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Page 27

by Lia Mills

  For information, books, sources and enthusiasm, I am indebted to: Robert Towers and Mary Fitzgerald, Dermot and Maura Hourihane, Davis Coakley, Ronan Fanning, Tony Farmar, Kate Lochrin, Martina Devlin, Luz Mar Gonzalez Arias, Sheila McGilligan and Ann Marie Hourihane. For help with sources: the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, the Research Reading Room at Dublin City Library and Archive (Pearse Street), the National Library of Ireland, the National Museum of Ireland at Collins Barracks (especially Enda Greenan), the Imperial War Museum (London) and Gerard Whelan at the Royal Dublin Society Library and Archives. Pearse Quinlan at Mr Fax was an indefatigable supplier of paper and toner at crucial moments.

  Thanks to everyone at Penguin Ireland, especially Brendan Barrington, who put manners on it as only he can. Also to Donna Poppy for her keen eye and attention to detail.

  It can’t be easy to live with someone who’s hatching a novel. Simon, Zita, Emma, Nessa, Peter, Eoghan and Ryan did so with grace and good humour, and Isabella arrived just in time to help us see it off.


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  First published 2014

  Copyright © Lia Mills, 2014

  The moral right of the author has been asserted

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  Cover photographs © Gertrude Käsebier/Granger Collection/topfoto (couple); Mansell/Time & Life/Getty Images (soldiers)

  Typeset by Jouve (UK), Milton Keynes

  ISBN: 978-1-844-88306-6




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