No More Heartache: The MORE Duet

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No More Heartache: The MORE Duet Page 19

by Anders, Tarrah

  I break for air and as I open my eyes, something on a box on the floor catches my eye. I pull away from Max and move to the bag.

  Max starts laughing. Then runs in front of me and reaches for the bag before I can bend down for it.

  “What is that?” I ask.

  “I got the baby her first present.”

  “Um, Okay.” I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

  He reaches into the back and pulls out a little, pillow. Then he turns it around and shows me.

  “A pineapple!” I squeal.

  “I know it’s about 33 weeks until our baby will be the size of a pineapple, but since for the past 20, you’ve been non-stop eating pineapples, to where your skin smells like it – I thought this was fitting!” He smiles proudly.

  “You’re the best! This is a perfect gift for her.” I smile as I jump into his arms.

  “Tate? I… I love you.” He whispers against my neck.

  I freeze; all my thoughts have gone silent. It’s almost like someone turned off all the lights on Christmas Eve. You may be able to hear crickets in the distance, because time has totally stood still. My slacked jaw forms into the biggest smile that I will ever have on my face, it’s almost like the play button has been pushed, but it’s starting in slow-motion. Sounds are coming back to me, I can hear my heart beat and I can taste again.

  “I love you too. Max, I love you so much!” I hold him tighter, while still holding onto the pineapple pillow. Crushing our mouths together, I grab onto him and start walking backwards toward the doorway. I hit the doorframe, however we don’t make any break in the kiss, thankfully Max takes over the steering part and soon my knees hit the bed in our room and he is softly lowering me. We break and take that moment to discard our clothes.

  I scoot up onto the bed and he comes between my legs, he’s stroking himself as he comes closer and my tongue lashes out to my lips to wet them as I watch his hand. His eyes zero in on that movement and he pounces like a tiger with a growl in his throat.

  His hand is suddenly between my legs and I’m whimpering with need. His finger breaches my entrance and lingers slightly over my folds. I can feel the ghost touch and I can’t take it anymore as I push my hips up and his fingers sink deep into me.

  Max moans at the same time as I gasp.

  “I want in.” He whispers as he lines himself up and slowly pushes in. “Fuck, you’re so tight. So wet. Fuck Tate, this feels so incredible, I don’t know if I can last.” He pants against my neck as he pushes himself in and out slowly. He continues to talk as he languidly moves, yet his words are gibberish as well as the fact that I’m busy feeling all the feels with my body.

  He loves me.

  * * *

  The past two months have gone by incredibly fast. We found out that we’re having a girl, and so the baby’s bedroom has become a Mecca of everything pretty. There are flowers, tiaras and teddy bears all over the place. Max wouldn’t settle on a theme other than girl, so I’ve just went with the flow.

  Max has been an amazing partner. I would have never thought that the guy I had a reckless drunken hook up with one night would become my baby daddy, let alone live with him and be in a relationship with him. Granted, we moved quickly in our relationship, it didn’t feel like we rushed at anything. We were still getting to know another, he was still dealing with his sobriety and he has been completely devoted to me and the peanut.

  I have roughly 10 more weeks to go, give or take. I was told by my OB that for my first child, could be a late arrival, which I immediately groaned. So far, I’ve had no complications with the pregnancy, other than feeling like the size of the house, everything has been smooth sailing. But I’m ready for this girl to vacate my body lodging and get her own.

  “Are you even listening to me?” Sammie asks breaking me out of the space out that I was just in. That’s happening a lot more these days, I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy but I will find myself completely zoned out at the most random of times. It’s embarrassing when it happens during class.

  “Yeah, um I’m just… sorry no I wasn’t.” I admit biting my cheek.

  “It’s okay, I’m sure you’ve got a thousand things going on in that pretty little head of yours.” She teases.

  “Oh shut up.”

  “I mean seriously, you probably do. Like how the heck you’ll baby proof this bachelor pad, or how you will get the little one into your scary box of a car, or daycare.” Sammie rushed out.

  “Wait, what?” Why hadn’t I thought of any of those things? Has Max?

  “By that terrified look on your face, I would say no to all of the above.” Sammie sits back.

  “Well, this place doesn’t really need baby proofing until he is of crawling age, so we have time for that.” I smile, after thinking about that subject for a moment.

  “And your car? Or daycare?” Sammie asks. “Please tell me these are subjects that you and Captain hotty-pants discuss?”

  “Captain hotty-pants?” I ask.

  “He’s hot, so it’s only rightfully that he’s a captain and have you seen his ass?” Sammie fans herself in exaggeration.

  “Well, I may have once or twice.” I smile feeling flushed suddenly.

  “Yeah, yeah. You’re playing house with the captain of hot pants, I get it. So?”

  “We haven’t talked about those things yet. Crap, I knew everything was too good to be true,” I smack my forehead lightly with my palm as I hear the door opening.

  Max appears a moment later, with his tie loosened and the top button undone. His jacket is draped over his arm as he sets his satchel down and empties his pockets on the counter.

  “The Captain is home,” Sammie loudly declares earning Max a chuckle combined with a questioning look.

  “Do I even want to know?” He steps into the living room and braces his hands at the back of the couch as he leans down to kiss the top of my head.

  “Probably not.” I mutter.

  “Everything okay?” He asks noticing my mood.

  “Um, I’m going to let myself out. Captain, take care of our girl here.”

  “Wait, does that make me the first mate?” I ask as she gets up.

  “Honey, you can be whatever your pretty head desires.”

  “You must sure think I’m pretty, since you keep saying stuff about my pretty little head!” I tease still seated.

  “I totally have a lady boner for you, especially now that you’re knocked up. I mean look at those boobs. Can I get an Amen!” Sammie jokes.

  “Amen!” Max practically shouts.

  We all laugh as Sammie disappears and leaves.

  Max comes around the couch and sits beside me, he takes my hand and lowers it to his lap, clasping my fingers with his thumb circling.

  “Everything okay?” He asks concerned.

  “What are we going to do about daycare?” I sighed.

  “Well, I think we still have time to figure that out. But maybe my mom can, or we can hire a nanny, or we can take her to a daycare facility. What would you like to do?”

  “I have no idea. Oh my God, we should have been talking about this a long time ago.”

  “Let’s call my mom tonight and invite my parents over for dinner. Maybe I can finally meet your parents?” He hints.

  “I doubt that would be a pleasurable thing. My parents are just weird. Crap, oh my God, do we have any ice cream?” I whine as I push myself off the couch.

  “Yeah, I got some more the other day. I’ll call my mom tonight and we’ll have everyone over for dinner this weekend, that way it’s on our home turf and all. How does that sound? Then we can just casually bring up the topic. Do you think your parents would be able to come down?” He gently asks.

  “I think that would be great. I’ll call mine tonight too. Thank you.” I smile.

  “Everything else okay Tate?” Max is behind me now as I spoon ice cream into my mouth.

  “Is my car safe for a baby?” I don’t meet his eyes, afraid of him seeing me so vulnerable.r />
  “I don’t know honestly what would constitute safe, but if you think it wouldn’t be, lets trade your car in and get a different one? I was thinking of doing the same with my bike.” Max shrugs.

  “But you practically just got your bike!” I exclaim.

  “Babe, it was a purchase that I made because I was bored fresh out of rehab, feeling like I had nothing exciting going on. I’ve ridden it maybe twice since I got it. I’m going to be a family man now honey, maybe I might get a mini-van.” He smiles.

  I smile and then suddenly my mind stays stuck on his response of being bored, will he get bored of me and the baby and then go find himself someone else, who doesn’t come with baggage? I feel my smile become forced and I instantly turn around and busy myself by putting away the ice cream.

  I can feel Max’s presence behind me and as I turn around, I’m face to face with him.

  “Something just happened.” He states as he puts his hands on my shoulders and stares down into my eyes. “Talk to me?”

  “It’s nothing.” I reply, lowering my eyes.

  “Bull. I’ve come to know your body language quite well, and I know there’s more to nothing that’s bothering you. Come on, rule number… three?”

  I sigh. “I hate these rules sometimes.”

  He smiles and wraps me up in his arms. Then we turn and walk back to the living room and sit on the couch. He turns his body to me, grasps my hand and smiles.

  “It’s stupid, it’s an insecure thought. I don’t want to say it out loud.” I stall.

  “Then if it’s stupid, we’ll laugh about it. C’mon out with it woman.”

  “Okay, well a part of me is scared. You got bored, so you bought a motorcycle and now you want to get rid of it. What’s to say that you won’t get bored of me and the baby and go find another girlfriend who doesn’t have baggage?” I don’t even recognize my voice and I avoid all eye contact with him right now, afraid of what I will see in his expression.

  He breathes evenly, closes his eyes and then re-opens them to focus solely on my face.

  “Tatum, there is no chance in hell that I need to find another girlfriend. I got the motorcycle in a time when I needed to feel something. I was empty, lost and needed to quench the thirst. Since you’ve come into my life, I’ve been full, found and well… I’m thirsty for a different substance. You aren’t and will never be considered as baggage, neither will our daughter. I don’t want anyone else but you and peanut.”

  His hands squeeze mine and I blink back the tears that are fighting with me to erupt.

  “Wasn’t I just an impulse though?” I ask, knowing how immature I sound.

  “You are a desire, a desire that I love. A desire that continues with each and every day and grows stronger just as that baby inside of you grows.” His eyes have not wavered from mine.


  “Okay? Are you sure? I can do some more persuading you if you would like, you know in other ways?” He winks.

  “Are you sure you’re not into maiesiophilia?” I tease.

  “Come again?” He coughed.

  “You know, into pregnant chicks. One of those weird fetishes that some people are into.” I further tease him.

  Max gets that gleam in his eye when he gets playful and he practically pounces on me. He nuzzles into my neck and as he leaves bites along my neck.

  “Is there a fetish name for this?” He asks running his hand down my thigh.

  “Yeah, it’s called being male.” I snicker as Max’s fingers turn from caressing and sexual to tickling and playful.



  We had a conversation regarding Tatum’s insecurities of our relationship last night and since then; I haven’t gotten it out of my head. It’s tortured me all morning, and I honestly hope that I can further prove to her that I’m in this for the long haul, how much I’ve changed, and how much she means to me.

  I want her to be completely secure in our relationship and I don’t want her to be afraid to come to me with those types of things. I can understand as I think back to our conversation where those thoughts came from, but when I told her my thoughts on it, I couldn’t have been more serious. The fact that I didn’t run to the bar when she told me I was going to be a father, or when I first started falling in love with her was my first indication of change. It also made me feel like I wasn’t a good alcoholic since I didn’t feel that urge, but I pushed that feeling away quickly. I made a mental note to bring that up to Leo or my sponsor later this afternoon when we meet for lunch.

  My office intercom goes off and Talia, the front desk receptionist’s voice fills the silence.

  “Max, you’ve got a Ms. Mitchell here to speak with you, she doesn’t seem to be on your schedule.”

  “Ms. Mitchell doesn’t need to schedule to see me, I’ll come right down. Talia?”


  “Is she okay?”

  “Yes sir.”

  Relief hits me as I practically run out of the office and to the elevator. The minute ride down the elevator seems to be a lifetime, however as the doors open, I see Tatum smiling and talking to Talia. She doesn’t notice the ping of the elevator and I easily sneak up and wrap my arms around her mid-section, making sure I give her belly an extra caress. I kiss her through her hair and I smell her fresh pineapple scent.

  Talia’s eyebrows quirk up and then a knowing look appears on her face.

  “What do I owe the pleasure?” I ask as she turns in my arms, her baby bump pushing me away a bit.

  “I was bored, and was hoping that we could discuss cars, I know nothing about them and you’re a guy.” She smiles.

  Talia snickers behind her and I peer over Tatum’s shoulder.

  “I like her Max.” Talia smiles.

  “So do I,” I reply kissing her nose. I start to steer Tatum to the elevator, however she stops and turns to Talia.

  “Thank you Talia. I hope to see you soon.” She waves.

  It’s then that I’m assuming that Talia notices the baby bump as her eyes practically bulge out of her face as we go to the elevator doors. I place my hand on her belly and smile to Talia with a nod of my head.

  Yeah, I put that there!

  My pride swells.

  “So, maybe we can research for now, and then we can plan to visit some dealers later. I’ve got a lunch with Leo and Mike, so we’d have to wait until after.” I explain as I lead her out the elevator doors and into the hallway.

  We pass Dane’s office, which Tatum waves to him as we pass.

  “That’s fine, I don’t want to take up your day. I just thought more about… last night and I think I would feel safer if I got rid of rust bucket and got something completely safe.” She sighs as I lead her to sit in my chair behind the desk. I pull up one of the chairs from the front of my desk and place it beside her.

  “No, you should come to lunch with us in fact. Mike’s been wanting to meet you.” I say as she nods hesitantly.

  I click on the computer mouse and pull up a few saved web pages of dealerships.

  “You have car dealers saved on your computer?” She asks skeptically.

  “I was looking at these this morning when I was waiting for an email from one of our clients. Is there are particular car that you want?”

  “I want something boxy, not a mini-van but not a sedan or a coupe either.” She smiles.

  “Have you done research already?” I tease.

  “No, but those look easier to park and roomy.”

  “Okay, so there are the hamster cars and then there are the toaster cars.” I explain as I pull up their websites. “They’re relatively the same size, the Scion one is the toaster and it’s roomier. Both cars are also not too expensive.”

  “The hamster cars look too small, I think I like the toaster. What about a RAV?” She asks.

  “Those are good vehicles, more on the SUV side.”

  “I like those. Can we build one, that’s my favorite part of these websites?” She looks like
a child excited for Santa.

  She begins building her car and by the end of it, she’s fully satisfied and sighs.

  “My perfect car.” She leans back.

  “I would agree, except the color. You don’t want red, that color of car probably gets pulled over more than other colors.”

  “But I like red, plus when peanut is older she might think it’s a fire truck.”

  “Except it’s clearly not.” I deadpan.

  We go back and forth joking and building different cars and enjoying each other’s company for a few hours, when I notice that it’s time to meet the guys for lunch.

  Tatum and I walk hand in hand to the parking lot, we stop in front of my black Audi, and I open her door for her. I quickly round the car and am sliding into my seat within a minute and start the engine.

  “We’re meeting at a sushi place, but they have a regular menu too.” He says as we pulled up.

  “I’m nervous.” She admits.

  “Don’t be. I’ll be with you and you already know Leo, just think of Mike as my friend not someone who looks out for my general well-being.” I try to assure her. She smiles and nods and I place my hand on the small of her back to lead her to the doors.

  We approach Mike and Leo, with both of them standing once they see Tatum with me. Leo is first to greet her, he gives her a hug, says something in her ear and then releases her with a smile. She seems to have melted off the remainder of her anxiety, for which I mouth thank you to Leo as we shake hands. Mike is assessing Tatum quietly, pretending to be judging her. Then a large smile forms on his bushy face and he holds his arms out to her.

  “Ms. Tatum. Max here has told me a lot about you, I’ve been begging him to bring you to one of our hang outs. To what do I owe this pleasure?” You can hardly see his smile through his beard, but I can tell by his tone he’s overly excited about this change up to our normal routine.

  “I was at his office and he tied me up, put me in the trunk and here we are.” She quipped.

  Mike belly laughs loudly as Leo and I show our appreciative smiles.


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