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Locked Down With Mr Right

Page 9

by Jamie Knight

  “I apologize for the early hour,” I opened.

  “Never mind all that. What is this about, Ford?” Wilmont demanded.

  “I have two announcements. First, the show is finished. We have everything we need and have it edited. The rest of the season is already posted to the mainframe.”

  “Ridiculous!” Easton blustered.

  “Check if you don’t believe me.”

  “Damn right I will!”

  A flurry of typing later and Easton’s expression dropped like a stone. It was quite a thing to see.

  “Now that is out of the way, my second announcement is that Addie Harris and I are in love. We have been for a good long while. I have already put together a sad but satisfying end for the series, with her and Dean trying but it not quite working out because of the distance. Addie is left disappointed but read to try again. It’s realistic but hopeful, and exactly the kind of thing that plays well with our demographic. Good day, everyone.”

  Dropping the connection, I stood from the chair, returning the jacket to the back of it. Then it was my shirt and finally my pants, leaving me in boxer shorts before I left the study to go and be with Addie.

  She was up. Sitting in the bed, knees to her chest, looking at her affected arm in wonder as she rotated it.

  “It’s better,” she said, looking at me. With tears in her eyes.

  I held her, rocking her gently as tears of joy wetted my chest. I had brought in doctors to look at her. Masks and gloves a must. They had all said we just had to wait for things to repair themselves. They left prescriptions for pain killers I wasn’t able to fill.

  “I told the board about us.”

  “You did?” she asked between sniffs.

  “We are free.”

  The kiss was intense. Nearly three days of pent up libidos coming out all at once. It was really surprising. Not that I was about to complain.

  “Are you able to -”

  “Fuck yes!”

  Addie threw off the duvet, revealing her full glory, opening her legs wide. I wanted to go straight for her pussy but managed to restrain myself. I went for her feet first. We were both pretty riled up already, but she hadn’t been exaggerating. Nothing got her wetter faster than a good, gentle foot massage. The sounds she made as I stroked her foot in both hands were markedly similar to those emanating from her while I was licking her pussy. Her second favourite sexual activity.

  I caressed her softly, stroking my tongue the length of her tender pussy, varying between long laps and short, hard circles, savouring every moan and quiver she made. It was nice to be able to give her so much pleasure after she had been through so much pain.

  She peaked and dropped, her pussy getting even wetter around my fingers, letting me know she had most definitely cum. It was part of the reason I kept a box of wet wipes handy at my bedside.

  Massaging the outside of her pussy in large, loose circles, I kissed Addie's belly as she came down and recovered. Her recovery was impressive, rallying to full strength within minutes.

  Working my way up the length of her, I finally kissed her mouth as the same moment my cock reached her pussy. I was already quite hard without even needing to be touched. Just seeing Addie, particularly naked, was more than enough for me.

  Gently mounting her, Addie kissed me passionately as I pushed inside her, getting most of the way in before she winced. I backed off a bit, wanting very much for her to be comfortable. I gently pumped her, careful not to go too hard at first. It had been a while and figured she would need some time to ease back into it.

  She started to moan, moving under me as I fucked her, trying to match each of my movements. It was beautiful watching her expressions as I worked within her. Working her beautiful pussy closer to orgasm.

  Wrapping her legs around me, making me fuck her even harder, Addie got to the tipping edge of a transcendent orgasm. I knew I should have pulled out. There were no condoms in the house and no way to get them. It was bareback or nothing and we had both basically agreed without having to say anything.

  It was too late. There was nothing to be done. My load unleashing deep inside her, Addie called her prayers to the heavens. She seemed to reach a new level of existence as I filled her up with my warm, thick cum.

  I collapsed against her with my cock still deep inside her. Taking me in her warm embrace, she kissed me softly, holding me tight. I should have been worried. What would she do if she got pregnant? Yet that was not forefront in my mind.

  Even when the notion did flicker, it came as more than a comfort and a joy than a concern. I was an only child and did not really have much of experience with children. However, the idea of raising kids with Addie, her own included, actually made me smile.

  “What are you thinkin’ about?” Addie asked.

  “Family,” I said.

  “Me too,” she concurred.

  We kissed like we had so many times before, only that time it was different. Much like the sex itself, something about being able to be free and open with our love and to even think about starting a family. It was taking things to the next level. Filling everything with a sense of home.

  “How do you feel about breakfast in bed,” I asked.

  “Generally, I’m for it,” Addie said, after pretending to give it deep thought.

  “As you wish,” I said, stowing my cock in my boxer shorts and heading for the door.

  Stopping off at my study to retrieve my pants and shirt, I practically skipped down the stairs, mightily resisting the urge to break into song. Much as I loved them, I refused to let my life become a musical.

  “I know what you’re doing.”

  “How did you get past the guard dogs?” I inquired of the mysterious figure sitting in the living room.

  By way of reply, he held up a taser, engaging it in what could only be describe as an intimidating manner. The lengthening pool of blood drifting across the floor from in front of the chair somewhat contradicted his boast.

  “You are just using her. I can’t believe she prefers you. She’s supposed to be with her family.”

  “According to who? You? Society? The social contract? The government? Sounds to me like you have too high an opinion of your world-view, Skippy.”

  “I am going to take her to court,” he said as if it was a foregone conclusion.

  “Oh, I know. I am quite looking forward to it.”

  “Listen you -”

  I realized it was the first time he had really seen me. Pictures never really did justice, particularly to my physique. It really as amusing. The expression on his little face as he realized that I could take him apart with my bare hands, taser or no taser.



  “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Empty threats and terror. The usual,” I said.

  “He’s just using you,” he tried again.

  “No, you have it backwards. You used me. For seven fucking years you used me. In ways that would made De Sade cringe. When your exploitation resulted in a baby you fucked off. You really aren’t in any position to say anything about anything. Not to me, not to Tobias, not to Duncan. You want to go to court? Fine. We’ll kick your ass, and you will never see Duncan again. Now get the fuck out!”

  It was like watching Elizabeth I crush the French. I couldn't help but smile. My sexy, powerful woman.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The day was coming. The moment of reckoning where all would be gained or lost. It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. I always found it interesting how excitement and fear were so closely linked. The basic foundation upon which amusement park fortunes were built.

  I lay in the bed with Tobias, staring at the tasteful ceiling tiles of real bronze, decorated with intricate designs with the Brigid Cross at the center. It could be almost hypnotic trying to follow them, each leading into the other. I had spent the better part of six hours trying. I was looking for anything to get my mind off
what was happening with Dave.

  I hoped what I had said about kicking his ass was true, but I couldn’t be sure. Dave had always been a Machiavellian schemer and there was no telling what he might do. The main consolation and reason for hope was that I had Tobias on my side. He had already proven himself more than able to match with Dave. All of his actions were counter moves, but ones that had thoroughly quashed any plans my evil ex might have been developing.

  The strokes came sudden and soft. Long, light caress along my bare pussy. I let out a sigh of both pleasure and relief. Sweet Tobias giving me a lovely kiss on the cheek in response. I never knew how, but he always seemed to know how I was feeling and just the right thing to do to help me feel better.

  Opening my legs a bit more to give him room, Tobias slipped two fingers inside me up to the second knuckle and began to work inside me. He massaged my clit and g-spot as he stimulated my pussy wall as well. Moved by spirits unknown, I took him gently by the wrist, encouraging him in his actions and showed him exactly how fast and hard I wanted him to go.

  Once I recovered from the supernova of an orgasm exploding behind my eyes, Tobias scooped me up into his mighty arms and carried me, with no obvious effort, into the bathroom. Bracing me against him, helping me stand, He started the water, getting the temperature just right on the first try. My muscles relaxed almost as soon as the water hit them. I put my hands against the shower wall and just let it cascade over me.

  Picking up the soap, his other arm still around my waist, Tobias scrubbed me down from face to feet. Taking his time with each area, using just is fingers and not the actual bar while gently washing the outside of my pussy.

  Getting behind me, running a sensual caress down my back, he got the shampoo and washed my hair. It was something no one else had done in quite some time, and certainly never a lover. Such was the level of my trust in Tobias. Everything he did or wanted to do, especially in the bedroom, seemed to be so absolutely, perfectly right.

  Working with the position I was already in, he pulled back on my hips, making me bend even deeper. I knew it was coming before it happened. But that didn't stop me from gasping as he pushed gently inside me. My pussy graciously gave way as his beautiful cock worked its way in.

  Getting to about half of his length, Tobias stopped for a moment as he always did, giving me a moment to get used to having my pussy so absolutely stuffed. He was by far the most attentive lover I had ever experienced. Everything he did to me seemed to be designed to give me pleasure. Even the way he face-fucked me turned me on like crazy.

  Basically holding me up by my hips, Tobias worked inside me, rocking his cock in and out of my pussy. He took it easy on me until I indicated I wanted it harder. It was almost like a psychic link, making the whole process a lot easier and a damn sight more pleasurable.

  Despite the implications from the first instance, I really wanted him to cum in me again and warm me from the inside out, his beautiful cum becoming part of me. The very idea made me shake with anticipation.

  He knew. Or if he didn’t, he took a damn good guess, pushing all the way in me as he unleashed a blast of cum deep inside me. I was a bit conflicted. Part of me also wanted to taste it, but I had to choose and between the two the one he went for was what I really needed at the time.

  He moved to pull out, but I reached back and stopped him. Wrapping my hand longingly around the base of his cock, wanting to maintain our physical connection just a while longer. I knew it would have to end at some point, but that didn’t stop me from wanting it as long as I could.

  Holding him still, just for a change of pace, I turned and got down on my knees. My beautiful man’s majestic cock level with my mouth, I put two and to together until the warm, tasty head was pressed against the back of my throat.

  I could feel him go weak in the knees. It was quick. Tobias braced against the wall almost intensely, and it happened. I could not help but smile, despite the massive cock in my mouth. I got a little thrill from the fact that I could pleasure him as much as he had pleasured me.

  The spread was still surprisingly big despite the relative size of the tray. I wondered if Tobias might have played a touch of Tetris as a kid. No sooner had I lifted my fork to partake in the scrumptiousness, than the doorbell echoed through the house.

  “If it’s Clementine, tell her I miss her.”

  “Will do,” Tobias said, getting on his suit and mask.

  He was gone for a while and I started to worry that maybe Dave had come back and tried something drastic. Just as I was ready to go down and check on him, Tobias returned, carrying a very thick envelope.

  “What’s that?”

  “Manna from heaven,” he said with an absolutely ridiculous grin.


  “Or reconnaissance from a hired spy. However you want to put it. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.”

  “You hired a spy?” I asked.

  “The guy tasered both you and my dog. He’s going down. In flames.”

  It was a shock seeing Tobias so angry. I knew it wasn’t directed at me, which was pretty much the only thing stopping me from wetting myself in the moment.

  He really was the most physically imposing man I had even seen in real life. I just didn’t notice it most of the time because he was so calm and nice. The few times I had seen him really angry was when Dave had tried to hurt me. My own, personal champion.

  “I wonder what he found out.”

  “You might want to brace yourself, pumpkin. I doubt it is going to be very nice.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I’ve met him, remember? I also have a strange feeling your lives together weren’t the happiest.”

  “You can say that again!”

  “He was rough. Hurt you.”

  “Is it that obvious?” I asked.

  “Only to me and Clementine. Tragedy tends to show to those who have also experienced it.”

  I couldn’t even think of someone hurting sweet Clementine. The very idea that she might have been through even a fraction of what I had experienced made me really sad. I knew something had happened to Tobias.

  He never talked about it, but there were small signs. Not least the small scars that marked various parts of his body and what seemed to be a strong sense of justice. He was willing to cross the line of strict legality if he had to, using the skills of the morally dubious to bring down true villains.


  “As I’ll ever be,” I said, subtly wiping away a tear.

  I could feel my breakfast in my tummy. It didn’t make an escape attempt but could tell it was thinking on the matter. The pictures were graphic, clearly composed in vivid black and white. I remembered when he had taken them. Each of our daily fuck sessions ended with and impromptu photo-shoot when I was too tired and beaten to resist. But it seemed that this was the idea.

  “These are all online?” I asked.

  “Yes. On ‘specialist’ sites. Mostly on the dark web. They wouldn’t be widely circulated but they are there. Apparently, he was paid quite handsomely for them. Torture porn is one of the most popular genres.”

  I lost it. I was trying not to cry and stay strong for him. I couldn’t. All of a sudden, I was 23 again being hog tied on the floor, my black eye still throbbing after the fact. Dave was saying how sexy I looked. I didn’t know if I actually believed him, or if I was just afraid of him hurting me even worse.

  Tobias enveloped me. His strong, gentle arms wrapped easily around my body, holding me and protecting me from harm. I put my head against his hard chest, sinking further into his loving embrace.

  When I came back to reality, I pulled reluctantly away from his comforting wrap, wiping the tears from my eyes. Clearing everything thing off the bed with his business face on, Tobias sat on the bed in the lotus position. As if I could read his mind, I did the same, sitting across from him in the same position.

  Hands flat on his knees, Tobias started to take regular deep breaths. I tried the same, matching his
rhythm as closely as I could. As I breathed, the sound came to resemble the gentle roll of the tide.

  As we breathed, the rhythm fell into perfect sync. I noticed my mind going blank. The worries and the pain faded into the distance, still present but starting to sound like they were at the end of a very long tunnel.

  The touch was light and warm. One hand on my chest, right over my heart, the other on my forehead. I could feel his muscles tense as he began to focus. The positive energy felt like it was flowing into me.

  I lay back on the bed, overcome with a sensation of calm warmth. Tobias followed me down, hands still in place on the focal points. I heaved a sigh as my body and mind came together, the utter peace in my mind running like water down the rest of my body.

  Leaving his hand on my chest, he caressed the other down my face and along my neck, making me tremble with joy as he worked his way down to his final destination. Finally, with one hand over my heart and the other cupping my pussy, he started stroking me, slow and soft, up and down my delicate pink lips. Working me up to ultimate joy.

  I was still conscious but part way into another world while Tobias stroked my chest in a most agreeable way as he began to read.

  “When April with his showers sweet. The drought of March had pierced the root, and bathed every vein in such liquor, from whose virtue is gendered the flower. When Zephyr too with his sweet breath, has quicker in every grove and field. The Tender sprouting and the young sun has in the ram his half course run. And small birds make melody, that sleep all the night with open eye. So nature goads them to their hearts. Then people go on long pilgrimages and palmers to seek strange shrines known in sundry lands and especially, from every shire’s end.”

  “Go on,” I said, when he looked over to see if I was asleep.

  I never wanted to sleep. I just wanted to stay here awake with him in this bliss forever.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The day of reckoning had arrived. Ordinarily I would have gone for a run around the block several times to hype myself up, but that wasn’t in the cards. Instead, I had to console myself with running the grounds, starting at the gate and then back around to it. Yet, to be fair, the grounds did run for the equivalent of eight city blocks in any direction.


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