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Page 13

by Jacklyn Scott Rogers

  "Earth to Sammie..." Shay joked, snapping her fingers. "You still didn't tell us what your sexy vampire gave you for your birthday this year. Knowing him, it had to be something obscenely decadent, so spill, girl." I was brought back to my senses and took a sip of wine. I giggled as I leaned back into the elegant Louis XIV sofa I was seated on.

  "Oh my God, you guys!" I beamed. "Pretty sure he gave me the bestest day ever!"

  "Well, considering no one tried to kill you this time, pretty sure that's a winner." Shay joked.

  That's right, folks, we were finally at a place where my last birthday was no longer the black cloud that loomed over our conversations.

  "Whateves, smartass." I teased back. "Anyways ... since I still can't be out in the sun too long, baby vamp and all, he took me to New York to go see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. We also got to enjoy Ichimura's in Tribeca for dinner. Can I just say - Best Sushi Ever girls! I've already decided that next trip to NYC, you need to come with."

  "Oh, I'm down for that." Shay chimed in cheerfully.

  "Whoop Whoop! Girls' night in New York! Me likey lots!" Astrid shouted, clapping her hands excitedly.

  The three of us fell into a fit of laughter. Astrid was such a goofball. These women really were my best friends. I had wholly feared that after the whole vampire thing, they'd end up abandoning me. Understandably so. Being a vampire is a lifestyle not most would feel comfortable with. But not these two. They proved their allegiance to our friendship, and our bond only strengthened more during this past year.

  Tonight, the three of us went out to the club celebrating my recent birthday in true girl's night out style. We danced and drank till we dropped. It was the first night that I truly felt comfortable going somewhere and being around a large number of people in an enclosed area without experiencing my blood lust.

  Pat on the shoulder for me, BTW.

  I totally rocked it.

  Now here we were, just chilling together like three normal women, drinking super expensive wine from Jareth's cellar and binge-watching The Witcher on Netflix. I wiped a runaway tear that escaped my lashes as I regarded Shay and Astrid. To be able just to forget what we were and spend the night like three ordinary human best friends.

  It was perfect.

  Don't get me wrong, being a vampire has plenty of perks, but sometimes, just being normal with your friends is a treasure.

  A concerned look donned Shay's face as she saw me wipe my tear ridden cheek. "What's wrong, hon?"

  I let out a small laugh and smiled. "Nothing Shay. I swear. I was just thinking about how grateful I was to be here with you guys. I won't lie; your friendship is so important to me. Sometimes, I just get a little emotional because you guys didn't ditch me like you had every right to do."

  "Awe." Shay and Astrid declared in unison. "Sammie, we told you, we love you, girl, and we meant it." Shay began, "Astrid and I would never turn our backs on you -"

  "Unlike some skanks *cough* Dasha *cough*" Astrid interjected vehemently.

  "That's right. Dasha may have been a fake bitch, but not us, Sammie. We will always be here for you." Shay said as she held my hand in her own.

  Astrid quickly came over and wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed my cheek. "Sisters for life, Sammie, don't forget it!"

  The three of us then gathered together for a heartfelt three-way hug, which resulted in tears and laughter to erupt between us.

  "Well!" Shay exclaimed as she emptied the last of the Merlot into our three wine glasses. "I don't know about you, but I think we could sure use another bottle of this delish wine. We gotta show to watch, and that sexy ass Henry Cavil is calling my name girls."

  "Here, here!" the three of them cheered in unison.


  Dasha's POV

  Dammit, Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!!

  I can't believe after all this time I had to see that bitch Sammie again. What are the fucking odds that she and her repulsive vampire would be in attendance of the same Broadway play, on the same night in New York City, that my man and I happened to be at?

  I was already pissed off about her miraculous survival from my attack last year. Now, seeing Sammie was a reminder of my failure to end her life as I had initially orchestrated. I was particularly suspicious about how well-timed it was that a certain vampire had made sure to interject himself into her life. Even more so, considering he had never been one to dabble with humans prior to Sammie. I didn't deem his attachment to her to be a fluke whatsoever. Someone had to have sent him to protect Sammie, and I would find out who that individual was. Though I did have my suspicions, this little traitor was immensely creative. I wanted undeniable proof for when I decided to handle them. As for Sammie, she wasn't just thriving; she was doing so as a fucking vampire. This only made her presence an even more significant fucking nuisance. One which I would eventually deal with soon.

  Luckily, I feigned illness as a sudden excuse to get the hell out of there before he caught her scent. Even if it were muddled with vampire stink, his wolf would still be able to smell her, and I was in no position to fend off two vampires and an Alpha werewolf. Retreat was my only option. So, before anyone was the wiser, I pretended to be nauseous and woozy. My illness made it, so we had to return to our hotel room for me to lay down. Of course, someone took that as a sign that maybe I could be pregnant and got all protective and shit. I didn't bother correcting his false notion, just to ensure I got him out of the building without drawing any unnecessary attention. What an idiot. As if I'd want to have his mangy pups. The man was one hell of a sexual aficionado, but I'd be damned if I bore his uncivilized spawn in reality.

  Goddess no!

  The entire time we've been together, he has never worn a condom. Quite sure he was expecting that I'd get knocked up. Too bad, so sad, I took extra precautions to ensure that little misstep would not happen. I was utterly infertile using a particular batch of herbs and birth control pills that I kept well hidden.

  Thank Goddess!

  Of course, I'd let him dangle from the hook for a few days before I let him down. I'd make sure to express just how stunned I am about not carrying his child; then I'd comfort him by assuring him that we'd just have to keep trying harder in the future. He gets to hold on to the hope that he's going to have a potential heir with me, and I, of course, get to enjoy lots and lots of sex.

  A win-win situation, actually.

  The man is a master in the sack; what can I say?

  Hopefully, we can keep up our little relationship for a while. I do have a fondness for this one, especially considering how many seeds I had to plant in order to ensure that he was mine for the taking.

  I would hate to have to disperse of him sooner than later.

  But then again ... nothing lasts forever.

  Chapter 21


  Sammie's POV

  When Jareth returned from his last business trip, I didn't even wait for him to settle in. Like a starving child, I jumped into his strong arms, breathing in his heavenly scent of citrus and pine, and claimed his sensual lips as my own. With my legs tightly wrapped around his waist, Jareth balanced me with one arm under my bottom and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear with the other. Once I finally allowed him to come up for air, he let out an adorable chuckle at my enthusiasm to be in his arms.

  Not that he actually needs air, mind you ... but you get it.

  What can I say? I don't know if it's this whole vampire mojo thing or just my love for Jareth, but I totally miss him when he's gone for extended days. I get lonely and extremely horny without his presence. He's like a titillating drug, and I'm the addict. After a few peppered kisses all along his jawline, Jareth set me down, allowing some space between us.

  "Well, well, my cheeky little monkey," he spoke as he clasped his slender fingers between mine, leading us into the sitting room.
"Did you enjoy your time spent with Shay and Astrid this weekend?"

  I gently pushed him down onto the chaise lounge and straddled his lap. "We had so much fun! You have no idea how much I missed just hanging out with them and being able just to let loose, ya know?"

  Jareth arched an eyebrow, and his irises darkened a little. "I heard you went to a night club ... just how much did you let lose my sweet little Samantha? If my memory serves, you and your cohorts tend to attract quite a bit of attention from the male constituents that frequent such places. Please tell me I don't have to worry about prospective suitors in the near future, do I?"

  He tried to pretend that his remark was all in jest but fairly sure the stoic Jareth was jealous.

  Ha Ha ... I love it.

  I cupped his jaw between my hands and presented him with a long sultry kiss.

  I could tell he was becoming aroused as his bulge grew harder beneath my core. I let out a slight moan as I began slowly grinding him. All the while, my hands removed his suit coat and shirt, revealing his muscular bare chest for me to fondle. My sex was becoming wet, dampening the thin cotton covering it. Jareth sensed what my body was demanding and lifted my yellow sundress over my head and arms, exposing my bare bosom. He licked his lips and immediately placed his mouth over my left perked nipple. Tenderly he began suckling my breasts. His other hand trailed down between us and ripped the white lace thong I had been wearing. He then inserted one of his fingers inside of me. "Fuck Samantha ... you're so wet for me, love." He let out a slow growl as his warm tongue slowly traced my neck down to my collarbone.

  Jareth then inserted another long finger inside me and began pumping in and out while circling my hardening nub with his thumb. I rocked my pelvis, relishing in the sensations Jareth was providing me. I was so close to release when just like the devil he is, he held my eyes captive and withdrew his fingers. He then began to suck each one that was glistening with my fluids slowly. "Mmm Samantha ..." he groaned, "you taste utterly mouthwatering."

  He was such a tease.

  I quickly removed his belt and undid his pants and boxers, pushing them down enough so that I had a full view of his hardened shaft. Never removing my eyes from his, I lifted myself from his lap. I adjusted myself in order to provide enough room for me to position his tip directly at my opening. With a sly grin, I then slowly slid down, feeling his thick length penetrate me. I gasped in pleasure as I began to grind on him breathlessly.

  I leaned forward and began kissing him, then suckling his neck. All the while, he unrelentingly nipped and tended to my beaded breasts as he massaged the nub between my slick folds. Instantly I felt a sharp pierce above my nipple as his fangs punctured my supple flesh. The stinging sensation of his bite, and my warm blood trickling along my skin, sent me into overdrive as the thrilling tremors shook me to my core. My own eyes transformed, and my incisors extended while I allowed the predatory within me to claim Jareth's neck in return. Tasting his sweet blood pumping into my wanting mouth, I let out a satiated moan. I lapped up what I had taken and licked my lips seductively.

  Fuck, this never gets old!

  After my fourth intense orgasm, Jareth released his hot fluid inside me as my walls contracted around him tightly, draining him off every delicious drop.

  Breathing heavily, I leaned my forehead against his, allowing my pink tresses to encircle his content visage. "I love you, Samantha." He cooed tenderly as he peppered kisses along my face and neck.

  "I love you to Jareth," I whispered in response. I then placed my weary head on his shoulder while his strong arms held me close. I let my eyelids flutter shut in a state of utter and complete bliss.

  *********END OF SEXUAL CONTENT*******

  When I woke up from my nap, I heard Jareth pacing in the library across the hall on the phone. By the tone of his voice, I could tell it was the council on the other end, and whatever was being said, he didn't seem incredibly happy. I decided not to pry and made my way upstairs to our bedroom for a quick shower. I had fallen asleep immediately after our lovemaking, and my body was still covered in the sweet dew of sweat and sex. I noticed my reflection in the mirror and spotted a bit of dried blood caked below my breast. Jareth's puncture wounds healed quickly; there was barely even a trace of where he staked his claim on me earlier. I giggled to myself. Something about the possessiveness of marking each other was just so intoxicating to me.


  3rd person POV

  After Jareth disconnected from his call with the council, he went over to the cocobolo bar set next to his office's wall-covered bookshelf. He opened the crystal decanter and poured himself two fingers of his favorite guilty pleasure, 30-year-old Macallan Scotch. He savored its sweet, heavy flavor as it slowly burned its way down his throat. His brow furrowed while trying to contrive the best way to explain to Sammie that he needed to leave town again for a few days. Jareth knew she'd accept his imminent departure. She would do so, trying her hardest not to make him feel guilty. But that still didn't excuse the fact that he was well aware that she missed him greatly, perhaps even as much as he did her. Ever since the council caught on that Jareth sired a fledgling without proper approval, which of course such liberties were frowned upon, they made it a point of sending Jareth on all sorts of undertakings at their bequest. He gladly accepted his punishment, despite being treated as if he held no standing amongst his fellow council members. He just wished they didn't take such advantage of his good graces as often as they had been as of late. He sighed and took another drink from his glass, reasoning that this too would pass.

  A gentle breeze blew in through the tall Romanesque window, which was slightly ajar, and Jareth could smell the faintest hint of strawberries.

  Samantha ...

  He smiled to himself, recognizing her alluring scent.

  He stood staring out into the night scenery as she lovingly wrapped her slender arms around his waist and nuzzled herself against his back. Jareth smiled at his lover's affectionate greeting. No one had come close to the peace he felt with her in all his time on earth. She calmed the demon that stirred within him, and Jareth understood that by being with Samantha, he had finally attained the one thing he never believed he deserved ... happiness. She was his Beloved. There was no question in his heart. She was his chosen, and he was hers. Their bloodletting ritual while making love only solidified it. They were bound together for eternity. They were soul mates.

  Jareth concluded at that moment that he felt such a fool for not conceiving it earlier on. He didn't necessarily have to leave Samantha for every trip he was tasked to. Some assignments, such as his next destination, were deemed as purely amicable business transactions. They were without the threat of danger. There was no reason why she couldn't join him.

  Quickly, he turned to face the doe-eyed beauty before him and scooped her up with one arm smiling from ear to ear.

  "Jareth!" Samantha giggled. "What are you doing ... put me down!"

  Jareth shook his head and gave her a simple peck on her nose before speaking. "I'm afraid I cannot love. I'm taking you upstairs, where I plan on having my way with you. Then, you and I will pack our bags. After which, I plan on conquering you again until we have to depart tomorrow morning. I was endowed another charge by the council, and this time I'm bringing you with me."

  Sammie's bright green eyes widened at Jareth's statement as she began placing small kisses along his face with enthusiasm. "Really, Jareth?" She inquired jubilantly. "Thank you for doing this. You have no idea how excited I am to be joining you this time. Oh my God, I'm so jazzed! I can't wait to tell the girls!" She squealed like an excited fangirl. Just as she attempted to wriggle free from Jareth's embrace, he downed the remaining contents of his glass, set it on his bureau, and tossed Sammie over his shoulder. "Such a brazen little thing, aren't you, Samantha." He teased as he effortlessly bound up the long staircase two at a time.


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