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No More Heartache: The MORE Duet

Page 12

by Anders, Tarrah

  “While I did come over to get laid, I did want to check in with you. You’ve been quiet, and I know you aren’t hitting up the bar anymore, so I just wanted to make sure I kept in touch.” She smiles.

  “Thanks, that means a lot. Do you want something to eat? Milkshake maybe?”

  “Mmmm a milkshake please.” She says as my doorbell rings again.

  Aren’t I’m just mister popular today. Nikki quirks her eyebrow.

  “Get out the ice cream, milk and strawberries, I’ll be right back.” I say rounding the counter and switching places with her to go get the door.

  I put my shirt back on while I approach the door, and I open it to a smiling Tatum.



  Max opens the door and his jaw falls practically to the ground. He recovers quickly and then runs his hand through his hair. He steps aside and motions for me to come in. We don’t disconnect from our eyes as I enter.

  “We’re making milkshakes, would you like one?” He asks, he seems nervous.

  We? “Um, sure. If you have some pineapple…?” I trail off. Who is ‘we’? I set my bag on his table and shrug off my coat. We round the corner and I see a slim blonde arranging the ingredients to milkshakes and maneuvering through drawers in the kitchen as if she’s been in it a million times. She doesn’t notice that I’ve entered the house yet, as I’m cemented to the ground. I look at Max, who smiles.

  “Tatum, I want you to meet my friend Nikki. Nik, this is Tatum.” He says interrupting her. I note that there’s no change in his voice. Chill Tatum, he’s got friends, some of them will be females!

  His friend practically squeals as she drops the measuring cup on the counter.

  “We were seriously just talking about you!” She is quite excited. “Hi, I’m Nikki. So, so, so nice to meet you.”

  Okay, so Max has told her about me. I think that should be a good thing, right?

  “Yeah, nice to meet you.” I say. Max pulls out the barstool for me to sit on and then returns to the main kitchen area and reaches into a cupboard and pulls out a can of pineapples. He forgets to close the cupboard and I notice the shelf is line with cans of pineapple and instantly my heart swells.

  “Pineapples?” Nikki asks him as he sets the can down beside the strawberry basket.

  “For Tatum.” He says smiling. “The baby wants pineapples and so the baby gets pineapples.”

  This time my jaw hit the floor. Max goes about adding everything into the blender, and Nikki looks up at me and smiles. Her smile is sincere and I decide that I don’t hate her. Why would I hate her, Max and I aren’t together.

  “So Tatum, Max says that you work with Davis. What grade do you teach?” Nikki asks pulling up the barstool next to me.

  Okay, so she knows Davis too, she’s perfectly harmless, completely and perfectly harmless.

  “Davis and I teach at different ends of the school, but we’re friends. I’m in kindergarten and he’s in 5th.” I explain.

  “I knew I should have majored in education.” She huffs. “Why didn’t I major in education Max?” She laughs.

  “Because you would rather fuck with people’s minds than mold them?” He offers with a smile looking up from pouring the milkshakes.

  “I’m a psych major.” She explains.

  Max hands me my milkshake and Nikki hers and we are all silent as we take our sips.

  This tastes delicious!

  I think as I take a second and third sip.

  “I should get back to the grind. Thanks for the break Max, and Tatum, it was really great meeting you. I hope to see you soon.” She smiles. She takes the glass with her and as she opens the door she yells back, “I’ll bring the cup back.”

  A minute goes by before either Max or I say anything. He has now taken the seat his friend Nikki was sitting on.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know you were coming over, otherwise…” He started.

  “No, I was around the neighborhood. I shouldn’t have come over unannounced.”

  “I’m glad you came over though. Funny though, Nik and I were just talking about you.”

  “She seems nice. Girlfriend?” I had to ask.

  He stops drinking from his glass and sets it down in front of him and turns to completely face me.

  “No, just a friend. If she was my girlfriend, that all would have been a lot different.” I guess he’s right about that.

  “True. Thank you for adding pineapples by the way, it tastes real good.” I smile.

  “How’s peanut?” He asks looking down to my stomach. I’m not showing by any means, but he still looks.

  “She’s great. Giving me quite a lot of indigestion, but she’s great.”

  “She?” He asks.

  “I don’t like the sound of it. I alternate, today is she.” I smile.

  “I like that. Hopefully though, that doesn’t give her a complex.” He smiles.

  I laugh and take a deep breath. Time for me to pull out the big guns.

  “So, I put in a notice at my apartment complex.” I spill.

  “What? Really? When?” He almost choked on the last bit of his shake.

  “Two weeks ago.”

  “And you’re just now telling me? I’ve been stressing for two weeks about how I was going to get you to change your mind.” He’s not angry, but he almost looks frustrated that I kept the information to myself. I immediately feel guilty of robbing him of the excitement of the news.

  “Listen, I’m sorry. I needed to be 100% sure before I told you. I didn’t want to tell you and then pull back and not do it.”

  “Okay then, what changed your mind?”

  “There was a gunshot that I had heard, it sounded like it was close. Then I was doing my laundry and I noticed that the machine had bullet holes in it. Along with the neighbors and their every other night parties, I figured that moving would be a smart move. And then when I started thinking of it, I had to do a pros and cons list of moving in with you.” I explain. Damnit, why did I need to mention my list.

  “Pros and Cons list?” He asks.

  “Well, since we don’t know one another too well, I thought that that outweighed everything and if we’re going to have a baby that would come in handy. You know, actually knowing the father, on more than a ‘I’ve seen him naked’ level.” I smirk.

  “I can see where that would be a beneficial thing. So, when can you move in?” He looks like a happy puppy now.

  “Anytime, really. You’ve seen my apartment, I don’t have a lot of furniture, but I think that I don’t want to get rid of everything, but most can go, especially if it’s a double of something that you have. Maybe I should get storage, ugh I didn’t think this through all the way.” I scratch the top of my head.

  “I have a shed out back. I bought it when I bought this place, thinking that I would put like tools or something manly out in it. It’s only got a rake, broom and maybe a box or two in it. It’s pretty big, you can put whatever back there, if you want to store anything. No need to rent a storage unit, when we have all the space here.”

  He said we. My stomach just got a whole bunch of butterflies fluttering in it.


  “We can move you in today?” He looks like he’s going to start wagging his imaginary tail.

  “I would need to pack and probably go through things some more, I already kinda started but I’ve got a lot to go through.”

  Max jumps up and heads down to hallway and disappears into one of the bedrooms. He comes out wearing a hoodie and shoes.

  “Let’s go.” He says, grabbing his keys and wallet.

  “Where are we going?” I ask him. He can’t really want to start this today, but I’m dead wrong as he hands me my bag and is ushering me out of the house.

  “I’ll meet you at your place, I’ll grab some boxes. And then later, I’ll call Lukas and he’ll bring his truck.”

  “Lukas?” I ask trying to stall.

  “He’s one of the partners, at my company, one of my b
est friends. You’ll like him. Come on, let’s go. We’re losing daylight here just standing around.”

  “You’re excited.” I smile walking past him.

  “It’s not every day that the soon to be mother of your child says she’ll move in with you.” He smiles as he locks the door.

  Those damn butterflies!



  I ordered a Hawaiian pizza while Tatum went through her closet. She was throwing things out left and right and I had no idea of what her process entailed. We had been going through things and packing for the past 3 hours. I had the kitchen packed up. On the boxes, I wrote what was in each box, hoping she would appreciate that. I separated the items basing them on what I already had at the house, versus what she had. I had moved onto her hallways closet which had hundreds of towels and blankets. I’ve got a good amount of both, but I know she would want to have her say in what she brought so I just took everything out and then folded it neatly in two piles.

  She emerged from her closet, looking like she was a wild woman, her hair was in a messy bun and her clothes looked wrinkled. She looked hungry too, so I was glad the pizza was on the way. I went into her kitchen pantry and opened a can of pineapples.

  Her pineapple craving was adorable. I smiled as I tossed the top and rummaged through her drawers for a fork. I turned the corner and she was standing in the hallway looking at the two piles in super hero pose.

  I handed her the pineapples and watched the shock on her face then melt into gratitude. She then forked several pieces into her mouth and mid-chew pointed with the fork to the piles with a puzzled look on her face.

  My turn to talk. “I didn’t know if you wanted to bring any of these, or just store them?”

  “I’ll bring a few of these, like these are really good towels. But the rest, we can donate to the shelter down the street.” She smiles.

  She said we. Why am I suddenly so excited that she included me in that sentence? I nodded and then got to work on bagging up what she didn’t separate.

  “Listen, we don’t have to finish this tonight. I have another two weeks Max. We can do this slowly.”

  “Nah, you sit and relax, pizza should be here any minute. I hope you don’t mind but I called over a few of my friends to help too. Lukas with the truck and Dane with Sterling. I was told you met Sterling at the BBQ, so not complete strangers going through your stuff.” I smiled.

  She looks shocked then shakes her head. “You said there would be pizza?” She smiles forking more pineapples into her mouth.

  “I hope you like Hawaiian.” I joke.

  She snorts, and immediately tries to hide her snort as the gate buzzer goes off at the same time my phone vibrates.

  “Dane and them are here. So is the pizza.” I push the buzzer button and then open the front door. The pizza delivery guy was being followed by our moving assistants. I handed the kid a few twenties, and grabbed the pizzas.

  Dane approached first and I handed him the pizzas and sodas. He went inside the apartment and next was Sterling.

  “Hey. Congrats mister.” She whispers as she hugs me.

  I fist bump with Lukas and then we all crowd into Tatum’s place.

  Sterling is talking to Tatum quietly and then they quickly hug, while us guys are in the kitchen. I choose the piece of pizza with the most pineapples and bring it to Tatum. Sterling is staring at my gesture in shock and then I smile.

  “Get your own pizza Sterling.” I grin.

  Everyone makes small talk as we eat the pizza. Sterling makes Tatum stay seated for the remainder of the time we’re in her apartment. Here and there we ask for her take on things, after all this is her apartment.

  I instructed Lukas to pull his truck out back and while the girls are talking, ignoring our huffing and puffing, we start loading up his truck bed with her furniture.

  “Hey Tate. Your bed, there’s a bed in the room already. But I…” I begin and note that she’s blushing.

  “Can we move my bed in and the spare bed into the shed?” She asks, almost nervously.

  “Of course.” I smile and head back into the bedroom.

  Dane and I pull the bed out and immediately, I hear the girls scrambling up and getting in our way.

  “Wait, we’re moving that over today?” Tatum asks with her hands on her hips.

  “Well, yeah. We can actually get all the furniture moved out with most of the boxes. Dane brought his truck too.” I say. “Is that okay?”

  “What’s the rush?” She asks.

  “No real rush, but no reason to put this off either.” I answer simply shrugging.

  Sterling is looking back and forth between us and then she puts her hand on Tatum’s arm.

  “There’s no rush Tatum, but Max… when he puts his mind to something, it gets done. If you’re not comfortable with it, just say it. He’ll heel.” Sterling says cutting me a glare.

  “No, it’s okay. Sorry. No heeling.” She smiles.

  “Woof,” I say as Dane and I pick the bed back up and start back out through the front door. Lukas is behind us with her dresser drawers.

  We lift the bed up and get it situated.

  “You sure about all this? You practically just met her, and you’re already moving her in?” Dane asks me wiping off some sweat with his shirt.

  “I think so. I’m just going with my gut right now. This helps me be there for her. I think that’s more what I need. She’s having my baby, the best that I can do right now is support her as well as get to know her better, how else by being roommates?”

  “What about what she needs?”

  “I guess we’ll figure that out along the way. Look she wouldn’t have told me she would move in unless she was sure.”

  Dane nods and jumps down from the truck.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing. This is new for you dude. But we’re always here for help, just next time… no moving.” Dane smiles.

  * * *

  We unloaded the last of Tatum’s belongings around 8pm. Tatum and Sterling now were fixated in the living room while we brought everything in. I called Davis over to the house while we were emptying Tatum’s apartment and asked him to move the furniture in the 2nd bedroom into the shed. By the time we got home, the guys and I had the space to put things. Tatum instructed us how she wanted things to go and then we were on our own.

  Sterling joined me in the kitchen and started pulling out the stuff that I would need for my milkshake, knowing that this would be a good time to have one, without me even mentioning it. I added the can of pineapple to it, without a word.

  “So, you have your baby mama living with you now. You realize your hook-ups will be cock blocked, right?” She whispers.

  “You have no idea. Nikki came over earlier and we almost did… but nothing worked.” I whispered back.

  “Nothing worked?” She asks.

  I pointed to my crotch. “Broken, her words.”

  She laughs hard and I shake my head, moving around her and I pick out two glasses. I pour the milkshake into the glasses.

  “Besides, I haven’t been wanting to do the hook up thing since rehab, maybe this is me changing even more.” I said picking the glasses up, walking into the living room and handing one to Tatum. Her surprised look changed as I sat beside her.

  “Hey roomie. Thanks.” She smiles as she takes a sip.

  “So, we’ll let you guys get acquainted, or situated, or whatever. See you on Monday dude. Tatum, welcome to the house. Call us if he gets out of line, or if you need to escape.” Dane offers.

  “Or if you need someone to hide the body!” Lukas joins in.

  “I’m good with an ax.” Sterling quips.

  “Okay, okay, out with you all. Thanks for today. I owe you.” I say getting up and seeing them out.

  I walk back into the living room, Tatum is sitting on the couch with her feet up and under her. She looks at me and smiles.

  “So, do we have house rules?” I ask her, letting her lead.

p; “I’m sure there will be, but let’s just enjoy our shakes until we come up with some.”

  “Deal.” I say sitting back down.

  “Oh, I have one. Always keep a stock of pineapple chunks in the kitchen!” She smiles.

  “I think you’ve seen the pantry, it’s safe to say that there’s an endless supply in there.” He smiles.

  “Our baby is going to be a pineapple.” She laughs.

  Our baby. I like the way that sounds.



  I hear a hammering coming from somewhere in the house. Doesn’t the world understand that I need my sleep? I slowly open my eyes, barely as the sun is blinding me. I was a fool last night and didn’t put down the blinds. Max and I stayed up late hanging out. We talked a little bit about my work and his work.

  I now know just a little bit more of the secretive Max Hunter. He is a partner with his buddies, Dane and Lukas in some sort of business that builds things. So he has a good job, I’m glad for that. And he’s got some great friends, who I already really like, so I’m glad for that too. His DVR is filled with comedies and crime dramas and I even saw a few recordings of a reality show that just aired recently about creating crazy creatures for Hollywood, I’ve always wanted to watch that.

  The hammering hasn’t stopped, and I’m coherent enough now to move and get out of bed. I stretch as I reach the bedroom door and open it slowly. I peer into the hallway to figure out which direction to go to. The hammering is coming from the side door, which leads out back, it’s wide open. And I stalk to the direction of all the ruckus.

  Max is standing in the backyard, shirtless, there is a sweat sheen on his body and I’m trying to divert my eyes, but they’re glued on his back muscles. He is standing over a bunch of wood and I can’t even figure out what it is. He must have sensed my presence as he turns around, hammer in hand.


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