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Delphi Collected Works of Elizabeth von Arnim (Illustrated)

Page 69

by Elizabeth Von Arnim

  “Tussie, it’s so damp,” cried his anxious mother after him— “you’re not really going out in this nasty Scotch mist? Stay in, and I’ll leave you to settle anything you like.”

  “Oh, it’s a jolly morning for a walk,” called back Tussie gaily, searching about for his cap— “And eyes all beautiful with strenuous thought — Come on, sir.”

  But Fritzing would not skimp any part of his farewell ceremonies.

  “Permit me, madam,” he said, deeply bowing, “to thank you for your extremely kind reception.”

  “Kind?” echoed Lady Shuttleworth, unable to stop herself from smiling.

  “Yes, madam, kind, and before all things patient.”

  “Yes, I do think I’ve been rather patient,” agreed Lady Shuttleworth, smiling again.

  “And let me,” proceeded Fritzing, “join to my thanks my congratulations on your possession of so unusually amiable and promising a son.”

  “Come on, sir — you’ll make me vain,” said Tussie, in the doorway—”’Hair like a web divine wherein is caught,’” — he hummed, getting more and more shrill and happy.

  Lady Shuttleworth put out her hand impulsively. Fritzing took it, bent over it, and kissed it with much respect.

  “A most unusually promising young man,” he repeated; “and, madam, I can tell you it is not my habit to say a thing I do not mean.”

  “‘The last reflection of God’s daily grace’” — chirped Tussie, looking on much amused.

  “No, that I’m quite certain you don’t,” said Lady Shuttleworth with conviction.

  “Don’t say too many nice things about me,” advised Tussie. “My mother will swallow positively anything.”

  But nevertheless he was delighted; for here were his mother and the uncle — the valuable and highly to be cherished uncle — looking as pleased as possible with each other, and apparently in the fairest way to becoming fast friends.


  The cheerful goddess who had brought Fritzing and his Princess safely over from Kunitz was certainly standing by them well. She it was who had driven Priscilla up on to the heath and into the acquaintance of Augustus Shuttleworth, without whom a cottage in Symford would have been for ever unattainable. She it was who had sent the Morrisons, father and son, to drive Priscilla from the churchyard before Fritzing had joined her, without which driving she would never have met Augustus. She it was who had used the trifling circumstance of a mislaid sermon-book to take the vicar and Robin into the church at an unaccustomed time, without which sermon-book they would never have met Priscilla in the churchyard and driven her out of it. Thus are all our doings ruled by Chance; and it is a pleasant pastime for an idle hour to trace back big events to their original and sometimes absurd beginnings. For myself I know that the larger lines of my life were laid down once for all by — but what has this to do with Priscilla? Thus, I say, are all our doings ruled by Chance, who loves to use small means for the working of great wonders. And as for the gay goddess’s ugly sister, the lady of the shifty eye and lowering brow called variously Misfortune and Ill Luck, she uses the same tools exactly in her hammering out of lives, meanly taking little follies and little weaknesses, so little and so amiable at first as hardly to be distinguished from little virtues, and with them building up a mighty mass that shall at last come down and crush our souls. Of the crushing of souls, however, my story does not yet treat, and I will not linger round subjects so awful. We who are nestling for the moment like Priscilla beneath the warm wing of Good Fortune can dare to make what the children call a face at her grey sister as she limps scowling past. Shall we not too one day in our turn feel her claws? Let us when we do at least not wince; and he who feeling them can still make a face and laugh, shall be as the prince of the fairy tales, transforming the sour hag by his courage into a bright reward, striking his very griefs into a shining shower of blessing.

  From this brief excursion into the realm of barren musings, whither I love above all things to wander and whence I have continually to fetch myself back again by force, I will return to the story.

  At Tussie’s suggestion when the business part of their talk was over — and it took exactly five minutes for Tussie to sell and Fritzing to buy the cottages, five minutes of the frothiest business talk ever talked, so profound was the ignorance of both parties as to what most people demand of cottages — Fritzing drove to Minehead in the postmistress’s son’s two-wheeled cart in order to purchase suitable furniture and bring back persons who would paper and paint. Minehead lies about twenty miles to the north of Symford, so Fritzing could not be back before evening. By the time he was back, promised Tussie, the shoemaker and Mrs. Shaw should be cleared out and put into a place so much better according to their views that they would probably make it vocal with their praises.

  Fritzing quite loved Tussie. Here was a young man full of the noblest spirit of helpfulness, and who had besides the invaluable gift of seeing no difficulties anywhere. Even Fritzing, airy optimist, saw more than Tussie, and whenever he expressed a doubt it was at once brushed aside by the cheerfullest “Oh, that’ll be all right.” He was the most practical, businesslike, unaffected, energetic young man, thought Fritzing, that he had even seen. Tussie was surprised himself at his own briskness, and putting the wonderful girl on the heath as much as possible out of his thoughts, told himself that it was the patent food beginning at last to keep its promises.

  He took Fritzing to the post-office and ordered the trap for him, cautioned the postmistress’s son, who was going to drive, against going too fast down the many hills, for the bare idea of the priceless uncle being brought back in bits or in any state but absolutely whole and happy turned him cold, told Fritzing which shops to go to and where to lunch, begged him to be careful what he ate, since hotel luncheons were good for neither body nor soul, ordered rugs and a mackintosh covering to be put in, and behaved generally with the forethought of a mother. “I’d go with you myself,” he said, — and the postmistress, listening with both her ears, recognized that the Baker’s Farm lodgers were no longer persons to be criticised— “but I can be of more use to you here. I must see Dawson about clearing out the cottages. Of course it is very important you shouldn’t stay a moment longer than can be helped in uncomfortable lodgings.”

  Here was a young man! Sensible, practical, overflowing with kindness. Fritzing had not met any one he esteemed so much for years. They went down the village street together, for Tussie was bound for Mr. Dawson who was to be set to work at once, and Fritzing for the farm whither the trap was to follow him as soon as ready, and all Symford, curtseying to Tussie, recognized, as the postmistress had recognized, that Fritzing was now raised far above their questionings, seated firmly on the Shuttleworth rock.

  They parted at Mr. Dawson’s gate, Mrs. Dawson mildly watching their warmth over a wire blind. “When we are settled, young man,” said Fritzing, after eloquent words of thanks and appreciation, “you must come in the evenings, and together we will roam across the splendid fields of English literature.”

  “Oh thanks” exclaimed Tussie, flushing with pleasure. He longed to ask if the divine niece would roam too, but even if she did not, to roam at all would be a delight, and he would besides be doing it under the very roof that sheltered that bright and beautiful head. “Oh thanks,” cried Tussie, then, flushing.

  His extreme joy surprised Fritzing. “Are you so great a friend of literature?” he inquired.

  “I believe,” said Tussie, “that without it I’d have drowned myself long ago. And as for the poets—”

  He stopped. No one knew what poetry had been to him in his sickly existence — the one supreme interest, the one thing he really cared to live for.

  Fritzing now loved him with all his heart. “Ach Gott, ja,” he ejaculated, clapping him on the shoulder, “the poets — ja, ja— ‘Blessings be with them and eternal praise,’ what? Young man,” he added enthusiastically, “I could wish that you had been my son. I could indeed.” And as he said it Robin M
orrison coming down the street and seeing the two together and the expression on Tussie’s face instantly knew that Tussie had met the niece.

  “Hullo, Tuss,” he called across, hurrying past, for it would rather upset his umbrella plan to be stopped and have to talk to the man Neumann thus prematurely. But Tussie neither saw nor heard him, and “By Jove, hasn’t he just seen the niece though,” said Robin to himself, his eyes dancing as he strode nimbly along on long and bird-like legs. The conviction seized him that when he and his umbrella should descend upon Baker’s that afternoon Tussie would either be there already or would come in immediately afterwards. “Who would have thought old Fuss would be so enterprising?” he wondered, thinking of the extreme cordiality of Fritzing’s face. “He’s given them those cottages, I’ll swear.”

  So Fritzing went to Minehead. I will not follow his painful footsteps as they ranged about that dreary place, nor will I dwell upon his purchases, which resolved themselves at last, after an infinite and soul-killing amount of walking and bewilderment, into a sofa, a revolving bookstand, and two beds. He forgot a bed for Annalise because he forgot Annalise; and he didn’t buy things like sheets because he forgot that beds want them. On the other hand he spent quite two hours in a delightful second-hand bookshop on his way to the place where you buy crockery, and then forgot the crockery. He did, reminded and directed by Mr. Vickerton, the postmistress’s son, get to a paperhanger’s and order him and his men to come out in shoals to Symford the next morning at daybreak, making the paperhanger vow, who had never seen them, that the cottages should be done by nightfall. Then, happening to come to the seashore, he stood for a moment refreshing his nostrils with saltness, for he was desperately worn out, and what he did after that heaven knows. Anyhow young Vickerton found him hours afterwards walking up and down the shingle in the dark, waving his arms about and crying —

  “O, qui me gelidis convallibus Haemi

  Sistat et ingenti ramorum protegat umbra!”

  “Talking German out loud to himself,” said young Vickerton to his mother that night; and it is possible that he had been doing it all the time.

  And while he was doing these things Priscilla was having calls paid her. Nothing could exceed her astonishment when about four o’clock, as she was sitting deep in thought and bored on the arm of a horsehair chair, Mrs. Pearce opened the door and without the least warning let in Mrs. Morrison. Priscilla had promised Fritzing for that one day to stay quietly at the farm, and for the last two hours, finding the farm of an intolerable dulness, she had been engaged in reflections of an extremely complex nature on subjects such as Duty, Will, and Personality. Her morning in the Baker fields and by the banks of that part of the Sym that meanders through them had tuned her mind to meditation. The food at one o’clock and the manner of its bringing in by Annalise — Priscilla had relieved Mrs. Pearce of that office — tuned it still more. The blended slipperiness and prickliness of all the things she tried to sit on helped surprisingly; and if I knew how far it is allowable to write of linen I could explain much of her state of mind by a description of the garments in which she was clothed that day. They were new garments taken straight from the Gerstein box. They were not even linen, — how could they be for Fritzing’s three hundred marks? And their newness had not yet been exposed to the softening influence of any wash-tub. Straight did they come, in all their crackling stiffness, out of the shop and on to the Princess. Annalise had been supposed to wash them or cause them to be washed the day before, but Annalise had been far too busy crying to do anything of the sort; and by four o’clock Priscilla was goaded by them into a condition of mind so unworthy that she was thinking quite hard about the Kunitz fine linen and other flesh-pots and actually finding the recollection sweet. It was a place, Priscilla mused, where her body had been exquisitely cared for. Those delicate meals, served in spotlessness, surely they had been rather of the nature of poems? Those web-like garments, soft as a kiss, how beautiful they had been to touch and wear. True her soul had starved; yes, it had cruelly starved. But was it then — she started at her own thought — was it then being fed at Baker’s?

  And into the middle of this question, a tremendous one to be asked on the very threshold of the new life, walked Mrs. Morrison.

  “How d’y do,” said Mrs. Morrison. “The vicar asked me to come and see you. I hope the Pearces make you comfortable.”

  “Well I never,” thought Mrs. Pearce, lingering as was her custom on the door-mat, and shaking her head in sorrow rather than in anger.

  Priscilla sat for a moment staring at her visitor.

  “You are Miss Schultz, are you not?” asked Mrs. Morrison rather nervously.

  Priscilla said she was, — her name, that is, was Neumann-Schultz — and got up. She had the vaguest notion as to how Miss Schultz would behave under these trying circumstances, but imagined she would begin by getting up. So she got up, and the sofa being a low one and her movements leisurely, Mrs. Morrison told her husband afterwards there seemed to be no end to the girl. The girl certainly was long, and when at last unfolded and quite straightened out she towered over Mrs. Morrison, who looked up uneasily at the grave young face. Why, Mrs. Morrison asked herself, didn’t the girl smile? It was the duty of a Miss Schultz called upon by the vicar’s wife to smile; so profound a gravity on such an occasion was surely almost rude. Priscilla offered her hand and hoped it was all right to do so, but still she did not smile. “Are you Mrs. Morrison?” she asked.

  “Yes,” said Mrs. Morrison with an immense reserve in her voice.

  Then Priscilla suggested she should sit down. Mrs. Morrison was already doing it; and Priscilla sank on to her sofa again and wondered what she had better say next. She wondered so much that she became lost in mazes of wonder, and there was so long a silence that Mrs. Pearce outside the door deplored an inconsiderateness that could keep her there for nothing.

  “I didn’t know you had a double name,” said Mrs. Morrison, staring at Priscilla and trying to decide whether this was not a case for the application of leaflets and instant departure. The girl was really quite offensively pretty. She herself had been pretty — she thanked heaven that she still was so — but never, never pretty — she thanked heaven again — in this glaringly conspicuous fashion.

  “My name is Ethel Maria-Theresa Neumann-Schultz,” said Priscilla, very clearly and slowly; and though she was, as we know, absolutely impervious to the steadiest staring, she did wonder whether this good lady could have seen her photograph anywhere in some paper, her stare was so very round and bright and piercing.

  “What a long name,” said Mrs. Morrison.

  “Yes,” said Priscilla; and as another silence seemed imminent she added, “I have two hyphens.”

  “Two what?” said Mrs. Morrison, startled; and so full was her head of doubt and distrust that for one dreadful moment she thought the girl had said two husbands. “Oh, hyphens. Yes. Germans have them a good deal, I believe.”

  “That sounds as if we were talking about diseases,” said Priscilla, a faint smile dawning far away somewhere in the depths of her eyes.

  “Yes,” said Mrs. Morrison, fidgeting.

  Odd that Robin should have said nothing about the girl’s face. Anyhow she should be kept off Netta. Better keep her off the parish-room Tuesdays as well. What in the world was she doing in Symford? She was quite the sort of girl to turn the heads of silly boys. And so unfortunate, just as Augustus Shuttleworth had taken to giving Netta little volumes of Browning.

  “Is your uncle out?” she asked, some of the sharpness of her thoughts getting into her voice.

  “He’s gone to Minehead, to see about things for my cottage.”

  “Your cottage? Have you got Mrs. Shaw’s, then?”

  “Yes. She is being moved out to-day.”

  “Dear me,” said Mrs. Morrison, greatly struck.

  “Is it surprising?”

  “Most. So unlike Lady Shuttleworth.”

  “She has been very kind.”

“Do you know her?”

  “No; but my uncle was there this morning.”

  “And managed to persuade her?”

  “He is very eloquent,” said Priscilla, with a demure downward sweep of her eyelashes.

  “Just a little more,” thought Mrs. Morrison, watching their dusky golden curve, “and the girl would have had scarlet hair and white-eyebrows and masses of freckles and been frightful.” And she sighed an impatient sigh, which, if translated into verse, would undoubtedly have come out —

  “Oh the little more and how much it is,

  And the little less and what worlds away!”

  “And poor old Mrs. Shaw — how does she like being turned out?”

  “I believe she is being put into something that will seem to her a palace.”

  “Dear me, your uncle must really be very eloquent.”

  “I assure you that he is,” said Priscilla earnestly.

  There was a short pause, during which Mrs. Morrison staring straight into those unfathomable pools, Priscilla’s eyes, was very angry with them for being so evidently lovely. “You are very young,” she said, “so you will not mind my questions—”

  “Don’t the young mind questions?” asked Priscilla, for a moment supposing it to be a characteristic of the young of England.

  “Not, surely, from experienced and — and married ladies,” said Mrs. Morrison tartly.

  “Please go on then.”

  “Oh, I haven’t anything particular to go on about,” said Mrs. Morrison, offended. “I assure you curiosity is not one of my faults.”

  “No?” said Priscilla, whose attention had begun to wander.

  “Being human I have no doubt many failings, but I’m thankful to say curiosity isn’t one of them.”

  “My uncle says that’s just the difference between men and women. He says women might achieve just as much as men if only they were curious about things. But they’re not. A man will ask a thousand questions, and never rest till he’s found out as much as he can about anything he sees, and a woman is content hardly even to see it.”


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