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Under the Harvest Moon: Book Seven

Page 7

by Samantha Jillian Bayarr

  Jacob squeezed Lizzie’s hand. “I still remember the first ride we took in this buggy. I was so nervous.”

  Lizzie smiled. “I was too. Things were so uncertain then. But now—well, now they are exactly as I imagined they would be in our future.”

  Jacob tugged on his beard that was peppered with gray. “Do you ever wonder what your life would have been like if you hadn’t returned to the community? If we hadn’t gotten married?”

  “I think about it all the time,” Lizzie said cautiously.

  “I’ve never regretted the decision to marry you.”

  Lizzie nudged Jacob playfully. “I have a couple of regrets.”

  “You have?” Jacob said nervously as he slapped the reins against his gelding just lightly enough to move him forward. “You don’t regret marrying me, do you?”

  Lizzie sighed. “Nee. I just wish I could take back all the mistakes I’ve made in my life.”

  Jacob tucked his arm around his wife. “Those mistakes are what define who you are today. Without the little mistakes we’ve made, you and I would not be on our way to see our first grandkinner.”

  Emotion caught up in Lizzie’s throat. “I know that, but I would have preferred to have done everything right.”

  Jacob steered the gelding down the country lane. “If everyone did everything right all the time, then Gott wouldn’t know our true heart. We have to endure these trials in life to make us stronger and to prepare us for eternity in Heaven.”

  “You’re saying this was all in Gott’s plan for us?”

  Jacob nodded. “Gott knew every step we were going to take, every stumble, every fall—just to get to this place in our lives right at this very moment. He orchestrated every aspect of our lives to bring us to this very spot at this very time so that when we got here, it would be to drive over to see that new boppli.”

  Lizzie adjusted the lap quilt a little more snuggly around her. “Why do you suppose Gott doesn’t try to stop us from making the mistakes we do?”

  “He gives us our own will, and when we walk from the path He has laid out for us, He’s always at the end of that path waiting for us to turn from our mistakes and return to Him.”

  Lizzie looked up into her husband’s aging eyes that could still put a song in her heart. “How did you get to be so wise?”

  Jacob smirked. “I’m not so wise, I’m just old.”

  Lizzie clicked her tongue on her teeth. “If you’re old, that makes me old. I’m not certain I’m ready to be old just yet.”

  Smiling, Jacob placed a loving arm around his fraa. “I’m a grossdaddi.”

  “Jah, and I’m a grossmammi. But I’m happy about it.”

  Jacob gave Lizzie a quick squeeze. “I am too. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “I hate to think what my life would have been like if I hadn’t come back here.”

  Jacob brushed her cheek with a tender kiss.

  “The important thing is that you did.”

  Lizzie looked up into the crisp, blue sky watching her breath form a fog in the cold air. “It seems like just yesterday when I’d first met Caleb. Now he’s a grown mann with a fraa and a new boppli. Where has the time gone?”

  Jacob let a chuckle escape him. “Do you remember the first thing he said to you?”

  Lizzie’s eyes filled with happy tears. “He put his little hand in mine and introduced himself to me, and then told me how happy he was that I was going to be his new mamm.”

  Jacob placed another kiss on Lizzie’s cheek. “I’m so glad you put my name on Abby’s birth certificate. But I’m even happier I had the opportunity to be her daed. I wouldn’t have had our lives be any different.”

  Lizzie wiped her face with her apron. “I wouldn’t either. I guess Gott knew what he was doing when He told me to put your name on that birth certificate.”

  Jacob craned his neck to look at his fraa. “You never told me that before.”

  “Jah,” Lizzie said. “I prayed about it, and that was the first thing that came to me. It was like a bright light went off in my mind. I couldn’t put Eddie’s name on there since I was too afraid he’d find us and take her from me. So I prayed asking for guidance. I really believe that Gott put your name in my mind at that time. I didn’t think twice about it. I just put it on there and never thought about it again until Abby was old enough to start asking about her father.”

  Jacob chuckled. “She’s always been a curious little one.”

  “I’m certain that little boppli she’s carrying is going to be just like her—the way it kicks day and night. That’s the same way Abby was. Rachel and Samuel didn’t kick me that much, and there were two of them! I hope she’s prepared to have her hands full with that one.”

  Jacob turned the horse into the driveway of Caleb’s haus and parked near the large oak tree. “She will be just fine because she will have you to help her.”

  Lizzie turned to her husband and looked into his blue-green eyes. “Danki for marrying me that day.”

  Jacob leaned in until his lips met Lizzie’s. “Danki you married me, too.”

  Lizzie gazed lovingly upon her husband. He was her past, her present, and her future, and she couldn’t be more grateful to Gott for orchestrating it that way.

  Chapter 22

  Lila had to remind herself as she readied for Rachel’s wedding that she was not just a guest. She was to be a server, and that meant she would be warm and sweaty from the heat in the kitchen. And so, she chose her lightest dress and apron. Though it was quite cold for the first day of November, Lila didn’t want to overheat in the kitchen. Samuel would be watching her today, she was certain, and she didn’t want to look flustered and washed out. She wanted to look like she was able to handle serving his entire familye and the community with ease—she wanted to look like marriage material.

  Downstairs, the B&B was already bustling with activity as the menner were busy setting up the benches for the wedding. All the furniture had been removed the day before and placed in the barn, making it easier for Lila to scrub the floors. It had taken her hours, but when she finished, it was so clean you could have eaten off the floor. Not that she would do such a thing, but the thought had crossed her mind, amusing her at the end of a very tiring chore.

  Straightening her apron, Lila was satisfied she’d picked the right dress. It was already the second time she’d changed her clothes this morning, and she feared it wouldn’t be her last before the day was through. Lila hurried down the stairs, worried she’d already been absent from the activities too long. If Rachel should need her for something, she wanted to be certain she would be available to her. To think that Rachel could someday be her schweschder-in-law made her somehow want to work even harder at making certain this wedding was perfect.

  Katie’s schweschder, Rose had been the most help to Lila this morning. Together, they had managed to clean and prepare about fifty pounds of celery. The kitchen still lingered with the aroma of it as Lila entered.

  “Now that you have a dry dress, maybe we can finish the table arrangements,” Rose said to her.

  “Jah, I think that is the last thing we have to do before the guests begin to arrive.”

  Half the community was already there, but they were each working on some aspect of the preparations. It had been a long morning, and Lila found herself looking forward to being able to sit through most of the three-hour ceremony.

  She’d seen Samuel a few times from a distance, but she was certain he hadn’t seen her. He was busy with Rose’s husband, Noah, and the other menner putting in the benches in the front parlor and large dining area so all the guests would fit. She wished today was her wedding day, but Samuel still had not asked her. Would he ever? Today, Lila determined, she would keep her mind on task, and keep her eyes where they belonged—on her work.


  Samuel couldn’t keep his mind on task. All he could do was search out Lila, hoping to catch little glimpses of her as they each worked to finish the wedding preparatio
ns. He wished today could be his wedding day. But the fact remained he hadn’t dared to ask Lila even once more. Too afraid of being rejected every time he asked, he wasn’t certain if he would ever be able to ask her again. Though he was certain she didn’t realize it, her rejection had humiliated him.

  Perhaps she will let me know when she’s ready to be asked. After all, she did declare her love first.

  Samuel let his mind fill with the memory of the sweet words that had rolled off Lila’s tongue. He’d never heard sweeter words. He wanted more than anything to marry her, but he feared she may never be ready. Of course, he didn’t think she’d ever tell him she loved him either, so maybe there was still hope.

  Trying to get Lila’s attention, Samuel nearly tripped over one of his small cousins. Why wouldn’t she look at him? Had she changed her mind? How would he convince her to change it back?

  Please, Gott, give me the strength to get through this day, and to be supportive of mei schweschder on her special day. Help me to keep my mind on the needs of mei familye so I don’t wander from your path.


  Near the conclusion of the ceremony, Lila and a few other women rose from their seats to ready the feast that had been prepared in honor of the wedding couple. Lila knew that Samuel would be busy moving the benches and setting up tables for everyone to eat. A long table had already been placed in the large kitchen, and Lila was busy uncovering dishes of food, and arranged the plates on the counters for easy access to all the guests. Several pitchers of sweet tea were being prepared, and rolls were being warmed in the oven.

  Samuel suddenly burst into the kitchen, stopping abruptly when all eyes fell on him. “I need to see you outside for a minute, Lila.”

  Lila momentarily searched the faces of Samuel’s familye, looking for approval of Samuel’s request, but none came. “Can’t this wait?” Lila said through a gritted-toothed smile. “We have to tend to the wedding guests.”

  Lizzie shooed her son with a linen dishtowel.

  “You can talk to her when everyone has been served, Samuel. Now get out of this kitchen.”

  “But mamm,” Samuel pleaded. “I’m not sure I can wait that long.”

  Lizzie looked at him sternly. “Then you will have to keep those idle hands busy until Lila can talk to you later. Now go back and help the menner, and get out of this kitchen.”

  Samuel walked away feeling embarrassed by the giggles behind his back. He needed to ask Lila to marry him before he lost his nerve.

  Chapter 23

  Lila couldn’t think straight. Was Samuel going to end things with her? She loved him, and he’d said the same to her. He’d kissed her like a mann in love, but was it enough for him? Was he finally going to end it simply because she had turned down his proposals, or was he prepared to give her another chance and propose again? She prayed it was so.

  Lila gazed upon Rachel and Blake, feeling somewhat envious of their commitment to one another. They knew exactly what they wanted, and they’d sealed their future together with marriage. Why couldn’t she and Samuel be that happy?

  Gott, free me from my stubbornness. Give me the courage to face my fears about marriage and having bopplies. The desire for those things is not enough. I need courage beyond my comprehension, Gott.

  Lila worked in silence beside Samuel’s mamm. Was the woman angry with her? She didn’t think Lizzie was the type of woman to anger easily, but somehow, Lila wondered if maybe deep down, she disapproved of the blossoming relationship between Samuel and herself. When all was finished, Lila excused herself and went outside to look for Samuel. She had caught a glimpse of him out on the lawn setting up tables for the youth to have their meal.

  As her feet padded across the dock, Lila remembered the sweetness of the kiss she’d shared with Samuel on this very spot. Gazing out across the pond, she had to admit that it was indeed a very romantic spot. Had he only gotten caught up in the moment of their kiss instead of falling in love with her the way he’d claimed? She prayed it wasn’t so.

  Behind her, she could hear the sound of a mann’s shoes padding across the dock toward her. She didn’t dare turn around for fear it wasn’t Samuel.

  “I was hoping to find you out here so we could talk.”

  The familiar smooth baritone of Samuel’s voice sent shivers through Lila. As he neared, she sensed his presence like a warm breath on the back of her neck. He leaned in and kissed the top of her head.

  Lila whipped her head around. “Don’t do that here. Half the community is only a short distance from us. What if someone sees?”

  Samuel curled his fingers around hers. “Then they will see a couple of people who are in love.”

  Lila felt giddiness overtake her, but she braced herself for Samuel’s rejection. Though he loved her, would he refuse to move forward with a relationship since during their last conversation she’d informed him she didn’t want to marry him? How could she tell him she changed her mind without seeming desperate? She was desperate for him to know of her change of heart.

  “I know you were eager to talk to me earlier. Are you still as eager to tell me whatever it was you felt couldn’t wait? Or have you changed your mind?”

  Samuel held tight both her hands in his, pulling them to his mouth to blow his warm breath on them.

  “You’re fingers are like ice.”

  “I was hoping it would be a warmer day for your schweschder’s wedding, but I’m grateful the sun is warm at least.”

  Samuel gazed into her eyes lovingly. “I wish we were alone so I could collect on my daily kiss.”

  Lila wasn’t certain how much more small talk she could handle. “I want to marry you,” she blurted out.

  Samuel’s eyes narrowed. “I haven’t asked you. Why do you keep doing that to me?”

  Lila’s eyes misted. “I’m sorry. I understand if you don’t want to marry me.”

  Samuel lifted Lila’s chin and kissed her lips gently, not caring who would see their intimate moment. “I do want to marry you, but I want to be the one to do the asking.”

  Lila’s lower lip quivered. “You said you wouldn’t ask me again.”

  Samuel smiled. “Only because you said not to. But I was prepared to do just that earlier when I wanted to talk to you—when mei mamm kicked me out of the kitchen like I was still one of her wee kinner.”

  Lila’s face brightened as Samuel took a knee in front of her. Still holding her hands tightly, he looked up at her, his blue eyes sparkling in the afternoon sun.

  “Will you marry me, Lila?”

  Lila nodded. “Jah, I will. I will marry you and kiss you every day for the rest of our lives.”

  Samuel stood abruptly and pulled her into his arms, not caring who might witness their embrace.

  “When did you change your mind?”

  Lila kissed him full on the mouth.

  “It was when you kissed me right here in this very spot under the harvest moon.”

  The End

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  bonus recipe:

  I would like to thank my friend, Diana Montgomery for sharing her recipe with me and my readers. Bless you, Diana.

  Diana Montgomery’s Story:

  Fall brings me to my favorite time of year. I love the fall colors; the smell of the air just has a different scent. It also means Pumpkin Rolls in my family. This tradition started many years ago. I would go to bible studies in the morning at a friend’s house (Deb Herrold), my best friend. There would probably be a half dozen of us there to study. Then after the study ended most all the ladies would go home. That was when we would start the fun. First, we’d make a visit to the pumpkin patch. I like to get a real pumpkin instead of using a can of processed pumpkin. Then we carve it up and cook the pumpkin down until it’s soft. Then we are ready to start the assembly line of making the pumpkin rolls. A normal batch would be 26 in a day. Plus a couple of pump
kin pies to take home for supper. My family just loves them. When I worked, I would get lots of orders for them. Years later I still get calls for them. I already started for this season.

  Dutch Country Pumpkin Rolls

  2/3 cup pumpkin (cooked or canned)

  3/4 cup flour

  1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

  3 eggs 1 teaspoon salt

  1 cup sugar

  1 teaspoon baking soda


  6 ounces cream cheese (softened)

  2 Tablespoons butter

  1 teaspoon vanilla

  1 cup powdered sugar

  Bake at 375 for 15 minutes, or until golden brown.

  Take standard size cookie sheet, cut wax paper to fit it, and don't let any hang over the pan. Spray the wax paper with non-stick cooking spray. Set this aside.

  Mix pumpkin, eggs, and sugar in one bowl. In another bowl mix dry ingredients, flour, salt, baking soda and cinnamon.

  Once this is done, mix dry ingredients in with pumpkin mixture. Now take this and pour onto the cookie sheet. Place in oven 15 minutes, or until you see it is golden looking. Baking times may vary.

  While this is baking take a cotton dish towel (lint free). I have towels I use only for this. Spread this on counter and sprinkle the towel with powdered sugar. Now once you take the roll part out of the oven flip it on the towel, cake side down. Peel off the wax paper. Roll it up like a roll and let it cool. While this is cooling you make the filling. Take all the ingredients put them in a bowl and use your mixer to mix it until creamy. Now take the roll that is cooled and unroll it. Spread the cream cheese all over it. Roll it back up. Now you have a beautiful yummy dessert. I usually make at least 4 at a time. Wrap them in wax paper and put them in freezer bags, and then put them in the freezer until needed. Take out of freezer; slice and serve.


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