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The Fall of War (Gods of Olympus Book 4)

Page 4

by A. L. Kessler

  “Kylian is a dangerous maniac that encourages his wolves to get lost to the madness because it feeds their ego,” Anthony snapped. “You don’t want that. You want a pack that will show you how to control yourself and not be a fucking killer.” She didn’t want to believe what he was saying about Kylian. He was just trying to lie to her again, make her lose control.

  She put a hand to her head as the pain came back swiftly at the thought. Damn it, she had pushed it away the whole car ride, and now it was rearing its ugly self. When she closed her eyes this time, she could see the outline of a black wolf snarling in the tree line. This wasn’t the wolf from the attack. This was a different one, one that felt familiar and welcoming to her. What the…

  She concentrated, and the wolf became clearer. “We’re going hunting tonight; we’ll run tonight…you’ll get out tonight.” She whispered.

  “Great, now she’s talking to herself.” Anthony let out a short laugh, and her eyes shot open. There was something she could tell from the snarl of the wolf in her mind. It didn’t like Anthony at all.

  “You need to leave. Now.” Casey curled her hands into fists. “And if you don’t, I’m going to call the police.” It was the only threat she could think of that would work.

  It did the trick, he started to say something and then left. Julia shut and locked the door behind him. “We don’t want any more surprise visitors. I felt your beast rise to the surface. She doesn’t like Anthony.”

  “No, she doesn’t. It’s weird; I knew that when I closed my eyes and focused on the cause of the pain in my head.”

  Julia smiled. “Your wolf knows that he’s dangerous. If there’s one thing you can always trust, it’s how your wolf feels. Come on, finish gathering your stuff and let’s go.”

  Casey nodded and grabbed the last few things that she needed and put her laptop and charger in a computer bag. “How long did it take for you to gain control?”

  “I’ve been a wolf since I was ten. I was able to leave the community home when I was eighteen, but it took me a couple years to gain control because of my age.”

  “So young.” Casey debated on asking what happened but Julia turned to the door and unlocked it.

  She opened it. “Back home we go!” She waved to the hallway.

  “Not home.”

  “The forest will always be home for you now. You’ll see.”

  Casey shut the door and locked it. Glancing up and down the hall, she looked to see if Anthony might have been waiting for them. No one was lurking around, and they found the same as they got back in the car to head back to the pack lands.


  Anthony’s head snapped to the side as the back of Lex’s hand hit it with a satisfying smack. The wolf had screwed up by not bringing Casey to them. “You let her go with a female wolf?”

  Anthony spit blood out and nodded. “Julia, she…swindled information out of me.”

  Lex grabbed Anthony by the throat. “You’re sure it was Julia?”

  “Unless she lied to me at the bar, yes,” he growled. “She was defying her pack master by sleeping with me. Because he told her no.”

  Anthony was a little man-whore, but Lex hadn’t thought he’d be dumb enough to sleep with Julia. “You moron. Kylian planted her there. She’s his second-in-command.” He threw the wolf away. “And now she’s protecting Casey; there must be a reason why.”

  “They’re convinced that she’s showing signs of shifting. I caught a glimpse of her bedroom while I was there. It was torn to shreds. I think she’s already shifted.”

  Lex paused at the thought. “So she’s strong and already succumbs to the madness. Interesting.” He glared at Anthony. “We’ll have to go get her tonight. If she runs with them, her wolf might bond to that pack, and we can’t have that.” He looked at Anthony. “She’s already changed, which means we won’t have to reassure that she’s already infected. You will bring her here.”

  Anthony rubbed his neck. “Getting her to come with me though…”

  “That’s why I’ll be coming along as well. She won’t be able to resist my commands. I’ll be able to call her to us, draw her out of where she is with the pack.”

  “And if Kylian comes? We can’t take him, not just the two of us.” Anthony shook his head. “Casey will just run right back to him if we don’t stop him from coming after her.”

  “Once he learns that it was you who infected her, not his wolf, he’ll let us take her because he won’t want to slaughter us on his lands without reason.” Lex shook his head. “That would start a war by keeping one of our people. Kylian doesn’t want that. If he brings us to war, it’ll be on his terms, not ours. Not until we force his hand in a way that he cannot resist.”

  “Like what?” Anthony raised a brow. “You think Casey has a way of doing that?”

  “No, I don’t, but it’s a start to pushing Kylian’s buttons and starting to raise the anger in him. The more anger we feed him, the more likely he is to slip up. He’s not immune to the madness.” It’s the opposite, he seemed to slip into it deeper than anyone else that Lex had seen. Casey would play a small part in forcing his hand. He knew that the wolf had a soft spot for helping women and children, especially those who were victims of war. He’d seen it when Kylian brought Julia into the pack.

  “We should start heading that way then. If we want to get to her before the sun sets.” Anthony interrupted his musing. “I don’t really want to be there when everyone shifts.”

  Neither did he. The whole pack together could easily take the two of them out, giving Kylian complete control over the werewolves in the state. He couldn’t have that.

  Ares leaned back on the couch as he waited for the pack members to arrive. Only Julia knew he was Ares, and it was because she’d discovered it when he first found her. He’d found her as a mere child, left to wander the woods. If anyone could help Casey come to terms with what she was now, it was Julia. Always the faithful wolf. Now Casey…

  A smile crossed his lips as he thought about her body that would make any sex god proud. The swell of her hips covered in the stretch of her jeans, the way the fabric of her shirt clung to her round tight breasts. Her cute nose and bright smile, all complete with auburn hair and hazel-green eyes. Anthony didn’t deserve to worship that body, and Ares wanted it for himself. But first, she had to gain control of her wolf, and he his.

  He put a hand to his chest. He’d been the alpha of the pack; he’d led them from Greece to here in order to flourish. He’d planned on bouncing between Olympus and the human world, but the Fates had other plans. He’d been cursed and banished by the husband of one of his concubines to be a werewolf. And now he was here…fucking humans instead. Not really a curse, except for the never ending fight with the wolf inside him. Always hungry for blood, for violence, but that had always been part of him. Now it just had a physical form.

  The wolf inside him stirred at the idea of hunting tonight, tearing apart an animal, though the human mind wanted to tear apart Anthony instead. Rationally, he couldn’t, but he entertained the idea. He could do it in front of the Muddy Creek pack to teach them what happens to wolves who leave newbies out to fend for their lives. It’d be a bloodbath, a display of power that made both him and his wolf shudder in delight.

  The door opened, and he nearly jumped off the couch to greet them. No, they’d wander in, and he’d be casual. If there were anything they needed to tell him, they would…the look on Casey’s face when they walked in stopped his thought mid-track.

  Her brows were creased together, and she clutched the strap of her bag with hands so tight they had turned white.

  “What happened?”

  He looked to Julia, and she shrugged. “She’s nervous.” Her heart sped up just a tad, and he let out a low growl.

  “You’re lying to me.”

  Julia glanced at Casey, who was already walking down the hall towards the bedrooms, and then back to Ares. “She’s already had her first shift. Maybe more than one, I don’t know.”r />
  “What makes you think that?” He leaned back on the couch. A wolf that powerful normally came from bloodlines, not infection, not unless it was a high-class wolf who infected her, and Eli wasn’t.

  Julia sat next to him. “Her bedroom was torn to shreds; there were tracks on the floor in blood.”

  That was pretty compelling evidence. “So she harmed herself somehow, I’m sure it’s healed by now. The only thing that isn’t healed should be the initial bite from the attacking wolf.”

  She nodded. “Anthony was there as well. He wasn’t happy to see me, and Casey broke up with him on the spot.”

  “At least she had the smarts to do that and not go running to him.” Ares snorted. “I’m sure he caused a scene?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, until Casey threatened to call the cops on him, then he listened and left without a word.”

  That was interesting. A cocky bastard like that shouldn’t have been scared of the police. “And did she manage to control herself in front of him?”

  “Yes, she was upset the whole way back, but she didn’t lose control.”

  “Good, hopefully she balances out after the hunt tonight.” He swore he heard his wolf howl in his head at the thought of hunting with Casey. “Thank you for taking her back there, Julia. Had I known she had already shifted then I wouldn’t have sent you both there; I would have just sent you to pick things up.”

  She nodded. “We’re lucky that she didn’t shift while Anthony was there. Her wolf rose to the surface.”

  “Her wolf should have nothing against him.” Ares stroked his chin. Normally, a beast, especially a new one, didn’t have enemies that instantly caused them to surface, maybe the scorn Casey felt for Anthony with was enough to affect both souls.

  Julia held her hands up. “I’m just reporting the facts, sir.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He waved a hand dismissing her. “Early dinner tonight; most of the pack will be here,” he reminded her as she went down the same hall that Casey had.

  “I’ll order all the pizza and have Tyler pick it up,” Julia called back, and Ares smiled. His pack was a well-oiled machine, and Casey would fit right in once she became comfortable. Now he wanted to get some of his pent up energy out. He flexed his hands. Certainly, he could find a pup who wanted to spar with him again.

  Casey stuck her head out of the bedroom as she heard Julia in the hallway.

  “Yes, you heard me right. I need twenty all-meat pizzas.” The woman gave an uh-huh and nodded her head a few times. “Yeah, I know, Tyler Lichen will be there in a couple hours to pick them up. Yeah, no problem, that’s why I call ahead.” She hung up the phone and looked at Casey. “What’s up?”

  Casey shook her head. “Trying to imagine why you need twenty pizzas. Are there that many people in the pack?”

  “There’s forty of us, and we can each eat about a half of a large pizza, especially before a hunt. We need our energy.” She put her phone in her pocket. “You all settled in?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, my bag of clothes is unpacked, and my laptop is on the desk. I’m hoping I don’t destroy the room.”

  “You won’t. Kylian will sense you trying to shift and come help you, and after tonight, you’ll gain a bit more control.” Julia nodded. “We all do after that first full moon shift. You’ll be able to feel the signs more and prevent it from happening.”

  Casey rolled her eyes at the information, Kylian had said basically the same thing, almost like there was a textbook on the subject and she just hadn’t read it. “I’m just going to hang out in my room until dinner. It’s been a long day, and I’m exhausted.” Every part of her was exhausted, her brain, her soul, her body ached like something ran over her a few times. “Come grab me when the food gets here?”

  “I will if you don’t come out before then. People will start arriving soon.” Julia waved as she walked down the hallway. Casey went back into the room and shut the door.

  This was too weird. Everyone was acting like this wasn’t going to be a big deal, and that everyone went through it. Of course, maybe that was the case. Maybe it was just like a werewolf puberty. She chuckled at the thought and laid down on the bed.

  Her eyes began to close, and she saw the black wolf trotting through the forest, almost peaceful, yet it seemed cautious of everything around it. It…she. The wolf wasn’t genderless; it was part of her. Casey rolled on her side as the pain started to form in her head again. She tried to focus on the wolf and talk to her, coax her into believing it could run back into the woods. Instead, the wolf came running towards her.

  The burning sensation went through her skin again, and her bones twisted in her body. Casey clawed at her arms trying to stop the pain and keep control over what was happening. She cried out and opened her eyes in time to see the door flying open and Kylian running into the room.

  “Help me.” She begged, reaching out to him.

  Something passed in his eyes. He stood there, watching her, his face blank of any emotion, but she could see the hesitation in his eyes as he watched her writhe in pain on the bed. “Please?” She asked again as another round of pain went through her.

  He blinked as if snapping out of his trance and went to her, grabbing her hand. “Close your eyes,” he demanded.

  She couldn’t resist the tone in his voice and closed her eyes. His fingers intertwined with hers, the tape on his hand rough against her palm, and the wolf in her mind hesitated just slightly. She tilted her head to the side and slowly retreated into the woods.

  Casey let out a relieved sigh as her body cooled down and her skin stopped trying to stretch over changing bones. Her body felt like her own again, and she opened her eyes to see Kylian staring down at her. She reached up and touched his cheek, the stubble of the day tickled her fingers, and she found her calm. A fine sheen of sweat had beaded on his forehead as if coming to her rescue was physically exhausting. She tilted her head as her finger traced a rapidly healing bruise on his cheek. What had he been doing before he came to her?

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and in that moment, she wanted to know what he was thinking. She removed her hand, and his eyes shot open. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. What the hell?

  Except, she wanted it. She leaned up, parting her lips to allow his tongue to trace over her bottom one. He planted a hand on either side of her on the bed and used their kiss to push her back down. She moaned into his mouth as his kiss turned more hungry and demanding.

  She ran her fingers through his hair, slightly tugging until he let out a low growl. He pulled back from the kiss and searched her face.

  “What?” She asked in a small voice. Had she offended him somehow? Her wolf hesitated in the forest of her mind, the wolf…

  “My wolf likes you,” he whispered, echoing her own thoughts about her wolf. He kissed her again, and her wolf retreated. She nipped at his bottom lip while meeting his gaze. He leaned back, straddling her on the bed, keeping his weight off her. His hand skimmed up her leg and tugged at the top of her jeans. “Off?”

  The question in his voice caught her off guard. Kylian didn’t strike her as a man who needed verbal permission.

  She tried to form an answer, but in the end reached down and unbuttoned the waistband. She pulled the zipper down and then wiggled her hips out of them.

  He tugged them off her when she lifted her hips up. His fingertips were warm against her bare skin as they danced up her legs, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He hooked his fingers in the strings on her thong and pulled them down.

  Nerves flew through her. Here she was, in bed, about to have sex with the man who was supposed to show her how to control her wolf. Now she was half-naked in front of him while he seemed to have lost some of his own control.

  He leaned down and nibbled up her neck. “I’ve wanted you since I first saw you last night.” His voice rumbled through her, drawing out moisture between her legs.

  She didn’t know what to say, and anything she could think of was wh
isked away as he slipped a hand up her shirt, snaking under her bra. Her nipple hardened with the brush of his thumb across it. She arched her chest up to his touch, a small whimper of pleasure falling from her lips.

  Someone knocked on the door, and they both froze. Her eyes widened as she met his gaze, and then they scrambled apart as the door started to creak open. She quickly struggled into her pants, forgetting the thong that had been underneath.

  “Wait a damn moment,” Kylian growled and slammed his hand against the door, shutting it again.

  Julia squeaked on the other side. “Sorry.”

  Embarrassment heated Casey’s face as she made sure her clothing was back in place. Kylian let his hand off the door and then opened it to find a just as embarrassed Julia standing there.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…um…” She looked between the two. “Um…that you had a…”

  “Spit it out, woman,” Kylian snapped. “You’re an adult; you can use adult words.”

  Casey wasn’t sure about the mocking, but she shook her head. “Nothing happened. He came in when I was about to shift. That’s all.”

  Julia shook her head. “Oh no honey, that’s not all. We can all smell the arousal in the air.”

  “Oh look, there’s an adult word,” Kylian teased.

  Casey scrubbed her hands over her face. “Great. All the embarrassment of the walk of shame without the pleasure.”

  Kylian wrapped an arm around her waist as she tried to walk out the door. “I could always finish the job,” he growled in her ear. “Fuck you hard enough that you can’t walk. All you have to do is say the word.”

  She considered it for a moment. “I’m sure it’s in poor taste to screw a new werewolf that’s not even part of the pack,” she muttered and moved away from him.

  To her surprise, he let her go. She walked past Julia, not bothering to see what she wanted. She could smell the pizza and hadn’t realized it’d been that long since she’d last eaten. “Dinner smells great,” she muttered.


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