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The Fall of War (Gods of Olympus Book 4)

Page 9

by A. L. Kessler

  She ripped her hand away from him and jumped up off the ground. “Don’t fucking touch me.” Pain seared her arm, and her wolf gave a low growl. Ares was gone, and Anthony was here instead. Panic went through her at the thought of being alone with him with no way of getting hold of Ares.

  Anthony’s gaze sized her up. “What are you wearing?” He grabbed her hair and pulled her close, inhaling deeply. “You’re mated to him.”

  She winced at the pain on her scalp. “Yes, I am. Now let go of me.”

  “Where’s Kylian?” He looked around.

  No one else knew that he was a god, so saying that he disappeared with the intention of saving her and failing wouldn’t make much sense. “He…he had pack things that needed taking care of.” She couldn’t think of something else to say; it wasn’t exactly a lie, he went to the pack lands.

  “He left you all alone. I knew blowing up the house was overkill.” He laughed and grinned at her. “Boy is Lex going to get a kick out of you showing up in nothing but a shirt.”

  Her eyes widened, and she took a step back, willing her wolf to transform. There was no way she was going to go back there. “I’m mated, whatever plans you had to mate me are gone. Just go. Leave me alone. You’ve lost. I’m not yours. I’m not one of Lex’s wolves now.”

  He yanked her hair tighter. “This isn’t about mating now. Now it’s all about taking Kylian’s pack and making him suffer through you.”

  Her body started shaking as she saw the wild look in his eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  “Didn’t he tell you? About the bond? He’ll feel everything we do to you, and if you die, he’ll die.” He laughed at the horror that crossed her face. “Don’t worry, we plan on killing him first so you can watch him die. You’ll follow soon after.”

  She tried to take a deep breath to push past the panic. Why hadn’t Ares mentioned that? Her wolf snarled and busted through her. Her body twisted and turned, while her bones and muscled snapped and slid into place. Fur flowed over her body, and she yanked away from Anthony’s grip.

  She and her wolf agreed that putting distance between them and Anthony was the best option. She sprinted away from him, heading toward the city. She could find her way to pack grounds and be safe again. Her left front leg stung with each step as the pain of the burns hadn’t faded yet, but she pushed on. A pin prick hit her flank, and the world started to blur. Her wolf panicked and continued to try and push on, but her human mind knew something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Her legs buckled under her and slowly turned back into human hands, arms, and legs.

  She shook as she tried to call on her wolf again, but found her further away, retreating into the woods of her mind. Casey wrapped her arms around herself and tried to keep her eyes open, but lost the fight, and her heavy eyelids closed, leaving her in darkness.

  Ares appeared at the pack house and fell to his knees. That long of a distance took too much energy out of him. Stupid human world and its limitations. His wolf howled at the thought of leaving Casey behind. The blast shoving her away from him. If he’d just held on to her a little tighter, or she’d clung to him.

  He shook his head. No, the blast had been too strong. He could feel Casey panicking through their bond, almost like a second aura or an uneasy feeling. His arm itched as if it’d been burned, and he wondered if that was the only damage that she’d gotten from the explosion.

  “Kylian?” Julia’s voice came through the room, giving him notice that the other wolves were around. He’d managed to take himself to his room, so he didn’t appear randomly in front of the pack.

  “Get pack members to the city now. If we have anyone already there, close to my house, send them ASAP to find Casey,” he snarled. “There were members of Lex’s pack outside the house, and she’s in danger.”

  Julia didn’t ask questions, she left the room and started barking orders at other wolves. From the shuffling around he heard, he knew they were listening. He sat up, leaning against the bed. He could use the rest of his energy to go back, but then he’d be completely useless.

  Julia came back in. “You look like hell.”

  He ran his arm across his forehead and came away with dirt and dust from the explosion. “Someone blew my house up.”

  “Clearly Casey is still alive then?” She gestured to him. “Seeing as you’re still breathing.”

  He only knew that she was alive because he could feel her emotions. “The bonding doesn’t work that way. If she dies, I live on without her, miserable I’m sure. But I’m a god; there aren’t many ways to kill me.”

  “What happens if you’re killed?”

  “Then she’ll die. But I’m not going to let that happen.”

  “And if Lex has her?” Julia locked her jaw. “What then?”

  “Then we prepare the pack for war because I am not going to leave her there.”

  “He intends to kill you,” she snapped. “I need you to stay alive, so I don’t have to run the pack. So that I don’t lose the only family I’ve ever had.”

  He lowered his head. “You won’t lose me, but I won’t be whole if I lose Casey, and you know that.”

  “Which means you’d leave me to take the pack,” she muttered. “I’m no good at leading.”

  “I’m not going to leave you to lead.” He slowly stood up. “What I’m going to do is leave you in command of the wolves going to find Casey, and I’m going to take a nap to recover. The moment my energy is back, I’m going to go get her.”

  “I’ll see what I can do until then. Do you think she’ll make it out on her own again?”

  Ares shook his head. “No, I don’t think Lex will be stupid enough to let that happen again. If he trusts Anthony with keeping Casey, I’m sure Anthony won’t risk taking her out.” No. He was pretty sure they had alternative plans with Casey now, plans that were going to make him see red and give in to the madness. He dragged himself into bed and closed his eyes, cursing the rules of the mortal world.

  “Please be okay Casey. Please.”

  He heard his wolf howl in the distance and knew that his wolf was already mourning the mate they were stupid enough to claim.


  Lex watched Anthony place the unconscious Casey on the couch. “Good job. And Kylian?”

  “She said he was handling pack things.” Anthony laid a blanket over her. “She didn’t say where. I’m surprised that he left her alone.”

  Lex nodded and paced the floor. “Did you smell him there?”

  “I did, so he couldn’t have been gone for long, and his scent is all over her.” Anthony wrinkled his nose. “They mated.”

  “As I expected they would the moment they realized they were fated. This doesn’t change anything except the mating to you. We still use her to get to him.”

  Anthony nodded. “Do what needs to be done. You promised me this pack. That we could transfer to another territory and I could rule it. Then you can finally have Kylian’s pack, assuming his second doesn’t take you out.”

  “That woman doesn’t have the mind of a killer. She wouldn’t dare challenge me.” Lex shook his head. “We just need to get rid of Kylian.”

  Anthony didn’t take his eyes of Casey. “So why not just kill her now? The bond—”

  “Kylian’s not a regular werewolf. He can’t be killed by a simple bond.” Lex motioned to Casey.

  “I’ll make sure to have the men standing ready for when Kylian gets here.”

  Lex smiled. “Good. That way you won’t be here when I start.”

  “Start what?” Anthony looked back at Casey again.

  “The torture. Now go.” Lex motioned to the door. “I want a warning before Kylian gets here.”

  “As you wish.”

  He didn’t miss the small shake in Anthony’s voice. “Don’t get soft on me Anthony. You’ve seen what it takes to run a pack. If you go soft, the next person in line will kill you without a second thought.”

  “I know what’s at risk here.” He walked out, slamming the do
or behind him.

  Lex smiled down at Casey and grabbed her hair, dragging her off the couch. The woman groaned as she hit the floor, her eyes fluttered open as the tranquilizer released her mind. Her eyes grew wide as she realized it was Lex who had her. She covered her body. “What do you want?”

  “Where is Ares?”

  Casey shook her head but flinched as it pulled her hair. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

  Lex laughed and pulled her up to meet her gaze. “You know exactly who I’m talking about. Where is he?”

  “I don’t know. The blast separated us before he could get us both out. How do you know?”

  The sweet smell of her fear egged his wolf on. “I put it together when I tried to kill him to take over the pack. I caught him across the chest, putting my claws through his heart, and he survived.”

  “It could have been a werewolf thing.” She stumbled through the words, and he shook her a little bit.

  “Stupid woman, he’s a god. I overheard him talking to Julia, and she called him Ares. He’s stupid enough to keep a shrine to himself. But now, now I can kill him and take what’s rightfully mine.” He growled and dropped her to the ground.

  She pushed herself up. “He knows that you have the dagger.”

  “Yes, but he also knows that I have you. Better yet, since he mated you, he can feel your emotions, feel your pain.”

  She started to back up, and he saw the yellow flash in her eyes as her wolf started to surface. “Now, now…” He pounced on her, trapping her body against the ground. “There’s no running, and you tell that wolf of yours to stay in there.”

  Tears started gathering in her eyes, and he smirked. He took a deep breath, and the scent filled his nostrils. “That’s the fear I like to see. Yes, before this is all over, you’ll scream and bleed for me, Casey. And you will help me bring down a god.”

  Ares woke with a splitting headache. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say he was fighting his wolf as if he was a newly bitten werewolf. The pounding in the head, the urge to throw up from the pain, the feeling of pressure through his whole body. It only took him a moment to know what was going on.


  Casey was fighting her wolf, and he was feeling it. Why didn’t she just let it out? He put a hand to his head and groaned. It was like there was no relief from the pressure, even his own wolf seemed to be feeling it.

  “Julia?” He called out as he got out of the bed.

  The woman came running into the room. “You’re awake, thank the gods.”

  “Why? What’s going on?” He pushed away the pain he was feeling and focused. He was a warrior, a fighter; he could focus through some pain.

  She hesitated and looked away. “We’ve heard from Lex and Anthony.”

  “Did you find Casey?” He rubbed his shoulder as a strange burning sensation crawled through it.

  She didn’t say anything.

  “Julia?” He growled. “Where is Casey?”

  “She’s with Lex. He sent something for you.” She motioned to the living room. “You need to make sure your wolf is in check before you come out though. The pack is nervous already, and you losing your shit isn’t going to help.”

  Her nerves weren’t helping him either. He took a deep breath before walking out to the living room. Several members of the pack were gathered around a box sitting on one of the couches. He could see the white tips of Polaroids around the heads leaning over the pictures. His heart fell, but instead of instant rage, he felt a terrifying calm. “Move.”

  No one questioned him, and they all backed away from the scattered pile of pictures. Each square framed up a different picture of Casey. He picked up the top one. Blood ran down her face, making a stark contrast with the yellow of her eyes. Her wolf was at the surface, but he knew through their bond that it couldn’t get out. His finger traced the photo, shaking as it brushed over the glossy surface.

  The quiet anger in him started to break, but Julia was right, he needed to keep his calm in front of the pack. No one had said a word since he walked in, if he didn’t know better, he’d say they were all holding their breath waiting for his reaction to the situation.

  He picked up the next one. A close up of her slender neck, the one his lips had kissed just the night before, but a slim silver chain was draped over it, leaving a nasty red rivet under it. Pure torture and it would keep her wolf at bay. He locked his jaw as his wolf howled.

  Julia came to stand behind him. “They are all pretty much along that line, some more gruesome, but they all show what’s happening clearly.”

  “They’re torturing her.”

  Julia nodded. “She’s pack, Kylian.”

  “Then we all know what this means.” He tossed the pictures down. “The Muddy Creek Pack has declared war on us. Not only is their alpha torturing one of our own, but he is torturing my mate.” He snarled and turned around to face the pack. “I will be going in alone to negotiate her return. However, if I do not return within twenty-four hours, Julia will lead you on an attack.” If he was still alive at that point, it would be a rescue mission, but chances were he’d be killed before that.

  There was a cheer that resembled a war cry. Julia met his gaze, and he nodded. “I’ll be back.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “Your rule as alpha only lasts as long as this takes me.”

  “Your word?” She squared her shoulders.

  “My word, my mate and I will return to rule the pack.” He walked past her, fighting down the rage that he felt. Transporting himself there was out of the question because of the energy zap; he’d have to run to the pack grounds.

  Ares stood outside of the community house and closed his eyes. He called to his wolf, coaxing him out with promises of revenge and blood. War against the Muddy Creek pack, something the wolf had been waiting nearly a decade for.

  Ares’ body shifted in a fluid motion. He took a moment and looked back at the community house. Was this what he wanted? Risking his pack for a female? There was no arguing with the mating instinct. He wanted her back with him and safe. She was his.

  An image of her wolf appeared in the distance, and he knew that it was her bond calling to him. He ran toward it, his feet barely leaving a trail in the dirt behind him.

  Casey flinched as a hand touched her cheek. The swelling in her eye was already going down, and she found herself grateful that she healed quickly as a werewolf. Though she wasn’t so thankful for the crash course on how to torture a werewolf.

  “I’m sorry,” Anthony’s voice whispered in her ear. “I never wanted this for you.”

  The truth and sorrow echoed in his voice.

  “Then set me free,” she croaked, her voice almost gone from screaming. “Give me back to Kylian.”

  His hand hesitated on her cheek, and a moment of hope floated through her. He kissed her head. “I can’t.” He stepped back, and her head fell forward. Her body hung against the silver chains wrapped around her upper arms, keeping her flat against the wall. The angry welts and burns had healed over, just to be created again with every touch and movement of the metal links.

  “He’ll kill you; you know that right?” she whispered. “And if he doesn’t, I will.”

  “You don’t have the strength to kill me. Lex will be back in a few minutes to unwrap the chains; you’ll be going in the ring.” He stepped away from her, and she looked up.

  She could make out most of him through the swelling. “Ring?”

  “Fighting match. You know, to get the rage out.”

  Her wolf lifted its head, laying on the edge of the forest in her mind. This would be the first time her wolf could come out and play. “I can shift then?”


  The word landed like a physical blow, and she dropped her head.

  “We fight in human form. Think of it like a boxing match.”

  She remembered the tape around Ares’ hands when she first met him. His pack did the same thing, but she doubted it was against hostages of other pac
ks. “So it’s an excuse to beat the shit out of me some more,” she muttered. “Your pack would beat a defenseless woman.”

  “This isn’t my choice, and they’ll be just like you, confined to human form but with the madness close at hand.” He stepped up to her again and lifted her chin. “All of this could have been prevented.”

  “You bit me; this is all your fault.” She snarled at him, a new rage filling her. “The only good that came of this is my mating with Kylian and screwing up your plans of a forced mating.” She spit on him.

  The sound of his hand meeting her cheek echoed through the room, and she laughed. She was certain she’d gone mad, but there was nothing else she could do. She hung on a wall waiting for Ares to come rescue her, and if she knew anything from the myths, he’d bide his time until the fates were on his side and he knew he could win the war. She didn’t know when that would be. If the time would ever come.

  Anthony left her just as Lex walked back in. “Anthony fill you in?”

  “You’re going to let one of your wolves beat the shit out of me, instead of you doing it some more. Can I at least have some clothes?” She rolled her eyes up to look at him. “I really don’t want to be in front of your entire pack naked again.”

  “No, being naked is part of being a werewolf, it’s called being comfortable in your skin.” He ran a hand over her shoulder. The leather of the glove sent shivers through her. He unwrapped the chains from her, drawing a whimper from her throat.

  To her surprise, she didn’t stumble away from the wall. The thin silver chain had burned into her, embedding it in her skin, keeping her wolf at bay. Wolf or no wolf, she needed to try and get out of there.

  She mustered up any strength she had left and lunged forward, slamming her shoulder into Lex, knocking him back. She hooked her foot behind his, tripping him. He hit the ground with a thump, and she darted out of the room.

  Her heart tried to leap through her chest as the adrenaline ran through her body, pushing her forward. She didn’t know if she could take on a whole pack, but if she could manage to get out, she would have a chance.


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