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Malice In Wonderland

Page 19

by H. P. Mallory

  Returning my thoughts to the future of The Resistance, I realized I had to come up with a plan and quickly. With Christina now out of the way (since it was too dangerous for her to participate after compromising the whole plan), Knight was now in command. First things first, I had to find Knight, whom I desperately needed. One major downside: I had no clue where I was. After traveling through two portals on my way to Culligan’s, who knew if I could travel back through them to get to Knight, wherever he was? Furthermore, I had no idea what part of California I was in—Southern, Central, or Northern.

  I glanced at the map on the navigation screen and tried to zoom out, hoping I might recognize some of the streets or landmarks, but I couldn’t get the thing to work. After figuring it was taking too long to try to fix it, I took a deep breath and decided I had to find a phone and fast.

  I checked the center consul of the Porsche, searching all the cubbies, but didn’t find anything. Then I reached over to open the glove box and pulled out the owner’s manual along with a folder of auto insurance and registration information. I tucked both back into the glove box and closed it, leaning over as I searched under the passenger seat, still to no avail. As I sat up, though, I caught the gleam of what appeared to be glass from a cubby in the passenger door. With my heart pounding, I stretched my fingers as far as I could, feeling my way along the cubby. When I came to something rectangular, I pulled it out and recognized Bram’s cell phone.

  Thank Hades! I sang to myself as my entire body became giddy with the discovery, and a wide smile curled my lips.

  But, I didn’t celebrate too long because now I faced a new problem: I had no clue what Knight’s phone number was to his Resistance-issued cell phone. The only number I did know was his private cell phone, which probably wouldn’t help me. And if Knight was anywhere near a Resistance compound, he couldn’t answer anyway since personal cell phones were forbidden. But I refused to give up … not yet anyway.

  Left with no other alternative, and aware that Bram’s phone could be bugged, I dialed Knight’s personal cell phone number anyway. I knew I was taking a chance, but I was now at the point where I had to take the chance because I needed to get in touch with Knight ASAP.

  The phone rang once, then twice and I felt my stomach constricting with anxious butterflies as I hoped and prayed Knight would answer. Another ring. Then another.

  “You son of a bitch!” Knight yelled into the phone, apparently thinking it was Bram calling him. “Where the fuck have you been? I’ve been calling you for the last two days looking for Dulcie, dammit! You better have a fucking damned good reason as to why the hell you haven’t been answering your phone! And you should consider yourself lucky that I have no idea how to find you, otherwise I would’ve shown up a long time ago! And Dulcie better be okay or there will be absolute hell to pay!”

  “Knight,” I said, once he found it necessary to take a breath, and in the process, gave me the option to speak. I couldn’t help grinning because I suddenly felt like everything was going to be okay. It was a ludicrous thought, really; but just hearing Knight’s voice, even while yelling at me, gave me relief, in and of itself.

  “Dulce?” he asked after pausing for a second or two. “Are you okay? Where are you? And why are you using Bram’s phone?”

  “I don’t know where I am,” I answered quickly as I glanced around myself. I decided I should drive away from the area, just in case anyone from the graveyard happened to still be around and, more so, happened to recognize me. I balanced the phone between my ear and my shoulder and shifted the Porsche into gear, rolling forward. When I made it to the end of the street, I took a left and tried to backtrack as far as I could remember.

  “Dulce?” Knight prodded after I didn’t say anything for a few seconds.

  “Way too much shit just went down, so I can’t explain it all to you right now,” I started, thinking that I should find my way back to the freeway pretty soon. “But you need to come get me, or else tell me how to find you. The problem is that I have no idea where I am.”

  “I will come to you,” he said immediately. “I can track Bram’s phone and find you.” He paused for a second. “Where is that bloodless bastard anyway?”

  When I reached the freeway onramp, I figured I should get on it, if only to get as far from Culligan’s as possible. “I can’t explain any of it now, but Bram isn’t with me.”

  “Are you driving?” Knight asked. “You sound like you’re in a car and you seem distracted.”

  “Yes, I just got onto the 101, but I’m not sure where I am. I definitely went through two portals to get here, so I’m not sure how easy it’ll be to find me.”

  “It’s okay. I already have a feed on this phone line, so I should be able to pinpoint your exact location in a few more minutes.”

  “If you’ve got a feed on it, could anyone else have one too?” I asked, unable to conceal my concern.

  “Hard to say,” Knight answered quickly. “But don’t take any chances. Just exit the freeway and go someplace public, or at least where there are more people around.” He paused for a second and then added: “We have to end this call.”

  “Okay,” I said, taking the next off-ramp and finding a Vons supermarket at the top of the street. “I’m pulling into a Vons and I just exited on Parker Street.”

  “Yep, just got the feed. We’re good,” he said. I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was smiling. “Just sit tight and I’ll be there in a matter of minutes.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief as I maneuvered the Porsche into a spot just in front of the double doors to the supermarket. “Thank you.”

  Knight hesitated for a second or two. “At least tell me if you’re okay, Dulce?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” I answered quickly, watching as two men walked into the store and a woman came out. At least there were some folks milling around, considering it was so early in the morning. As soon as that thought occurred to me, I checked the time on the dash. It was nearly one a.m.

  “I’m leaving now and I’ll be there soon … don’t worry, Dulce; everything’s going to be fine.”

  I could only hope he was right.


  Maybe thirty minutes later, I saw a black Suburban drive into the Vons parking lot. I recognized Knight in the driver’s seat immediately and stepped out of the Porsche, waving to him. He smiled and nodded to let me know he saw me before parking in the spot next to the Porsche.

  I’d been incredibly consumed with angst while I waited in the Porsche, worried that Knight wouldn’t be able to find me. Or, worse yet, that someone had tapped Bram’s phone line, in which case, I’d suffer a rude awakening when someone other than Knight came looking for me. At the realization that Knight had found me, though, I was overcome with relief and gratitude. My cheeks ablaze with heat, I couldn’t keep the smile off my lips.

  Knight left the engine running as he opened his door and jumped down from the driver’s seat. He was wearing dark blue jeans and a long-sleeved, white T-shirt, which made his naturally olive complexion even sexier. His hair was in disarray, like it hadn’t seen a brush for a few days. He had the overall look of someone who hadn’t slept well for some time. But to me, he was just as stunningly handsome as he always was.

  It was strange, but staring at him in the early morning darkness, with only the moonlight reflecting on him, made time feel like it was suddenly standing still. I was faintly aware of a car driving past with two people in a heated discussion somewhere behind Knight, but they blended into the periphery. Somehow, I couldn’t unfasten my eyes from him, or find my voice, so I just stared at him. He did the same. As soon as I witnessed that charming, boyish grin that was so uniquely his, something inside me burst.

  Feelings of liberation and happiness washed over me, and before I knew it, I was jogging the few steps that separated us and flinging my arms around him. The impulse to be next to him was too urgent to deny. I wanted to inhale his crisp, clean scent and languish in his arms. When I hugged him,
the surprise on his face was palpable; but moments later, he wrapped his arms around me tightly. Then he lifted me up, holding me so close, I could feel his heartbeat against my cheek.

  “Dulce, are you okay?” he whispered.

  I nodded with fresh tears stinging my eyes. I wasn’t sure why, but I seemed to be on the verge of a total breakdown. Maybe it was the fact that I’d dealt with so much lately—so much that I’d been stockpiling in my head, with the intent to deal with it all later, that I suddenly couldn’t take it anymore and had to crack. Or maybe it was just the immense relief of Knight finding me and the subsequent overwhelming feelings of safety his arms promised. Or, better yet, maybe it was just because I was so damn happy to see him.

  “I’m fine,” I said, relishing the warmth of his strong arms. His lips grazed the top of my head as he kissed my hair.

  “Let’s get you in the truck so you don’t freeze to death out here,” he said softly, showing me to the passenger side of the Suburban. “And then you need to tell me what’s going on.”

  “What about Bram’s Porsche?”

  “It’ll be fine here for the time being,” Knight answered dismissively.

  Knight opened my door and I stepped up onto the running board before turning to face him again. Without any warning, he leaned forward and pulled me into him. Dropping his head toward me, I closed my eyes and tasted his lips on mine. The kiss was sweet and soft at first. Then I felt his tongue suddenly trying to thrust past my lips as his embrace tightened.

  I closed my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, meeting his thrusting tongue. I was overcome with the need to be close to him more than I’d ever felt it before. That was when it hit me that although Knight and I had had our differences and our miscommunications, Knight had only ever done what he thought was right and, what was more, he’d been able to see the error in his ways. Even though he’d been led down the wrong road in believing I was guilty of being in cahoots with my father, he’d also realized his mistake and repented for it.

  And, what was more, Knight was really the only man I could turn to, the only man I’d ever been able to turn to. Quillan and Bram had both disappointed me by involving themselves with the illegal potion industry and worse still, with my father. But Knight was always true to himself. Granted, we still were at odds on some subjects, and I couldn’t say I condoned his keeping my father’s identity from me; but now I understood that he thought he was just protecting me. And even when he’d arrested me for working under my father, it was just another example of how he refused to compromise his values and beliefs of right and wrong. He did the only thing he thought was right. Plus, he did what I would have done if I were in his shoes, and believed he was importing illegal potions.

  At the end of the day, Knight was the same person now that he was when I first met him. He was just as confident, caring, and determined to see good prevail. To be honest, Knight was exactly the same person now that he was when I fell in love with him, many months ago.

  I pulled away from him and smiled, even as I realized there was entirely too much on both of our shoulders at the moment for us to try and pick up the pieces of our relationship in order to put them back together again. But I supposed it was a good omen that somewhere in my over-crammed and overwhelmed head, I was sure that I wanted things between Knight and me to go back to how they were before. I wanted us to be … us again.

  “We have lots to talk about,” I said simply as I hoisted myself into the passenger seat. Knight nodded and closed my door. I put my seatbelt on and watched him open his door as he focused his eyes on me.

  “It’s about an hour’s drive to get back to Compound Four, so we’ll have a little time,” he said. He took his seat and put the Suburban in drive, exiting the Vons parking lot.

  “Knight, you’re now in charge of The Resistance,” I began, figuring it would take me at least an hour to tell him everything. Never mind the myriad questions Knight was sure to have.

  “What?” he asked incredulously. I saw a look of worry in his eyes before he returned his attention to the road that led back to the freeway. “Christina?”

  “She’s fine,” I said quickly, while shaking my head, realizing how awful my statement must’ve sounded. I explained about Christina and the Blueliss and told him I learned the truth at Culligan’s graveyard. I finished by insisting that I believed Christina was safe with Bram.

  “So, Bram’s been working for your father all this time?” Knight asked, his lips drawn into a tight line.

  “Yes, but that’s not important now. What matters now is what we do to move forward.”

  “The little bastard,” Knight said as he shook his head. Taking a deep breath and sighing loudly, he began to nod, saying, “You’re right, we need to concentrate on our next steps.” Glancing at me, he added, “And for whatever it’s worth, it did mean something to know that Bram wanted to make sure you were safe. I guess, in the end, he isn’t as much of a little bastard as I’d like to think.”

  I nodded my agreement, watching us merge onto the 101 North. Getting my thoughts in some semblance of order, I turned to face him. Our next steps were suddenly as clear as day to me. “Knight, there’s no time for us to wait any longer. Where The Resistance is concerned, the time for talking is over.” He eyed me and chewed his lip as he considered my statement. When he didn’t say anything, I continued. “My father knows too much now and it will only be a matter of time before he learns he can’t count on Bram or Christina, which means he can’t discover anymore of our secrets. Then he’s sure to get desperate, and things will go from bad to worse.”

  “So, my second in command, what do you propose we do?” Knight asked with a slight smile on his lips.

  I returned the smile and nodded. I knew what our next steps should, no had, to be. “We need to rally our troops and invade the Netherworld … now.”

  Knight didn’t say anything for a second or two, but just stared at the empty freeway ahead of us. Then he smiled at me.

  “Melchior O’Neil, here we come.”


  For all of you who couldn’t find the anthology, Kiss Me, Kill Me, with the Dulcie and Knight short story, I’ve included it for you here!

  A Ghoulish Valentine

  By H.P. Mallory

  It was Valentine’s Day, or night, to be exact. And I actually had a date. (It’s not like I’m a heinous troll who couldn’t get a date if she tried, I just choose not to. Furthermore, there’s nothing trollish about me—I’m a fairy.) Now, before you start telling me how great your garden is and how your lilies are in full bloom or what an awesome movie Peter Pan was…I’m not that kind of a fairy. I don’t have wings and I’m not the size of a humming bird (i.e., I’m not a pixie). While, I’m not tall, at 5’1”, I’m like a giant compared to a pixie. And rather than buzzing around with the bees from flower to flower, I work in law enforcement. I help keep the Netherworld creatures on the straight and narrow—or, at least I try.

  So, tonight I’d overridden my usual indifference toward my love life and actually accepted Knight Vander’s invitation to dinner and a movie. Knight Vander is a Loki—a creature forged from the fires of Hades. As far as I know, he’s the only Loki in my town of Splendor, California. And as to a description of the Loki who happened to be my date, here goes…Knight is in one word—gorgeouscockyfrustratingsexyoverbearing and he’s a detective who was sent from the Netherworld to work at our headquarters, the Association of Netherworld Creatures (ANC).

  “Was it so bad?” Knight asked, peering down at me with his bright blue eyes. With his longish black hair curling over the top of his button down shirt, his tan complexion, strong jaw and Roman nose, Knight could have graced the cover of GQ.

  “What?” I asked innocently, keeping my hands snug in each of my pockets so he didn’t attempt to hold one. It’s not that I disliked Knight—well, sometimes I did—but, it’s more that I just didn’t want to get involved with him. He’s too cocksure, proud, demand
ing and argumentative. Yes, he’s beautiful but that doesn’t amount to much in my books. Hmm, maybe I wasn’t being entirely honest—Knight was wrong for me on all levels but I couldn’t help my attraction to him even against my better judgment. And that was why I wanted nothing more than to keep him at arm’s length.

  “Going on a date with me,” he answered with that boyish smile, revealing bright white teeth that almost glowed in the moonlight.

  I glanced away from him and took in the beauty of the night. We were walking down Belfry Street and there was the lightest breeze disturbing the otherwise still air. The scent of honeysuckle was thick in the air and seemed to dance through my long honey gold hair, lifting the tendrils up to caress my cheeks. Belfry Street was on the better side of Splendor—it was replete with expensive restaurants and eclectic stores. We approached the end of the street which emptied into the oldest cemetery in Splendor, Green Pastures. Course, to the locals it was known as Daiseyville.

  “I guess it wasn’t so bad,” I responded. The date actually hadn’t been bad at all. Knight had been good company, filling me in on all the adventures he’d had in Splendor since moving from the Netherworld. I knew he wasn’t staying in Splendor for the long haul, but he’d be here a while, since there was lots of ANC work to keep him busy.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  I actually felt a little bit guilty about my less than thrilled response. I mean, Knight had shelled out a pretty penny on dinner and must have asked me five million times if everything met my approval. Then the movie we’d seen had been one I’d been dying to see for at least a few weeks.


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