Jasper: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 1)

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Jasper: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 1) Page 5

by M. Merin

  “Does Jasper know that?” One of her eyebrows has shot up nearly to her hairline in surprise.

  “It’s up for discussion, isn’t it Emma?” Comes Jasper’s voice from behind my chair. “I brought you some ‘cheesy tortilla yumminess’ to get you started.” He says, setting some queso fundido with tortillas on the side in front of me. Roy, Hawk, and Wrench all grin at his comment, I decide it’s better to dig into the food than say anything else.

  Hitting the buffet at different times then sitting back and getting more comfortable with Anne and the others. I finally start looking around the room to quietly study the other bikers. Many had come by to exchange greetings, including those who came up with their Ol’ Ladies, all of whom wear ‘Property of’ vests to indicate their partners.

  It was quickly obvious what the social structure is with the women, the Ol’ Ladies aren’t touched by anyone but the man they’re with; while the other dozen women hanging around the edges of the room were showing off a lot, I mean a lot, of skin and seemed very casual hanging on various men. I sigh to myself, this isn’t a church picnic after all.

  The woman who had disappeared with Gunner wandered back up the hallway, alone. Looking around, she spots Jasper at the bar and quickly set sights on him, pushing off another man on her way over. She threads her arm around him and Jasper’s body language couldn’t have been more clear. Watching the exchange out of the corner of my eye, he tenses up and quickly removes her arm from his body. Looking angry he says something to her I can’t make out and she raises her hand to slap him.

  My head spins around, I can no longer pretend I’m not watching.

  Not only does he catch her arm, but another man catches her other arm as she brings that up, fingernails extended towards Jasper’s face. Through sudden silence, he loudly announces: “You’re no longer welcome here,” Looking at the man holding her other arm he says, “Vice, get her back to where you found her.”

  “About time.” Anne comments from beside me. “Vice picked her up a couple weeks ago and she’s been whoring it up around here since then.”

  “Um, is she a Girlie?” I ask, remembering the term Jasper had used.

  “God no, even trashier than most Honey Holes. Watch out for them. The Girlies aren’t too bad, well some of them are, but they don’t make waves. That’s Betsy over there, she’s a Girlie and actually pretty likable. Deb is a table over and a backstabbing bitch. She’s starting to tell the other Girlies that Gunner’s gonna make her his Ol’ Lady. Can’t wait to see Gunner’s reaction when he hears about that.”

  “Gunner’s kind of…” I don’t know why I opened my mouth.

  “Rough around the edges? The last person you’d want to see in a dark alley? Yeah, he’s all that, but he’s loyal to his Brothers,” She pauses to shoot back her drink. “Not much of a talker on a good day, I just don’t see him taking an Ol’ Lady and if he did he would be territorial as hell. Have you meet Flint?”

  I shake my head, “No. He was the last President, I think?”

  “He took over after his father was killed. His wife left him when things got bad a long time ago; before our time in the MC. He’s a father figure to half these guys, Gunner is one who’ll follow his lead and stay single, I think.”

  Jasper had turned back to the bar to pick up the drinks, making his way slowly back to us; he searches my face for my reaction to the scene. He puts a drink in front of me and I slide it Anne.

  “Can we go?” I ask, getting a slow nod from him in return. “Anne, nice to meet you.” She replies in kind, accepting my drink.

  Jasper gives me his hand to help me stand, nods to the table as he leads me back outside. “Bike or truck?” Is all he asks. Indicating the bike, I watch him get on first then accept the second helmet from him.

  Standing beside him, I wait until he looks up. Leaning in, I kiss him. Gasping from surprise, he quickly wraps an arm around my waist to draw me closer. He deepens the kiss then nips at my bottom lip.

  “Oww!” I cry as he squeezes the cut.

  “Shit! Darlin’, I forgot.” He places a quick kiss on top of my wound, “To make it feel better.” His arm still around me, he places a finger under my chin, studying my face. “Tonight wasn’t too much for you, Emma?”

  “It may take a little getting used to,” I shrug.

  “And me?” His dark eyes burn into mine.

  “You take a little getting used to, also.” I say, before slipping on behind him. Waiting for me to put my helmet on and wrap my arms around his waist, he takes us back to his house.


  My heart sunk when she asked to leave. I didn’t realize how invested I really was in her until I got to the clubhouse and saw that wanna-be Honey Hole outside getting fucked by one of my Brothers. Knowing that would be Emma’s first impression, talk about ripping a fucking bandage off.

  Then the same whore didn’t get the goddamn memo I was there with someone and tried for me again. Emma was hanging on Anne’s every word as I headed back to them and I couldn’t tell what she was thinking. When my woman kissed me, I almost fell off my Hog. Her lips are so soft and she tasted so sweet I got carried away, forgetting about the marks on her face and body.

  Now with her pressed against my back, all I can think of is burying myself in her tight body. Teaching her how much pleasure there will be between us. Never was in to rough play, which works out for the best given what she endured.

  No matter how much I want her, part of me wants to wait to touch her after I’ve buried that motherfucker she’s married to; not sure that I can though. Still, there’s no way he gets to walk away from what he did to her.

  Getting home, I pause a moment as she walks ahead, carrying her helmet. I picture this old house once it’s completely restored and of Emma walking into the house proudly wearing a cut that tells everyone who she belongs to. When she reaches the steps, Emma stops, turning to look at me she tilts her head to the side and extends a hand towards me.

  My cock leaps toward her. I get so fucking hard it hurts to walk and I have to cover the bulge in my pants with my helmet. Joining her and entering, I turn on the lights for us.

  “Jasper? I’m going to shower, then can you, um, would it be okay, if…” The side of her face without bruises is slowly turning pink.

  “OK for me to lie beside you again tonight, Emma? That old couch is a killer.” I interrupt; just thankful she wants me beside her. She smiles and nods, heading off to shower. And I know I’m in for a long fucking night with my cock standing at attention.

  I wait for her to finish up then take my turn in the bathroom. Although I spend the time in the shower rubbing one out thinking of the woman in my bed, it doesn’t do much good. I get hard again the minute I see her lying there facing the center of the bed. Knowing that my noble thought of waiting until her husband is buried was hasty; no fucking way I’ll push her but fuck knows how long till I can bury that bastard.

  “Move over a bit, Darlin’. I get the side near the door.” I let her see me put my gun in the built-in slot Gunner carves into his headboards. Good for her to know where it is. “You ever shot a handgun before?”

  “No, just shotguns and rifles.” She answers, a response I expected based on where she grew up.

  “Ok, I’ll show you the basics tomorrow; let you take enough shots so you’ll be comfortable around it.” I tell her, knowing it’s important.

  She has repositioned herself carefully, making it obvious she’s still in some pain. Moving close to her, I pick up a strand of her wet hair, twirling it around a finger. “What did you think about tonight?”

  “Anne is, interesting. Hawk is really funny and you know I like Roy. Wrench was quiet but he was paying attention to everything. Gunner’s surly, you know that, too.”

  “Yeah, the women all say you could freeze water on Anne’s ass, but hold your ground with her and she’ll be fine. Hawk would do anything for her – I think that goes both ways. No one’s better than Gunner when shit’s going south. Wre
nch doesn’t talk very much, Amy, his Ol’ Lady, is the opposite and more open than Anne.”

  “I meant to ask about that. Are Wrench and Amy married? Just the way Hawk phrased it when he mentioned getting Anne and how Wrench did with Amy sounded different?”

  “Just like the rest of the world, Darlin’, some couples commit but don’t get married. Now, Hawk and Anne married just as soon as he returned from active duty; pretty sure they met in first grade and that was it for them.” I laugh, knowing they were slightly older but everyone likes to make it sound like they were just out of diapers when they decided to get married.

  I can see the questions behind her eyes and wonder if she would want to get married again. “Anything else bothering you about tonight?”

  “No, Jasper.” She’s studying my neck and blushing a bit; man, do I want to take a bite out of her.

  “Think you want to kiss me again, then, Darlin’?” She smiles and closes the distance between us. Holding myself back from putting pressure on her split lip, I give her everything in that kiss. Willing her to know I want her here beside me. And sure as fuck, not just for a week.

  Holding back isn’t my strong suit but it’s my only option right now. I will seduce her slowly, tenderly; then when I’ve put that son of a bitch down, I’ll be the first man to make love to her. Pulling back from me, she caresses my cheek.

  “I wouldn’t have met you if this hadn’t happened, you know?” She smiles sweetly at me.

  “Fuck that. Somehow we would have.” I hold her face gently in my hands. “Doesn’t matter anyway, gonna need you here a lot longer than a week, Darlin’.”

  Her eyes fill with tears she can’t hold back. “No, Jasper. Don’t. I can’t be with you. I can’t be with anyone. I’m sorry, just the week.” She tries to break my embrace but I won’t let her. I hold her tight as she cries herself out. I just whisper, “Shh, I’ve got you now,” Over and over, while running my fingers all through her hair.

  Chapter 8


  Rage burned in me all night long. I barely sleep, not knowing how to ask the next question I need to know the answer to. After she fell asleep and I thought about what she said, it had immediately popped into my head that she wouldn’t stay if she were pregnant.

  Then I really went to battle with myself. This woman had already wormed her way into my heart; I wasn’t too stubborn to admit that. If she were pregnant, could I love the child of the man who did this to her? If we were to have a child ourselves, could I love his child as much as my own?

  I must have finally drifted off because I jerk suddenly when Emma nuzzles into my arm, “Jasper? Sorry, you’re snoring in my ear.”

  “Sorry, Darlin’.” I snuggle my head into the hollow at the base of her neck. “Emma, I need to know something important.” I feel her nod against my head, giving me permission. “Are you pregnant?”

  She tenses up then starts to lightly shake. Fuck. I try to steel my face against any show of emotion when a snort escapes her. “Oh God, I shouldn’t laugh.” She doesn’t seem to be trying to reign it in though, she quietly laughs beside me. “I’m sorry, Jasper. You sounded so scared.”

  “That’s not a fucking answer, Emma!” I move back from her watching her try to control her laughter then start smiling despite myself. Her laugh is infectious and I realize I’ve never heard it before.

  “No.” She hiccups, grabbing her mouth in surprise. “I never told him, he would have been furious, but I had been on birth control to help with my periods. I didn’t have the chance to bring it with me when I left that day, so when you asked all I could think is: he probably found them after I left.” Emma collapses into giggles again.

  “Every time, starting after the first time he raped me, he prayed that I ‘would not be found wanting and would carry his seed’.” She hiccups again and I can’t help but find the humor in that along with her.

  “Come on, what an egotistical bastard, right? Even if he hadn’t been raping me, would even think that’s an appropriate prayer?” She takes a deep breath, before looking back at me again. “Why did you ask?”

  “What did you mean last night, Emma? You said you couldn’t be with anyone? That’s what I thought you meant.” As soon as I ask, she starts to withdraw from me, both mentally and physically.

  “Just leave it, Jasper.” She whispers, as she retreats to the bathroom. I get up and dressed for the day, reaching for my cell phone just as it starts ringing.

  “Roy, what’s up?” I pick up immediately.

  “I want in, Jasper,” He starts without preamble. “When you go after Miss Emma’s ex, I want in.”

  Sighing loudly, “There are other factors, Roy. We’re starting with the legal route.”

  “Just don’t leave me out. I get more pissed off the more I get to know her.”

  “I hear you, Roy. Loud and clear.” I end the call without further ado. Emma has emerged from the bathroom, on my way in I kiss her cheek and tell her to get dressed for a day out.

  I’m taking her to the diner before we go shopping. But damn it all; I realize I should have asked her to get dressed, not given her another demand.


  I can’t help but be a little disappointed when we only go as far as the clubhouse on Jasper’s bike. He says he’ll need the trunk space his truck offers for some errands after breakfast, without saying any more.

  Driving around town, he shows me where he went to school and points out some businesses he personally invested in, before he pulls up to Ray’s Diner. His favorite in the area. There’s an older woman waiting tables and her eyes get big when she sees my face.

  “Don’t you worry, dear heart. Jasper’ll get that sorted out.” Then she gives him a slow nod with a glint of something fierce in her eyes. He laughs as she takes off to get our order in.

  As I’m watching the crowd, in walks a man in a suit that seems oddly formal for this town; looking around, he quickly approaches us.

  “Mr. Anders, please excuse the interruption. I do have that paperwork prepared, if Ms. Jones could review and sign it after your meal?”

  “I’m Emma Jones, are you the attorney?” I inquire, finally commanding his attention.

  “Oh, Ms. Jones, yes. Tim Jessop at your service.” He extends his hand for a dead-fish sort of handshake. “The paperwork I discussed with Mr. Anders is ready for your review.”

  “We’ll stop by after breakfast, Tim.” Jasper says, dismissively and the odd man nearly runs to the counter to pick up his own meal.

  “I’m sorry, you said he rides with your MC?” I can hardly fathom that picture.

  “We do charity runs or just road trips, he’s usually up for those.” Jasper smirks back at me. “You’ll need a state ID to sign the docs, when I talked to Sheriff Michaels yesterday he said he could issue a temporary id for you as long as your photo was in Nebraska’s licensing files?”

  “Oh, I have my license with me, Jasper.”

  “I didn’t see it when I was ‘rifling through your belongings’ – thought you had left it behind?” He grins, obviously trying to deflect what he did the other day.

  “I kept it in my shoe so it wouldn’t get lost. Hey, you don’t have to look so surprised. I may be a bit sheltered but I’m not an idiot!”

  “No,” He looks up quickly. “I wouldn’t have thought to do that myself. It was clever.”

  Finishing our breakfast, we head down the block to the lawyer’s office. Afterwards, Jessop, as Jasper calls him, follows us to the town hall to expedite the order of protection that will be transferred to the Sheriff in my hometown and served on Adam. First that, then the divorce papers, eventually I’ll be able to breathe again. Then, I can start to forget.

  I wasn’t prepared for meeting Sheriff Michaels. When Jas first mentioned him, I pictured him to be in his fifties, with grey hair and kind, shrewd eyes. The only part I got right was the shrewd eyes. He’s probably in his thirties, a few inches shorter than Jasper with medium length black hair and kind, blue ey
es. He has already heard my tale from Jasper but insists on interviewing me himself.

  The Sheriff instantly puts me at ease and calmly talks me through the last year. Finally satisfied with my story, he walks me out to Jasper in the reception area and says; “If you’re planning on staying, the cross country and track coach is retiring from the high school soon; I’ll put the word in for you.” I had briefly mentioned my love of running and education degree to him, his kind thought nearly brings tears to my eyes, but I just smile and shrug my shoulders.

  “She’ll let you know next week, if that’s alright?” Jasper speaks up, taking my hand in his. He just won’t back down from wanting me to stay in his town.

  Getting in the truck with Jasper, I ask to borrow his phone. It’s time I let Henry know I’m alright and I suddenly feel terrible I hadn’t thought to do it sooner.

  I hear his gentle voice after the third ring. “Henry Masters.”

  “Henry, it’s me Emma…um, Marie. Sorry, I’m using my given first name now.” I babble.

  “Missy, it is good to hear from you. You know, I have a police officer and a Preacher sitting right here asking about something. Could you call me back? That is if they don’t arrest me or send me to hell!” He chuckles more to himself than anyone listening.

  “I’m so sorry Henry. I will call you in thirty minutes, I promise.” I quickly set the timer on Jasper’s phone so I can call him back promptly.

  “What’s wrong, Darlin’? He alright?” Jasper asks, reaching across the console for my hand.

  “I don’t know. He addressed me as ‘Missy’ and said that there was a cop and a Preacher in his house. I’m guessing that’s Adam, sitting there asking him questions. He didn’t say anything else.”

  “Ok, just relax. That means they recovered Henry’s car from where we found you and have some questions about it. We know Adam said you were missing and suicidal so that’s why he’s there. You’ve got your own story on record here now and you haven’t done anything wrong.” Of course, this makes sense as Jasper talks me through it. I’m just a bundle of nerves.


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