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The Witch of the Prophecy

Page 10

by Victoria Jayne

  When their eyes met, her lips grew into a smile. Warmth spread into her features and his as well before his wolf swiped at him, letting his disapproval of the female be known.

  Selene’s approach appeared well practiced. She moved smoothly through the crowd. Somehow, she managed to keep her eyes on Aric while navigating the scene of drunks. Not once did she appear off-balance. Rather she strode through the room as if she owned the place, as though the sea of people parted just for her.

  Aric nodded in approval while placing his beer down on the bar. The woman was something else. What was his wolf’s problem with her? Aric slid from the stool and offered it to her. She lowered her gaze submissively before stepping up to the seat.

  That subtle gesture stoked Aric’s desire. His wolf should have been right there with him. Females who demonstrated hints of submission were what his wolf craved. The nonverbal acknowledgments of his dominance were what caught his wolf’s attention every time with every other female. Not this one. Something about this one was different. She had his wolf tied up in knots. The beast within Aric snapped when she got close to him.

  Another piece of data to discuss with Bruce.

  Aric lowered his face to meet hers. He pressed his lips against her soft, silken mouth. Shock waves shot through him via their joined lips.

  He yelped and sprung back holding a hand to his mouth eying her questioningly. That was different, yet familiar at the same time. Déjà vu swept over Aric.

  “Dammit,” she muttered.

  If he were human, he would never have heard that.

  “Ursitoare, Îți cer orbirea,” she whispered hurriedly with a quick wave of her hand and a speedy wiggle of her fingers.

  He lifted his brow. A witch. She cast a spell. His wolf was right. There was something different about this female. More data for Bruce and something to investigate. Why was she casting spells? Regarding her curiously, he got the suspicion she knew he was wolf and that she had wanted him to hear the spell. The sly smile on her face pointed to hidden motive which unsettled Aric and his wolf.

  She swallowed meeting his gaze. “I must have some sort of static thing; I’m so sorry,” she lied, and her fingers grazed her lips. “Can we try again?” she asked tilting her head.

  The wolf within in him bristled at the idea of another kiss.

  Though Aric had to hand it to her, the female was good. Selene laid the innocence on real thick.

  He agreed with his wolf now. The female was shady. There was a reason he didn’t remember how she came to be naked in his bed. Aric knew it had nothing to do with Jameson.

  He did, however, bend down to offer her a quick peck on the lips. He did his best not to break the façade of her fooling him. To find out exactly what game this little witch played, he’d need to play along.

  Aric took a long pull from the craft beer. No need to drink light tonight. It wasn’t his alcohol tolerance that had failed him. No, it was some witchiness that had tampered with his memory.

  Selene arched a perfectly shaped brow. “Thought you were abstaining?” She pointed toward his pint glass.

  Aric turned his attention toward the glass and grinned.

  “We’re in a bar. It would be socially unacceptable to drink water. I think I can handle one.” He winked playfully.

  She laughed. “It was only one bottle of Jameson that did you in.”

  Aric closed the distance between them. He pressed his legs to hers, forcing them open, to accommodate his left thigh. He towered over her, even seated on the bar stool. Looking down at her, as a wolf would his prey, he sniffed her hair. Rot intertwined with jasmine. Why did she smell of rot?

  “Is that a challenge?” His voice rumbled with the offensive growl of his wolf.

  He hoped she would miss the aggressive and agitated nature of his voice masked by the music and the conversation around them. Hell, she was pretty much a human. Surely, she wouldn’t be able to pick up the different nuances of a wolf growl.

  Selene licked her bottom lip seductively. Aric lowered his head and nipped at the glossy, plump flesh. She tasted like sweetened chemicals.

  “I’d never challenge you,” she shuddered.

  Had the words been said by any other female, it would have driven his wolf into a frenzy. However, this witch played games. Aric could play games too.

  The faint scent of her arousal drifted up to his nose.

  His human response was to enjoy it, and his pants tightened slightly around the crotch.

  His wolf paced restlessly within him. This time, the seductress wouldn’t sway Aric so easily.

  “Good,” he whispered in a feral timber in her ear.

  His smug grin and lifted brows were meant to play into her seductive game. He could be seductive too. Aric remained over her for longer than would be comfortable for most humans.

  She squirmed at his dominant posture. She even leaned into him slightly. Her hardened nipples were visible through her tight crop top.

  He smiled down at her, breaking the bubble of dominance over her.

  He turned to drink the beer and stepped back from her. His body shifted, faced the bar, but he kept her in his peripheral. Aric lifted his hand and summoned the bartender. When the human came toward Aric, he ordered.

  “Jameson, for the lady,” he said, giving her a sideways glance.

  She bit her lower lip, attempting to hide a grin. However, it escaped, and a blush accompanied it. The pink hue crept up her chest and filled her cheeks.

  Aric returned the sentiment with a devilish smile of his own. He may not have any magical powers, but Aric knew that witches were the closest thing to humans in the supernatural world. It was safe to bet that if he got a witch drunk enough, she might get a little less inhibited. It wasn’t that Aric wanted to take advantage of her in that way. Hell, he was pretty sure Selene would get down with him in the bathroom if he offered. However, he just wanted to lower that filter of hers. He’d ask her some leading questions about how she found him and what she wanted from him. Most of all, Aric wanted to know what the fuck happened the night before and why he couldn’t remember.

  When the shot arrived, Aric took it and handed it to Selene. He held up one finger to signal she should wait before drinking it. Laying a fifty on the bar, he winked at the man behind it.

  “Keep ’em coming,” he said.

  The man nodded after Selene chuckled.

  Aric then raised his pint of wheat beer. She nodded and did in kind with the small shot of Jameson.

  “What are we toasting?” she asked rather jovially.

  “To John Jameson!” Aric declared. “May the Irish bastard bless us tonight.”

  She laughed. Aric drank from his pint. Selene threw back her head, and the brown liquid disappeared.

  Aric’s wolf settled. He was by no means calm. The animal understood the human’s plan. So the wolf watched and paced. The wolf studied. The wolf would be patient.

  The predator had his prey in his sights. Now all he had to do was pick his moment. He was in no rush. He’d play the game. He’d allow the witch to think she was in charge.

  Chapter 16

  Five shots later, the stumbling blond wrapped her arm around Aric’s waist. He walked slowly, holding her up, while she laughed and persisted in the claims that she was fine. He led her out of the bar and toward his truck.

  They entered the night and the not-so-full parking lot arm-in-arm. The smell of autumn leaves filled Aric’s nose. The cool fall air tickled his skin.

  Had he gone overboard? Perhaps he should have slowed her down. Pangs of guilt hit him. His wolf balked at the idea he would feel remorseful. However, Aric’s human half wasn’t in agreement. It seemed to be a recurring theme with him and his wolf when the female witch was around.

  Aric helped Selene into the cab of his truck while she sang a song he had never heard. She talked about some bar she went to over the summer and how they made organic alcohol. He only half paid attention.

  She’d dropped her filter all r
ight. However, what came from her was useless to Aric. She talked so much; he couldn’t even ask her a question because of the nonsense that spilled from her lips. Instead, she droned on and on about drivel he couldn’t even follow half the time.

  He closed her door and walked around the front of his truck. His wolf’s hackles went up, and Aric turned. With his enhanced vision, he scanned the parking lot. With the bar nearing closing time, cars dotted the spaces, leaving intermittent vacancies.

  A shoe scuffed the pavement. Arc turned toward the sound. Fabric rustled to his right. Aric shifted his gaze in that direction. He sniffed.

  Rot, more potent than the lingering scent of rot that hung on Selene. Without a doubt, it was the source of the scent on Selene, and it was a vampire.

  The figure strolled into the light of a street lamp. The rotting stench belonged to a man who wore a dark suit and matching vest, with black hair combed in a deep part. He approached them with a calm and even stride. The odd déjà vu feeling returned as more of the man’s scent wafted toward Aric. He’d smelled him before but couldn’t place where.

  When the vampire stopped, he kept himself out of Aric’s reach.

  Aric squared his shoulders. He ran his tongue along his bottom teeth; he bent his knees slightly. His arms assumed a position indicating he was ready to pounce if needed.

  He wasn’t a fan of the bloodsuckers. They were slimy, manipulative bastards. And what this one had to do with the witch in Aric’s truck cab didn’t sit right with Aric or his wolf.

  “I believe you have something of mine,” the vampire said with aristocratic undertones. “Now, be a good boy, and fetch it for me.” Condescension dripped from the words.

  Aric’s eye twitched, and he snarled. His teeth clenched and his wolf pushed against his inner core in an attempt to burst through Aric’s skin. His nostrils flared. The vampire scent only further agitated his wolf.

  “Come now.” The vampire remained back, never advancing.

  His words continued to taunt and belittle Aric.

  “I let you play with my pet once, I thought that was quite generous.” The smirk on the vampire’s face irritated Aric.

  Briefly, Aric looked over his shoulder at the cab of his truck. Only the top of Selene’s blond head was visible. It rested on the dashboard of his truck, she must have slumped forward once he propped her inside. Definitely too much whiskey. Aric’s gaze flicked back at the vampire. The rumbled growl from within his chest was his only response.

  The vampire’s eyebrows lifted. “Intriguing.” The smile grew on the vampire’s smug face. “Is that a hint of possessiveness I see?” he asked hopefully.

  “Fuck off,” Aric barked.

  The vampire chuckled, a bit too gleefully for Aric’s liking.

  Aric thrust himself forward half a step. His arms jerked toward the vampire in a faux attempt to strike. The vampire hissed and took a step back.

  Vampires were inherently weaker than wolves, regardless of age. A wolf bite was a death sentence for a vampire. Something in the wolf saliva reacted horribly with the blood in a vampire’s body. So, the instinct of a vampire was to avoid an attacking wolf.

  “Whoah.” The vampire jumped back. He held up his hands, palms toward Aric.

  Careful not to meet the vampire’s gaze, Aric focused on his chest. Vampires could hypnotize their victims. Aric wasn’t clear on how effective it was on wolves as opposed to humans, but he also didn’t feel this was the time to find out.

  “I only ask because the prophecy is set in motion,” the vampire offered rather smugly.

  “Fuck you and your prophecy,” Aric spat.

  “It’s not just my prophecy. It’s your prophecy. It’s her prophecy.” He gestured to the sleeping Selene in the truck.

  The arrogance with which the vampire spoke made Aric’s jaw tighten. He threw his head back and let out a deep, roar-like growl. Aric’s wolf was desperate to spring forward and pounce the vampire.

  “Rein it in,” the vampire hissed as he stepped closer to Aric.

  Aric’s teeth clenched. He tilted his head. He tried to keep his canines from extending. His breaths came in shallow quick bursts. He vibrated with the restraint it took to keep his wolf within himself.

  “There are humans all over the bloody place,” the vampire chastised in a whisper.

  The golden flicker in Aric’s eyes signaled the wolf’s closeness to the surface.

  “Perci!” The delighted squeal caught Aric off guard.

  He spun, seeing Selene had woken. With the swing of the door, as if made of liquid, Selene spilled out of the truck cab.

  With two men possessing preternatural speed, it turned into a foot race as to who would save her from colliding with the pavement. Though Aric, a hair faster than Perci, arrived first, as he crouched to catch Selene midfall, he was knocked off balance by Perci. Having been shoved out of the way, it was Perci who caught the drunken witch.

  The witch landed in Perci’s arms. He cradled her against his chest. The vampire murmured something while his fingers stroked her hair. Whatever it was, even Aric’s preternatural hearing couldn’t pick it up.

  Aric straightened himself.

  Selene snuggled up to the vampire.

  Aric’s cheek twitched, and his hand thrust forward. His fingers clamped onto Perci’s shoulder. He squeezed. Aric tugged back and spun the vampire to face him.

  Selene effectively dropped out of his lap. With wide eyes, she gaped at him from the ground. In her drunken state, delayed reaction time, and Aric’s enhanced speed, she wouldn’t have the ability to react effectively.

  Aric used his other hand to press his palm into Perci’s throat. Curling his fingers around the jugular, he pressed his thumb on one side and squeezed with the rest of his hand. The delightful gurgle of the vampire choking caused Aric to grin.

  He lifted Perci up to his feet and a little bit beyond. The vampire’s cool hands pulled at Aric’s much thicker and wider one. Perci’s legs danced slightly, trying to keep contact with the ground. Aric and his wolf reveled in the display of dominance over Perci.

  “Stop!” Selene scrambled to her feet, and tried to get between the two males. “Put him down! Let him go!”

  Aric shifted his attention to Selene and snarled.

  She continued to pull his arm.

  Aric turned his gaze to Perci’s forehead. He would not make direct eye contact.

  “What the fuck did you two do to me?” he demanded.

  “Nothing,” Selene whined.

  She turned her wide, pleading eyes to Aric. Her bottom lip protruded and quivered in a pout.

  Aric growled closer to Perci to make it clear she wouldn’t manipulate him. Aric brought his face within inches. He released his grip slightly if only to allow the vampire full use of his vocal chords.

  “Try again,” Aric rumbled.

  Perci coughed. “I took your memory,” he admitted in a rasp.

  Aric tightened his hold again.

  Perci choked. His throat crunched beneath Aric’s fingers. Perci’s eyes widened. He resumed clawing at Aric’s hand.

  “Our first meeting didn’t go so well,” Selene wailed and kicked Aric’s legs; she hung from his bicep—none of which phased Aric in his state of complete fury.

  “So you took it away?” Aric asked through clenched teeth.

  “He had to.” Selene resumed her plea.

  Aric once more loosened his grip enough for the vampire to speak.

  “I can’t plant suggestions on you like I can with humans. Wolf's brains heal too quickly. I can only take small memories away,” Perci choked out in a gravel voice

  The damage to Perci’s vocal chords impacted his voice. Aric took satisfaction in that. His wolf howled within him for more.

  Aric released Perci who crumpled like a cheap suit. Perci held his throat while coughing. Selene bent to his side, rubbing his back and intermittently glared up at Aric.

  Aric stepped back and folded his arms over his chest.

“Why?” he demanded.

  “The prophecy,” Perci said between breaths. “You’re the key.” His voice lost some of its rasp, indicating recovery of the damage Aric had caused.

  “I don’t give a flying rat’s ass about any vampire prophecy,” Aric barked.

  He turned to walk toward his truck. He had gotten his answers.

  “It’s not just a vampire prophecy,” Selene’s voice called to him.

  Aric yanked the door of his truck open. He stepped up to get into the cab. Before he ducked in, Aric addressed the two on the ground.

  “You two come on my territory again, I’ll rip both your throats out,” he threatened with narrowed golden wolf eyes.

  He had enough data. The night had thoroughly pissed him off. The two were on some asinine quest and foolishly tried to include Aric in it. Well, they had better find another wolf. As far as Aric was concerned, he’d rather die than help a vampire.

  Chapter 17

  Warmth. Delightful heat radiated from beside Rori. He didn’t want to open his eyes and end the dream. Happiness flowed through him in a wave.

  As he crept closer to consciousness, the source became clear. The warmth came from a body pressed against his. The soft body had familiar feminine curves.

  He curled his leg over the shapely hip. Squeezing her in his arms, he pulled her against him and buried his nose in her neck.

  “Divina,” he whispered, before pressing his lips to the soft skin of her neck.

  She rewarded him with a groan and thrust her rear into his crotch. She remained asleep as they embraced in the soft, comfortable hotel bed.

  Rori took another deep inhale of her before increasing the pressure of his kisses. His hand slid up from her waist, under the thin shirt she wore, and found the swell of her beautiful breast. A sleepy, yet erotic sigh escaped her lips as he palmed her bare flesh.

  Having her against him with her scent surrounding him, took Rori back to happier times. The memories elicited his body’s response to her touch, to her presence. His erection swelled the more she pressed back into him. It felt incredibly right. She had always felt right. His tongue trailed against the thick cord of vein in her neck, which pulsed and tempted him.


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