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Swept Into Love: Gage Ryder (Love in Bloom: The Ryders Book 5)

Page 22

by Melissa Foster

  His father draped an arm over his shoulder, bringing his mind back to their conversation. “Well, son, I think I know where you got that from. Your mother doesn’t think I know this, but she’s got a cabinet full of baby clothes—pink and blue—toys, and all sorts of things, just waiting for her new grandbaby.”

  “She’s got another baby to buy for,” Duke reminded him.

  “Your mother’s got another cabinet full of stuff for yours and Gabby’s baby,” his father said. “And she’s ready to purchase gifts for another grandchild. But it appears Blue hasn’t gotten the memo yet.”

  Blue looked up from the couch where he sat beside Cash, each bouncing one of the twins on their lap. “Nothing like a little pressure. How about Boone and Trish?”

  Boone splayed his hands with a mischievous expression. Tattoos snaked out from his rolled-up sleeves. “You never know.”

  “Better you than us,” Jake chimed in. “Right, Addy?” he called into the kitchen.

  Addy blew him a kiss. Lizzie set a tray of cookies on the counter, and Trish snagged one, passing it from hand to hand like a hot potato. The girls laughed, and Sally’s laughter rose above the rest, calling Gage’s attention. Man, that laugh.

  Rusty came in from outdoors and kissed his mother’s cheek before stealing a cookie. After the initial shock of the marriage had worn off, Rusty had surprised them with his maturity. He’d offered to help paint the extra bedroom and set up the nursery. He’d even given them a onesie that said Made in Vegas. Gage looked forward to spending more time with Rusty as their family blended together.

  Gage turned his attention to the man who had taught him about strength, love, and loyalty, feeling thankful. In a world where so many couples ended in divorce and families fell apart with the change of the wind, his father had been a pillar of strength. And today, when Gage needed him most of all, he was right there by his side. He hoped to be as good a father and role model as Ned had been for him.

  “Hey, Dad, thanks for standing by me.”

  Ned pushed his wire-framed glasses up the bridge of his nose. His goatee was flecked with gray, but the mischief in his eyes made him look ten years younger. “That’s what fathers are for, son. You’ll see.”

  “Now I understand why Dad got so pissed at us when we used to sneak out,” Cash said. “I’d go out of my mind if I woke up at two in the morning and one of these guys was missing.”

  “You’ve got double trouble on your hands, buddy.” Gage patted his shoulder as he made his way toward his beautiful wife.

  “Don’t worry, Gage,” Rusty said as he came out of the kitchen. “I’ll keep my little brother or sister in line.”

  “Little Rusty’s all grown up,” Jake teased.

  Rusty scoffed and faked a punch to Jake’s gut. Gage chuckled. Sally looked up from the vegetables she was chopping and handed the knife to Trish. She moved gracefully across the floor and into Gage’s arm.

  “Merry Christmas, my beautiful bird.”

  “Merry Christmas.”

  He kissed her tenderly. “Our nest is very full tonight.” He nibbled on her neck the way he knew drove her mad.

  “I wish my parents could have made it back to celebrate with us.”

  “Me too, babe.”

  She put her arms around him. Her parents had been excited about their marriage and baby, which had surprised Sally. But it hadn’t surprised Gage, because they’d given up their daughter once, and anyone who had lost this incredible woman surely wouldn’t want a repeat performance.

  Gage slid his hand down her hip, giving her butt a gentle squeeze. “How much time do we have until dinner?”

  Sally’s cheeks pinked up, and she lowered her voice. “Not enough time for that, especially with your entire family here.”

  SALLY’S STOMACH FLIPPED and dipped as Gage tried relentlessly to seduce her, nipping at her lips, whispering sweet thoughts into her ears, and brushing his cheek over hers. She was so used to seeing him in casual clothes that when he’d dressed that morning in his dark slacks and a white button-down, he’d actually taken her breath away. And now, as his family mingled around them, the look in his eyes caused the same lapse of lung power.

  “Two minutes, baby. Give me two minutes to make you feel good. You know I can do it,” he said in an enticing voice. “Seeing you in this dress is driving me crazy.”

  “Could have fooled me. You and your brothers spent most of the day outdoors.”

  “Be glad I kept them out of your hair. You know how riled up they can get.”

  He slicked his tongue around the shell of her ear. “Come make out with me, baby. I’ll make it up to you.”

  She clutched his shirt as he placed openmouthed kisses along the base of her neck, wreaking havoc with her mind. “It won’t be enough. I’ll need you.”

  “That can be arranged,” he said heatedly.

  He winked and headed for the bedroom, leaving her alone to ponder his offer. Her finger would lose circulation if she twirled her hair any tighter around it. Maybe no one would notice if they were gone for just a few minutes. She glanced furtively around the room. Everyone seemed content. With her heart pounding out a thrilling beat, she slipped into the bedroom.

  “Gage?” she whispered.

  He hauled her into the bathroom and locked the door behind her with a rapacious look in his eyes. “I knew you’d come. Now let your man make you really come.”

  He backed her up against the door, his hungry eyes pinning her in place as he gathered the hem of her dress and lifted it up. He dropped to his knees and pulled her panties down.

  “Gage, we shouldn’t—” She tangled her hands in his hair as he did that magical thing with his tongue that made her toes curl. “Ohmygod—we should. We definitely should if you can be fast.”

  His talented fingers took her right up to the edge, and just as she was about to come, he bolted to his feet and dropped his pants, burying himself to the hilt. Nothing compared to making love with him without anything between them. Pregnancy rocked. Sensations exploded inside her chest like fireworks. She wound her arms around his neck and he lifted her up, using the wall for leverage.

  “Gage, you in there?” Jake’s voice came through the bathroom door.

  “Ohmygod!” Sally whispered.

  Gage put his finger over her lips, silencing her. “I’ll be another minute or two.”

  Sally tried to push from his arms, meeting the halting look in his eyes with an are-you-freaking-crazy glare.

  “The girls are looking for Sally,” Jake said.

  He chuckled, and she glared at him again. “Check the guest bathroom.”

  Jake was quiet for a second, and then he said, “While I pretend to do that, how about you two hurry up. Jesus, what is it about Ryders and bathrooms?”

  Gage ground his teeth together, slowly thrusting, and driving Sally mad despite their embarrassing situation. They listened to Jake leave the room, and Sally finally breathed.

  “I can’t believe I let you convince me to do this!”

  “Baby,” he said in that sexy, loving voice that broke down her defenses. “He kept our other secret. He won’t tell a soul. Let me knock this off my naughty bucket list. Do you know how many Christmases I’ve dreamed of doing this with you?”

  “About as many times as I have.”

  She surrendered to the fierce domination of his lips. Their bodies took over, creating that perfect harmony, which carried them to the peak of passion.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  TRUE TO GAGE’S word, Jake didn’t say a word to anyone about their bathroom tryst. But that didn’t stop Sally from imagining that everyone knew why she’d come out of the bathroom freshly washed up and grinning like the well-fucked wife she was.

  Dinner passed with lots of laughter. Coco and Seth were so cute, she spent most of the evening watching them, imagining how cute her and Gage’s baby would be.

  After dinner, the guys cleared the table and the girls washed the dishes. Blue and Jake started w
restling in the living room and Duke and Gage hauled them, and the rest of the guys, outside to chop wood, which seemed silly to Sally, considering they were all decked out for the holiday. Boys will be boys.

  Siena and Andrea, Gage’s mother, went to change the twins’ diapers, and Gabby wasn’t feeling well, so Lizzie took her outside for some fresh air, leaving Trish and Sally alone in the kitchen.

  “Your dress is really spectacular.” Trish ran her fingers down the crinkled chiffon skirt. “I’d wear something like that to the Oscars.”

  “Your brother insisted on buying it for me in Virginia. You and Boone are definitely going to win. You can borrow the dress if you’d like.”

  “If I still fit in it.” Trish put her hand over her stomach. “We’re not telling anyone yet, but Boone and I are trying to get pregnant.”

  Sally gasped. “Oh, Trish! That’s wonderful.”

  “I’m a little scared,” she admitted. “I know I’ll be stressed about the Oscars. That’s not good for the baby, right?”

  “Babies are pretty resilient. Besides, if you’re like me, you’ll be so in love with the idea of having Boone’s baby, nothing else will matter. I feel like my stress has gone way down, even though it should be through the roof.”

  “Baby bliss,” Trish said. “That’s what Gabby calls it. She said nothing can stress her out anymore, because she’s too happy about their baby.”

  “She’s right. Although I could do without having to pee every few minutes. I swear this baby’s only as big as a penny and it’s already affecting me that way. Can you excuse me for a sec?” Sally went to use the bathroom, and when she came out, the house was too quiet.

  She walked out of her room and found Rusty standing in front of the tree. He looked so grown up in the white dress shirt and slacks he’d insisted on wearing. I’m not a kid anymore, Mom. I can dress up.

  “How’s it going, honey?”

  Rusty smiled. “I was wondering where you were. We have to go.” He put her black wool shawl over her shoulders and offered her his arm.

  “Go where?” She held on to his arm as he led her to the door.

  “You’ll see.”

  “Rusty…” They went outside and followed the lighted path down toward the barn. “Is that where everyone disappeared to? The barn?”

  Rusty pushed open the barn doors, and Sally clung to his arm, afraid her legs would give out. The big wooden barn had been transformed into a wedding wonderland. White lights and greenery hung beautifully from the rafters. The posts were draped with white silk and bound with more twinkling lights. A red carpet ran down the center, separating two rows of chairs, which were decorated with red and white roses and pink and blue ribbons. At the other end of the red carpet, Gage stood beside his father, looking handsome and so very proud beneath a wedding canopy like the one he’d constructed in Oak Falls, it drew more happy tears. Treat flanked his other side. She’d forgotten Treat was ordained.

  Her eyes swept over the room, catching on a table that she hadn’t noticed behind Rusty. On it was a five-tiered wedding cake decorated with red roses and imprinted with the pictures they’d taken over the last few weeks—in the gym in Virginia, while they were skiing, in their honeymoon suite. Emotions bubbled up inside her.

  “Happy wedding day, Mom. Would it be okay if I gave you away?” Rusty handed her a tissue.

  “Yes.” She wiped her eyes and tried to regain control of her emotions as the song “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri rang out and her son led her down the aisle.

  Every seat was filled. Danica, Blake, and Chessie sat with Kaylie, Chaz, and their twins. Max held little Dylan on her lap, and her daughter, Adriana, looked beautiful decked out in a pretty pink dress beside her. Tears filled Sally’s eyes as they swept over Gage’s family, and—Ohmygosh. A rush of emotions swamped her as her parents came into focus sitting beside Gage’s mother. Her parents’ smiles brought a flood of tears she didn’t even try to stop.

  She had no idea how she made it down the aisle, but when Rusty kissed her cheek like the man he’d become and said, “I love you, Mom. And I’m happy for you,” she forced herself to stand tall and blink away her tears.

  Gage mouthed the words to the song as Treat said what she was sure was a lovely ceremony, but she couldn’t hear past her thundering heart, couldn’t see anything but her beautiful husband who was promising her forever. When he slipped the wedding ring on her finger, she realized she didn’t have a ring for him.

  His father handed her a gold man’s ring. “It belonged to Gage’s grandfather.”

  Fresh tears spilled from her eyes. She was trembling as she put the ring on Gage’s finger. Then she was in his arms, and his lips were on hers, her happy heart drowning out everything else, as Treat pronounced them man and wife, and their friends and family cheered.

  They cried and laughed, and when Gage set her on her feet and said, “I love you, my precious bird, and I will love you until my very last breath,” she thanked the heavens above that what happened in Vegas didn’t stay in Vegas.


  IT SEEMED LIKE the whole town of Oak Falls showed up for the opening of the new youth center. It was a beautiful spring morning, and people spilled over from the lawn to the sidewalks. Haylie had hired the rest of the staff, and they were gathered at the front of the crowd. Sin stood tall and protective beside the group. They’d put together a great team, and Gage was excited for what they could do for the community. Sable’s band played their own original upbeat country songs on a makeshift stage in the grass, where Brindle and two other girls danced with Justus, Trace, and another beefy guy. Gage’s eyes found his beautiful wife as she gathered Danica and Blake’s new bundle of joy, Harrison, in her arms. The adorable dark-haired baby was named for Blake’s father. Sally’s lily-white hair had gotten thicker with her pregnancy, falling loose and sexy over her shoulders. Her eyes caught the morning sunlight as she cradled the baby. Her pretty peach dress gathered just above her baby bump, swishing in the gentle breeze around her legs. Her breasts and cheeks had gotten fuller, and she looked radiant. Her gaze drifted to Gage, and a smile lifted her lips. His pulse amped up, the way it always did when she caught his attention.

  She dropped one hand to her round belly and mouthed, I love you.

  He blew her a kiss, unable to believe it had been less than two months since they’d returned from their two-week honeymoon in Anguilla, where they’d taken long romantic walks on the white sandy beaches and spent their evenings beneath the stars making plans for their future and falling deeper in love. So many wonderful things had happened lately. Blue and Lizzie’s wedding had been beautiful, and they had loved the mosaic tray Sally had made for them. Trish and Boone had won Oscars for the movie they’d starred in together, and now they were going to have a baby of their own. Gage woke up every morning half expecting to find out it was all a dream.

  Marilynn Montgomery, Sable and Brindle’s mother, came to his side. “I need you to open a youth center every three months. Think you can handle that? I can’t believe you got all six of my seven children in one place at the same time. My oldest, Grace, is a playwright in New York City and couldn’t be here.” She pointed to two girls standing a few feet away. “At least Pepper made it back. That’s her over there with her sister Morgyn. Pepper’s a scientist, and you know how they are—all work all the time. I need to find a way to get Grace and Pepper back home for good. You don’t have a few single brothers hanging out, do you? I miss my girls something awful.”

  “Sorry. I was the last single Ryder.” Although in his heart he hadn’t been single for several years. He’d been Sally’s from the very start of their friendship.

  “Well, that’s good, I guess.” She motioned toward the handsome man heading toward them with a halo of women surrounding him. All the world knew about Axsel Montgomery, one of the hottest musicians around. “Axsel is our only boy.”

  “The rock star.” Gage wondered if he knew Boone. Somewhere in the back of his mind he
wondered if he and Sally had a son, would he be into sports or would he find his own path?

  “Yes. Why do these young women think they can turn a gay man straight?” She laughed softly. “Thank you for unknowingly bringing my family together. You’ve done great things for this community, and you’ve hired a strong staff. Sinny and Haylie are good people.”

  Sinny. He’d have to give him a hard time about that one. “Thank you. We can’t wait to see how things turn out.”

  His attention returned to his wife. It never strayed far. She handed Danica the baby and headed his way with a thoughtful expression. It took all of his willpower not to step away from the lovely Mrs. Montgomery and go to his wife. But after she’d come out early with Sable and Brindle and had helped them set up, he didn’t want to be rude.

  “Is this your first child?” she asked.

  Gage’s chest swelled with pride. “It’s our first, but we have a twenty-year-old boy, my stepson, who cannot wait to meet his baby brother or sister.” He and Sally had also talked about trying to have more children relatively quickly. He was thrilled that Rusty seemed to be okay with that, too.


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