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Sea of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #1)

Page 19

by Sharon Cummin

  “This is the best surprise I have ever gotten,” he said.

  “We have to hurry. If I don't get back to work, my boss is going to kick my ass,” she said.

  He laughed as he took her into his arms and had his way with her. They both collapsed on the bed to catch their breath and enjoy the moment. Gavin rolled over to face her.

  “Will you move in with me?” he asked.

  “I pretty much already live here,” she laughed.

  “I know. I want you to live here completely. I want to know that when I come home, you are going to be here. I want this to be our home and our bed. If you want we can buy a different house. I want to live with you,” he said.

  “What about my lease?” she asked.

  “You pay for an apartment that you don't use. It would be cheaper to just get out of it then to keep paying for it,” he said. “We will pay the fees.”

  “Are you sure you want me here all the time?” she asked. “You won't have a bachelor pad anymore.”

  “All I need is you,” he said.

  Becky moved in and they decided to have a party together, with all of their friends. She was so excited as she planned the party. It made her so happy. She bought decorations, drinks, and ordered the food. Gavin insisted on ordering a ton of food. She didn't understand why he wanted that much, but did what he wanted. He said he would rather have too much than not enough. He was so cute. It was going to be so much fun. He invited all of the guys that were on the cruise, and she invited the people she had met since she had moved there. Becky could not be happier. Lisa showed up early to help. Becky had never thrown a real party before, and Lisa was excited to help her. Lisa ran to answer the door when the doorbell rang. She was speechless when she opened the door to Josh. He smiled as he walked past her. Becky laughed not sure that Lisa would ever get over her childhood crush. Gavin got dressed and helped her as well. The party started at noon and all of their friends had arrived. They had music playing and people were playing cards. The food was all setup and they were getting ready to eat. Becky was so happy. She hugged Gavin and thought about how perfect her life was. The doorbell rang. Becky looked around and leaned over to Gavin's ear.

  “Who could that be?” she asked. “Everyone is here already.”

  He shook his head, pulled her to the door, and motioned for her to open it. Becky opened the door and her eyes widened as her mouth dropped open. Tears fell from her eyes as her parents stood before her. She looked at Gavin and he had a huge smile on his face, as he shrugged his shoulders. Becky hugged her parents and pulled them into the house. She was so excited. When she went to close the door, she saw Gavin's parents, Julie, Chris, and Sarah walk up the driveway. Becky ran out to greet them and hug them. She was so excited. Once everyone was in the house, Gavin shut the door. Becky looked over at him. He leaned down by her ear.

  “I wanted our family here for our first party. Your parents are staying here with us for a few days. Is that okay?” he asked.

  Becky hugged Gavin so tight. Everyone stood around and quietly watched them.

  “I thought the day was perfect and you just made it even better. This is the best day ever. I couldn't be happier. What did I ever do to deserve you?” she asked, as she kissed his cheek.

  Gavin laughed and took her hands. She could feel his hands shake in hers.

  “This is the best day ever. We have everyone we love with us. This party is the start of our life together. The day I saw you on that ship, there was something about you. You sat there reading, while everyone partied around you. I knew I was going to get to know you. You blew me off and were as sarcastic as ever. You were determined to not let me in, but I was not giving up. That was the best vacation of my life. When we went our separate ways, I was devastated. I tried not to think about you, but I couldn't do it. I had to find. When I walked down that aisle to meet our new employee, it was like a dream come true. I could not believe it was you. I knew at that moment that you were meant for me. We were meant to be together. When you ran from me because you saw me at that restaurant with Julie, I didn't know how I was going to live without you. When you agreed to move in here completely, I was so happy. Becky, I love you more than you will ever know. I want you to know that. We were meant to be together. You are my everything. I want to wake up with you every morning and fall asleep with you in my arms every night, for the rest of my life,” Gavin said, as he slowly went down on one knee and opened a ring box. “Becky will you please make this day even better by agreeing to be my forever? Will you marry me?”

  Becky sunk down on her knees as tears poured from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him.

  “You're my forever, baby,” he said. “Please be my wife.”

  Becky looked into his eyes and put her hands on both sides of his face.

  “I love you Gavin Lucas,” she said. “This is the best day of my life. Of course, I will be with your wife, if you'll have me.”

  Gavin stood and pulled Becky to her feet. He slipped the ring onto her finger and hugged her tight. Her eyes widened as she finally looked at the ring.

  “It's beautiful. You shouldn't have gotten such an expensive ring. It does not matter to me. All that matters is that you are with me,” she said. “This is the definitely the best day of my life.”

  Watch for my next novella – The Game of Love coming September 1, 2014

  Jessica was a sexy twenty five year old woman. Her friends at worked talked her into going to a party at a co-worker's house. She had not been out in a very long time. Jessica would rather be at home watching a movie with her son. She agreed to go, thinking she could leave after an hour and get back home.

  Luke was a gorgeous football player who had just returned home after being injured playing for the Pittsburgh Steelers. His football career was over. It was the first time he had been home for more than a day in seven years. His friend from college, Linda, tried to get him out of the house. She finally got him to agree to go to a party she was having and even talked him into taking one of her friends as his date. He was not looking forward to it.

  Jessica arrived at the party to hang out with her friends from work. It ended up being a much better time than she thought it would be. Her friend John pulled along to dance with him. They laughed and joked as he dipped her. That was when she spotted Luke, her high school sweetheart, with her friend Heather. The only man she had ever truly loved.

  Luke could not believe it, when his eyes connected with Jessica's. The woman who tore his heart in two. It took all he had not to turn around and take off out the door. His friend Linda pulled him into her home to show him around and meet her friends.

  Jessica's heart raced as Linda brought Luke and Heather over to introduce him to the group from work. Jessica hurried to excuse herself before anyone could say a word. When she returned, Luke was standing with her friends. Her hands shook as Linda introduced her to Luke. She said a simple hello as he looked into her eyes in shock. Jessica excused herself to go over to the couch. She had her head down, but could feel Luke in front of her. He sat next to her and started to talk to her. Heather came up and plopped down into his lap. She put her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

  Jessica could not take it, she had to get out of there. Without saying a word, she took off out the door, to her car. How could he have been at the party? Why was he with her friend Heather? Why did he have to look even sexier than she remembered?

  When Luke couldn't get her off his mind, he knew that he had to see her. He pulled up in front of her house and could not believe what he saw. He wanted answers.

  What would she say when confronted by him?

  How would she explain why she made the decisions she did?

  How would he react to her answers?

  Be sure to watch for my next novel - “Hot for Love” (Bachelor Billionaire #2) coming October 1, 2014.

  Josh was a sexy firefighter and restaurant owner. He was happy and content with his wealthy bachelor life. Gorgeous women
surrounded him, and he loved every minute of it. His life was perfect.

  Lisa was a shy stewardess, who enjoyed seeing the world. A relationship was the furthest thing from her mind.

  Josh was on a date, when he was called to the station for a large apartment fire. He had no idea that his life was about to change.

  When Lisa was suddenly thrown into Josh's life, could she hide her past feelings for him, or would she turn his world upside down?

  Other Stories by Sharon Cummin

  Finding Love (Billionaire Romance #1) – Purchase on Amazon

  Chris was ready to find happiness. He wanted so badly to find someone who loved him for who he was, not for what he had.

  After getting his heart broken, he met Sarah. She had the most beautiful, long, dark, shiny hair that draped perfectly across her shoulders. Her eyes were the most vivid blue he had ever seen.

  She thought he was just a regular guy she was falling for. Little did she know, he was a billionaire looking for love.

  Keeping Love (Billionaire Romance #2) – Purchase on Amazon

  Chris was a handsome billionaire. Sarah was the love of his life. When she found out something about his past, she didn't know how to handle it. He knew he had to do whatever it would take to get her back.

  Would Chris be able to prove his love to Sarah, or would he just push her further away?

  Saving Love (Billionaire Romance #3) – Purchase on Amazon

  When Chris, a handsome billionaire, made an unforgivable mistake, and his beautiful fiance had no idea how to react. He vowed to do whatever it would take to prove his love and keep her in his life.

  Chris showed up unannounced and discovered something in Sarah's life that changed everything for him. He decided it was time to move on in his life without her.

  Would he be able to walk away and give up everything he had with her? Would Chris end up making the hugest mistake of his life?

  Romance and a... Series: The Complete Collection – Purchase on Amazon

  (81,566 words)

  Warning: This story contains content which is intended for readers over the age of 18.

  Romance and a Piece of Cake (#1)

  Emily was making a cake to prepare for her friend Sally's birthday party. When suddenly, her friend's hot looking brother arrived early. He's had a crush on Emily since he was young. Does she finish the cake in time for the party with all of the added heat in the kitchen?

  Romance and a Proposal (#2)

  While Paul was in the shower, his phone rang. When Emily took the phone from his pants pocket a small folded piece of paper fell on the ground. She picked up the paper, opened it, and read it. Her eyes lit up, and her hands began to shake. What was on that paper? Would it change her life forever?

  Romance and a Bachelor Party (#3)

  Emily told Paul that she did not think they should have bachelor and bachelorette parties. Paul agreed not to have one. Does Paul fall under the peer pressure of his good friends? Or, does he stay true to his word?

  Romance, a Billionaire, and a Jealous Fiance (#4)

  “After you dropped off my grandma's wedding band yesterday at the jewelers, when did they say we could pick it up?” Emily asked.

  Feeling so bad for lying to her, Paul had to get the wallet back before she realized what had happened. He was on a mission to find it, when his estranged billionaire uncle showed up unexpectedly to visit.

  The handsome billionaire realized he had feelings for his nephew's fiance after spending time with her.

  Does Paul get the wallet back before Emily discovers the truth?

  Does the billionaire reveal his feelings of love for Emily?

  Romance, a Billionaire, and a Wedding (#5)

  Emily's plane had just left the runway to begin the long flight.

  She was torn between Paul, the man she truly loved who had deceived her and Chris, a wealthy billionaire who was willing to give her the world.

  Spending a summer in Paris was something she could have only dreamt of.

  When Paul found out about a wedding in Paris he knew that he had to win her back.

  Does he win Emily's heart back before she says I do?

  Romance and Love in Paris (#6)

  "Will you marry me and be with me for the rest of my life?" Paul asked, as he opened his hand with the ring inside.

  "Yes, of course I will. I am never going to let you go again," Emily responded, with tears running down her face.

  Chris new he had to get through the awkwardness with his nephew Paul. He had to apologize for everything he had done. He offered to throw a wedding in Paris for the happy couple. Paul knew that Emily would love it. They would be able to have the wedding of her dreams. The two men set out to plan an amazing wedding as a surprise for the bride.

  Can he get her to the altar before she figures out what is going on?

  Romance and a Honeymoon (#7)

  Emily and Paul were ready to begin their dream honeymoon. Standing at the airport, they realized that they had left their passports behind. There was no way they were going to miss their flight. They just wanted to have a relaxing and calm vacation. Seeing what they had been through in their relationship, they should have known that it would not be that easy. To make matters worse, Emily walked up and found Paul giggling and laughing with a beautiful younger woman.

  Were they able to get past the challenges that stood in their way, or was true love just not meant to be?

  Romance and a Happy Ending (#8)

  Emily waited for what seemed like forever for the doctor to come back into the room. The longer she waited, the more nervous she became. Finally, the door opened. How did she react to what the doctor had to tell her?

  She was not sure how to talk to Paul about the news she had gotten from the doctor. Paul knew that something was different about her, but could not figure out what it was. He noticed inconsistencies in her behavior. When he caught her lying to him, he was not sure how to react.

  Would she tell him the truth before he confronted her?

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