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LOCKDOWN: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller (Reckoning Book 2)

Page 14

by Lee West

“Apparently they have someone on the inside of the government who is working with them. He gave us a lift out of the city. We wanted to get information out of him, but weren’t able to. He basically dumped us on the side of the road and sped away,” said Brett.

  “We also didn’t get any info out of the people who helped Marvin. They wouldn’t let any of us near them,” said Nancy.

  “They wore scarves over their faces the entire time I was with them, which wasn’t long,” said Marvin.

  “Good for them. Last thing they need is to be ID’d by the feds,” said Larry.

  “They were also heavily armed,” said Marvin.

  “Again. Good for them. We’ve got no weapons to speak of up here. It’s frustrating. I want to fight back. You know, bang some skulls,” said Larry.

  He let out a low animalistic growl and punched his hands together. Nancy instinctively moved closer to Brett for comfort.

  “I would love to talk to someone on the inside of the government. We could start to piece this thing together. So far all we’ve been able to do is nibble at the edges of it—with very little verifiable information,” said Ed.

  “I’d love to get my hands on some weapons,” said Larry.

  Nancy resisted the strong urge to look at Brett. She also tried to control her facial features. The man made her uneasy without a weapon in his hands. She knew arming him would scare her immensely.

  “I know where we might be able to get some weapons,” said Joe.


  “My brother and his wife spend a couple of weeks every summer at a survivalist camp. They’re hard-core into surviving and like to use the camp as a way to hone their skills. Those skills include spending time at the camp’s firing range.”

  “Do you think he’d still be there? Maybe he’d want to join us?” asked Larry.

  “If he isn’t there, others might be. The camp is also a survivalist haven. People purchase space at the camp. In case something catastrophic occurs, they have a safe place to retreat to in order to ride out the event,” said Joe.

  “Sounds like my kind of place. Wish I had known about it. It’s a great idea. I probably would’ve bought in,” said Nancy.

  “The camp requires people who purchase space to have certain qualifications in order to be eligible.”

  “Like what?” asked Brett.

  “I think Jason mentioned people had to offer certain skills such as mechanical skills, building experience, proven gardening skills. You know, basic survivor stuff.”

  “That takes care of that. They’d never let us in. We’re not the handiest people.” Brett laughed.

  “It would be great to link up with them. Could you find the camp?” asked Ed.

  “Maybe. I guess. I don’t know. I can recall the general area where the camp is located but not much else. I’d hate to waste time on a fruitless search.”

  “Getting some real weapons would be well worth the effort.” Larry smiled. “Assuming they’d spare a few.”

  This time Nancy could not resist a quick look at Brett, who also looked very uncomfortable with this mountain of a man being armed.

  — 37 —

  Ed arranged to have mattresses brought from the hospital for their use. Joe and Meg moved their mattresses as far from the others as they dared. Joe did not want to move too far away, because the last thing he and Meg needed would be to get lost inside the vast tunnel system. It seemed as though the people who had been there for a while quickly moved through the system. He knew from watching them that it would take time to get adjusted.

  “You think you can find that camp?” asked Meg.

  She snuggled close to him. The warmth of her body against his made him long for a more private space for just the two of them.

  “Maybe. I hope so. Like I said, I wouldn’t want to just be out there aimlessly searching.”

  “Me neither. I hope it’s not too far of a walk. I’m sort of burnt out on walking.”

  He turned and looked at her. Until that moment it did not occur to him that she envisioned herself searching for the camp with the rest of them.

  “I can’t allow you to come with us. It’s far too dangerous,” he said tenderly.

  “Too dangerous? What about your safety?”

  “I’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  A commotion in the main part of the tunnel cut their conversation short. Ed ran past, screaming into his handheld, “CLOSE THE TUNNELS! CLOSE THE TUNNELS!”

  He scrambled to his feet and caught up with Ed.

  “What’s happening?” Joe asked.

  An unseen voice crackled to life in the handheld. “Confirmed four vehicles! I’m staying put!”

  “Okay. Keep hidden! What’s the status of the others?” asked Ed.

  “I don’t know.”

  Ed turned to Joe briefly. “Military vehicles just showed up on campus.”

  The loud footfalls of people running through the tunnels echoed off the walls. Unfamiliar people sprinted through the tunnels in every direction.

  “What can we do? We want to help!” said Nancy to Ed.

  “Just stay put and keep quiet. We’re sealing off the tunnel doors. Hopefully this is just a drive-through.”

  The loud slamming of doors startled Joe. Meg held him tightly as they waited for the danger to pass. People streamed through the tunnels from all directions. Joe worried about their safety, but mostly felt frustrated that they were hiding like rats. Now he understood Larry’s eagerness to acquire weapons. After the people in the tunnels settled down, a person on the outside reported to Ed.

  “Ed? You there?”

  “I’m here. You okay out there?”

  “I’m fine, but we lost one.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “One of our foreign students ran across the commons. Not sure why. Seems like he was on his way to the north tunnels. He should have stayed in one of the buildings.”

  “Did they catch him?”

  “No. They shot him.”

  “What the hell? Are you sure?”




  “They chased him and then shot him in the back as he ran away from them. They left his body lying in the grass,” said the man with a shaky voice.

  “You sure he’s dead? I can send someone to help him.”

  “He’s dead. One of the guards hit him a second time after he fell to the ground. He’s gone.”

  Ed hung his head down. Finally, he lifted his head, turned to Joe and asked, “You think you can find that camp?”

  “I’ll give it everything I’ve got,” said Joe.


  CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE THE STORY WITH FORTRESS, BOOK 3 in The Reckoning Series. Preorder today for delivery on May 21, 2019

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  Other Work by Lee West

  The Blue Lives Apocalypse Series—Post-Apocalyptic/Dystopian/Action Thrillers

  Sam and Jane Archer walk out of a backcountry-hiking trip into a living nightmare.

  The electrical grid has been down for two weeks, plunging the world as they once knew it into complete chaos. Citizens live in helpless terror of violent gangs—the police hunted down and killed on sight. Food and essential resources have dwindled to nothing, taken by the wild bands of marauders that have risen from the collapse to murder and plunder at will.

  Little hope remains, as Jane, a local police officer, and her husband Sam, a military veteran, start the harrowing journey home to save their only daughter Lea—before she is consumed by the madness.

(BOOK 1)



  About the Author

  Lee West is the pen name for a well-known constitutional scholar and liberty advocate. Lee resides in the heart of “flyover” country, balancing a professional career with the joys of a hectic family life, two tireless dogs, and a community of friends. Lee particularly enjoys spending time outdoors with family, regardless of the weather! From snowshoeing to kayaking, cross-country skiing to hiking, mountain biking to recreational shooting, Lee brings (drags!) the entire crew along—even if the dogs are the only willing participants.

  As a military veteran, Lee has spent countless hours advocating on behalf of veterans for increased benefits, better representation and more equitable treatment by employers and the government. Lee stands proud with the millions of veterans who have sacrificed in the past to preserve liberty at home and abroad—and all of those who carry that torch forward today.

  Lee has also spent a significant amount of time working closely with the selfless professionals comprising our justice system—from law enforcement agencies to our courts. The Blue Lives Apocalypse series is dedicated to the “men and women in blue,” who show up without fail or question.

  Lee encourages you to reach out with questions about the series at




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