Jasper: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 1)

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Jasper: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 1) Page 6

by M. Merin

  We pull into a home supply store parking lot and for the next half hour, Jasper has me looking at tiles for his backsplash. His counters and cabinets have already been ordered, this little piece of normalcy helps to pass the time. We both like the same tile immediately so we spend the next twenty minutes trying to narrow down the ugliest tile in the store.

  Feeling light-hearted with this man, but looking away quickly each time I catch him smiling at me; I suddenly realize that he probably doesn’t get many opportunities for frivolity.

  While he’s placing his order, I start out to the truck with his phone, trying Henry again.

  “Is that you?” He asks, picking up immediately.

  “Yes, Henry, is everything alright?”

  “They found the car, and were trying to find out if I knew you. That husband of yours confided in me that he was searching for his suicidal wife! I wanted to hit him so bad, it near killed me keeping a straight face. Now what have you been up to?”

  “I think I passed out from the pain eventually and crashed your car, I really don’t remember. Some men found me and one has been tending me. He’s gotten a lawyer and the town sheriff involved here. Protection and divorce papers are going to be served on Adam over the next few days. We’ve kept your name out of it right now, but will you be a witness if…”

  “Don’t even have to ask, of course I will.” He huffs. “God, after the show he put on today I’m even more worked up over this! But, Marie…um, Emma? Don’t you go so long without checking in again, you hear me?”

  “Thank you, Henry. Can you write down this number and call Jasper if anything happens?” Jasper has crossed the parking lot to me and is loading up the tile in the back as I climb in the truck.

  “Can you trust this guy, Emma?” Henry whispers, as if Jasper can hear him.

  “I know I don’t have a great track record, but yes, Henry. I trust Jasper and his people.” The last part I say looking Jasper straight in the face. He motions for the phone. “Oh, he wants to talk to you.”

  “Henry?” Jasper starts. “I’m grateful for you helping Emma like you did.” From there on out he’s on the listening end and all I hear is a series of ‘uh-huhs’ and ‘yes, sirs’.

  “Sir, if I ever find myself in your area, maybe with a friend, and don’t want to stay in a hotel; any chance you could put us up for a night?” This is followed by silence then an “I appreciate it, thank you again.” Before he hangs up.

  “Jasper, what are you planning?” He pockets his phone before leaning over to kiss me.

  “Nothing, Darlin’, just been talking about a road trip with Roy is all.” Suuure. “Now the mall, it’s the next town over, since I promised you some new things.”

  “Jasper, no. I can’t have you spending any more on me!”

  “Mine to spend, Emma. You might as well speak up or you’ll end up with nothing but lingerie!” He wiggles his eyebrows in the most comical way.

  Chapter 9


  After getting a fair idea of her size, I leave Emma to pick some outfits out in one store and I eagerly hit the lingerie store next door. I know I’m pushing my luck, but I have a thing for thongs and selfishly want her sleeping in something other than my flannel shirts.

  Picking out several pieces, including a couple lacy bits in stark white that will play nicely towards my newly found fantasy of ‘seducing the Preacher’s daughter’, plus some brighter colors she might enjoy; I suddenly get nervous that she’ll take this time to run so I hurriedly check out. Getting back to the original store, she is standing near the door looking nervous.

  “Emma? Everything alright?” She jumps as I address her from behind. “Shit, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “No, I’m sorry.” She starts to reach a hand out to me until she sees the bag I’m carrying and narrows her eyes. “What did you do?”

  “Well, you need something to sleep in, don’t you?” I ask as innocently as possible. Thankfully, nothing in the store required a large bag, so the twenty items I bought look pretty compact.

  With a healthy measure of disbelief in her eyes, she looks back towards the register. “I found some things on the sale rack that work well; they’re holding them for me.” The two sales women she indicates are actually frowning in our direction.

  “Emma, sales rack is gonna be summer things. It’ll be cold soon, come on, let’s get more.” Pulling her hand into mine, I walk her through the displays, getting her to agree to a couple more pieces and a pair of boots and gym shoes. By the time we’re back at the register, I’m not sure if I’m more annoyed at having to shop or the angry looks I’m getting from the employees.

  Approaching the counter, I look at the older of the two women. “We’re ready to settle up now.” I say as Emma puts the additional items down.

  Looking between each other, neither make a move to help us. “This is a store, correct?” I pull myself to my full height; guessing my tattoos, leather, and jean combination have already cemented the idea of me being a limp-dick-wife-beater in their minds and I’m pretty fucking pissed about that.

  “It wasn’t him.” Comes Emma’s low voice from beside me. “He’s hel…”

  “Fuck that shit.” I snap, keeping eye contact with the older woman. “They’ve already judged me, Darlin’; don’t go and tell them it was a different son-of-a-bitch that beat you, you’ll ruin my image.” I’m snarling by the time I’ve finished and don’t give two shits.

  The younger sales woman finally starts ringing up Emma’s choices and the older associate is shaking. Emma reaches up to cup my cheek, pulling my gaze from them. When her eyes meet mine, I exhale; her clear blue eyes make most of my anger leave my body with my breath. “Remember what we talked about, Jasper?” She lifts an eyebrow at me, “You’re supposed to say, ‘Fuck that shit, please?’.”

  I throw my head back laughing before I gather her in my arms. Pressing my forehead down to hers, I’m eventually drawn out from our bubble by the salesperson clearing her throat repeatedly. She must have given me the total once or twice before I registered anything; turning back to her I see a little grin on her face as I hand her the cash.

  “You tired, Emma?” I ask as I get her and the purchases into the truck. She nods when I reach over her to fasten her seat belt.

  “I can do that, you know.” She says, in an annoyed tone.

  “I know, I just wanted to accidently touch your butt when I fastened it.” I tell her very honestly, getting another of her laughs.

  “Uh, huh, I caught that!” She reaches across to put her hand on my thigh and my dick starts to twitch at her touch. “I’m sorry for how they treated you, Jasper.”

  “Used to being looked down on, just them thinking I beat you pissed the shit of me.” I say after a moment.

  “Thank you, Jasper. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. So many people who should have said or done something, ignored what was right in front of them. That you are doing all this is pretty amazing.” She looks out the window and whispers, “I’ll never forget you.”

  “Goddamn right you won’t, Darlin’.” Let her take the words that I growl out anyway she wants to, I’m not fucking letting her get far enough away to ever forget me.

  The rest of the night is spent quietly at my house. Unloading the tile, I walk her around the place giving her an idea of what I have in mind. There are three bedrooms currently, and a second living space towards the back. After fixing the roof, I had started replacing the old, warped flooring with new wood floors, starting at the back and moving towards the front. Her face is hard to read and as she starts to tire, I walk back to the bag from the lingerie store; selecting the most modest piece, a sleeveless, v-neck, blue, cotton nighty. I hand it to her with an innocent look on my face.

  Seeing her scurry from the bathroom to what I now consider our bed, I love the way the nighty hugs her lines and hits her right above the knees. I think about introducing the other pieces slowly.

  “You know, you have to wash
the panties before I’ll wear them.” She cuts right into my daydream.

  “Huh?” I try not to look too startled. “Panties?”

  “Crazy stuff happens at those stores and you don’t have a washer here. You can’t just expect me to wear whatever nonsense you purchased.” Man, does she have my number. “And the panties should not go in the dryer.” She thoughtfully adds as she drifts off to sleep.

  I don’t even get a chance to tell her; I bought her eight thongs, in addition to crotch-less panties. She’ll have to stay longer than a week.


  The next morning, I wake up alone and pad out towards the kitchen. Entering the great room, I see an older man lying on the couch. “Good Morning, kitten.”

  I gasp halfway through my retreat. I could have sworn his eyes were closed. “Um, sorry, who are you?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest.

  “Flint. You’re Emma. I heard that Jas had someone here and when I came out to meet you, he stuck me on babysitting duty. Fuck, Roy wasn’t kidding about those marks.” My jaw drops a bit more the longer he goes on. I finally hold up a finger and retreat to pull more clothes on.

  “Flint? Is there any coffee?” I ask, rejoining him a few minutes later. He nods to the pot and continues to watch me like a hawk until I join him on the sofa.

  “Jas has some club business to deal with; he didn’t want you alone when you woke up.”

  “He’s told me about you. What you mean to him, I mean.” I say, getting a grunt in reply.

  “Are you a Fed, or any kind of cop?” He’s suddenly glaring at me and I freeze.

  “No! What?”

  “Just had to ask, doubt he did and your story is right up his alley.” He grunts back at me as he strokes his beard. “Can’t have you conning him.”

  “What the hell is your problem?!” I tense up, ready to lay into him.

  “Hush now, don’t like strangers around here. This is my town, so don’t get riled, kitten.” He shrugs off my anger like it’s nothing. “Been watching out for him a long time now, don’t figure on lightening up. Especially not when he’s thinking of keeping you.”

  “I’ll be out of here in a few days, so don’t worry about that.” I look him dead on. “He’s just letting me heal first.”

  Flint barks out a laugh. “Hell, you try that and even Roy will track you down to bring you back to Jas. He’s smitten with you also.”

  “Don’t say that. Please, I’ve told him I can’t stay. I never said I would.” I stare at my hands, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to overwhelm me.

  “Heard you come from good Christian stock,” He raises a thick, dark eyebrow at me. “How’d that work out for you?”

  I glare back. Refusing to acknowledge those who did this or didn’t help me as ‘good Christians’.

  “From what I hear, Jasper wanted you almost from the moment he carried you out of the mud. He’s solid, young for the position he holds but he’ll stand true. Man like that wants to hold on to you, why not give him a chance?” He asks, looking for a genuine answer.

  “Your life, Flint, it’s so different from anything I know. Also, I have a degree, I just need to find work and I can take care of myself. There’s things you, I mean, things he doesn’t know.” I pause to catch my breath. “I’m not, I can’t…I should leave. I don’t want him to think there’s a chance I’ll stay.”

  Flint tilts his head, about to say something else. I hold myself together, long enough to set down the mug and retreat to the bedroom. Silent tears streak down my face as I pack. I’m not foolish enough to try to walk to the bus stop, now that I know the distance.

  I sit on the floor near the door, probably for an hour or more. I hear Flint in the main room and from time to time see him walk around the perimeter of the house. Finally I hear a bike, the men talking and the door reopening.

  I brace myself to go talk to Jasper, instead he walks quickly towards the room. Opening the door, he looks panicked seeing the empty bed, before he spots me on the floor.

  “This has gone too far, Jasper. You’ve done so much, but now you need to take me to the bus station.” I say, keeping a firm voice and solid eye contact as I stand up.

  “Dinner’s up front, come on.” He turns and walks away, once again dismissing my decision. I sigh heavily, hefting my bag I follow him.

  He sets tonight’s take-out portions on the middle cushion of the sofa. I stand above him, wanting to touch him but standing firm I recite the line I practiced since hearing what Flint said earlier.

  “You keeping me here doesn’t make you the hero, Jasper,” He looks up at me sharply. “It makes you no different than Adam.”

  We stare each other down. “I’ll never hurt you, Emma.” He vows.

  I maintain eye contact without saying anything further.

  “Sit down and eat.”

  “Fuck off.” Ok, not staying on script anymore. I open the door and take up my retreat position, the top step of the porch.

  Hugging my bag to me, I loop my foot around one of the railing supports in case he tries to pick me up. I’m determined to sleep out here at this point.

  Nearly an hour goes by before he follows me out. “What’s your play here, Darlin’? I’m sure it’s too late for a bus.”

  “Yeah, thanks for that. Take me to that small hotel then, near the station.” Red hair really does equal stubborn in my case.

  “Emma, did Flint upset you?” I shake my head no.

  “Did he say something you want to discuss or for me to explain?” I shake my head again. I feel myself caving the more he talks in that calm, sweet voice of his.

  “Stay here tonight, we can talk in the morning and if you…”

  “Stop! Stop trying to keep me here!” I go for the only thing I know will piss him off enough to get rid of me, looking back out towards the drive I scream out the line I know will make him push me away. “Like I’d lower myself to be a biker’s whore! I don’t want to be here, Jasper.”

  The words I yell hurt me more than the last beating I endured, but the worst part of that night created such self-disgust within me that I refuse to burden anyone with it. The silence hanging between us makes me feel like all my wounds have been cut open and I’m bleeding again. Finally I hear the door slam behind him, then nothing.

  Not long afterwards, Probie drives up in a car. Slowly approaching me he reaches for my bag, “Um, you going to the bus station, right?”

  I nod, unable to speak. Keeping my head down, I get into the front seat without looking back. I can’t afford to.

  Without any fanfare, Probie drops me at the station. The ticket window is still open; there’s a bus leaving shortly, only to a town a little more than an hour off. Needing to move, I take it.

  Arriving there, I’m faced with a seedy motel and a truck stop diner with a Help Wanted sign. I apply for the job and getting hired on the spot, am told I can get a discounted room next door.

  Chapter 10

  Sheriff Steve Swanton, Oakton, Nebraska

  “Son of a Bitch! Goddamn it!” I yell out, instantly earning a glare from my assistant. Tilda’s been in the church choir for twenty years and doesn’t abide swearing.

  I’ve just spent the better part of a week dealing with a missing woman report; Tilda’s ‘Good Reverend’s’ wife, no less. And now I’ve received an order of protection that I’m going to have to serve against him. I fucking knew Old Henry knew more than he was letting on the other day; but he just sat there giving the Reverend the evil eye, not saying a word.

  Picking up the phone, I dial the number attached to the document that just came across my email.

  “Rowansville Sheriff’s Department, how may I help you?” Comes a bored voice.

  “This is Sheriff Swanton in Nebraska, I need to speak to Sheriff Michaels.” I bark out.

  “Just a moment.”

  “Michaels here.” Comes the voice of a man who sounds as annoyed as I feel.

  “This is Sheriff Swanton in Oakton, Nebraska. I j
ust received a…”

  “Ah, yes. The protection order for Ms. Jones. I trust you’ll get that served immediately?” He cuts in.

  “Well, considering I’ve been trying to track her down for a good week, I wanted to confirm that she’s been sighted and still among the living.”

  “Yes, I interviewed her myself a couple days after she got to town. She was still in pretty bad shape from what that bastard did to her, but of sound mind. I even offered to help her secure employment here.”

  I sit back in my chair. The Reverend and his mother-in-law have been leading searches around the area, telling one-and-all how suicidal his wife has been since her father and sister died last year. I’ve never heard a whisper of spousal abuse but it wouldn’t be the first time that was kept quiet.

  “I will go ahead and serve this Order this afternoon. Any chance you can get her to call me? I’d like to start documenting what I can also.”

  “That depends.” Michaels responds, “You go to his Church?”

  “My wife does, hell, most the town does; mostly out of loyalty to her father. I’ve never had the patience for that stuff.” I pause, “I do remember Marie from around here, never got into any trouble and placed in State track meets every year she was in high school.”

  “She’s decided she wants to be called Emma now.” He grunts. “The people that found her, they don’t take with women being battered. I Do Not take with women being battered. She’s safe now. The lawyer who drew up this Order is filing the divorce papers also, just so you know.”

  Nodding into the phone at his comments, I understand that he’s half accusing me for allowing her abuse, but there’s a warning in there also, I just don’t get what he means. “I’m with you Sheriff. I never had any reports. This was never about trying to cover anything up. I’m glad she’s found good people, but maybe she can call her Mother?”

  “Her Mother knew what was happening. And apparently the Good Reverend has an ex-wife who was treated the same way. Do some digging, call me back with what you find and we’ll talk some more.” The line disconnects.


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