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Creative Book of 10 Best Short Stories

Page 4

by Phillip Grizzell

  “Happy birthday Miranda” said a quiet voice. Steven, forty two, house husband, was a caring man and a wonderful father, the children simply adored him. Within months of their second child Sophie being born, Miranda and Steven had both agreed that he would give up his job and become house husband. The idea of not having to teach geography to teenagers anymore and look after his children instead, did rather appeal to him. On top of that, Miranda’s six figure salary of £125,000 per year was far more than Steven’s £32,000 he earned as a teacher. It was a no brainer really.

  “Thanks”, said Miranda.

  “You sound tired, late night?” asked Steven.

  “No, I’m fine” she replied curtly.

  “You could have fooled me”, Steven said trying to give it a bit of humour.

  If there was humour there though, Miranda could certainly not see it. “Look, I’ve got a bitch of a headache and really need to be on the ball for today. I need paracetamol, a shower and a gallon of coffee. What I don’t need is you questioning me Steven”.

  Steven was by now used to his wife’s abrupt manner. “I wasn’t questioning you. It’s just that Sophie, Jack and I, well we miss you. We’re drifting apart Miranda and I don’t know what to do about it”.

  “Oh not today please, not now Steven. Look, I’ll see you tomorrow, ok?” and with that she put down the phone. Steven stood in silence for a few seconds before saying into the empty phone, “Happy Birthday Mir”.

  This being her 40th birthday, Miranda had decided some months back to “let this one slip by” so she was rather pleased that she’d be spending it working in London, away from family and well meaning friends.

  By 8.20am she was showered and dressed to kill, she deposited her key card at reception and left the hotel but not before flirtatiously winking and pouting at Lukasz the handsome but shy twenty one year old Polish doorman.

  Meanwhile back in Hertfordshire after having dropped off seven year old Jack at school and four year old Sophie at nursery, Steven went on his daily food shop. As he walked round his local supermarket, he couldn’t take his mind off Miranda and how they were drifting apart. They had met through a mutual friend some fifteen years ago, Steven had just qualified and Miranda was then working as financial advisor at RBS. Steven instantly became infatuated by her. He just wanted to be part of her life.

  Compared to Miranda, he was definitely more laid back but as she kept saying to him “Don’t be so planned Steven, its time you became more spontaneous!”

  Steven didn’t need a shopping list, after all it was Friday and every Friday he cooked vegetarian chilli. As he picked a can of kidney beans off a nearby shelf he suddenly stopped as he heard Miranda’s voice in his head again telling him to be spontaneous. “Damn it, she’s right,” he said and quickly replaced the can of beans. “Stuff the bloody chilli, I’ll cook something else!”

  Now it may seem like a tiny step for you, but for Steven it was his big moment. He felt good and his mind raced about what else he could do today that was different from what he’d normally do. It didn’t take too long though before his mind came back to Miranda, and then it hit him, the most spontaneous thought he’d had for years.

  At 3pm and with the kids tucked up in the back seat, Steven told them of his plan. They were going to drive to London and visit mummy “Because it’s her birthday and she will be lonely, so we’re going to surprise her!” The children thought it a great idea and talked non-stop all the way along the motorway.

  Miranda’s day was progressing well, but that was no surprise as this was a lady who always got what she wanted. Miranda was a trouble shooter, and worked with national and multinational companies. This week she had been with the management of one of the UK’s largest chain of bookstores, showing them what they had to do to compete in an ever changing digital world and hence turn around a £250,000 loss into a profit. It had been a tremendously successful week and after lunch today she was holding a final meeting with the firms ten regional managers.

  Ryan was twenty eight, rugged Irish good looks and manager of the Northern Ireland region. He was certainly interested in Miranda, and had practically hung on her every word. Miranda had caught him looking at her in that certain way at the start of the week, and she had been discreetly playing him along ever since. At 4pm and at the end of her summing up speech she received a standing ovation and began shaking the hands of everyone as they left the board room. Ryan made sure he was last.

  “You were sensational Miranda; I’ve learned a lot this week”.

  Miranda looked at him straight in the eye. She could judge men very well and Ryan was no exception. He wanted her, and she knew it. She also wanted him and she decided she was going to have him. She played with his collar while saying nothing, looking at him, gauging a reaction. When she saw the surprised look accompanied by a sparkle in the eye and then by a slightly red face, she verbally pounced. She pulled him in close by his tie and whispered in his ear “Get your coat, big boy, you’ve pulled”.

  They headed to a nearby trendy wine bar Miranda had visited twice that week already. By 6.30pm they were well down their second bottle of Champagne which was being soaked up by a tray of fresh Oysters when she turned to him and simply said, “So, back to mine then?”

  Ryan just couldn’t believe his luck but before he got the chance to reply, Miranda butted in. “One thing”, she said, pointing a finger at him. “This is just sex. Nothing else, no you and me. Tomorrow I go back to my family. Understand?”

  “You’re one cool lady, I’ll give you that. I understand, anyway, it suits me just fine” said a grinning Ryan.

  Miranda drained her glass, slapped three £50 notes on the bar, took Ryan by the hand and left.

  After a surprisingly pleasant two and a half hour drive, Steven and kids arrived at the hotel at 5.30pm. At reception Steven explained about it being his wife’s birthday and that he and the children had wanted to surprise her. Mr Avery listened intently. He knew how important a customer of the hotel Miranda Johnston was. He smiled at the children and said of course they could decorate the suite. Susan the receptionist sat nearby and pretended not to hear but as Mr Avery took Steven and children towards the lifts she commented to no one in particular, “That woman doesn’t deserve a husband and kids like that!”

  Upstairs in the suite, the decorations began. Balloons were blown up, streamers opened and hung on lightshades. Sophie wanted to take her mums lipstick and draw a smiley face on the bathroom mirror but Steven wouldn’t let her, much to Sophie’s disappointment. Once the decorations were complete, a cake was placed in the centre of the coffee table and surrounded by tee light candles.

  Once all was complete, Steven walked over to the window, pulled back the net curtains and looked down. Within two minutes he saw her, well he saw her car as it was pulling into the car park below. Black Mercedes MIR 1. He didn’t need to wait and see her getting out, he knew it was her. All he could now see was the roof of her car as it came to a stop directly below him. He smiled and walked to the middle of the room. “Right kids, come and stand beside me. Mummy’s coming!”

  Both Sophie and Jack sprang to their feet and joined their father. They were now clutching party poppers and were bursting with so much excitement they could hardly contain themselves. Steven turned out the lights and went over the plan one last time.

  “OK, mummy will come through the front door very soon, probably hang up her jacket or something in the entrance hall, then she’ll open the second door and we’ll surprise her!”

  Downstairs, Miranda and Ryan stood at the reception desk “The Balmoral Suite please” said Miranda

  Susan the middle aged receptionist looked disapprovingly but managed a thin smile. As she handed over the key she did contemplate saying something but then again she thought, it was not her place. Also, she didn’t have much time for the younger more beautiful and cocky Miranda, so thought she’d just let fate take its course.

  Miranda took the key card and said a sarcastic “thank
you” before leading Ryan towards the lifts. “Jealous cow” she said under her breath while still managing to wink at Lukasz who stood nearby.

  Once the lift doors had closed they were all over each other. Miranda up against the lift wall wrapped her left leg round Ryan’s thigh as he took her head in both hands and kissed her passionately. Seconds later the lift bell pinged. They had reached the top floor. They both straightened themselves up and walked into the corridor.

  Inside The Balmoral Suite, Steven quickly lit the tee lights and the candles on the cake. He just hoped his wife would appreciate him being spontaneous and that it would help put the spark back into their marriage.

  Miranda inserted her plastic key card and the door clicked open. She took Ryan by his tie and led him into the entrance hall of her suite. She then unbuttoned her blouse and quietly pulled him towards her. Steven knew Miranda had entered when he heard the outer door slam shut but couldn’t of course hear what was taking place in the entrance hall due to the thick inner door being closed.

  On one side of the door, Miranda who now had her blouse off and her bra pulled down to her waist reached behind her to turn the door handle to enter her suite. One the other side of the door, in the darkness, Steven whispered to his kids “Any second now!”

  It was at this point that both parties either side of the door, froze. The noise was deafening.

  It wasn’t until the water sprinklers started gushing out water that Steven realised the candles he’d lit had set off the smoke alarm. “Shit!” he said which caused Jack to giggle.

  Miranda had instantly realised it was a fire alarm and along with Ryan had bolted from the suites entrance hall and ran straight for the fire escape stairs. She pushed back the door and with Ryan in tow headed down to reception

  It took Steven fifteen seconds to blow out the candles, gather up his kids and leave the room. Holding onto Jack and Sophie they came hurtling along the same corridor towards the same stairwell. Once inside though, their journey down was rather slower as many other guests joined the exodus at each floor. It was just a sea of people and it took them a full three minutes to reach the ground floor.

  Having gotten out sharp, Miranda and Ryan found themselves standing outside in the car park with other concerned guests. She had managed on the way down in to fasten her bra and do up her blouse and was currently trying to sort out her tussled hair. Suddenly she felt sober, real sober. She knew this wasn’t right. Even though she had not slept with Ryan, she knew that if that fire alarm hadn’t gone off she would have done. She thought of her kids, she thought of her husband. She knew it was wrong.

  She turned to Ryan, gently took his hand and smiled warmly “Look, I’m sorry Ryan, but this is just not right. It’s a mistake and I don’t want it to go any further. Please, just go”.

  Ryan had also sobered up rather quickly and although his pride was taking a little dent he realised Miranda’s decision was for the best. He said nothing, just smiled, shrugged, kissed her on the check and promptly left.

  As Miranda watched Ryan walk off she let out a huge sigh of relief just as she turned around to see her husband and children come walking out of the hotel and down the front steps. She simply did not know what to make of it. What the hell are they doing here? Do they know? Did they see me with Ryan?

  Steven walked up to Lukasz, the doorman, who was nearby trying to reassure everyone. “Excuse me, can you help me? I’m looking for my wife, her name is Miranda Johnston, she’s a guest here. Have you seen her?”

  “She’s over here sir, come with me”. Lukasz lead Steven and children over to Miranda, who seeing them approach didn’t know what to expect. She tried to put on her best surprised smile but felt positively ill.

  “Mummy mummy!” yelled the kids as the both ran towards here and smothered her with hugs and kisses.

  “What are you two doing here?” said Miranda with a smile she hoped wasn’t too obviously faked, but before they had the chance to reply, Steven spoke.

  “Well, you’re always saying I’m not spontaneous, so I thought I’d prove you wrong! We decided to surprise you, for your birthday. We decorated your room with balloons and streamers. We even bought a cake”

  Miranda felt such a fraud, she felt so guilty.

  “I saw you arrive in your car...

  She thought she was going to faint.

  “......From the window, the window in your suite, we were hiding inside. We turned all the lights out and heard you open the door with your key card....

  Miranda put a hand out on a nearby car to steady herself as all the blood drained from her face.

  “But just then the fire alarm went off and you must have run out. We came right away and tried to catch up with you, but you must have gotten away fast, we joined a huge throng of people in the stairwell. I couldn’t see you anywhere”.

  “Are you ok mummy? You look ill” said Jack.

  Miranda tried to compose herself and ruffled her son’s hair. “I’m fine, Jack, just a little scared because of the fire alarm”.

  Lukasz meanwhile was still there, standing a few feet just behind Steven’s shoulder. He of course knew the position she’d put herself in. Miranda caught his eye and willed him not to say anything.

  “I want to go home Steven, can we all just get out of here?”

  “Sure. C’mon troops were going home”.

  “Is mummy coming too?” asked Sophie.

  “Yes were all going home” She then turned to Steven “Look, you hit the road and I’ll catch you up. I’ve a couple of things to sort out here first and I want to say thank you to the doorman Lukasz, he’s been a great help to me this week”

  Steven smiled, nodded and walked off with the children towards his car.

  She watched him go then walked up to Lukasz with her head slightly bowed. “Thank you Lukasz”.

  “For what exactly?”

  “You know exactly what for. For saying nothing to my husband about me taking that guy back here earlier”.

  “You know lady; you’re lucky. And I don’t mean because you got away with it, I mean because you have two beautiful children and it seems a nice husband. In Poland where I come from, family is very important” He pointed at her, “You should remember this”.

  Miranda suddenly looked rather humble. “I know. Look, thank you once again Lukasz. I really do appreciate it”

  Lukasz nodded his acknowledgement and Miranda gave him one last friendly wink. That done , she went into reception, told them she was leaving and left instructions for her clothes and personal items to be sent on to her. She then quickly scribbled down a note and along with £50, sealed it in an envelope and asked that it be handed to Lukasz once she had left.

  The Johnston family spent a wonderful weekend together. On Saturday, it was the carnival, takeaway food and DVD’s. In the evening, once the kids had gone to bed, Miranda and Steven made passionate love and Miranda liked the new found confidence of Steven, it turned her on. On Sunday, they all went to the park and fed the ducks. Perfect family bliss.

  At 8pm Sunday, Lukasz was back on shift for the first time since the calamity of Friday evening. He was in the staff room just behind reception, finishing his tea, away to start again when one of the girls in the office handed him an envelope. He opened it, pulled out the £50 note along with a hand written note.

  It read;

  Lukasz, baby, thank you once again for not saying anything, I’m forever in your debt! You know, you really are such a handsome young man........and I know you like me.......anyway, I’ll be here again for three days on the 28th. We really must get together............

  Kisses, Miranda x

  Red Roses

  Julie Wong

  Red Roses

  This story is not a comedy. This tale is a sad one. Espionage teaches you many things. Above all it teaches you how to trust. But furthermore it teaches you to look past the window of complacence. It teaches you to shatter that window into the myriad shards of the truth that sting you when yo
u step unwittingly. This story is a tragedy.

  Susan fails to hide a coy smile by turning her head to the side. We’re on the sofa watching a rerun of Friends. Outside the sun nears the end of its arc. I touch her hand. She pulls me closer by wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

  “Your T.V. looks like my dashboard,” Susan refers to the scratches on the outer covering.

  “Your dashboard is colorful,” I childishly return. The only flaw of the otherwise spotless inside of her black Prius is the suspiciously mustard and ketchup like stains.

  Susan makes a dirty joke about the character Jennifer Aniston plays---my favorite actress in the show. I smile slyly and sneak a hand to grab her other side and jerk her toward me. She grins as she grips with both hands my sides. We tumble off the sofa laughing. Her dark hair slides over her eyes. Light of the television is reflected in Susan’s irises. Our lips meet. I think, she is beautiful, born of the perfect mesh of environmental pressures, obsessions, and genes.


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