Shabander, Samira
Shahak, Amnon
and government censure
Israel, Scud missile attacks on
Shalit, Gilad
“Shalom” (Mossad katsa), Gulf War I/Desert Storm
Shamir, Yitzhak
anti-Americanism of
and Gerald Bull’s assassination
Irangate (arms-for-hostages)
and Robert Maxwell’s murder
and Nigeria’s oil
as prime minister
Shapiro, Levie-Arie, and attempted abduction of Umaru Dikko
Shapiro, Salman
FBI and
and Israel’s nuclear capacity
United States Atomic Energy Commission and
see also Numec
Sharah, Faisal Abu, capture of
Sharon, Ariel “Arik,”
Bush administration, relations with
controversial plan to withdraw from the Gaza Strip
death of
and his deputy prime-minister. see Olmert, Ehud
and Israel’s nuclear capacity
relationship with Meir Dagan
Sharon, Omri
Shavit, Shabtai
and government censure
and Iraq’s biochemical weapons
as Mossad director
Shehade, Salah
Shiloah, Reuven, as Mossad director
Shin Bet
Shin, Douglas
Shining Path (Peruvian terrorist group)
Shi, Qiao
Shkaki, Fathi, assassination of
Shkedy, Major General Elyezer
Short, Claire
Shrimpton, Michael
Shtarkes, Nahman
Shultz, George
Siddiqui, Zaasham Hyder
Siem, Ole Martin, and Operation Noah’s Ark
“Signit” (satellite signals intelligence)
Siniora, Fouad
Sinn Féin, (IRA’s political wing)
SISMI (Italian military intelligence agency)
Six-Day War
smallpox virus
Sogram-ri Institute
Soi Phayne (passenger ship), Mossad destruction of
Solomatin, Boris
Soviet Union
and the Algerian nuclear reactor
biological arsenal/germ warfare
fissionable materials stolen from
Iran, arms sales to
North Korea, arms sales to
nuclear material trafficking
Patrice Lumumba University (Moscow)
see also KGB
South Africa
Bureau of State Security (BOSS)
Israel, relations with
and Project Coast. see Project Coast
Sowan, Carmel Greensmith
and weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Sowan, Ibrahim
Sowan, Ismail
“Adam” (Mossad case officer)
arrest and imprisonment of
“Carlos the Jackal,” search for
and Abdul-Rahid Mustapha (Force 17 commander)
Amiram Nir and
PLO, infiltration of
Bashar Samara and
Space Research Corporation (SRC)
Special Forces Unit
Special Technical Department, of the Ministry of State Security (STD)
Spielberg, Steven
Spielmann, Zvi
Sproule, Detective Superintendent Andy
Spycatcher (Wright)
Spying Machine, The (film)
Stalin, Joseph
“Stanton, Adriana,” and Amiram Nir
Stanton Group
Steinberg, Matti
Stevens, Lord
Stiner, Earl
the Achille Lauro hijacking
and the Mossad
Stoephasios, Wolfgang, and nuclear material trafficking
Story, Christopher
Stothard, Peter
Straw, Jack
Sûreté de l’Etat
Swiss intelligence
Ann-Marie Murphy/Nezar Hindawi affair
Atavarius affair
the Mossad and
and the PLO
and relations with Israel
Shkedy’s plan to bomb nuclear facilities in
and state-sponsored terrorism
Szady, David (FBI assistant director)
Taha, Dr. Rihad (“Dr. Germ”)
Tamimi, Muhamman, assassination of
Tamir, Doran
Tashanka, Igor
and nuclear material trafficking
Task Force
Technion Institute (Haifa)
technological espionage. see under Bureau of Scientific Liaison; Mossad
Tel Aviv Maariv
Tenet, George
Terpil, Frank
acts of war, not treated as
and aircrafts
arms dealers
in Bali
beheadings of hostages
biochemical weapons/WMD
Black September
cost effectiveness of
destruction of U.S. embassies
and EFPs. see explosively formed projectiles
in France
and Hamas. see Hamas
and Hezbollah. see Hezbollah
in Jakarta
Libya’s financial support
and liquid explosives
in London’s transport system
in Madrid
midair aircraft hijacking
nuclear bomb
nuclear material trafficking
Paradise Hotel
Patrice Lumumba University (Moscow)
September 11, 2001. see 9/11
suicide bombers
Syria and
USS Cole (destroyer)
see also al-Qaeda; Hamas; Hezbollah
Thatcher, Margaret
Thompson, Larry
Thomson, Ahmad
Thorbanifer, Manacher
Tikriti, Sabba’a Al-.
Tomgye, Wang
Tora Bora Mountains
Toran, Colonel Yaakov
Torres, Justiano, and nuclear material trafficking
torture flights
provide invaluable propaganda for terrorists
Total Deniability, rule of
Traveller’s in Pall Mall
“Trojans” (home-grown terrorists)
Tse-tung, Mao
Turkish People’s Liberation Army
Turkey, appeals to U.S for smallpox vaccine
Twin Towers
Uganda, Entebbe airport rescue
United National Leadership of the Uprising
United Nations (UN)
Iran ignores sanctions of
Lebanese ceasefire resolution
Security Council
weapons inspectors
United States
airport security
Atomic Energy Commission
destruction of embassies of
Gulf War I/Desert Storm
and the Holocaust
involvement in 9/11, conspiracy theories
Israel propaganda and disinformation
and Israel, relations with
and Israel’s economic, scientific & technological espionage
and Israel’s espionage in
Jewish lobby
Pakistan, relations with
PLO, relations with
rejects Turkey’s plea for smallpox vaccine
sells bombs to Israel
United States intelligence service
CIA. see CIA
espionage against Israel
FBI. see FBI
National Security Agency (NSA)
Office of Strateg
ic Services (OSS)
scandals of
USS Cole (destroyer)
Va’adat Rashei Hesherytin (Committee for the Heads of Service)
Vanunu, Mordechai
Oscar Guerrero’s Dimona exposé
kidnapping, trial and incarceration
rearrest of
release of
Amiram Nir and
sexual entrapment and kidnapping
anti-Communist crusade
anti-Israeli faction
CIA, partnership with
Israel, diplomatic recognition of
and John F. Kennedy’s election
the Mossad and
and Nazis
Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and
PLO, relations with
and Solidarity
Vengeance (Jonas book)
Verges, Jacques
Villepin, Dominique de
Vollersten, Norbert
Waite, Terry
Walesa, Lech
Walker, General Sir Michael
Walters, Vernon
Ali Hassen Salameh as liaison to the CIA
Warsaw Pact
Washington Times, and Ann-Marie Murphy/Nezar Hindawi affair
Wasiutynski, Elizabaeth
Watermann, Tsvi (Mossad agent)
Weinberger, Caspar
Weir, Benjamin
Weiss, Shalom
Weizman, Ezer
Wiesenthal, Simon
Williams, Rakan Ben
Wilson, Harold
Wilson, Joseph
WMD (weapons of mass destruction)
and China
and India
and Iran
and Iraq
and Israel
and Libya
and North Korea
and Pakistan
and Palestine
Saddam’s nonexistent arsenal of
and Saudi Arabia
and South Africa
and Syria
Wolfowitz, Paul
Woodward, Bob
World Health Organization (WHO)
World in Action (TV program)
“World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders,” fatwa
World Trade Center
bombing in 1993,
Wright, Peter
Wyszinski, Stefan
Xiaoping, Deng
Xu Junping
Ya’alon, Brigadier, General Moshe
Ya Basta (anarchist group)
Yagur, Yosef
Yallop, David
Yaron, General Amos
Yassin, Sheikh Ahmed
Yatom, Danny
and the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky liaison
and the Gulf War I/Desert Storm
Hamas leaders, assassination attempt against
“Mega” (Mossad agent in the Clinton/Bush administration), hunt for
as Mossad director
PLO computer system, compromising
Years of Upheaval (Kissinger)
Yediot Aharonot
Yom Kippur War of 1973,
Yong Su, Dr. Yi
Young, Alan (Detective Chief Inspector)
Yusufu, Muhammad
Zahhar, Mahmoud
Zahreddin, Maazi
Zamir, Zvi
as Mossad director
Vatican, bugging
Zammar Mohammed Haydar
Zanzibar, and Fidel Castro
Zapataero, Jose
ZDF (Chinese defense contractor)
Zeevi, Beni, and Mordechai Vanunu’s kidnapping
Zein, Abdullah, attempted assassination
Zougam, Jamal
Zubair, Waheed
GIDEON’S SPIES. Copyright © 1995, 1999, 2005, 2007, 2009 by Gordon Thomas. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
An imprint of St. Martin’s Press.
Book design by Maureen Troy
eISBN 9781429981637
First eBook Edition : July 2011
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Thomas, Gordon, 1933–
Gideon’s spies : the secret history of the Mossad / Thomas Gordon.—5th ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-312-53901-6
ISBN-10: 0-312-53901-0
1. Israel. Mosad le-modi’in ve-tafkidim meyuhadim. 2. Intelligence service—Israel—History. 3. Israel—Politics and government. I. Title.
UB251.I78T49 2009
Fifth St. Martin’s Griffin Edition: March 2009
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