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Summer of Awakenings

Page 9

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “You heard ’em’!” Kory shouted.

  They had planned for an encore on the off chance that they didn’t suck. Now Kory was glad they’d been prepared. He motioned to Jacob to change it to Fun’s ‘We Are Young.’ The screaming was so loud, Kory thought they were at a damn concert. He looked up and smiled - Riley was actually singing along. Caden tapped his foot and Wayne hugged Lacy to him. The three of them moved just like they’d planned, each taking a turn in front, moving behind the other as they finished their part of the song. They all stood side by side as the song came to an end. Once again, screaming met their ears and they all bowed.

  “Happy birthday!” Will shouted into the mic.

  “Get up here and pick a song!” Wyatt laughed.

  “I’ll do it!” Ryder laughed, grabbing Skylar.

  “Oh hell, no!” Skylar held back.

  “Chicken shit.” Ryder raised his brows.

  “Oh, it’s on!” Skylar walked to the stage with Ryder and they looked at the choices. Ryder raised a brow and looked at Skylar. “What about this one?”

  Skylar grinned. “Oh, yeah. I see why we get along.” Skylar high-fived Ryder.

  Ryder turned to the room. “Anyone under the age of sixteen had better vacate!”

  “That’s our cue,” Riley laughed, grabbing the little ones.

  Wyatt sat on one of the tables with Will and Kory. They waited until Ryder and Skylar got into position and then Jacob started the music. Wyatt laughed and bent over trying to catch his breath. Will’s mouth dropped open as Skylar and Ryder walked across the stage with their mics like seasoned rappers. “This is Why I’m Hot’ by Mims was playing and the bass was actually shaking the windows.


  Will looked over his shoulder to see Elijah licking his lips.

  “Which one?” Will smiled.

  “Both.” Elijah’s cheeks reddened.

  Will turned back to the stage. Ryder and Skylar weren’t just singing — they were dancing, too. Lord, they could be strippers. Will laughed at the thought and got a raised eyebrow from Seth. He winked, patting the seat next to him. Seth came over and sat down, taking Will’s hand in his.

  “I loved it,” Seth whispered in Will’s ear. “Can you sing to me later?”

  “I can do a lot of things later.” Will gave Seth a lascivious grin.

  “Oh shit.” Seth swallowed hard.

  By midnight, the kids were exhausted and Will was saying goodnight to Skylar and Kory. Most of the kids had already gone to the showers. Will hugged Skylar and patted his back.

  “You know, you could have a career in this if you ever wanted one. You and Ryder.”

  “Yeah? You really think so?” Skylar asked uncertainly.

  “Yes, we do.” Kory said. “You guys sounded great.”

  “Happy birthday, Skylar.” Wyatt mussed Skylar’s hair.

  “Best one ever,” Skylar grinned.

  Chapter Six

  Sebastian opened one eye and saw a face. He groaned and rolled over, throwing the pillow over his head.

  “That’s how you say hello?” Nikolai grinned.

  “I thought you were on a mission?” Sebastian muffled from under his pillow.

  “I was. I’m just that good.” Nikolai crawled under the covers and snuggled into Sebastian. “I missed my best friend.”

  “You came for Colin,” Sebastian chuckled.

  Nikolai put his hand to his chest. “What? How could you say —” Nikolai laughed. “I can’t do it; yeah, you’re right.”

  Sebastian groaned. “You know you’re just going to piss him off.”

  Nikolai stretched back on the bed and threaded his fingers together behind his head. “Well, you see, that’s where my bestest friend comes in.”

  Sebastian rolled over and looked at Nikolai. “You’re shitting me, right?”

  Nikolai pouted. “I’m only here to pick up Riley, Wayne and Caden. I don’t have a lot of time to make an impression.”

  “Oh, you’ve made one,” Sebastian laughed.

  “Come on, Bas, pleeeeease?” Nikolai batted his eyelashes.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Sebastian sighed, smiling at Nikolai’s pouty face. “I hate it when you do that,” Sebastian sighed. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Just tell me where he is.”

  Sebastian looked over at the clock. “He’ll be in the crafts building in a few minutes.” Sebastian propped himself up on his elbow. “What is it about Colin, huh? You could have any guy you want, Nik.”

  Nikolai sighed and closed his eyes. “I don’t know what it is, but I’m trying to find out. The guy can’t stand me; I mean, he’s so mean.”

  Sebastian chuckled. “Said the assassin. He’s a Greystone.”

  “You know he’s adopted, right?”

  “Doesn’t matter, he was raised by Paul and Mark Greystone. Trust me; Paul Greystone is no pushover. I’ve heard the stories from James Jacobs. Paul has killed people.”

  “Yes, but look what they did.” Nikolai cocked an eyebrow.

  Sebastian raised both brows. “You have been doing your homework on Colin, haven’t you?”

  Nikolai shrugged. “I find him fascinating. It’s not just because he turned me down. There’s something about him,” Nikolai smiled dreamily. “He’s got beautiful eyes, perfect lips and he’s a badass. He’s just…”

  “Colin’s not any guy. He was raised around the Santornos and Youngbloods. He has the same mindset as they do and he’s trained. Like really trained.”

  Nikolai grinned. “I know. That’s so hot!”

  Sebastian laughed and playfully punched Nikolai’s bicep. “Well, good luck.” He eyed Nikolai’s attire. “Is that how you’re going to go out?”

  Nikolai eyed his faded jeans and muscle shirt. “What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?” Nikolai peered into Sebastian’s eyes and saw the laughter in them. “Dick.”

  Sebastian rolled over and fluffed his pillow. “Get out and go find Colin. I need thirty more minutes of sleep.”

  Nikolai pinched Sebastian’s ass and jumped out of bed. “Okay, I’ll see you later.”


  Colin lined up the bottles of glue and put the stack of poster boards on the main table. They’d be making posters today for kids who were hospitalized. He smiled at the friendship bracelet on his wrist. One of his campers, Stone, had made it for him. The kid had been relentlessly beaten after school each and every day until he’d run away. His parents had refused to move since Stone’s father was gainfully employed and they lived too far away to send him to another school. Stone had asked to be home schooled but his mother had refused, saying she didn’t have the time to spend with him. Wayne and Riley had enrolled him at a boarding school for the gifted and now he had a close circle of friends, including gay ones, there. He was much happier. His parents were just happy to be rid of their gay son. Needless to say, Wayne Maccon had given them an earful.

  Colin sighed, picking up a box of paints. He’d been lucky enough to be adopted by two wonderful men and raised in a loving household. When he had realized he was gay, it’d been easy coming out. Going to school with guys in similar situations had made it even easier. The Santornos and Youngbloods were a close-knit group, and the kids all went to the same school and were all trained in lethal combat. Having a target on your back made that a necessity. Colin heard a short cough behind him and turned to find Nikolai Markov smiling at him. Ah, shit.

  “Oh great,” Colin sighed in frustration. “Just what I need.”

  “Do you need help with anything?” Nikolai strolled into the crafts room.

  Colin backed up as Nikolai walked right up to him. He didn’t consider himself short, he was five foot ten, but in Nikolai’s presence he felt tiny. And vulnerable. Dude needed to look up “personal space” in the dictionary.

  “No, I don’t. Why are you here?”

  Nikolai frowned. “That’s it? Didn’t you miss me at all?”

  “No, and I don’t know how many ways to
say it to make you understand. It’s not going to happen, Markov.”

  “Why?” Nikolai moved in even closer.

  Colin backed up into the wall and looked up. “Because I know how you operate. You’ll chase me until I give in, fuck me, and then get bored. I’m not going to subject myself to that.”

  Nikolai placed his hands on the wall on either side of Colin’s head. “What if I said I’d be faithful? What if I proved it?” Nikolai leaned in unbelievably closer. “Tell me you aren’t interested and I’ll back off.”

  Colin could feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing straight up. Oh, he wasn’t unaffected by Nikolai, that was for damn sure. But he wasn’t going to get his heart ripped open, either. It was hard to believe this was the same Nikolai he had played with by the pond at the Youngbloods’ house. The same Nikolai who Colin had spent hours reading books to. The same Nikolai who had followed Colin absolutely everywhere. But Nikolai didn’t seem to remember him at all. It hurt.

  “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

  “Say you’re not interested and make me believe it.”

  Colin tilted his head. “Even if I do find you attractive I’ll never go there, Nikolai. You’re vain, conceited and a whore.” Colin pushed Nikolai back and stalked across the room.

  Nikolai balled his fists and took a deep breath. “I’m no whore. I enjoy sex is all.”

  “Oh you enjoy it all right; I bet you fucked the whole West Coast. Didn’t you fuck Brock?”

  Nikolai narrowed his eyes. “Is that why you’re so pissed? Because I fucked one of your football teammates?”

  “I couldn’t care less who you fuck. Now please leave.” Colin put his hands on his hips and gave Nikolai a glare.

  Nikolai stalked back across the room and leaned into Colin’s face. “Fine, I’ll go. But this right here just proves you’re lying, Colin.”

  Colin held his breath as Nikolai walked away from him. The door to the crafts building opened and Brock walked in.

  “Hey, Nik. Colin.” Brock looked between the two of them.

  “Perfect!” Nikolai grabbed Brock and hauled him into a kiss. When he had thoroughly kissed Brock, he let up and let go. “Nice seeing you, Brock.”

  “Uh huh.” Brock’s glazed eyes followed Nikolai Markov out the door. “Holy shit. That guy can kiss.”

  Colin turned around and busied himself with the construction paper. He didn’t want Brock to see the pain Nikolai had just caused him.

  “Whatever. That boy annoys the crap out of me.”

  “Oh, Nikolai Markov is no boy; he fucks like a man,” Brock leered.

  “I’m out of here,” Colin spat.


  Will readied the horses and made sure all the campers were seated correctly. The saddles had been checked and re-checked. Will hopped on top of Fury and leaned into her ear.

  “Now, if you buck me off I won’t bring you any more sugar cubes.” Will smiled as Fury snorted. He turned to face the rest of the kids and smiled. “Okay, the horses know where to go, so just relax and let them take you.”

  They set off on one of the numerous trails that ran around Deer Lake. The grass swayed in the slight breeze and the sun warmed them. Will looked back at all the kids staring at the scenery. He rubbed Fury’s neck and tipped his face to the sun. They spent a few hours on the trails, Will pointing out wildlife to the kids. They stopped in a shady area and spread out on the ground to have lunch. Will sat with Ryder watching the campers.

  “They look happy, huh?” Will glanced at Ryder.

  “That’s because we are,” Ryder grinned. “So, are you and that big guy, Seth, seeing each other?”

  Will spit his juice out, inhaling some of it. He coughed, trying to clear out his lungs.

  “So that’d be a yes?” Ryder laughed, falling back on the blanket in a fit of laughter.

  A gust of wind blew across the blanket, causing it to flip over onto the food and Will leaned over, righting it. A flock of birds burst through the trees and the horses whinnied. Will stood up and looked around. A rumbling was coming from somewhere; it sounded like a freight train. Ryder stood up and looked in the same direction.

  “What is that?”

  Will looked over his shoulder to see the horses fidgeting.

  “I don’t know.”

  The ground shifted underneath him and Will stepped back. He pushed Ryder towards the rest of the kids as the ground opened up beneath him.

  “GO! Get back to the camp!” Will shouted. Ryder fell backwards from the shove and Will plummeted into the Earth below. The sound was deafening and his body was freefalling. Will grasped for purchase along the wall of dirt and connected with a large rock protruding from the side. He came to a stop and cried out as his fingers bent back. His arms were aching and blood trickled down to his elbow. He let out a wail as his kneecap hit the side of the wall with a crack.

  “Will!” Ryder shouted.

  “Take the kids back to the camp!”

  “I’m not leaving you!” Ryder dropped to his knees looking down into the large crack in the Earth. A good twenty-five feet separated him from Will, and the ground was still opening up.

  “Go get help! Get the kids back to safety!” Will looked up and his eyes met with Ryder’s. The eyes were panicked. He knew how that felt. “Take the kids back now! The horses will lead you!”

  Ryder grabbed one of the lead horses and jumped on top of her, shouting to the kids to do the same. He took off shouting at the top of his lungs.


  Sebastian felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and then a bright light flashed behind his eyes. He braced himself as the vision almost knocked him on his ass. It was so clear; it was like it was happening right then. His eyes flew open and he spun around looking for the other counselors.

  “Get to the main building now!” Sebastian shouted, grabbing kids as he ran.

  Olivia grabbed Emma and looked around for the smaller kids. “Lance!” she shouted.

  “I’m coming!” Lance picked up the smaller campers and watched as Travis grabbed a few of his own.

  Sebastian ran, all while looking around to make sure everyone was following him. The sound of the quake had reached them and buildings started to sway as the shaking effect came into play. He kicked open the main building door and started ushering the kids in.

  “Get under the biggest tables and stay down!” Sebastian shouted over the noise.

  Travis and Lance got their kids all together and crawled under the table with them. Sebastian kept his eyes on Olivia and her campers. The smaller ones were having a hard time keeping up and he ran out to help them.

  “Get Lacy!” Olivia shouted.

  Sebastian turned to see one of the trees being uprooted; Lacy was trying to run but her little legs weren’t going fast enough for his satisfaction. He ran and picked her up, cradling her in his arms. Olivia was waiting for them and Sebastian heard the loud crack from behind him. Olivia’s eyes went wide as the tree came down. Sebastian grabbed Olivia and threw his arm out to stop the tree from hitting them both.

  Olivia braced for the pain and heard a loud crack. Opening her eyes, she saw the tree off to the side. Sebastian’s forearm was bleeding and he handed her Lacy.

  “Get under the table!” Sebastian pushed them inside the building.

  “Your arm!”

  “It’ll heal, now move!”


  “What is that?” Riley turned away from the limo as a rumbling crossed the valley.

  Wayne tilted his head and then his eyes went wide. “It’s an earthquake!”

  The Camp Pride sign swayed, and then cracked. Caden turned around to see it leaning. The log holding it up cracked and splintered, sending the sign right for Riley.

  “Riley!” Caden shouted.

  Wayne dove for Riley at the same time Caden did. The sign landed right on top of them both.


  Nikolai tilted his head. He was halfway to the main building when th
e ground shook beneath his feet. He ran back towards the craft building to see Brock ushering the kids away from the building.

  “Where’s Colin!?” Nikolai shouted.

  “He was getting the kids out!” Brock shouted. The noise was getting louder and louder and Brock took the kids under one of the massive picnic tables.

  Nikolai busted through the door of the crafts building to see Colin on the floor in a daze. Blood seeped from his forehead.

  “Colin!” Nikolai ran around a large log in the middle of the room. The ceiling was cracking as the force of the quake ravaged the building. Nikolai grabbed Colin off the floor and swung him up into his arms. Another log cracked above him and Nikolai dove under one of the craft tables as it came down. He landed on top of Colin and shielded him.


  Jacob turned to hear Kory shouting by the archery range. The noise of the quake was deafening. Kids were screaming and Jacob ran, frantically searching for his mate. He found Kory and the kids huddled under one of the picnic tables. Jacob crawled underneath and took Kory in his arms. He gathered in as many of the kids as he could and closed his eyes, hoping it would be over soon.

  “Where’s Elijah?” Kory’s eyes went wide.

  Jacob closed his eyes, honing in on a sound off to his right. Someone was crying.

  “I’ll be right back. You stay here, understood?” Jacob palmed Kory’s face.

  “Yes,” Kory nodded, pulling the kids closer to him.

  Jacob ran out into the forest towards the sound. Definite sounds of sobbing were coming from somewhere. “Elijah!”


  “Where are you!?”

  “I’m here!” Elijah shouted. He’d gotten his leg stuck under a tree when it’d fallen on top of him and now he was stuck. “I’m here!”

  Jacob pushed fallen branches aside and found Elijah. He grabbed the tree and threw it off of the boy. Picking Elijah up, he ran back towards the camp. “We’ll have a look at your leg as soon as we can, okay?”


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