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Undeniably His: Bliss Series, Book Five

Page 13

by Hall, Deanndra

  But that all changes when I feel his hardness pierce me, and for the first time ever, I give myself to a man in totality. If he took out a blade and cut my heart from my chest, I’d hand over my life willingly, sure that he was doing what was best for me. Rocking against me, his hands brush across the clamps on my nipples and pain shoots through them like a red-hot poker. Through the fog in my brain I hear him whisper between grunts, “Oh, god, Melina, wherever it is that you’ve gone, I want to go with you, babe. Take it from me, angel―make me join you. I need you, baby. I’ve never needed anyone so much in my life. My heart’s yours. Bear down on me―bear down hard and milk me so I can’t hold back. You can do it, submissive. Bring your master to his knees.”

  With that one phrase, I understand, and I summon every ounce of strength I have to clamp down on his cock, to squeeze with all my might, and I hear his strangled voice moan, “Fuck me, babe. That’s it. Don’t give me an option―make me fill you up. Yeah, Melina, that’s it. I’m, I’m, oh hell, yeah. Yes. Ohhhhhh …” I can feel it, the heat and wetness, and I know I did it. I drew it from him, even though he tried to not release it, and I did it well.

  The next sensation makes me shriek as blood rushes back into my nipples from the removal of the clamps. The scarf is unwound from my mouth, the gag comes out, and the blindfold is ripped from my eyes. I know the cuffs have been removed from my wrists and ankles, but I can’t move. There’s not another gram of energy in my body. It’s gone, all of it. I’m wrung out like a rag, limp and sated and unable to speak. His kisses are everywhere, on my forehead, my eyelids, my earlobes, my neck, my chest, my nipples and my belly, his hands stroking my thighs and my upper arms. He pats my face, not slapping me, just a gentle patting, and says, “Submissive, it’s time to come back. Come back to me, precious. I love you, Melina. Tell me you love me.”

  It takes everything I have when I croak out, “I love you, Boone.” When his lips mold to mine, I know this is real. Everything I’ve ever wanted and was afraid to wish for, I have in this man’s arms. I don’t know how this all happened, but I’ll be forever grateful to whatever god or power allowed it. “Boone, make love with me? Please?”

  “Yes, babe. I want to. I don’t ever want you to leave me, never. Our forever starts right now, Melina. Right now. Only you for me and only me for you.”

  “Only you for me and only me for you. Forever,” I agree as he slips inside me and begins to stroke, his arms wrapped tight around my waist and mine around his neck, our kisses almost frantic. I feel another orgasm coming on and I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life, and then it’s on me and in me and taking me over, and all I can do is kiss him and tell him how much I love him. And I get to hear him tell me how much he loves me. I’m convinced I’ve died and gone to heaven.

  In the light of the lamp beside the bed, I open my eyes and see his face, eyes closed almost as though he’s praying to me. At the moment we climax together, those gorgeous hazel eyes open and he smiles. “Our forever, Melina. This is our forever. You can’t deny me. You’re mine.”

  “Our forever, my love. I’m undeniably yours.” It’s the only forever I want.

  Chapter Seven

  Movement wakes me and I pry one eye open to find him up and about in the room. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting us some coffee. Want some?” he asks as he pulls on a pair of pajama pants.

  “Yes, but I’ll get it, sir,” I say, struggling to sit up.

  “No. I worked you over last night. You deserve rest. I’ll be right back.” I don’t want him to leave me. I want him to stay right beside me.

  But when he comes back, I’m glad he’s got coffee and some fruit. Before he slips back into bed beside me, he takes off the pants and there it is―that golden cock. My god, that thing is really something, but the man behind it is even more spectacular. “Here. Hot coffee, yogurt, and fruit. Open up.” As soon as I drop my mouth open, he holds out a piece of strawberry and I let him press it between my lips. “Good girl. So how was last night?”

  I roll my eyes as I chew the strawberry. “You have to ask? God, Boone, for a few minutes there I thought I’d died.”

  “You were really gone. I mean, really, really gone,” he says with a wistful smile. “It’s been a long, long time since I worked with a woman as amazing as you, and even then, we were just kids and it wasn’t that spectacular. But you … you’re really something. Your body is like a finely tuned instrument in need of a virtuoso to play it.” For an Alabama boy, he’s very eloquent, I’ll give him that.

  “You plucked it like a string, Master,” I tell him, and I mean it. The grin he gives me is cute and sappy. “What?”

  “You. Calling me Master. Do you know how proud that makes me? How honored I feel that you look to me that way?”

  “I’m honored to have you as my master, Master. I’m yours.”

  “Do you really trust me that much?”

  “I’ve never trusted anybody more,” I tell him as I take a slice of peach from the plate, then chase it with a spoonful of creamy, expensive yogurt. I don’t know where he got this stuff, but it’s the most delicious yogurt I’ve ever eaten.

  “Then thank you for that trust. I’ll make sure it’s never misplaced.” As I lie there snacking on the fruit, resting against his chest, his hand combs through my hair and he sighs back into his pillow. “I love you, Melina. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

  “And I feel the same way about you. Do you have to go to the office today?”

  “Eventually. But not for a while. And I want to fuck you one more time before my day starts,” he says, his smile wicked and hot.

  “I think that can be arranged.” I reach for another piece of fruit, but he pushes the plate farther away.

  Before I can ask what he’s doing, he grinds out an order. “Elbows and knees. I’m taking you from behind.” That’s all I need to hear, and I roll to my belly, then press myself up and assume the position.

  He doesn’t wait for me to get wet, and he doesn’t make any attempt to lube me up. He just forces himself into me and I know listening to me hiss in pain makes him harder. “Your master’s pleasure, submissive. It’s what I require.”

  “Yes, Master,” I answer, fighting the sting of tears. That doesn’t last long, though, because as soon as he starts to stroke into me harder, I can feel my juices start to flow. Ten strokes in and I’m dripping wet. “Oh, please, fuck me, Master,” I whine as he bores into me.

  “You want a fucking?” I nod. “Well, then, let me oblige you.” Without warning, he grabs my ponytail, pulls my head back, and rams me. Jesus, that’s hot. His cock is bigger and harder than ever, and it’s driving me insane. In just minutes I come, the muscles in my belly quivering and clenching. Three strokes later he buries himself in me up to his balls and gasps out, “God, so fucking tight and hot.” I feel a river of cum running down the inside of my leg, every drop he had to give and then some making its way to the sheet under me. His big body drapes over my back, his arms wrapping around my waist, and he whispers in my ear, “Every man should have a woman like you to fuck. You make me feel like a man, Melina, and I love you for that.”

  “I love you too,” I whisper back to him and he nips my shoulder blade before releasing me to fall face first on the bed as he sits back on his knees.

  “God, you’re beautiful. I don’t want to leave you, but I have to. Want to go home? Or do you want me to have my driver take you home to get some things so you can come back here?”

  That gets my attention and I roll to face him. “When will Baker be back?”

  “He won’t be back until Saturday. Are you off tomorrow too?” I nod as I draw the sheet up over me. “Good. If you want to stay until Saturday morning, I’d like that. Please. Think about it while I shower.”

  “Already have. Yes. I want to stay.”

  “Good!” His smile is huge. “That’s great. I’ll have my driver take you to your house to get whatever you need. That closet over
there,” he says and points to some doors across the room, “can be yours. There’s a dresser in there for you too. There are two showers in the bathroom, so use the one that doesn’t have my stuff in it and it can be yours. Put whatever you want in there and you can leave it.” He slaps his hand on my sheet-covered thigh. “I’m so happy, Melina. So happy. You can’t even know.”

  “Oh, I think I can,” I tell him and crook an index finger at him to get him to come closer. When his face is an inch from mine, I lean out and kiss him. “I’m unbelievably happy.”

  “Good. Bring whatever you want with you so you’re comfortable. I’ll ask the driver to be here at eleven to take you to your house. I’ll be home about three o’clock. By then I’ll want you again, and I won’t be able to think about anything but being inside you. Can’t get any work done that way anyway, so I’ll just come home and fuck you. Will that work?” The look on his face tells me he’s dead serious.

  “Oh, that works just fine for me. And Master?”


  “If I don’t get to suck your cock at some point in the next twenty-four hours, I think I might lose my mind.”

  That eyebrow jacks up again and he sneers. “Well, we wouldn’t want that, now would we? And by the way, I’ll stop and buy stuff this afternoon so that as soon as dinner is over, you can do a few enemas and be ready for tonight. Don’t know exactly when, but that ass will be mine.” He’s not fooling. His eyes are almost glowing with need and I can feel the sexual heat coming from his skin.

  “Yes, Master. I’ll gladly take care of that for you. But I don’t want to make you late for the office.”

  “No, wouldn’t want that. I’m going to shower and then I’ll tell you goodbye.” He leans down and kisses my lips sweetly. “See you in a few.”

  I’m staying until Saturday. And tonight, I’ll suck Boone Lawson’s cock. I can barely wait.

  * * *

  I get a call from a driver named Maurice that he’s on his way. It’s ten before eleven and I’m almost ready to go. As I head through the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before I leave, Millie is there, working on something that I assume is dinner. “Good morning!” I sing as I walk past.

  “Good mornin’, Miz Melina. Gonna have a good day?”

  “Looks like it. I think I’ll be seeing a bit more of you. I’m staying until Saturday morning.”

  “That’s what Missur Boone says. That’s good. You make him real happy, missy. It’s good to see him so happy. He’s a good man, and a good pappy to that young ‘un.”

  “Oh, thank you! You just made my day!”

  “You welcome. Goin’ out?”

  “Yes. Boone wants me to go to the house and get some things.”

  “I bet he’s got some surprise for you, that one,” she says with a laugh. I hadn’t thought about it, but she’s probably right. He’s just full of surprises.

  Maurice shows up to pick me up in this beautiful pale blue Mercedes sedan, and I feel like a queen as he holds the door for me. When I get to the house, he helps me put a large bag in the trunk, plus a smaller bag of shoes. “No toiletries,” he says as I head into the bathroom, and he hands me his phone. “Take pictures of everything you need. I’ll be going to the store to get everything for you so you have a supply at Mr. Lawson’s house.” Well, I’ll be damned. A man wants to shop for me. You know, I think I’ll let him! It only takes me a couple of minutes to take pictures of everything and hand back his phone.

  When we get out on the street, I realize we’re not going back toward Boone’s house. “Um, where are we going?”

  “Just following Mr. Lawson’s orders, miss, that’s all. Nothing to worry about.” I’m being driven to parts unknown by a man I just met and there’s nothing to worry about? There was no ax in the trunk as far as I could tell, so I hope I’m safe.

  But I almost gasp when we pull up in front of Lawson’s of Alabama’s huge building north of the city. The thing is as big as an indoor football stadium and appropriately rugged and manly. The whole outside reminds me of Boone’s house―lots of timber, glass, and stone. In fact, the whole façade is stone, and through the huge windows in the gable of the foyer I can see an enormous antler chandelier, its lights glittering. Maurice doesn’t park; instead, he heads straight to the door and when he rolls to a stop, I have to smile.

  Boone steps out through the automatic doors, his cheeks pressed upward by the enormous smile he’s wearing. Before he can reach the car, Maurice has the door open, and Boone reaches in and takes my hand to help me out. “Hey, beautiful!” he says as he kisses me, a sweet little peck that tells me he really is glad to see me.

  “Hi! What am I doing here?”

  “Having fun. Maurice, please take Miss Roberts’ things to the house along with everything you’re buying for her. She’ll be riding home with me.”

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Lawson. As you wish.” With that, Maurice hops back in and pulls the car away from the front of the building.

  “Surprised?” Boone asks as he wraps an arm around the back of my waist and escorts me into the building.

  “Yeah. And this place is amazing! I love that chandelier!”

  “Thanks. We shoot for the ultimate customer experience in our brick and mortar locations, and I hope we’re hitting the mark,” he says as we step inside. It’s a festival of colors there, with an ocean of equipment and clothing spread out as far as I can see.

  I spend all afternoon wandering around the store. There’s so much to see, so many things to do. They’ve got a section of outdoor cooking things, from seasonings to cookware, and even a little coffee shop where you can sit and read the latest fitness and outdoor magazines.

  It’s five o’clock before Boone shows up at my side as I’m looking at boots. “Ready?”

  “I am. Where are we going?”

  “Back to my house, I suppose, unless there’s somewhere else you want to go.”

  “Nope. Can’t think of anywhere.”

  “Good. By the time we get there, all of the things Maurice bought for you should be there.”

  “That,” I say, leaning in and kissing him, “was unnecessary. I could’ve just brought my stuff.”

  “If I want you to stay with me, you shouldn’t have to pack up twice a week or more just to be there. So that’s handled. Now, let’s go.”

  “Can we stop at the bank? I need to deposit my last check from the production company. It came the other day and I keep forgetting about it.”

  “Sure. That’ll only take a few minutes, but we’ll still make it home an hour before Millie has dinner ready. Will that give you time to kneel and suck my dick?” he asks and I laugh.

  “I would certainly hope so!”

  He lets out an evil snicker. “I’d love to have my pencil sharpened and trust me, it’s full of lead right now.”

  “I think I can handle that.” I’m still grinning as he’s driving, and I wait until we’re about five blocks farther down the street before I reach over and run my hand up his cock.

  “Whoa. Yeah. Like that.” Before he has time to tell me no, I unzip his fly and pull out his rod. It’s already hardening. “Wait, Melina. I’m driving, babe. You can’t―”

  “Then pull over,” I tell him point blank as I stroke him.

  “What?” He jerks the steering wheel a little.

  “I said pull over!” I almost yell.

  “Okay! Okay! Pulling over!” he barks back and whips into the parking lot of an abandoned gas station. By the time he slams the Rover into park, I’ve got my seatbelt off, I’m on my knees in the seat, and my mouth is headed straight for his cock. As soon as my lips encircle it, he presses his hands straight up into the headliner and yells, “Oh, yeah, babe! Whoa! Holy shit!”

  I let it pop from my mouth and grin up. “Like that, huh?”

  “Like it? Why’d you quit?” he asks, then presses his hand to the back of my head and forces it back down over his hardness. That’s when I really start going to town. I’m slurping and sucking and l
icking and working to take it deeper. “Jesus, Melina, you’re killing me, babe. I’m so fucking hard.” I want to say, Oh, yeah, like I missed that fact, but I can’t because I’ve got a big old dick in my mouth. Down my throat. I swear it’s coming out my ass it’s so god damn big. Mmmm-mmm-mmmmm, he tastes good. I’ve been stroking his balls and I can feel them drawing up, so I know he’s about to lose it. “Melina, shit, babe, I’m gonna, no. Make it last, baby. Please?” That makes me chuckle. I mean, it’s not like I can’t do it again in thirty minutes. Maybe less. His recovery time is remarkably short anyway. He sinks farther into the seat and I know he’s stiffened his arms and pressed his hands harder into the headliner, bracing himself for what’s about to happen. “Oh, god, oh, god. Melina, please … Oh, god, yeah. Ohhhhhh,” he moans as his cum fills my throat. Shit, he tastes amazing, not all bitter and nasty like some guys. Salty and tart but not bitter. “God, babe, stop, please.” There’s more groaning and moaning and jerking before I feel his hand in the back of my hair and he pulls me off him. “Stop, babe. Enough.”

  “Can’t take it?” I say and wipe the edge of my lip with the pad of my thumb, then suck his cream off it and listen to him groan again.

  “No. Can’t. That was, fuck me, that was awesome. Shit. I’m not sure I can drive. My legs feel like spaghetti.”

  “Uh-huh. I sucked my Master dry. Uh-huh, uh-huh,” I say, doing my pathetic little version of the cabbage patch until I hear him laughing at me. “You can’t take what I’m dishing out, nope, nope. That’s ‘cause I’m the world’s best cocksucker.”

  “I think you are,” he says, still laughing. “The undisputed world’s best cocksucker. I’ll get you a trophy.” His eyes are twinkling and he’s laughing so hard that he’s breathless. “Silver or gold?”


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