The Formidable King
Page 17
‘If I can help others, I’d like to.’ India started to feel more comfortable about Mackenzie’s suggestions.
Dev nodded. ‘Thankfully, I think the world is changing and there’s less stigma now about seeking professional counselling, but if you are able to bring yourself to talk about it, you really could make a difference to others who perhaps aren’t as confident in getting the help they need.’
‘Just know that I’ll support you either way.’ Gabe’s eyes willed her to believe in his strength and to lean on him. ‘Any time you feel you’re ready, I’ll be right there at your side.’
‘We’ll all stand with you,’ Mackenzie said adamantly.
India couldn’t believe it. This incredible support around her was overwhelming and moved her to tears. ‘All this going on in Bagazin is also going to cast a very bright and damning international spotlight on Mawandi,’ Devereaux added. ‘There are many in the world who have no idea of the extent of the atrocities he’s committed. I guarantee there’ll be a lot more press coverage of the political situation in Bagazin after your story goes to air and there’ll be increased international pressure to bring Mawandi to justice. It could even result in increased aid to the Bagazini people.’
The way Devereaux and Mackenzie painted the picture, her nightmare really did seem to hold positives. Knowing she had Gabriel’s full support made her feel like she could tackle just about anything. Her new brother-in-law and his wife also backed her, and in her new position as Queen of Santaliana, she might be able to do good in a way that would’ve made her parents proud after all.
‘I’ll do it,’ she said.
Gabriel took her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. The physical contact between them was so reassuring. So right. ‘You’ll bring healing to many,’ he said quietly.
His words meant so much to her. They were a quiet vote of confidence—a signal he believed in her. They were also thrilling because she’d never had the formal education to follow in her parents’ career paths and heal others medically, but she’d love to think she was healing in her own way.
Looking at the handsome man who was now her husband, her gaze skimmed over the broadness of his shoulders. Metaphorically, those shoulders carried a lot of weight. In their time together in Misanti he’d loosened up and forgotten some of the burdens he carried, but there were still a few chips in those broad shoulders that needed to mend. The person she most wanted to heal right now was Gabriel.
‘Healing sounds a whole lot better than bringing shame to the royal family,’ India said.
‘The de la Croix name won’t even be dented.’ Mackenzie slotted in with a teasing smile at her husband. ‘After all, it survived Dev’s reputation.’
Dev shot his wife a you’ll-keep look.
India sat forward. ‘Has anyone been updated on the situation in Bagazin?’ She hadn’t been able to stop worrying about those at the French Embassy, even though first reports had indicated they’d come to no harm. ‘Is Ambassador Rousseau okay? Are all of his staff safe?’
‘I spoke to Rousseau last night after Gabe called me,’ Dev said. ‘The ambassador was called before the president to answer for his part in your flight, and Rousseau said Gabe’s security team had overcome some of the embassy’s soldiers and escaped through the back entrance of the embassy long before the Bagazini forces surrounded the compound. Mawandi had to accept this version of events as he doesn’t know about the tunnel and could fathom no other explanation. On this occasion the dictator was as effective as a toothless and de-clawed tiger.’
‘I got off the phone from Rousseau only half an hour ago,’ Gabriel added. ‘He said there was a lot of posturing and there were a lot of threats made, but ultimately Rousseau was able to plead innocence.’ He rubbed one hand soothingly against India’s back as he spoke. ‘He also pointed out that you were my wife and had diplomatic status.’
‘Remember to claim that your marriage in Bagazin happened as soon as you got there—well before Rousseau had received his communiqué from Mawandi indicating you should be handed over to the authorities,’ Dev said. ‘Also you’re going to have to stick to the story where you escaped by car rather than by secret tunnel.’
‘Your move to give India diplomatic status was an absolute stroke of genius, Gabe,’ Mackenzie said with awed admiration.
Gabriel shrugged. ‘Mawandi relies on the French mining operations. Rousseau knew he had a lot of political clout so I didn’t envisage there’d be shocking repercussions—although one can never be sure with Mawandi.’
The news that all the embassy workers were safe, and that the French position in Bagazin hadn’t been affected, was welcome relief, but India had other concerns. ‘I’ve also been worrying about what negative effects this will have on the Princess Eden Foundation.’
Dev made a deep, thoughtful sound. ‘Regarding the foundation, India, I imagine you’ll need to resign from your MD position now you’re going to have so many official duties in Santaliana. Am I right, Gabe?’
Gabe nodded. ‘It doesn’t have anything to do with these events or your reputation having a negative impact on the organisation. Your resignation is just a practicality now you’re going to have to fit in a lot of responsibilities as queen.’
Oh no! ‘But I love my work.’
‘The Princess Eden Foundation is humming along beautifully,’ Mackenzie told her. ‘I suggest you start up your own foundation—a support organisation to help women who’ve been raped or abused. You could set up programs to counsel and empower them and to ensure they don’t lose their sense of worth.’
‘Really?’ Her eyes widened and she turned her head to Gabriel. ‘Would I be able to do that?’
He squeezed her hand. Then—as if he couldn’t resist—he drew it to his lips and kissed the area between her thumb and index finger. ‘I think it’s an outstanding idea.’
Heat spread from the spot where his lips had rested, up her arms and all the way down to the juncture of her thighs.
‘Of course it’s an outstanding idea,’ Devereaux said proudly. ‘My wife only ever has outstanding ideas!’
‘Ah, you two are my witnesses.’ Mackenzie pointed to India and Gabe before she said to her husband, ‘I’ll remind you that you said that if we ever have a disagreement over one of my ideas.’
Devereaux stood, walked over to the beautiful Mackenzie and wrapped his arms around her. ‘I will never need reminding. Besides, you married me. What was that if not an outstanding idea?’
Mackenzie gave her husband a playful punch in the arm, and their ease with each other—their closeness—set off another twinge of envy in India’s abdomen. Their mutual love was so obvious. India wished she could find the same level of love and camaraderie with Gabriel.
Clearing his throat, Gabe said, ‘Thank you both for your support.’
Dev dropped his hold on Mac, walked to Gabe and gripped his shoulder. ‘You’ll always have our support.’ Looking at India he added, ‘Both of you.’
‘We’re so happy to welcome you to the family, India,’ Mac told her again. ‘Although your marriage hasn’t started as trouble free as any of us would’ve liked, I’ve been willing this to happen ever since we first met you at the ball.’
Fluffy white clouds must’ve settled in India’s brain because she had no idea what the other woman was alluding to.
‘My very astute wife picked up on the chemistry between you two even then and told me that she wouldn’t be surprised if you guys beat us to the altar,’ Dev explained.
Good grief! India had probably been pretty close to making it to Gabriel’s bedroom, but assuming they’d make it to the altar was stretching it.
Yet it’d happened.
‘I... er...’ India wasn’t quite sure what to say.
‘India needed a little convincing to break the pledge she’d made to Artarmon,’ Gabriel told them as he hugged her close. ‘Despite all the drama of our visit to Bagazin, I’m feeling very fortunate that necessity took the decision out of her han
‘Oh, I knew she was never going to marry Artarmon,’ Mackenzie declared. ‘It was obvious that she was just as smitten with you as you were with her, Gabriel. It was about time you two sorted yourselves out.’
Really? India’s stomach was as hollow as a dugout canoe. Clearly, Mackenzie had mistaken the sexual chemistry between them as love. There’d been plenty of chemistry between them at the ball in Santaliana, but India’s realisation that she loved Gabriel had come much, much later. As for the feeling being mutual—Gabriel desired her and was protective of her, but he didn’t love her at all.
‘I was concerned you’d stick to the vow you’d made never to remarry,’ Devereaux declared to his brother. ‘Thank God you came along, India.’
India fixed her attention on the jewelled globe near the bookcase as she worried about just how this drama was going to play out.
‘Anyway, we’re going to have to leave our celebrations and happiness until after the press have been dealt with,’ Mackenzie said as she opened her clipboard and pulled out some papers. ‘I’ve worked on a press statement and I’ve also worked up some notes for your television interview. We’ve got to meet with the legal team and we’ve got to make it snappy.’
Before any of them could move, Gabriel’s assistant knocked on the door and entered.
Michael was unaccountably uncomfortable, and completely avoided eye contact with Gabriel as he addressed India. ‘Your Majesty,’ he said with a slight bow. ‘Viscount Artarmon has arrived at the palace and is asking to see you.’
‘Bloody hell!’ Dev exclaimed. ‘What’s he doing here? Michael, didn’t you phone him yesterday and pass on Gabe’s message about the marriage?’
‘I did, Your Highness,’ Michael said.
Gabe stood up. ‘Word was sent to him. I’m guessing that’s why he’s here. Let me handle this.’
The single word from India had the effect of a shot from a pistol firing through the room. Gabriel froze. Mackenzie and Devereaux looked at her aghast, and Michael looked as though he wanted to duck for cover.
‘Jeremy hasn’t come to see you, Gabriel. He’s here to see me,’ she said firmly.
‘I absolutely forbid—’
India stood and stretched each vertebra taut so she faced her husband with every inch of her six feet. She let white-hot heat blast from her gaze. ‘You will never forbid me to see Jeremy. He’s my friend.’
‘He’s your damned ex-fiancé!’
Michael shifted from one foot to the other and looked at the floor.
‘Ex being the operative prefix.’ She took a step closer to Gabriel and vowed. ‘I’m your wife now, not his fiancée. You’ve married me to protect me and now you need to trust that I will never do anything to dishonour you.’
The notch at Gabriel’s throat worked up and down as he swallowed. She could see his indecision. Perhaps it was lack of faith in her or maybe it was lack of confidence in the strength of those rushed vows they’d each made under duress. Either way, she knew he was torn.
Very slowly, Gabriel inclined his head in a nod. ‘Very well, India. Go and see your friend.’
Mackenzie sucked in an audible breath. ‘Guys, we have the press conference scheduled, and things to do before it. We really don’t have time for India to...’
‘The press will wait for as long as they need to,’ Gabe decreed.
India was aware of Devereaux’s critical scrutiny as she walked out of the room to meet Jeremy.
As she went to pass Gabriel, his hand shot out and he arrested her movement for a second. Looking intently into her eyes, he said. ‘Artarmon will need closure. I trust you to provide it for him.’
Jeremy hardly needed closure on an engagement that would already have ended by now anyway, had it not been for India’s insistence that she needed it as a shield against her attraction to Gabriel. It was obvious to her that her friend had only made the journey to Santaliana because he was a friend—a friend who was looking out for her and making sure she was okay.
India’s heart ached for the uncertainty she saw in Gabriel’s eyes. He’d been betrayed by his last wife but India would never do anything to hurt him. She covered his hand with her own. Everything in her heart yearned to tell him how much she loved him and would never betray him. Instead she said, ‘Your trust is not misplaced.’
A brief nod, and he unclasped his hand from around her wrist.
Michael said, ‘I’ll take you to him, Your Majesty.’
India followed Michael out of the room. When they were just outside the door, she heard Mackenzie say, ‘I’m slipping. I’d completely forgotten to ask about how Artarmon had taken this. How do you think he’s going to react, Gabe? How much damage control am I likely to need to do over this?’
‘There’ll be no damage control. He’s too late,’ Gabe said unequivocally. ‘India’s my wife and she’ll make him see that.’
India’s steps faltered as she heard the possessiveness in Gabriel’s voice and the confidence he had in her to do the right thing. Was she mistaken or was there also a note of pride?
‘If he’d cared deeply enough about her,’ Gabriel continued, ‘he wouldn’t have delayed their marriage and he certainly wouldn’t have let her leave his side to travel to Africa. I would never have been so slow to place my rings on her finger.’
The adamant declaration gave India pause for thought, and the fingertips of her right hand traced over the rings on her left. It was true that her new husband had wasted no time in placing his rings on her finger. First thing this morning, he’d replaced his signet ring with the most exquisite jewellery India had ever seen. Gabe had told her the royal jewellers had worked through the night to set the rare purple diamond into an engagement ring. The precious stone was surrounded by amethysts and diamonds. The engraved pattern on the gold band matched the markings on her wedding band.
‘Artarmon will go back to England without any doubt that India is my wife.’ Gabriel spoke like a victor rather than a man who’d been pressured into doing something against his will.
Could it be that his brother and sister-in-law hadn’t just imagined that Gabriel’s feelings for India ran deeper than the lust he’d declared he felt?
Could it be that he wasn’t as averse to this marriage as she’d imagined?
Chapter 14
‘You’re really the Queen of Santaliana?’ Jeremy asked, the second after Michael had left them.
‘It’s true.’ She twisted at her rings.
‘Whatever happened to you saying you wanted to keep Gabriel de la Croix at arm’s length?’
‘Oh God, Jeremy. This is such a mess!’
‘Hey!’ He took her hands and led her to the couch. ‘Things can’t be that bad, India.’
‘They’re worse,’ she moaned as she sat down beside him. In the next half hour the whole story of their marriage and the reason behind it came tumbling out.
Jeremy sat with his elbows on his knees, rubbing his hands over his face and looking as though he struggled to make sense of all she’d told him.
‘I can’t believe all you’ve been through,’ he told her at last. ‘I had no idea of any of this. I have to confess, I’d half envied all the travelling you did with your parents, but now I realise you’ve been through hell.’
‘Never mind my childhood. That’s over. The dilemma is that Gabriel’s tied to me for the rest of his life,’ she said. ‘He must hate me for what he’s had to do, when he swore he’d never marry again.’ But even as she said the words, an optimistic imp whispered in her ear and reminded her of her thoughts as she’d left Gabriel’s office and heard his words.
‘Hang on,’ Jeremy said with a short laugh and a shake of his head. ‘Believe me when I say no man has such a misplaced sense of responsibility for those around him that he’d tie himself to a woman in marriage if he didn’t want to be married to her.’
‘You’re wrong.’ Her tone was morose. ‘That’s exactly why he married Angelique.’
p; ‘But you’ve told me he’s attracted to you.’
‘Attracted enough to offer me an affair, yes, but he’d never intended marriage.’
Jeremy got up and paced restlessly. ‘I think you’re too close to this to see straight.’
‘What do you see?’ she asked desperately.
‘I see a man—and sure he’s an honourable man who’s got a reputation of taking responsibility for those around him—but he’s already been bitten once in marriage. He isn’t stupid. I’m thinking he’s not going to make the same mistake twice.’ He held up his hand when she opened her mouth to protest. ‘He wanted you from the start, India. When he first met you at that masquerade ball, he wanted you enough to contemplate breaking off his engagement.’
‘Physical attraction doesn’t guarantee—’
‘Oh, stop!’ He sliced his hand through the air. ‘He knows this whole Mawandi thing is going to be exposed, but he still married you. He’s still standing beside you and he’s going to be there through this whole damned thing as it unfolds. That means he placed your safety over and above the welfare of the image of his kingdom.’
Her heartbeat quickened as Jeremy’s heartfelt words sank in.
‘All his life he’s lived to do the right thing by Santaliana. Now he’s put all that at risk. For you.’ He sat back down beside her and put his hands over hers to stop them wringing together in her lap. ‘I’m guessing there hasn’t been time for you to absorb all this, but honey, he could end up needing to give up his throne if all this goes belly-up and he’s made this decision to stand by you.’
Oh-my-God! ‘Surely he wouldn’t be forced into abdicating.’ Dread and despair filtered through her.
‘Even if you haven’t thought all this through, he would have.’ He let out a low whistle. ‘I’m telling you, the guy’s got it bad for you, baby. He would definitely know the possible consequences. He’s turned all this over and he’s chosen you over his reign.’