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Adventures on Terra - Book 2: Escape

Page 34

by R. A. Mejia

  By the fifth day, the blacksmith trusted me enough to do simple filing tasks, deburring, fitting hinges, and other parts together using a file. By the end of the week, the blacksmith had me doing simple repetitive forging tasks like making nails or small chains.

  By the time my contract with the blacksmith finished, I’d raised [Blacksmithing] to novice five and earned a whole silver for the week's work. It’s not a lot of money. However, the experience of working with real metal and gaining real skills swinging a hammer in a forge is one that I’d gladly have paid for.

  Chapter 5.6

  After my last day of work for the blacksmith, I meet with my team outside the Adventurers’ Guild. We decide to take tonight, and all tomorrow off to relax. An element of excitement runs through our group as we walk around the border city. We each talk about what we’re looking forward to the most now that we have enough money to spend on supplies and to splurge a little. I brought in a little over one silver for my work with the blacksmith this week. Mary and Vrax worked their butts off doing minor quests, earning themselves twenty XP and four silver. Kitsune made the most working with the local healer, earning a whopping six silver. I guess healers are always in demand.

  After figuring out exactly how much we have to work with, I start the conversation about what we want to do tonight, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I can’t wait to take a hot bath and sleep in a real bed for once. It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve had a chance to do that.”

  Weaving around the legs of the crowd of people in the streets, Vrax says, “Food. I want a great big meal with lots of meat!”

  Mary contributes from her seat on the back of Mr. Snuggle Butt, who the crowd parts for, “I could go for one of those hot baths too. My hair feels so dirty and greasy. I think I’ll relax in bed with a nice romance novel afterward.”

  Kitsune’s eyes look troubled, and she looks straight ahead as she speaks, “I was held captive for almost three months. I worried every day about being sold off to some pervert as a sex slave.”

  The rest of us are quiet. Remembering the people we saved and the ones we couldn’t or haven’t yet. Sure we’ve been roughing it for the past few weeks. But, that’s nothing compared to what Kitsune and the others went through when they were captured and collared as slaves.

  Kitsune continues, “You know what I wanted that entire time, besides my family and friends?”

  The tone the conversation has gone a bit serious, but I respond, “What?”

  Kitsune turns to me and smiles, “I nice cold beer!” Then turning her attention back to the path ahead, she mumbles to herself, “Gods, I’m going to get drunk tonight.”

  Everyone laughs at the response and the jovial atmosphere returns. We continue to talk about the things we’ll need to get in town.

  Mary tugs at the collar of her armor and says, “I want some new clothes. Something more casual than my armor. Not that I don’t look badass in black studded leather, but it gets a little ripe after a couple of days.”

  Vrax’s voice comes from behind me somewhere, “Can we get good cups too?”

  I hear Mary try to stifle a giggle. She’d won us a set of plates and eating utensils in the dungeon, but we hadn’t managed to get cups. We’ve been drinking out of a stream near our camp with our hands or renting mugs while we’re in the city.

  That’s what Vrax wants? Food and cups? It’s going to be so easy to shop for his birthday. Or is it hatchday for a kobold?

  I turn slightly as I walk, and answer him, “Uh, yeah. I guess we can get some cups. Or maybe some large mugs for each of us. We can also get some tools so that I can start making more of our stuff. I have both the [Blacksmithing] and [Carpentry] skills. I can start to make us some pretty neat stuff if I have the right tools.”

  I look over at Kitsune and notice she hasn’t added anything to the list of things we need. “Kitsune, what do you think we need for our journey into Trinitarian?”

  She walks silently, her hands hidden in the long sleeves of her kimono, while she thinks about the question, “I believe that we should prioritize the things they’re going to need on the road.”

  I smile at Kitsune’s practicality. “You’re right. There’s a lot of things we want to buy. Tools, equipment, clothes, and fancy food. However, we should prioritize the stuff that’s going to keep us alive on the road. If there’s any money left after all that is bought, we can talk about getting other stuff.”

  Mary makes a harrumph sound and crosses her arms but doesn’t argue with the logic of the statement. Vrax just yips his agreement and Kitsune nods her head.

  We finally stop our trek through town at the back of a two story building with a massive stone chimney that likely serves as a source of heat for cooking and a way to keep the building warm at night. I smile at the sight. We’d asked around for a couple of recommendations for inns, and this is the one that kept coming up.

  As we walk around the side of the structure towards the front, the sounds of laughter and music reach our ears, and we smile at each other. Turning the corner, we see two large men sitting outside the inn drinking ale from wooden mugs. Their conversation stops as we approach and they look us up and down. The burly man on the left has two wolf ears that peak through his dark curly hair, thick black eyebrows, a full beard, and a bit of a belly. His companion is thinner, has striped cat ears that show through his wavy blond hair and an easy smile. His blue eyes light up when he sees Kitsune. He stands as we get closer and smiles at Kitsune and says, “Well, hello there. We don’t get many beast folks as pretty as you around here.”

  Kitsune smiles warmly at the blond beastman and says, “No, I’m sure you don’t,” then walks right past him into the inn. The dark haired wolfman starts to guffaw and slap his knee from his seat next to the door. “She sure didn’t fall for your smooth talk Thomas.”

  Vrax yips in quiet laughter as we walk past the two men and I note Thomas is red faced with embarrassment. As I pass him, he hisses at his dark haired friend, “Shut up George. I’ll show you who won’t fall for me.”

  Mary, having also caught the exchange, whispers in my ear, “Keep an eye on that guy. He doesn’t seem like the type to take ‘no’ for an answer.” I nod once in agreement. I’ve met plenty of guys that don’t take rejection well.

  Walking through the front door of the inn, I see that it opens up to a large room that wouldn’t stand out from a mom and pop restaurant. It has six dark wood tables. Each already filled with patrons eating and drinking. There’s a rectangular hole in the back wall, and through it I can see a rotund dark green woman with red hair, cooking and passing along dishes of delicious looking food to the wait staff. In the far right corner of the room is a tall, long-nosed gentleman manning a small bar with casks of ale and bottles of spirits behind him. A young woman, also with dark green skin, sits in another corner of the room. She’s playing the music we heard from outside and her hair, cut in a bob with bangs, sways from side to side as she plays. The instrument she plays looks like a fat, rounded guitar. I think it’s called a mandolin. The music is nice, and it reminds me of the stuff I heard at a renaissance fair I went to once. Near the back of the room, on the left side, is a wide staircase that leads up to the second floor.

  A tall, portly man with green skin walks up to our group. He has pointed ears, long black braided hair and wears tan pants, a white shirt, and has a clean white apron around his waist. He smiles, and I see two sharp looking lower canines that look like tusks protruding from his wide jaw. “Welcome to the Backwards Gobstopper Inn and eatery. I’m the owner Bob,” he looks at each member of our party and his eyes slightly widen when they reach Mary, “Will you be staying the night with us or just for a meal?”

  I step forward and answer, “We’ll be staying the night, but we could sure go for some of that wonderful smelling food too.”

  Bob smiles widely, “I’m sure we can accommodate you there. Will that be one room or two?”

  “Umm, that depends on the cost
of the room. We have a lot of supplies to buy in the morning and want to make our money last,” I say while scratching my chin.

  “Oh, tell you what. I’ll charge you fifty copper for two rooms, and I’ll throw in a meal for each of you for only twenty more copper.”

  That doesn’t seem like a bad deal to me. I know it cost thirty copper a room per night in Restrian. However, before I can accept the offer Mary casually comments to me, “We could always sleep outside the city for free and cook our food. That’ll save us almost one silver.”

  Bob looks a little disappointed at the thought of losing our business and quickly adds, “But then you’d miss out on my wife’s delicious Shepard’s Pie. You get a big steaming bowl of lamb mixed with a medley of vegetables, covered with the most fluffy mashed potatoes you’ve ever eaten.”

  I hear a rumbling sound and look down to see Vrax holding his stomach and staring at the other patrons eating their food. Bob smiles, knowing he hit the mark with the description of the food.

  However, Mary hasn’t given up on her haggle quite yet, “Despite the delicious food, we just can’t afford the price. However, if you add breakfast to the deal we can probably find the coin.”

  “Deal,” He quickly agrees. Then looking at our dirty and likely smelly bodies, he adds, “Plus, I’ll only charge you ten extra copper for two large baths to be carried up to your rooms when you're ready for them.”

  Mary’s eyes light up at the mention of a hot bath, and she holds out her hand, “Deal.”

  Bob shakes the fairy’s tiny hand and yells for someone named Geoffrey in the back. A lanky teen with light green skin and black hair that hangs over his eyes exits the kitchen and walks sulkily to Bob, “You rang master?”

  Bob rolls his eyes and sighs at the teen’s obvious sarcasm, “We have guests son. Go prepare rooms three and four.” The teen gives a long exaggerated sigh and asks, “Why can’t Angela?”

  Bob’s thick black eyebrows frown, and he uses a tone that brooks no argument, “Because I told you to do it. Also, get the two copper bathtubs set up in the rooms and start heating up enough water to fill them.”

  The teen stands there for a moment and Bob barks, “Now!”, startling the teen and getting him to move towards the stairs up to the second floor. Bob turns back to us, “Sorry about that. Geoffrey's at that age where he’s questioning everything and being…” Bob seems to struggle to find the right word.

  Mary quickly suggests, “A jerk?”

  Vrax suggests, “A pain in the tail?”

  Bob smiles wryly at the two for their suggestions, “I was going to say ‘sullen,' but you’re both also right. Hopefully, he grows out of it.” He shrugs and continues, “Now, you folks going to eat or did you want to get settled in your rooms first?”

  I hear my stomach growl and get answering calls from Kitsune, Vrax, and Mary’s stomachs. I smile sheepishly, put a hand on my stomach and tell Bob, “I believe we’ll eat first.”

  He smiles and leads us to a table in the corner of the room near the kitchen. Three of us sit down in the wooden seats at the table, and Mary stays sitting on my shoulder.

  Once seated, Bob asks, “Can I start you out with a round of ale?”

  Kitsune blurts out, “Gods yes!” and then adds in a meeker tone, “please,” when everyone looks at her. Bob nods and disappears to fill our drink and food orders.

  While we wait, I scan the room. There are a couple of families eating together, but most of the guests seem to be men from a variety of non-human races. They talk to each, laughing, and slapping each other on their backs while they drink beers and eat. I see George and Thomas slip into the dining room and sit at a table near the door. Cat-eared Thomas tries to be casual about it, but I see him glance at Kitsune more than once. George just drinks his ale and starts talking to the people sitting around him.

  Bob returns carrying a tray with four tall glasses of a dark ale and sets them on the table in front of us. I take my glass and note the dark color of the ale and the quarter inch of foam at the top. Bob gives a fair pour. I take a swig and can taste the slightly sweet bread like drink go down my throat. I burp slightly after and can detect a caramel aftertaste. Not bad.

  I look around the table and see everyone staring at Kitsune. She’s chugging her ale down and once finished, she slams the thick, tall glass down on the table. She lets out a loud belch, smiles at Bob and says, “Another please.”

  Bob chuckles at Kitsune’s enthusiasm and quickly brings her another glass of dark ale. She takes a long gulp of this one but doesn’t down the whole thing in one go. Instead, she closes her eyes for a moment and sighs in appreciation of the fine beverage.

  Mary watches the beer chugging with a smile on her face and yells, “You go girl. You deserve to relax.” She then takes her own advice and attacks a glass of beer that’s taller than she is. She ends up dunking half her head in the glass to drink but comes up smiling and with a massive beer beard. Vrax and I laugh at the sight and drink our beers. The tension in my shoulders fades as the effects of the alcohol take effect and I start to relax. I hadn’t realized how wound up I still was.

  Bob brings our food shortly after and lays before each of us a large bowl of fluffy mashed potatoes that lie on a bed of ground lamb, vegetable, and brown gravy. Before we start to eat, I raise my glass of ale and say, “Let’s have a toast to Kitsune, who hit level five recently. Congrats!”

  Vrax raises his glass and Mary, unable to lift hers, raises her arms and they both yell out, “Congrats!” I note a few of the other nearby patrons also raise their glasses and yell out congratulations too. Kitsune blushes, nods at everyone in thanks and takes another gulp of ale.

  I return my attention to the bowl of food in front of me. It smells wonderful, and the first bite is even better. The creamy mashed potatoes mix with the savory lamb, gravy, and vegetables for a taste that’s exquisite.

  I finish my meal and lean back in my seat. I see two new icons in the corner of my vision and focus on them.

  Shepard’s Pie

  You are satiated from a fine meal. Shepard’s Pie gives a one hour bonus to health regeneration and constitution.

  Bonus: 10% increase in health regeneration, 5% increase in Constitution.

  Caramel Ale

  You have drunk an alcoholic beverage. While you may feel more confident and funnier, Caramel Ale gives a one hour debuff to mana regeneration and intelligence. Further drinking may increase the debuff.

  Debuff: 2% decrease to mana regeneration and intelligence.

  My stomach is slightly bloated from the good food and drink, and I tell the group, “Gods I’m full. You don’t realize how much you miss well-cooked food and beer until you don’t get it for a while.”

  Kitsune raises her third glass of ale and with only slightly slurred words, says, “I second the sentiment. Here’s to good food, good beer, and good company.”

  Vrax and I raise our glasses for the toast but try as she might Mary can’t raise hers. She gives me a dirty look, and I take her glass in my other hand and raise it for her. We clink our glasses together and yell, “Cheers!” and finish off our beers.

  Having drained my glass of beer I find my eyes blinking hard and realize how tired I am. I yawn and tell my dining companions, “I think I’ll head upstairs to our room and take that bath before I fall asleep in a food coma. Since we have two rooms, how about Vrax and I take one and Kitsune and Mary can take the other one?”

  Everyone agrees to the arrangements, and I raise my hand high in the air to get Bob’s attention. He leaves the other customers he’s talking to and comes over to our table.

  “Everything ok here? Anyone need more ale or food?” he asks.

  “Yeah, everything is great. That food was amazing. Please give my compliments to the chef.” I tell him. He nods, and I continue, “I’m ready to take that hot bath you promised.”

  He nods as if expecting the request after our meal, “Everything is ready to go. The tubs are in rooms two and three, and we h
ave hot water ready to bring up to you.” He points to the stairs leading up to the second floor, “If you head up to your room, I’ll have Geoffrey bring up the hot water.”

  I get up from the table and hear Vrax say, “I will go too.” He yawns loudly, revealing his sharp teeth, “I am too tired from …food coma?” He says ‘food coma’ like it’s an unfamiliar word and he’s testing it out.

  I smile and tell him, “Yeah, it’s when you eat too much food and get super tired. You used it right.” I motion towards the stairs and add, “Let’s head upstairs man. There’s nothing like a steaming hot bath before bed to relax you.”

  He shrugs noncommittally. I turn to Kitsune and Mary and ask, “You ladies heading upstairs too?”


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