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Fake Zoned: A Fake Date Anthology

Page 24

by Malone, M.

  A man who prioritized business deals over even his own well-being.

  When was the last time he’d done anything that didn’t further the business interests of Kingsley International? He honestly couldn’t think of one thing.

  Damn, he was tired.

  Suddenly he wanted to be anywhere else. This place had no real meaning to him and irrationally, he didn’t want Olivia tainted by its coldness.

  “I hate everything about this place,” he muttered.

  Surprise registered in her eyes but then she glanced away. The silence stretched out, a taut wire that could easily snap and maim them both.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call you.”

  She kept her eyes on the floor. “I’m sure you were busy. So was I.”

  “That wasn’t why I didn’t call. It was because I didn’t want to. I don’t like the way I feel when I’m with you.”

  That got her attention. She dropped her bag on the couch and faced him for the first time.

  “You are such an ass. What did I ever do to you?”

  He walked a little closer, feeling like he was taking his life in his hands. If the daggers coming from her eyes got any closer he’d be bleeding from every orifice.

  “You did plenty to me, angel. You got in my head so I couldn’t concentrate at work. The scent of you lingered on everything you touched and taunted me for weeks. I washed everything I wore that night and still couldn’t escape it. Finally I gave in and wrapped the shirt I wore around my dick and stroked one out while pretending you were watching.”

  Her throat moved as she swallowed, her cheeks flushing pink at his words.

  “You’re crude,” she accused but her eyes were bright, betraying her arousal at his words.

  “Did you think of me all this time angel? Put those dainty little fingers in your pussy while pretending I was fucking you?”

  She beat against his chest and then moaned when he grabbed her arms and held her against his chest. Unable to resist any longer, his mouth found her throat and he held there, breathing against her skin.

  “I hate you,” she whispered.

  “No, you don’t. I almost wish you did. I’m not the guy for you, Olivia. You’ve always been honest about what you think of me. Arrogant. Entitled. And you’re absolutely right. I’m nowhere near good enough for you but I want you anyway.”

  He grasped her hair and speared his fingers through it, pulling out the low bun her long curls had been bundled into. Then he covered her mouth with his, not waiting for her to catch up to his intensity. She gasped for breath in between kisses, her hands clasping the front of his shirt as if desperate for something to anchor her in the midst of this storm of desire.

  Her taste was everything he’d been missing and already he was hard and thick, ready to give her what they both needed. But this time he’d go slowly, lick her all over her delectable little body and then keep her on the edge of orgasm for hours before he finally let her go.

  Then she suddenly pushed him away.

  “No. This isn’t happening again.”

  Stunned, King reached for her and then dropped his hands when she glared at him. Chuckling, he put his hands on top of his head to keep them out of grabbing distance.

  “That was too fast, I agree. I promised I would do it right this time. Take it slow. You make me a greedy man, Olivia.”

  Although her eyes heated at his words, she planted a firm hand on his chest when he tried to move closer.

  “No. You’re still not listening. I don’t want this. Maybe my body wants this but I’m not a toy you can pick up when you’re bored and ready to play, King.”

  The characterization bothered him. King knew he wasn’t the most nurturing man. He was used to getting exactly what he wanted, exactly when he wanted it. But he’d never thought of himself as a user. It made him feel like he was just one more person who didn’t appreciate her.

  Or worse, someone who actively dimmed her shine.

  He remembered how she’d wilted under her father’s careless words earlier that night. He never wanted to see her look like that again.

  “I’m in unfamiliar territory here. I want you to stay and I have no idea how to get you to want that, too.”

  She laughed but it was a bitter sound.

  “Welcome to what life is like for the rest of us. Newsflash, you don’t always get what you want. I have the right to protect myself here. I need more than just a screw against a bedroom wall. You don’t. It seems pretty clear to me that I’m the one who’d get hurt. Would you take a chance on a risky investment, Mr. Businessman?”

  She had a point. But he didn’t think of this thing between them as a bad investment. He wanted her, more than he’d ever wanted another woman. Not just for sex either. He wanted to talk to her and get her unique perspective on things. He wanted to know she was safe, even when he couldn’t be with her.

  He wanted to see her smile.

  He wanted to make her happy.

  King realized with not just a little bit of horror, that what he was describing resembled something he’d avoided for years. A relationship. He wanted a relationship with Olivia.

  And she didn’t trust him at all.

  “If I was willing to try for more, would you give me a chance?”

  Olivia sighed. “That’s not how it works, King. You can’t just pretend to care for a while.”

  “I’ve never pretended with you, angel. I’ve never felt like this before. I want to see you every day. When I go to sleep at night, the last thing I think about is you. I’m not sure what the hell that means but I think it means… I want more, too.”

  She stared at him, a flicker of surprise crossing her face before she smirked. “You wouldn’t know what more looked like if it bit you in the ass.”

  “You’re right. I’m probably going to be a crap boyfriend. But maybe you might like crap? Hell, that’s not how I meant that to come out. You know what I meant.”

  Her shoulders shook with silent laughter. She was so damn cute he took a chance and pulled her in for a soft kiss. Her giggles subsided and she gazed up at him with an unfamiliar expression, one that looked a lot like hope.

  “I know I’ve let you down before but I’m going to prove I’m serious about you. Will you let me try?”

  She sighed. “Okay. I want to see what more looks like on you.”

  He took a chance and traced the edges of her lips. She had a beautiful smile and he hoped he would get to see a lot more of it. He was suddenly beset with anxiety. Everything was riding on him proving his worth and he had no idea how to do that.

  Olivia snuggled closer and the hand on his chest worked it’s way down to cup the still-hard bulge between his legs. She squeezed gently, smiling in triumph when he groaned. It took willpower he didn’t know he had to step back, putting about a foot of space between them.

  Her eyes rounded. “You don’t want to?”

  “Oh, I want to. But I’m going to prove to you that I’m serious. Which means, the only thing I’m going to do to that delectable little ass of yours right now is drive it home.”

  Her shock was almost worth the case of blue-balls he was sure to have later that night.


  * * *

  Olivia invited King inside but he declined, surprising her yet again. Although he’d turned her down back at his place, she didn’t actually think he’d have the willpower to do it twice. Especially since they’d gotten each other pretty worked up before he’d called a halt to things.

  There was a tentative knock on the door. Olivia rolled her eyes. Just as she’d thought. He’d changed his mind already. She hadn’t even gotten her coat off. How predictable.

  She yanked the door open. “I thought you said you wanted to prove yourself?”

  The girl on the other side of the threshold slowly lowered her hand where it had been poised to knock again. “Expecting someone else?”

  It had been a few weeks but Olivia never forgot a face.

  “Georgina? What
are you doing here?”

  She shifted from foot to foot and then glanced over her shoulder. “Do you mind if I come in? It’s kind of a long story.”

  “Of course. Come in.”

  Olivia stepped back and allowed Georgina to squeeze past her into the entryway. She hung up both of their coats on the pegs behind the door and then motioned for Georgina to follow her.

  “Come on. I’ll make us some coffee.”

  Georgina sat on one of the barstools at the breakfast bar and looked around curiously. “I like your place. This is just the kind of place I’d want if I lived on my own.”

  “You still live with your parents? I didn’t realize.”

  Georgina made a face. “They never want me to do anything on my own. They’re so overprotective. Now that Alex has proposed,” she held up her left hand which sported a diamond the size of a small boulder, “I’ll probably just go straight from living in their house to his.”

  She sounded so resigned about it. Olivia hadn’t met her fiance at the party, not that she remembered, but it sounded like Georgina wasn’t too happy with him.

  “It sounds like he’s eager to have you with him.”

  Georgina’s shoulders drooped. “Yes, he is. That’s what makes this so much harder. I’m sorry to come here and dump this on you but I didn’t know who else to talk to. Alex and I have too many friends in common. But if King trusts you, then I know I can, too.”

  Olivia gripped the side of the counter. She hated to lie but she couldn’t exactly tell Georgina that she wasn’t really King’s girlfriend.


  “Um, well, I’m not sure I’ll have any advice for you. I’m not close with my family the way you are with yours. So I’ve been on my own for a long time.”

  Why was the coffee taking so long? Olivia looked at the machine and prayed for it to percolate a little faster. She’d entertain Georgina for a while and then make an excuse so she could text King and ask what he wanted her to do. This wasn’t part of their original ruse and she didn’t think he’d appreciate her getting involved in his family’s personal affairs.

  The coffee continued to produce a minuscule trickle.

  Olivia groaned and sent Georgina an apologetic look. “Sorry this coffeemaker is so slow. It’s kind of ancient.”

  Georgina smiled. “Why hasn’t King just bought you a new one? I never thought my brother would need lessons on how to keep a woman.”

  “I don’t need your brother to buy me anything. Just because we’re… together doesn’t mean he’s my sugar daddy. I take care of myself. I have for a long time.”

  Georgina’s face fell. “I’m so sorry, Olivia. I didn’t mean anything by that, I swear.”

  Now she just felt like a bully.

  Olivia hung her head. “I know you didn’t. Sorry to jump down your throat. That’s kind of a sore spot with me. People always assume I need a man to do certain things. But I’ve always been independent.”

  “I’m so glad you said that because that’s why I’m here. I’ve never been independent. Between my parents and Alex, I feel like I’m suffocating. There are so many things I can’t talk about with them and I’ve never been free to try anything on my own.”

  She glanced over at Olivia and then whispered, “I have a confession to make. After King brought you home that day, I did a little digging.”

  Olivia’s stomach dropped. Oh shit.


  “Call me Georgie. I really hope we’ll be good friends.”

  The deflection reminded her so much of King she couldn’t help smiling. Both of the Kingsley siblings were definitely used to getting what they wanted, when they wanted it.

  “You’re not used to taking no for an answer, are you?”

  “Nope. That’s why I hope you won’t be mad when I tell you I know all about Club VIP. I was hoping you could get me a membership there.”

  Shit. Shit. Double shit.

  “I don’t know about that, Georgie. King would be so angry if he found out I did this behind his back.”

  “Why is it about him? Women need to be independent, isn’t that what you said? I’ve only ever had sex with one person! In my whole life. I love Alex, I really do. But…”

  Now she looked like she was on the verge of tears. Olivia didn’t need to be that intuitive to understand what she wasn’t saying. She knew Georgie’s life all too well. Always being the good girl while burying any desires you had that fell outside of what society considered proper.

  “I’m going to regret helping you. I already know I am. But I’m going to do it anyway.”

  Georgie squealed and threw her arms around Olivia’s neck. “Thank you! I won’t do anything crazy, I promise. I just want to know more about what’s out there. Isn’t it better to go where I know I’ll be safe?”

  “It is. That’s the main reason I’m doing this. But there are going to be some rules. Don’t do anything on impulse. Also, I have to know when you’ll be there so I can make sure no one bothers you.”

  Georgie nodded eagerly. “This is so exciting. I promise I just want the chance to live a little before I’m all married and boring and stuff.”

  Olivia choked back a laugh. “Okay. I guess I can understand that.”

  “Don’t worry about the coffee. I’m going home and getting into bed. See, I’m already boring.”

  Olivia saw her out and then went back to the kitchen to turn off the coffeemaker. After a quick shower, she climbed in bed. She opened her clutch to get her cellphone and inside, found a note in a bold, masculine scrawl.

  Sleep well, angel.

  Damn him. They hadn’t even started dating yet and she was already won over.

  This was going to end badly. She was going to fall for him and a man like King didn’t know how to be true. Dating was a game to him, a challenge he’d never conquered. He was used to women giving him what he wanted and she was the only one who was willing to tell him to go fuck himself.

  As much fun as she was having playing this game with him, she had to remember that it was just that. A game.

  If she wasn’t careful, she was the one who’d end up getting played.

  Chapter Eleven

  Olivia hadn’t been sure what to expect the first week. Wealthy men usually wanted to show off, trying to buy your affection with expensive trips or gifts. But despite what King thought, he actually turned out to be a pretty good boyfriend.

  On their first official date, King showed up with a single rose and took her out for dinner at a local steakhouse. It was probably miles below the kind of places he was used to but he’d seemed completely at ease. Afterward they’d gone to a performance of A MidSummer Night’s Dream at a small theatre she’d never even known was in the city.

  The entire night she’d expected him to make a move, put his hand on her knee or grab her ass. But other than holding her hand and a perfectly chaste kiss on the forehead, he hadn’t touched her at all. Their next two dates had been more of the same except he kissed her for real on the third night.

  Finally she understood what he was doing. He was trying to court her in the most old-fashioned way possible. At least he hadn’t brought a chaperone!

  It was a little more than what she’d expected but Olivia thought it was kind of cute. King wasn’t the sort of man who was used to having to prove himself. The fact that he was willing to do it for her was no small thing.

  On their fourth date, King came over with a bag of takeout. “I thought we could stay in and watch something on Netflix.”

  Olivia grinned. Everyone knew what that meant. Staying in and watching movies was code for let’s get busy on the couch. She was more than ready.

  Their dates had been such a surprise, showing her that there were hidden depths to the man she’d always thought of as a cold automaton. But after a week of look but don’t touch, she was just about ready to jump him.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  He set up everything on her coffee table while she brought them beers. I
t hadn’t been a conscious thing but she’d found herself buying his favorite brand of beer when she was at the store the prior day. It hadn’t even sunk in until she’d gotten home and put the case in the refrigerator.

  Don’t make it a big deal. So you bought his favorite beer. That’s just being nice.

  “I hope beef and broccoli is okay?”

  Olivia accepted the small white carton gratefully. King’s hand enclosed hers, his thumb tracing over the thin white scar that ran all the way up her arm.

  “What happened here?”

  She debated just making something up or ignoring the question but then she just went with the truth.

  “I was in a car accident.”

  He rubbed the slightly raised flesh gently. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up a bad memory.”

  “It’s not your fault. It was just a rough time in my life.”

  She looked up to find King watching her intently. In that moment, she’d never felt closer to anyone. It made her want to confide in him, tell him all the things that had ever scared her so he could slay the dragons and carry her off to his castle. The image made her smile.

  “Maybe it’s good it left a scar. It reminds me that if I could go through that alone and make it out intact, then I’m strong enough to do anything.”

  “Alone? Where was your family?”

  Olivia put her carton of food back on the table. This was a make or break moment. She didn’t talk about that time in her life not because she was ashamed of the choices she’d made but because it was so intensely personal. Even after all these years, her emotions were still raw when it came to the accident and all that she’d lost.

  “My father kicked me out when I was nineteen. I was pregnant.”

  King’s arm tightened around her. He was a smart man and after they’d spent so much time together she knew he could intuit that this story didn’t have a happy ending.

  “My father is very conservative. His parents came here from Cuba with nothing but the clothes on their backs and their faith. Catholics don’t tend to be okay with their daughters getting pregnant out of wedlock. I told them about the baby almost as soon as I found out myself. I was so scared. Back then, that was what I did when something scared me. I ran to Mommy and Daddy.”


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