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Shatter Me (The Jaded Series, #1)

Page 26

by Alex Grayson

  I place my arms and hands on top of his that are still around me and lace our fingers together, squeezing them.

  “I’m sorry, Jaxon.” I murmur to him.

  “Don’t be sorry, Angel. I got used to it a long time ago. To be honest, when he left it was a relief. Yes, it hurt who he left with but I was glad he was gone. The whole house was on tender hooks around him. We were able to be ourselves again.”

  Having grown up with terrible parents I could sympathize with him. No, his situation wasn’t as dire as mine, but it doesn’t hurt any less. To have a parent neglect you when they are supposed to love you unconditionally hurts all the same, no matter what the situation may be.

  We sit for a bit longer just enjoying the view before we get up and start packing away our stuff to make our trek back home.

  It’s Friday night and the bar is packed once again. The juke box is blasting “Demons” by Imagine Dragon and everyone is dancing, drinking, and is in good spirits. Mia, Andrew, and I are behind the bar busting our butts trying to keep up with orders. As Jaxon’s Pub doesn’t have waitresses each person that wants a drink has to come to the bar. Just when I finish one drink order another comes up. I contemplate talking to Jaxon about hiring on a couple waitresses for Friday and Saturday nights. It’ll help lessen the stress of us behind the bar.

  “Hey, baby, can you get me a shot of Jack, and one for yourself?” A deep voice asks from behind me.

  I turn to see a man probably in his mid-thirties with dark brown hair. His gold colored eyes are looking me up and down and it sends a cold shiver down my back.

  I grab a shot glass and splash some Jack in it before sliding it across to him.

  “Sorry, but I don’t drink,” I tell him.

  He gives off a laugh, tosses the shot in his mouth, and slams the glass back on the bar.

  “A bartender that doesn’t drink, huh? Sounds a little hypocritical, don’t you think?” He’s still eyeing my body and it’s starting to give me the creeps. He’s not a bad looking man, but the way his eyes are lecherous is what sends off the warning signals. This man is not a nice person. I’ve had guys hit on me before since working here, and although they still make me feel slightly uncomfortable, it’s nothing compared to what this guy makes me feel. The dirty feeling is creeping back in.

  I shrug my shoulders at his question and turn my back to him, but not before I see a hard edge enter his eyes. A few minutes later I turn back to see if he’s still there and find that he’s not. Glancing around the bar, I don’t see him anywhere. Good riddance!

  A half hour later I’m so busy that I forget all about the creepy guy with his lingering gaze. Jaxon came out from his office a few minutes ago to help.

  Another hour passes before there’s finally a lull in the crowd. I take advantage of it and slip off to the bathroom. Once I finish relieving my bladder I wash and dry my hands. When I reach for the door, it opens by itself and a man quickly walks in. Closing the door behind him I immediately recognize the creepy man from the bar. Before I get a chance to scream he slams his hand over my mouth and pushes me against the wall.

  I turn my head away when he brings his closer to mine. I can smell the alcohol on his breath and it nearly gags me. Running his nose along my neck, he whispers in my ear.

  “I’ve been waiting awhile to finally meet you, Bailey.”

  I whip my head back around when he says my name. I try hard to remember if I’ve seen him before, but he’s a complete stranger to me. How does he know my name though?

  The sound is pure evil when he laughs in my face. He snakes out his tongue and runs it from the bottom of my jaw, up my cheek, and over my scar.

  “We’re going to have so much fun later, you and I.” I become paralyzed when he says that. He must be a friend of Steven’s. The thought races through me and I feel sick. I barely manage to hold down what’s in my stomach.

  He reaches down and grabs my breast. He grips my nipple and twists so hard I let out a whimper. Finally releasing it, he takes a step back and says, “I’ll see you later, baby.” He gives me a wink and steps out of the bathroom.

  I take in a much needed breath and sag against the wall. Tears start welling in my eyes, but I force them back. I need to go out there and tell Jaxon what happened. Walking over to the sink, I splash water on my face before leaving the bathroom. I slowly open the door and peek outside. Seeing no one in the hall, I quickly step out and practically run back to the front.

  I round the corner just as I see Nick walking in the door. I’m surprised to see him. He wasn’t due back for another few days. What surprises me even more is that Anna isn’t with him.

  We both make it to the bar at the same time and I ask him, “Where’s Anna?”

  He looks at me with confusion. “I was going to ask you the same thing. Why would she be with me? The job finished up early and I just got into town. I went by her house and the diner, but she wasn’t there.”

  A feeling of dread forms in my lower belly. Before I get a chance to talk Jaxon starts speaking. “She left a few days ago to surprise you with a visit. When was the last time you spoke to her?”

  “Tuesday afternoon. She told me she was taking on a few extra shifts and she might not be able to talk much. I thought it was odd that I couldn’t reach her when I tried calling a few times, but figured she was either at work or sleeping. She never showed up at the site. What the fuck is going on?”

  “Son of a bitch!” Jaxon explodes. Grabbing my hand and pointing to Nick he says, “My office now.” He turns to where Mia is standing and shouts, “Mia, my office,” He then turns and almost drags me in his haste to get to his office.

  As soon as we’re all inside, he slams the door and looks at me. “Call her, see if she answers.” Next, he turns to Mia and says, “Call mom and see if she’s heard from Anna.”

  We both nod our heads and whip out our phones from our back pockets. Bringing up her name, I push talk. As the phone rings, I see Jaxon on his office phone. After several rings, it goes to voicemail. I hit the end button the same time Jaxon slams the receiver down on his base.

  “No answer, it rings until voicemail picks up,” I tell him.

  “Mom hasn’t spoken to her since before she left,” Mia says.

  My hands fly to my mouth and my eyes immediately start to tear up. I glance over at Jaxon.

  “Oh my God,” I whisper. “He wasn’t talking about me. He was talking about her.”

  My knees give out, but before I hit the floor Jaxon is by my side lifting me up and settling me down on the couch.

  “Would someone please tell me what the fuck is going on? What do you mean ‘he wasn’t talking about you, he was talking about her’? Where’s Anna? Does this have something to do with Steven?”

  Jaxon stands back up from the crouch he was in and turn to face Nick. “Nick, man, I need you to take a deep breath and sit down.”

  “Fuck you, Jaxon. Tell me where my Anna is.” His voice breaks at the end and my heart nearly splinters.

  Jaxon nods his head before saying quietly, “We think Steven has her. We didn’t realize until tonight when you came in without her.”

  The pain that enters Nick’s eyes has more tears falling from my eyes.

  “Why? Why would he take her? I don’t get it.” He asks Jaxon.

  Jaxon explains to him what’s happened since he left, ending with the note that was attached to the door. Nick ends up sitting on the couch bending over with his elbows on his knees and his hands gripping his hair.

  “We thought he was talking about Bailey. His sick, twisted fascination is with her. It never dawned on us that he would go after someone else.” Jaxon finishes.

  A knock on the door interrupts us. Jaxon walks over to let Mac inside. He has his gun and badge on again. After a brief glance at Mia, who’s standing in the corner, he walks over to us. Jaxon explains to him what happened and our belief that Steven has Mia. After he’s done, I stand from my seated position and surprise them all by telling them wha
t happened with the creepy guy.

  “Why are you just now telling me this?” Jaxon asks me angrily.

  Mia comes to my defense. “She hasn’t had the opportunity yet, Jaxon. Leave the attitude out of it.”

  After looking at Mia for a minute, he brings his eyes back to me. He pulls me to him and says against my hair, “Sorry, Angel.”

  I pull back and cup his jaw. “It’s okay. I didn’t tell you because we need to focus on Anna right now. She’s more important at the moment. We need to get her away from him.”

  “And keep you safe in the process,” Jaxon adds.

  I nod my head, but know it may not be that easy. Their sole focus needs to be on Anna. She’s the one in immediate danger. My heart squeezes at what she may be going through right at this moment.

  After going through possible places Steven may have taken Anna, Mac calls in reinforcements. Several uniformed officers show up a few minutes later. Jaxon is torn between staying behind and protecting me himself or going out with the search party to look for Anna.

  I pull him to the side and make him look at me. “You need to go with them and look for her. Mac said he would have an officer drive me to your place and stay with me and I know Andrew will be more than willing to look after me as well.” I add Andrew in there because I know that will make Jaxon feel better knowing someone that cares for me will be there to help protect me.

  He still looks tortured, but realizes I’m right. Anna is his sister and he needs to help in the hunt to find her. If he didn’t, it would drive him crazy just sitting at home doing nothing.

  I give him an encouraging smile. “I’ll be okay, Jaxon. You go out and bring Anna home, alright?”

  He dips his head and slants his mouth over mine in a scorching kiss. His tongue plunders my mouth like this is his last chance to do so. The kiss is heated and swoon-worthy, but goes no further.

  When we break apart, he grabs my hand and we all walk out of Jaxon’s office and make our way back up front. Jaxon tells Mia to go ahead and shut down the bar, even though it’s still half full. Too much is going on at the moment to keep it open. Andrew has to come with me and Mia can’t be expected to work the bar in light of her sister being abducted.

  Jaxon gestures for Andrew to come over so he can explain what’s happening. He’s already caught up on everything except for what’s gone down tonight. Jaxon finishes by asking him to go with me back home to help protect me.

  “Of course man, you know I’ll do anything for her.” His words touch my heart and I reach over to give his hand a squeeze to show my affection and gratitude.

  Jaxon turns to give me one last kiss.

  After pulling away, he rests his forehead against mine. “Stay safe. I’ll be home as soon as I can. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. And please be careful. Steven is extremely tricky and will use whatever tool he can find, literally and figuratively, to beat you.”

  He nods his head and faces Andrew.

  “Keep her safe.” He says to him.

  “Done.” Is his one-word reply.

  When Jaxon starts walking off Andrew calls his name. Jaxon stops and turns his head. “You stay safe as well.”

  Jaxon just gives him a chin lift, turns back around, and moves to stand beside Mac and Nick. A few minutes later they all walk out the door, leaving Andrew, Mia, an officer, and myself alone.

  The atmosphere when we reach Jaxon’s house is quiet and tense. The usual playfulness that radiates off Andrew is no longer present. Mia is more quiet than usual. Instead of going home, she opted to come back to Jaxon’s with us. I think that was a great idea. We all need to stick together. The officer is currently standing by the front door, being ever so vigilant. He wouldn’t let us enter the house until he did a sweep and deemed it safe. I am grateful for the carefulness.

  Mia spoke with their mom on the way over and let her know what was going on. The usual strong woman that I am getting to know broke down over the phone. I could hear her sobs as Mia talked to her.

  The guilt that I feel is crushing me. This is my fault. If I hadn’t come to town, then Anna would be safe and sound, with no cares in the world. I feel helpless.

  Knowing that none of us will be getting any sleep tonight I put on a pot of coffee and ask if anyone would like something to eat. Everyone says no to the food, but yes to the coffee.

  We all sit around in silence for a couple of hours. No word has come in yet from Jaxon, Nick, or Mac. We all fidget and can’t stay still for long. The T.V. has been on for just as long, but no one watches it. Another thirty minutes pass before I can’t take it anymore.

  I jump up from my seat at the bar. “I’m going to take a shower,” I tell the group.

  No one actually pays any attention to me except for Mia. She looks at me with a worried expression.

  After gathering my clothes, I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. Even though I have a big urge to take one of my blistering hot showers I promised Jaxon I wouldn’t. Yes, I feel dirty again because of Steven but this isn’t about me, it’s about Anna. I have to stay strong.

  After washing my hair and scrubbing down my body, I get out and dry off. Just before I get dressed my phone dings to indicate an incoming text. Quickly snatching it off the counter and hoping it’s from Jaxon I bring up my text app.

  My shoulders slump when I realize it’s not Jaxon, but tense up when I see it’s a picture text from an unknown number. Nothing has ever gone well for me when an unknown number pops up.

  With shaking fingers, I push the button to download the picture. It feels like it takes ten minutes to download but I know it’s only been a few seconds. When the picture finally appears on the screen, I almost drop to my knees at what I see.

  It’s Anna, but it’s not. What once was the beautiful, spirited, carefree girl is now a beaten and bloody mess. The picture is of just her face. I can see bruises, cuts, and burn marks all along her cheeks, eyes, chin, and forehead. Her hair is matted and strands of it fall on her face. A sick feeling forms in my stomach when I see a whitish clearish substance smudged on her cheeks and lips. Her eyes are barely open and look lifeless.

  “Oh Anna, I’m so sorry,” I whisper to no one. A sob escapes my throat. I know that if she makes it out of this alive, she’ll never be the same again. I knew what Steven is capable of, but I had hoped, prayed, that it wouldn’t come to this.

  Another ding sounds from my phone and I frantically push the button to pull up a new text. The next series of texts has me shaking so hard I can barely hold my phone.

  Unknown: If you want her to stay alive then do what I say.

  Me: What do you want?

  Unknown: You know what I want, My Pet.

  I do know what he wants. Me. As much as I don’t want to go to him I have no choice. I have to get Anna out of there. My body and mind are used to Steven’s form of torture, Anna’s isn’t. From the looks of her in the picture, she’s barely hanging on. I would do anything to get her away from him, even sacrifice myself. That’s what family and friends do.

  Taking a deep breath, I sent my next text.

  Me: Where?

  Unknown: There’s an old hunting lodge off Route 14. Delete these messages and the picture, and leave your phone. Tell no one and come alone. You have one hour.

  Me: Okay. Please don’t hurt her anymore.

  Unknown: If I find you haven’t followed my directions, me and my friend here will continue to have our fun with Anna. I can’t promise how much more she can handle.

  Me: Okay.

  As soon as I send the last text I delete the messages and the picture. I have to find a way to get out of the house without alerting anyone.

  A knock sounds at the door and I hear Mia’s voice through it. “Bailey, are you okay in there?”

  Knowing that I have to put on the performance of a lifetime, I push my arms into the robe that was hanging on a hook, compose my face as best as I can, and crack open the door.

  I force my lips to resemble
a small smile. “Yes, I’m fine. I lost track of time while I was in the shower. Has there been any word?”

  She eyes me suspiciously for a few seconds before replying, “No.”

  We stand there watching each other with the door barely open between us. The air from the bedroom seeps inside the warm bathroom and gives me chills, reminding me I’m still in my robe. An idea forms in my head.

  “I’m going to run out to the garage and grab my bag that has my fresh clothes. We left them out there the other night when we got home.” I tell her hoping that she won’t question me.

  “I can get them for you.” She says and starts to walk off.

  Thinking quickly, I grab her arm through the crack to stop her. “No, please. I’ll get it. I was wondering if you could make me a sandwich. With everything that’s happened lately I haven’t been eating much and I’m starting to get a little shaky.”

  Just in time to prove my point my fingers begin to shake on her arm, but not from lack of food. They're shaking because of what I’m about to do. I silently send a prayer to God that Mia believes me.

  Just before I start to fidget and probably reveal my nerves Mia gives me a nod and walks off towards the bedroom door.

  As soon as she passes through I run from the bathroom, through the bedroom, and stop at the alarm panel on the wall beside the garage door. I quickly enter the code and slip through the door and squat down to the bag just outside. I have to be quick because I know I only have a few minutes before someone looks for me.

  Flinging clothes all over the place, I pick out undergarments, a pair of worn jeans and a black t-shirt and put them on. I glance over and pick up a pair of my tennis shoes and put them on, sans socks.

  Standing up, I grab a flashlight off a bench and rush to the side door that leads outside. After unlocking it, I slip outside and start running towards the road. I don’t have a car, but I know that the hunting lodge isn’t too far. If I run, I can make it there in time. I know exactly where Steven is at. Jaxon pointed out the small and barely visible access road to me one day when we were on our way to work. I haven’t actually seen the hunting lodge, but Jaxon told me it was there about a mile down the road.


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