Meir, Golda
Black September assassination attempt
Operation Noah’s Ark
Paul VI, visit to
as prime minister
Mejid II, Abdul
Mendelblit, Major General Avichi
Merari, Ariel
Merhav, Reuven
Meshal, Khalid
assassination attempt against
Mexico’s Center for Investigation and National Security, (CISEN)
discovers Islamic school for terror
and Operation Overt
and surveillance of an Algerian terrorist
Milewski, Jerzy
Military Intelligence Department (MID)
Miller, Leszek (Prime Minister of Uzbekistan)
Ministry of Information
Ministry of State Security (MSS)
MK-ULTRA program. see under CIA
Mobuto, Sese Seko
Mofas, Shaul
Mogilevich, Semion Yukovich
Mohammed, Jamil Qasim Saeed
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh
“Monique” (Mossad katsa)
Monckton, Rosa
Moore, John
Mordechai, Yitzhak
Morrow, Charles
“Mort” (Mossad agent), and nuclear material trafficking
Mossad (Ha Mossad le Teum)
“alleged” foreknowledge of 9/11
analysts mocked
Arab informers
attacks on al-Qaeda
blackmail and sexual entrapment
code name list
economic, scientific & technological espionage
female members
formation of
Gulf War I/Desert Storm
intelligence gadgets
interrogations and torture
Irangate (arms-for-hostages)
katsas (field officers)
kidons (assassins)
rules of
training of
and the media
method of dealing with jihadists
mistakes and scandals
post 9/11
profile of suicide bomber
propaganda war and disinformation
recruiting and training
ruthless spy service
safe houses
sayanim (volunteer Jewish helpers)
Mossad (departments and divisions)
Autahat Paylut Medienit (APM)
communication unit
Department of Psychological Warfare (LAP)
Loh Amma Pisichologit (LAP)
Midrasa (training school)
Political Action and Liaison
Mossad (directors)
Nahum Admoni
Meir Amit. see Amit, Meir
Meir Dagan. see Dagan, Meir
Efraim Halevy
Isser Harel
Yitzhak Hofi
Amiram Levine
Ehud Olmert. see Olmert, Ehud
Shabtai Shavit. see Shavit, Shabtai
Reuven Shiloah
Danny Yatom
Zvi Zamir
Mossad (operations and involvements)
Abdul-Rahid Mustapha (Force 17 commander), targeting of
aid in French arrests
aids Indian intelligence track Husin
Ann-Marie Murphy/Nezar Hindawi affair
Yasser Arafat
as assassination target
smear campaign against
assassination attempts/targets
becomes directly involved in America’s Hiroshima
Beirut Airport bombing (U.S. Marine headquarters)
Mehdi Ben-Barka’s assassination
biochemical espionage
blackmail and sexual entrapment
Bill Buckley’s death
“Carlos the Jackal,” search for
chastises Bush administration
chooses not to get involved in Princess Diana inquest
and the Clinton/Monica Lewinsky liaison
contemplates preemptive strike on Iran
contemplates/goes through with preemptive strike on Syria
and covert diplomacy
criticized for bombing of innocent people
deep-cover agents
destroys al-Qaeda cell in Germany
the Adolf Eichmann kidnapping
Entebbe (Uganda) airport rescue
forged British passports
Oscar Guerrero’s Dimona exposé
Hamas leaders, assassination attempts against
Intifada, operations against
and Kelly’s suicide/ assassination
Khan, Abdul Qadeer
as kidon assassination target
and scientist associates
Learjet, Israeli interception of
and the Lebanese civil war
Robert Maxwell, plan to kill
Khalid Meshal assassination attempt
the MiG-21 acquisition
Mombasa, counterterrorism in
monitors bin Laden/ al-Qaeda cells
monitors the Internet
monitors Ireland
monitors Mughniyeh
and operation “Sunburst,”
Promis software
and Schumacher kidnapping
targets Iran’s nuclear facilities
testing U.S. intelligence vigilance
Trans World Airlines Flight 800 crash propaganda
try to recruit defected scientists
Vatican Bank, swindle of
Mossad (relations)
the Australian Security and Intelligence Service (ASIS)
Central Africa
and perils of a preemptive strike on Iran
South Africa
United States
Moussaoui, Zacharis
Moussawi, Abbas
Mueller, Robert, as FBI director
Mughniyeh, Imad
assassination of
and his rise to power in Hezbollah
Mughniyeh, Um-Imad
Mukabarat (Jordanian intelligence service)
Munich (film)
Munich Olympics massacre, and Israeli retaliation
Munir (Iraqi pilot)
Murbarak, Hosni
Murphy, Ann-Marie
Murphy, Craig
Murray, Craig
Musavi, Hojatoleslam Ahmad
Musharraf, Pervez (Pakistan President)
Muslim Brotherhood, banned
“Mustafa” (al-Qaeda operative)
Mustapha, Abdul-Rahid
and Force
Mossad’s targeting of
and Ismail Sowan
Nagier, Danny
Nahara, Ramzi
Nasir, Waheed
Nasrallah, Hassan
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
Nassrakkah, Hassan, personal history of
“Nathan” (Mossad’s London Station chief)
National Endowment for Democracy
National Security Agency (NSA)
and deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi al-Fayed
electronic surveillance by
espionage against Israel
increased power of
and Israeli espionage
National Security Council
Nazi war criminals
see also Eichmann, Adolf
Negroponte, John
Netanyahu, Benyamin
Hamas leaders, assassination attempt against
and the Israeli intelligence service
as prime minister
and Danny Yatom
Abdullah Zein, attempted assassination of
Netanyahu, Sara
/> Netanyahu, Yonatan
Neturei Karta
New America Foundation (think tank)
New Exodus
The New World Order
Nidal, Abu
Learjet, Israeli interception of
PLO support of
Rome and Vienna airport massacres
coup d’état
Umaru Dikko, attempted abduction of
as Israel’s oil supplier
Nimrodi, Yakov
and Irangate
9/11 (terrorist attack)
9/11 Commission
1993 Oslo Accords
Nir, Amiram
Nahum Admoni and
death of, CIA involvement
George “meeting,”
and the Mossad
as Shimon Peres’s antiterrorism adviser
and “Adriana Stanton,”
Nir, Judy
Nixon, Richard
Nkrumah, Kwame
North Korea
arms sales to/from
biological program/WMD
brutality in
New Exodus (escaping the harsh regime)
North, Oliver
Irangate (arms-for-hostages)
Norway, and Israel’s nuclear capacity
NSZ (Polish resistance)
Nuaimi, Majeed
Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST)
nuclear terrorism
and al-Qaeda
facilities in Iran
material trafficking and
Numec (Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation)
FBI and
and Israel’s nuclear capacity
see also Shapiro, Salman
Oasis Club (Nairobi)
O’Brien, Mike
October War of 1973,
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Olmert, Ehud
and criticism after the war in Lebanon
and desire to prove himself as tough
family of
and his power of survival
and Iranian WMD
ratifies Mughniyeh’s death warrant
and war in Lebanon against Hezbollah
Omar, Mullah
O’Neill, John P.
Openshaw, Peter
Operation Noah’s Ark
Operation Overt
Opportunity (ship), Israeli boarding
ORA (holding company), and arms sales to Iran
Ostrovsky, Victor
and Robert Maxwell
Robert Maxwell, Mossad plan to kill
Mossad and the stolen pension funds
Other Side of Deception (Ostrovsky)
Oufkir, Muhammed
Pace, Marine General Peter
agreement regarding Khan and bin Laden
Hizb-a-Tehia (the Party of Liberation)
Inter-Service intelligence agency (ISI)
as mounting concern for Mossad
nuclear cooperation with Saudi Arabia
nuclear scientists and
recruitment of scientists
recruitment of informers for Mossad
relations with China
relations with India
relations with Mossad
relations with North Korea
relations with the United States
Pakistani informer, Horaj
exodus of German Jews (World War II)
Haganah (Jewish militia)
Hamas leaders, assassination attempt against
the Intifada
outcome of 2006 election in
United States and
see also Israel
Palestinian Authority
Palestinian extremists, Hamas
Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Palestinian Liberation Organization. see PLO
Pan American Airways Flight 103 explosion
CIA personal/hostage rescue team onboard
COREA (CIA rogue team), and
Interfor investigation
LAP propaganda concerning
Paradise Hotel
Pasechnik, Dr. Vladimir
Patel, Bilal
Pasztor, Janos
Paul VI,
CIA, cooperation with
Golda Meir’s visit
and the Vietnam War
Paul, Henri
death of Princess Diana
the Mossad and
PBS Frontline investigative report
People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD)
Peoples Liberation Army
Peres, Shimon
Atavarius affair
Oscar Guerrero’s Dimona exposé
and LAKAM (Bureau of Scientific Liaison), as prime minister
Peretz, Amir
Philby, Kim
Physical Dynamics Research Laboratory (FDO)
Pincher, Chapman
Pipes, Richard
PIS (Pakistan’s intelligence service)
Pius XII, and interference in Italian politics
Plame, Valerie
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
and the African National Congress (ANC)
Yasser Arafat, opposition to
Force 31,
is forced to leave Lebanon
Great Britain, relations with
headquarters, Israeli attack on
Israel, relations with
midair aircraft hijacking
the Mossad and
Mossad infiltration of
Abu Nidal, support of
propaganda war
South Africa, relations with
Syria and
United States, relations with
Vatican, relations with
is weakened
Poggi, Luigi (Archbishop),
and “Eli” (Mossad agent)
John Paul II, assassination attempt on
Vatican position
Poland. see John Paul II; Solidarity
Poland SAS-trained anti-terrorist services (GROM)
Pollard, Anne Henderson
Pollard, Esther
Pollard, Jonathan, espionage against United States
Porat, Yoel Ben
Powell, Colin
Profits of War (Ben-Menashe)
Project Coast
Promis software program
as an espionage tool
Hadron company and
Putin, President Vladimir
Qasim, Murad
Qatada, Abu
Quds Force
Rabin, Yitzhak
assassination of
assassinations, approval of
and formation of the External Relations Department (ERD)
and the Intifada
Irangate (arms-for-hostages)
PLO/Israeli agreement (Oslo accord)
as prime minister
Rachid, Mohammed
Rafael, Sylvia
Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar Hashemi
Rajoud, Jibril
“Ran,” and Fathi Shkaki’s assassination
“The Raven” (Italian terrorist)
Reagan, Ronald
Irangate (arms-for-hostages)
and Solidarity
Red Army Faction (Germany)
Red Brigades (Italy)
Red Crescent Society
Reform Union of American Congregations
Regev, Arie
as Ismail Sowan’s Mossad controller
Regev, Eldad
Regev, Miri
Reid, Richard “the shoe bomber,”
Republican Guards
“Reuben” (Mossad agent)
Rice, Condoleezza
description of
opinion on war in Lebanon
Richardson, Bill
Ridley, Yvonne
Rigul Hegdi (counter
intelligence unit)
Rove, Karl
Rowland, Walter Fuhrhop (“Tiny”)
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rumsfeld, Donald
Russia. see Soviet Union
Sadat, Anwar
assassination of
and the Yom Kippur War
Safian, Alex
Safra, Edmund
Saguy, Uri
as head of Israeli quartet
and Yasser Arafat
Salah, Al Hussein
Salameh, Ali Hassen (“Black Prince”)
assassination of
CIA, liaison to
Golda Meir assassination attempt
and the Munich Olympics massacre
see also Black September
Saleh, Abdul Jawwad
Salfati, Sergei
“Salman,” and the MiG-21
“The Salesman” (Mossad sayanim)
Samara, Bashar, and Ismail Sowan
Samari, Wafic
“Sammy-O” (Mossad agent)
Samson Option: Israel, America and the Bomb, The (Hersh)
Sanchez, Ilich Ramirez (“Carlos the Jackal”)
Sandys, Duncan (Lord)
Saudi Arabia
enters the nuclear arena
nuclear weapons agreement with Pakistan
relationship with fundamentalists
Savage, Sean, assassination of
Sawers, John
Scarlett, John
Schily, Otto
Scholars for Truth
Schumacher, Arthur
Schumacher, Ida
Schumacher, Joselle, kidnapping of
Schwarzkopf, Norman
Schwimmer, Al
Science and Technology Department (STD)
scientific espionage. see under Bureau of Scientific Liaison; Mossad
Scotland Yard
Scud missile attacks
Segev, Schlomo
Sella, Aviem, and Jonathan Pollard
September 11, 2001. see 9/11 (terrorist attacks)
Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad Page 86