It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 55

by Ivory B.

  Suddenly, Ty furrowed her eyebrows with alarm showing on her face. “Baby did you hear that?” “Ha hear what?” “Ssshh, ssshh listen I heard something.” Nice went silent and listened intently but didn’t hear a thing. He gave Ty the side eye as if she were losing it. Ty thought maybe she was buggin until she heard it again. She shot straight up in bed grabbed the remote and pressed mute. “Listen, listen.” This time he heard what Ty was talking about. “See what the hell is that?” the sound came again and this time both Ty and Nice looked at each other and burst out laughing as they realized what they were hearing. It was Los crying out Lucky’s name like a bitch. His usual baritone had went a couple of octaves up and had a mix of alto to it. “Yo what the hell she in there doing to my brother?” Nice asked through laughter. Ty un-muted the TV while smiling and shaking her head from left to right, laying back down to go to sleep. “I love you Pebbz, get some sleep,” Nice said as he watched Ty close her eyes. “I love you too Bam Bam.”

  The next morning Nice was up and on his way to court to have an emergency custody hearing. He was seeking temporary custody on the basis of child abandonment. Money talked and bullshit walked that’s for damn sure. It was always good to have lawyers who had countless judges they played golf with. The custody order would only be temporary until their official custody hearing but that was good enough for Nice. He was a hundred percent sure he was going to be awarded full custody anyways. There was really no way in hell any judge in their right mind would grant Mia custody over him, right?

  Nice walked into the kitchen GQ’d out, suit, tie, diamond cuff links and the whole nine. Ty gave him the once over and smiled seductively thinking about the things she would do to him if he only had about 20 minutes to spare. Awe hell who was she kidding she would even take 10 minutes or even 5. Nice caught the look she was giving him and he gave her a look that said don’t tempt him.

  All the ladies had banned together to make a grand slam of a breakfast. While Nice was upstairs getting ready for court everyone else had pretty much attacked the food. “Awe baby I’m sorry I should’ve made you a plate and put it up,” Ty said as she watched Nice reach for one of the last strips of turkey bacon that was left. “Nah I’m straight Pebbz I’m not hungry,” Nice responded while looking in the fridge for some orange juice. When he came up empty he turned around and noticed Los downing a tall glass of orange juice. “Yo y’all niggaz drank up all the orange juice? Y’all ain’t right like them ugly ass lace front wigs wit the baby hair Aunt V be rockin. How y’all come up in a niggaz crib and drink up all the orange juice?” The whole entire kitchen fell into laughter. “Matter fact You and Jah need to run me my money right now.” “Ya money?” Los repeated with his face screwed up. “Yeah you heard me my money. Both you niggaz need to pay me the same rate y’all would pay a five star hotel cause this is like a 5 star but better. Nasty niggaz fuckin down my crib, fuckin up my sheets, then drinkin up all my O.J. Y’all straight disrespectful.” Los was holding his stomach because he was laughing so hard. It seemed as if his brother was in good spirits today. This Nice right here with the never ending jokes had been missing for a while. “Fuck outta here I ain’t payin you shit put it on my tab. Ain’t nobody say nothing when you and Ty was fuckin down my crib. Nasty asses against doctor’s orders and the whole nine.” Ty’s eyes bulged with embarrassment while Nice didn’t seem to be phased at all. “Go head wit that shit; I don’t know why you sittin in here drinking a whole glass of orange juice anyways like you need to re-up on vitamin C or some shit. Nigga Luck was in there straight son’ing you last night like she birthed you. That shit was embarrassing, you in the room screaming like a bitch.” Real was drinking a glass of apple juice when Nice made that comment and he nearly choked from laughing. Everyone in the house must’ve heard Los last night. Jah was beside himself with laughter too. Los took the whole kitchen laughing at him like a champ. He laughed right along with everyone else he wasn’t ashamed nor embarrassed. It is what it is; good pussy is good pussy, Los thought to himself. “Nah, I’m not even tryna play you. On some real Los I was concerned at first. I didn’t know whether to call the po po or the coroner. You should be in here drinkin some ginseng or a red bull. Luck this yo orange juice, you earned that shit Ma!” Lucky was folded over with laughter waving her hand at Nice signaling she wanted nothing to do with his and Los buffoonery. Carlos looked over at Lucky and she winked seductively and he winked back. He looked at her sexy lips and had a quick flashback of that lil trick she did with her tongue last night when she was sucking on his dick and his balls then let her tongue go a little further down south. Carlos was never into letting no one pull no mess with him like that except for Lucky. “Say what you want kid why you think I wifed her?” All the men in the room started doing this male chauvinist head nod dapping Los out as if he said something extraordinary. Lucky cleared her throat crossing her arms across her chest. “Oh so is that the only reason you put a ring on it?” The grin on Carlos face was immediately replaced with an ‘Oh shit’ look. “Nah ma you know I love you,” Los pleaded. “Umm hmm, yeah whateva,” Lucky responded then turned to leave out the kitchen with Los on her heels. Lucky was playing mad though she wasn’t really upset. She knew she owned his heart but every now and then it didn’t hurt to have a nigga beg. “Uh oh, uh oh, get em lil sis! Get em!” Nice instigated. Nice flipped his wrist to check the time on his Rolex. He was cutting it too close and would have to leave right away. “A'ight fam I’m gone.” He walked over to Ty pulling her into his arms as he placed a sensual kiss on her lips. It seemed as if miracles really did happen he thought as he watched Ky and Lil Jah playing with Jahzera on the floor.

  Stay Schemin

  Dean eyed Mia as she walked past him in their hotel suite thong clad and topless. Mia was a bad bitch that’s for sure but she was poison; probably more potent than her favorite drug of choice. She was the type of chick that could fuck up a get money niggaz life, find himself one minute loving her the next minute tied up with a shotty pointed to his head because baby girl done gave another nigga the security codes. Dean chuckled at some dudes misfortune it was a good thing he had been in the game long enough to know never trust a big butt and smile these bitches were poison. Although he wasn’t in love with Mia he would be lying to himself if he said she wasn’t rubbing off on him a tad bit. Mia was a straight up freak and she was a lot of fun. He had even bent some rules and let her come along with him while he made some moves which was something he never ever did in the past. His gamble of letting her tag along had paid off in a major way because he found out using a chick like her as bait was pretty lucrative. The social media era was making the stick-up game too easy. Mia was a certified thirst trap and she was trapping thirsty niggaz in abundance. The formula never changed the city only did; all it took was for Mia to post a few sexy pics on the gram. Always in something revealing so she could show a prospective Vic what she was working with. Ass shots, preferably the side poses with her ass poking out, bikini pics and even fully clothed in something form fitting like a tight bodycon dress was a must. Dean was sure to make Mia post pictures with her expensive handbags, shoes and even the vacations she’d taken in the past. He wanted to make it clear from her pictures that she was used to the expensive things in life and if your money wasn’t long you didn’t stand a chance. Thirsty niggaz flocked to her DM’s (direct messages) on Instagram like flies to shit offering up bands on top of bands and trips. She had agreed to meet up with only a few whose wealth was verifiable and had too much to lose by running to the cops when they got took. So far she’d nagged two prominent businessmen in DC and a professional football Player from Dallas. Each one of them got set up for the lick and fell for it. Dean couldn’t believe how easy it was it was literally like taking candy from a baby. Social media was taking the stick up game to new levels.

  They ended up in Vegas where there was an abundance of horny Vics' with long money up for the taking. The foursome had been at it for a little over two weeks now and although they were
getting money it wasn’t enough for Dean. He had longevity in this game damn near 15yrs in the game as a stick up kid and still living to talk about it was amazing. But now he was on some other shit, he was thinking more along the lines of that one big caper that could retire him from this life for good and he knew just who could put him on to it.

  Looking over at Mia he knew he finally had her right where he wanted her. She had fallen head over heels for him, was even telling him she loved him when she didn’t even know his government. Dean’s handsome face was etched in deep thought. “Ayo Mia c’mere.” Mia walked over to him and sat on his lap. “Didn’t you have a court date coming up about your daughter?” Mia gave him the ‘what the fuck’ look and shrugged her shoulders hard.

  Mia was wondering why Dean was even worried about Ky because honestly she wasn’t; she was having the time of her life. The capers they were pulling had her open; she loved the adrenaline rush she got from pulling them. Pulling licks, shopping, chillin, and sexing with no worries was everything to Mia right now. Mia had no intentions of going to the custody hearing, fuck it; she was washing her hands with the whole situation her money was getting cut drastically anyways. If Nice felt he could do a better job raising Ky then so be it was her mindset right now.

  “Yeah it’s at the end of this month or something I don’t know, I can’t remember the date. I’m not fuckin with it though he can have her. I’ll finally have the chance to do me like we’ve been doing. Right baby? like Bonnie and Clyde,” Mia said while tracing his earlobe with her tongue. Dean pushed Mia away gently and tapped his chin in deep thought. His rejection had Mia perplexed; he had never turned her sexual advances down in the past. What was up with that?

  “You gotta go to that hearing Mia. Whateva you do you gotta make it to that court date before they forfeit your rights.” Mia gave Dean a strange look; she wanted to choose her words wisely not knowing whether or not he would look at her some type of way if she told him her true feelings. “Dean baby I’m loving this life, getting up every morning doing me not having to worry about no spoiled, ungrateful ass child and her bitter ass Daddy. All I want and need is you. I put my time in playing mommy let him do it now. Besides that nigga had the courts murda my support payments, I can’t take care of her off peanuts.” “You not lookin at the bigger picture Shorty. All this time I had you out here on my team and you ain’t learned nothing yet? Don’t you see that nigga is our biggest caper yet? We can kill two birds with one stone. Get you some payback from that lame tryna do you grimy and come up on some real paper. One thing about war though never let ya opponent see you coming and always keep ya enemies closer. You still having some type of custody of his seed means you still have to be around.”

  Mia had a serious light bulb moment. She could’ve never thought of something more diabolical on her own. They both locked eyes and smiles slowly spread across both of their faces. “See didn’t Daddy say he was gon look out for you?” Mia shook her head yes. Dean pulled a fat baggie of grade A coke from his basketball shorts and laid it on the side of the bed. Mia eyed the baggie and then turned her attention back to him as he traced her full pretty lips with his index finger, then slipped it into her mouth where she sucked on it until he felt as if his dick would rip through his shorts. “Show me how much you appreciate me,” he said eyeing her wantonly. Mia assumed the position and got on her knees quick. Lately she couldn’t tell what she was more addicted to; sex with Dean or drugs either way they were both habits she didn’t plan on kicking anytime soon. Dean pulled down his shorts letting them fall to his ankles where Mia pulled them all the way off. His dick was standing straight up; strong with veins protruding anticipating what he knew for sure was going to be some good ass head. He reached out grabbing the back of Mia’s head guiding his dick down her throat with one thrust. Mia latched on like a suction machine, letting Dean go in and out. When Dean felt she had gotten his dick hard enough he pushed her away grabbed the baggie, opening it and poured a damn near perfect line down the length of his dick. He looked at Mia whose eyes were already getting glassy, her mouth twitched slightly in anticipation. “Go head ma do you take that shit to the head.” Mia hopped right to it vacuuming the white substance off his dick with one snort barely leaving anything behind. In less than a second she downed his dick letting the remnants of the coke that was still on his manhood numb her mouth on contact causing her mouth to salivate and drool like a rabid dog. Mia grabbed the base of his dick and started going up and down on it with her mouth in a fury. Dean grabbed the bed sheets, digging the heels of his feet into the plush carpet. He had his eyes shut and head slumped backwards while Mia was blessing him like the pope. Her head game even made a nigga as cold hearted and callous as Dean reconsider keeping her on his team once they stuck her baby father up, even if it were for no other purpose but to suck dick her head game was that ill. Good head would make any nigga start talking and thinking crazy. He knew damn well he was going to get rid of her after this shakedown, you could never trust a bitch who bites the hand that feeds them and he knew he couldn’t trust Mia.

  Guess Whose Bazack!

  Ty gave a gentle squeeze as she held onto Nice’s hand letting him know with that small gesture that she was there for him. He was nervous although she knew he would never admit to it. They stood there silently watching different people coming and going about their business in the New Jersey family courthouse. Nice was a little uneasy after talking to Horowitz a few minutes ago. Horowitz told him he found out who was going to be presiding over the case and it was a judge that wasn’t in his pocket, meaning they wouldn’t have an automatic advantage because ole girl didn’t play the game. This was a judge who played by the rules and didn’t take money for favorable rulings. She was also a female judge who had a reputation of being tough and siding with mothers on custody cases. Therefore, Nice wasn’t feeling as confident as he once did. Ty stood on her tippy toes and planted a loving kiss on his tense jaw. Finally she stole his attention from his deep thoughts. He looked her deep in her eyes noticing that they were filled with a mixture of concern and love. Nice said nothing but returned the favor of affection by bringing two fingers to his lips kissing them then placing them on Ty’s forehead. Ty wrapped her arms around his waist giving him a supportive hug while leaning her head on his chest momentarily. Ty was hoping and praying Mia didn’t show up that would work in their favor tremendously. Nice’s lawyer had already talked to them about what would happen in the event she didn’t show up. Nice would be able to maintain temporary custody until a judge granted him sole custody.

  Courts in session! A bailiff called. Nice took a peek over his shoulder one last time at his people as he sat behind the large oak desk on the Plaintiff's side with his lawyers. Ty looked a tad bit nervous as she sat between his mother and Lucky. Jah and Los were sitting on a bench across from them talking amongst themselves. “It looks like she might not show aft…” Horowitz stopped his statement mid sentence as he watched a blonde haired middle aged woman who was unmistakably a lawyer walk into the courtroom flanked by Mia who strolled in as if she were on a catwalk. Mia’s hair, outfit, and makeup was top notch. Mia gloated inwardly as she knew she accomplished the element of surprise. Yeah y’all muthafucka’s lookin real surprised, Mia thought to herself as she noted Nice and his clan faces when she walked in. Nice gritted his teeth he wanted to slap the shit out of her for the stunt she pulled when she took Ky and left her in the PJ’s. “It really doesn’t matter if she’s here or not we still have a very good case,” Horowitz continued trying to put Nice at ease. Nice and his lawyers did indeed have an airtight case but what they didn’t know was that Mia had a few tricks up her sleeve.

  As always custody disputes could get pretty nasty and this case was no exception. Nice’s lawyers came out swinging using the transcripts from the child support case showing that Mia had committed fraud and misappropriated monies that were supposed to be used for child support as their first line of ammunition. The judge looked over the documents and ack
nowledged it seemed as if Mia had a serious problem with spending money inappropriately. However, being a shopaholic wasn’t exactly offensive enough to lose primary custody.

  Mia’s lawyer counter attacked claiming that Nice wasn’t fit to have full custody because he had a violent past. Her lawyer smirked as she handed over a police report documenting a domestic violence incident that Mia and Nice had been involved in. It didn’t matter that Mia was actually the provocateur in the incident Mia’s lawyer was talking about. Mia had actually spit in his face causing him to lay hands on her in retaliation. Nice could admit their relationship was toxic; they seemed to bring out the worst in each other but he refused to take the title of woman beater. In his eyes it was mutual combat if she was big enough to hit him she was big enough to get hit back. If he had ran and told the cops as much as she did she would have been hemmed up by the boys a couple of times on domestics, and property damage for busting out his car windows several times. Nice was a real nigga though and calling the cops was never an option. Nice shook his head slightly agitated as Mia’s lawyer went on and on about how afraid Mia was of his violent outbursts and temper. How she feared that one day he might take his anger out on their daughter. Horowitz could hear Nice’s breathing getting heavier as he got angrier. Horowitz smoothly placed his hand on Nice’s shoulder playing off the action of telling him to cool out as nothing but a friendly gesture. Nice’s lawyers wasn’t fazed they slung back with documents showing Mia had recanted her story of him assaulting her that night, dropped charges and wrote a statement to the DA’s office in result having the case dismissed against him.


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