t true. “Steve please keep that shit real with me what is these people sayin?” Nice pleaded with his heart racing somehow he knew things weren’t right. “Alle…Allegations of sexual molestation,” Horowitz whispered regrettably.

  Everything went black around Nice and all he could see was Mia sitting there with a smug look on her face. Nice hopped up from his chair and lunged at Mia. “You dirty bitch! Is you fuckin crazy telling these people I touched my daughter?!” Nice growled. Horowitz jumped from the table in mere fright. Mia saw Nice coming but was paralyzed in fear and remained sitting. Bailiffs started running towards Nice but Los hopped over the bench and grabbed him first wrapping both his arms around Nice’s shoulders hemming him up from behind. Nice blacked out and had no regards to where he was at the moment. Even with Los restraining him Nice still managed to lean in and soccer kick the water pitcher that sat on Mia and her lawyer’s table. The water container slammed into her lawyer’s chest sending water splashing all over.

  Ty started bawling and screaming for Nice to stop as at least 5 bailiffs tackled him and Los against the table he was just sitting behind. Horowitz and Susan started talking fast and using themselves as shields to calm the situation down between these young black men and bailiffs, “Listen his brother has got him under control you don’t need all this force,” Horowitz snapped on the men in uniform. Mia’s lawyer gasped and jumped up in fear. “Your honor! Do you see this? This is the temper my client was talking about,” she said through quivering lips as she cowered on the opposite side of the room. “Yo shut the fuck up bitch!” Nice barked while being dragged out of the courtroom by both Jah and Los with a line of bailiffs following them. “Nice chill, chill be easy bruh. You know where the fuck we at?” Los gritted in Nice’s ear while he struggled to restrain Nice.

  The courtroom was left in total disarray; chairs toppled over, legal documents on the floor, and water spilled all over the place. “Order in the court! Order in the court!” The judge yelled banging her gavel. “Do we need to arrest anyone?” a state cop asked the judge with his hands over his handcuffs. The judge watched as Nice went through the doors throwing a fit. “No there’s no need everything is under control.” Ty was beside herself she broke down seeing Nice lose it like that. Lucky held Ty’s head close to her heart and stroked her back assuring her everything would be okay.

  When court was finally called back into session nearly a half hour later bailiffs surrounded the court room as if this was a murder arraignment instead of a custody hearing. Two bailiffs stood behind Mia and her lawyer for security while Nice had at least five on his side ready to tackle his black ass the mom
ent he got out of line. Nice initially refused to go back into court he was done; he yanked off his tie and had intentions of leaving. He was mad but more hurt than anything else. He felt as if he couldn’t deal with the bullshit anymore. That was until Cathy ran out into the hallway to talk some sense into him, letting him know the fate of his daughter was still up in the air. He couldn’t walk away because it was getting rough, even if things were unfair.

  “Based on the new allegations that were brought to the court’s attention, It’s my duty to the child in question to renege any previous ruling of custody until the allegations are thoroughly investigated.” Nice was literally shaking; he zoned in and out during the judges corny ass speech. He really didn’t care what she had to say. Until he heard Horowitz basically begging for Kynah to be placed with another family member until the abuse allegations were investigated and Mia’s lawyer actually arguing against that. Mia’s lawyer claimed Ky was at risk of being brainwashed for better words coerce into altering the outcome of the investigation by Nice’s family members. And it would be better if she were at a place that was impartial to both parents.


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