Jasper: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 1)

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Jasper: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 1) Page 4

by M. Merin

  I wish Roy well and he heads out as I take a bite of my breakfast sandwich. “We aren’t done, Jasper. You can’t just go through my things.”

  “Well, ok, you don’t have anything else, so how is that even a problem anymore?” He says taking a huge bite of his sandwich.

  Then my new life really hits me. I don’t even have enough to fill a duffle bag.

  I spit out my sandwich, suddenly nauseous. My head hanging, I head back to the bedroom, willing my tears away and curl into a ball in the bed.

  I feel the side of the bed dip under his weight, and he is trying to lift my chin up, kissing my forehead. “I’m sorry, Emma, I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t mean to hurt you, Darlin’, please?”

  “Don’t say ‘please’ to me right now!” I snap at him. “That’s worse than expecting me to do everything you say.” I’m crying and barely making sense. He took a swing at my pride and while that’s as beat to hell as the rest of my body, it’s really all I have left.

  “I actually meant it that time, Darlin’. I think it’s the first time in my adult life I’ve said it sincerely,” He holds my hands in his and starts to lightly kiss them. “Hey, if you feel better tomorrow, how about we go shopping? On me? I also need to go and pick out the backsplash for the kitchen, maybe you’ll help me?

  “Vice and his team are coming by in a couple days to put the new kitchen in. I can bring you to my office at the clubhouse, that way you won’t have to deal with their noise? Will that be ok, Emmy?”

  “I won’t be here, Jasper. Remember?” I look up at him. Wanting to kiss this man I barely know. This man who, arrogantly, seems to have an answer for every problem I have.

  “I don’t want you to go, Emmy. Will you, please, stay with me? Get to know me a bit?” He smiles softly at me as I continue to shake my head.

  “I can’t, Jasper. You don’t even know me and I don’t really understand the MC. Things I’ve heard about them, Jasper? The little I have heard kinda scares the crap out of me.” I say truthfully, unable to meet his eyes as he and Roy have gone above and beyond to take care of me. “I was never really cut out to be a Preacher’s wife, but I’m not exactly on the other end of the spectrum either. And if Adam comes after me? You’ve been good to me and I can’t bring trouble to your door.”

  He lets me finish, and then releases a deep breath before starting to talk about his life.

  He talks passionately about the Club that gave him a family again. About Flint cutting out the prostitution side, focusing on the pipelines they have for guns and drugs, all while keeping those things away from, Rowansville, their backyard. About the investments in the town businesses the MC has, and the side investments he personally has. I’m struck by what an intelligent man he is, how if his life had been slightly different, I’m sure, he would be running a large company and not a group of bikers.

  He doesn’t hesitate to tell me about the women. About the Ol’ Ladies, then about the Girlies and honey holes; I cringe inside thinking about all the women he’s probably been with and how they’d be all around if I stayed. How they would still be trying to catch his eye.

  He quickly figures out where my thoughts are heading and speaks towards them.

  “You give me a chance, Emma, I’ll be faithful. No messing around with anyone but you. One of them don’t respect that, I’ll ban them from MC activities and the clubhouse. Let me show you?”

  “Why me, Jasper?” I get out, in between hiccups, “You don’t know me, know what I’m like.” My heart is in my throat and right now I’m more terrified of this man than the monster I married. This man I could love. And if the past year has taught me anything, I have to stay on guard and strong; I can’t give in to the darkness and relinquish control again.

  “I have a feeling about us, Darlin’.” He sighs, “I don’t know how to explain it, ever since you first looked up at me with those big blue eyes…”


  Dammit. I’ve gotten used to telling people what I want and having them do it. Especially women, I can’t remember the last time when one of the skanks I’ve been around didn’t leap to do what I wanted. My Brothers, we put big items up to vote but I say how it’s executed. None of that will work this time and the need I’ve felt for her has been growing minute by minute these last couple days.

  A week ago, I would have shit myself laughing at the thought of taking an Ol’ Lady, now the woman I want is trying to let me down easy, I can see it in her eyes.

  “How about you give me a week, Emma?” I don’t know what else to offer her. “Will you stay with me a week, get to know me a little?”

  She takes a deep, shuddering breath but seems to consider it, so I push on. “I’ll show you the town, you can check the schools, you can spend time at the clubhouse, and I’ll get Hawk to bring Anne around. She’s his Ol’ Lady, they’ve been together since they were kids.”

  “And in a week?” I’m hoping her whispered reply is progress.

  “I don’t know, I guess I’ll ask for another week?” I grin at her, trying some charm; this is unchartered territory for me.

  “No sex, Jasper. Promise you won’t…” Her voice sounds panicked again, so I enclose her hands in mine to focus her.

  “Darlin’, I wouldn’t mind some kisses once your lip feels better, but I won’t push you for sex. I won’t go anywhere else for it either. Well, I mean, I’ll be beating it if off alone in the shower, until you join me.” Goddamn, what am I even saying? I’m acting like a twelve year old.

  But I get a smile for my efforts.

  “I don’t consider what he did to me sex, Jasper. I just also don’t want to sleep with the next man who happened to have crossed my path to get over it. That’s not who I was before, just not who I am.” She says.

  “Shhhh.” I say pulling her close, not wanting her to see the rage I feel towards the bastard she is married to. “I don’t want to hurt you, Emma. Not even close.”

  “I’ll stay the week, Jasper. I really do feel like shit, truth be told.” She reaches for one of my hands and pulls it to her lips for a kiss. It’s all I can do not to grind my cock into her.

  “Um, are you going to sleep?” She looks up at me and nods in reply.

  “I’d like to for a little while. Who’s watching me today?” She asks, smiling. I’m guessing I’m not the only smart ass in the room.

  “I’ll be here. Do you think you can sleep with a noise canceling headset? I need to do some work up front to be ready for Vice’s crew and I don’t want to bother you. Then when you get up, we can go for a walk? Or maybe grab a meal?”

  “That sounds good. Will you let me buy you dinner?” She looks shyly up at me. “Or I can cook here? As a thank you?”

  “Darlin’, how about you don’t torture my Probie anymore and we call it even?” I throw out since she looks like she’ll object. “Maybe scramble up some eggs for me in the morning?”

  She leans up and rubs her un-bruised cheek against mine. “I think that’s doable, Jasper.” She says, giving me the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen, before I walk up front to grab the headphones. She’s snoring when I get back so I leave the headset beside her before going up front to complete the demo ahead of Vice’s crew coming in.

  I work for several hours, thankful for the distraction so I can think about the problems that Emma and I will face. By noon I’ve called a Brother; Wrench is brilliant with a computer and I give him the names I want him to look into. Checking in on Emma from time to time, she’s still been mostly asleep.

  Getting frustrated at waiting for both the info I requested and Emma to emerge. I call a lawyer, a weekend rider who is loosely associated with the MC. I lay out the names I know, the story she told me and ask him to start divorce proceedings. As he starts to ask about any money involved and a dozen other questions I don’t have answers for, I realize how over my head I am.

  Finally, I hear the shower turn on, so I know I’ll get time with Emma soon. Next my phone goes off and I quickly answer it, instantly excited
about the news from the lawyer. Looking up, I see Emma walking towards me in jeans and a t-shirt, her wet hair tied up and her lips curled up in a soft smile. I quickly end the call.

  “Did you know Adam had been married before?” I blurt out.

  “What? No!” She answers quickly. “He came to work with my Father about five years ago. How do you know?”

  “I had my guy do a search. He was and his ex-wife had an order of protection taken out before the divorce papers were filed. This will make it a pattern, so if you’ll allow it we can get the same type of papers drafted and served.”

  She stops walking towards me. “Why are you doing this?” She suddenly looks trapped and scared again, which pisses me off.

  “You said, that night in the truck, you said you wouldn’t go back to him! Did you mean it? Or does that do it for you?” I am so angry I can’t hold back. I can’t stand the thought of this woman going back to her abuser, of me being the man she doesn’t trust.

  “Never!” She draws herself up to her full height, looking as angry as I feel. “But why are you investigating me? Are you after what he was?”

  “What the fuck are you accusing me of?” Dumbfounded, I yell back. Angrier at myself for wanting this woman to the point I have MC members looking into her affairs; while she will barely commit to a week with me.

  She studies me for a moment, not sure of what she’s searching for, I can only maintain eye contact. “I won’t let another man use me, Jasper. Not. Ever.”

  “You’re the one who’s running, Darlin’, I’m trying to hold on.” Her jaw twitches at my statement and she relaxes a bit.

  “Think I’d rather stay in for dinner, feel free to head out; do whatever. Good night.” She turns back to my room but I’m so wound up in my need for her I won’t stand for this. I start towards her and she starts to walk faster to get to the bedroom first. Seeing her trying to run from me in my own home makes me freeze.

  This isn’t what I want.

  I stop and sit down on the hallway floor, calling her name softly. She slows, seeing that I don’t mean any threat to her, she stops and turns; holding the bedroom door, as if for protection.

  “What, Jasper?”

  “I want to be with you. Tell me what you meant,” I pause. “Please?”

  Moments pass as she studies me; appraising my meaning, and I know by sitting and not making her feel overwhelmed, I have gotten her to calm down again.

  “Land, Jasper. I didn’t pay attention. I was crushed when my sister died. I didn’t pay attention and it had never been talked about.” She stops to assess me again. “Through my Father’s Father, it turns out that the acres around the Church fell to me. I heard my Mother and Adam discussing it one day, she hadn’t been left much as Father hadn’t done much planning. There was a Trust that left Grandfather’s land to me. Mother had talked to groups who wanted to buy the land.”

  Just as she finishes, my phone starts ringing. Looking between her and it, she nods towards it.

  “Fuck Jasper. Who is this Emma Jones to you?” Wrench asks.

  “She’s right here; I’m putting you on speakerphone.” I need everything out in the open if I’m going to get her to stay.

  “Emma, Wrench is on the phone. Don’t let him near ANY tools cause he’s useless with anything other than a computer. Wrench, Emma’s here and she just mentioned some land that might be in her name.”

  Silence on both ends.

  “Uh, yeah. Hi Emma.” Wrench starts in. “There’s about two hundred or so acres in her name that oil companies have a serious hard on for.”

  We stare at each other; she shrugs like she has no idea about the last part.

  Wrench throws in the next tidbit. “And, um, her mother and husband recently filed a missing, possibly dead report on her. Saying she’s been suicidal?”

  “Fucking, Goddamn, Bastards, Sons of Whores!!!” Screams the Preacher’s daughter at the top of her lungs.

  I grin, looks like my Darlin’ will be filing those legal papers. “Later, Wrench.” I stand up, disconnecting the call.

  Chapter 7


  I was pushed aside and marginalized most of my life. Whatever. I had Ruth and loved her so much. Then I get overmedicated, married, beaten and raped? Over something my so-called husband and mother are now working to get?

  That shit ends now.

  I look up at Jasper, I’m spitting mad but not at him.

  “Please, I have no right to ask you for anything; but can you have your attorney do the paper work first thing tomorrow? I have a witness, Henry. He took pictures and documented what he saw.” I plead.

  “Uh, yeah, I took pictures of your back when Roy was looking at you that night. Sorry I didn’t tell you, but I know how the law is with evidence.” I know his admission should bother me, but at least it works in my favor and I need that now.

  “Your lawyer, Jasper, I can’t pay him in advance.” He stands slowly and comes towards me.

  “I’m sure he’ll work that out with you, but I want you to remember; I wanted you with me before I knew any of this. I’ve wanted to keep you since I found you.” Reaching out, he cups the back of my head to tilt my gaze up to his. “I give you my word, and I’ll sign whatever document that you put in front of me – I don’t want any money or any part of that land from you.” His hands are on my hips by the time he finishes speaking.

  “I only promised the week, Jasper.” I whisper.

  “That’s a good start though. Let’s get this moving. Let me get you safe? Okay, Darlin’?” Looking at him, I really want to believe in him more than ever.

  I nod.

  He pulls out his phone and calls the attorney he knows, explaining everything while on speakerphone. Then he calls the town Sheriff and explains what he’s set in motion. The second call surprises me. I mean? The head of a criminal enterprise that has the Sheriff’s cell number? Next, he looks back to me.

  “How do you feel about Mexican food?”

  “Who doesn’t like cheesy tortilla yumminess?” Is all I can think to say, surprising a laugh out of him.

  “Well, I’ve never heard it phrased like that. So, its Mexican food night at the clubhouse, do you want to come and see the place or we can go somewhere and be alone?”

  “I’ve never been on a motorcycle before, Jasper…”

  “You just hang on. I’ve got a truck at the clubhouse we can ride back in if you don’t like it. Don’t need to stay long, we can just eat. Roy will be there, too.”

  Suddenly more self-conscious than I’ve ever been around him, I can’t help but stare at the floor. “But my face, Jasper, I don’t have any cover up.”

  He gently cups either side of my face, kissing my nose lightly. “Don’t mind that, Darlin’. Let’s show them all how brave you are.”

  I can’t understand why he considers me brave; or strong, as he had whispered to me earlier. All I did was run from a beating; not just one either. I wasn’t strong enough to leave after the first one. His confidence makes me want to believe in myself again. Before long, I’m in jeans and a clean shirt; having done the best I can with my hair. I place my hand in his as we head out.

  Neither of us had considered the helmet issue, while it was a bit painful along the side of my head I refuse to consider riding without one. Soon, I’m wrapped tightly around him and we’re off. It wasn’t very far to the clubhouse, but the ride was enough to leave me looking forward to a longer one once my body heals.

  The parking lot is a mixture of bikes and trucks, the group of men outside the door all greet Jasper and look me over without a comment. Several of the men move to cover the view of a woman getting it from behind up against the side of the building, her moans and breasts out there for all to take in. I quickly looked away but can’t help the blush that spreads up my neck.

  Not acknowledging it, Jasper leads me in through the double doors and everyone turns to look our way. I try to keep Jasper’s words foremost in my mind, but keeping my head up is difficult u
nder the stares of so many intimidating men.

  Gunner barrels through the crowd, closely followed by Roy. “Hey Baby, that bruise really brings out the color of your eyes.” Gunner quips, taking his ever present cigarette out of his mouth.

  Jasper tenses up and tries to drop my hand, stepping forward as though to push Gunner back. Holding tight to his hand, I decide I need to handle this.

  “Hi Gunner, sure you should be eating Mexican tonight?” Looking over at Roy, I continue, “Have you ever been trapped in a vehicle with him?”

  Jasper relaxes as they all start laughing. Giving me a smile and a nod, he leads me back to a table and introduces me to Wrench and Hawk. While Wrench explains that his Ol’ Lady is home with a sick child, Hawk excuses himself to get his wife / Ol’ Lady who’s in the kitchen helping out. The volume has steadily risen back to the level it was before we entered, although I know I’m still being closely watched.

  A woman nearly Hawk’s height, precedes him out of the kitchen; she holds herself confidently, even with a large strawberry mark on one side of her face. I can’t help but notice how different they seem, Hawk’s face is open and warm, he wears his black hair long and is incredibly handsome although nowhere near as tall at Jasper and Gunner. His wife’s short blond hair suits the shape of her face perfectly; she is well put together but has ‘resting bitch face’ going on.

  Nodding at Jasper, she reaches a hand out to me. Indicating the table behind us, we sit to talk while Jasper and Hawk go get us drinks. Wrench and Roy takes seats at our table, while I notice Gunner heading down a hallway with the woman who had just been having sex with someone else outside. Alrighty.

  Anne doesn’t seem to do small talk. Immediately asking about my bruises and quickly taking in that I barely have more clothes than what’s on my back, she offers to stop by the following day with some clothes. I thank her, but let her know I won’t be staying long enough to need much more.


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