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Heaven and Earth

Page 9

by J. M. Benjamin

  Just when she thought she couldn’t withstand the pleasurable torture Earth was performing on her, Melissa began to feel her love juices building up inside of her, and as if on cue, the floodgates opened and released themselves.

  “Aaagh, she-iit!” Melissa cried out as Earth continued to massage her clit, knowing that she had brought Melissa to an intense climax.

  She could feel Melissa’s love cream pouring onto her fingers. Melissa moaned and bit down on her bottom lip. Earth’s fingers gyrated her clit as she slid up and greeted Melissa with a passionate kiss. She then placed her middle finger in Melissa’s mouth letting her taste her own sex.

  “Umm,” Melissa cooed. “Now can we go get something to eat?” she then asked seductively.

  Earth removed her hand from between Melissa’s legs and lay back on the queen-size bed.

  “Pss!” she exclaimed reaching over to retrieve the already-rolled up blunt of Hydro.

  “E!” Melissa continued to sigh.

  Earth lit the L, inhaled its smoke and smiled, then exhaled the potent weed’s residue.

  “A’ight, a’ight, with ya spoiled ass,” Earth gave in. “Let’s knock this L out first.”

  Now Melissa was smiling. She knew she had won and was pleased.

  “Thank you, baby,” she softly replied in a childlike manner, taking the blunt from Earth.

  Moments later, Earth turned left onto Park Avenue off of East Second Street. As they approached the infamous late-night area, she glanced over at Melissa and shook her head. Earth had expected as much, looking ahead.

  “What?” Melissa asked dumbfounded, pretending not to know why Earth had shot her such a look, but in all honesty, Melissa knew. The same thoughts had crossed her mind as they turned on to the street of their intended destination.

  “Nothin’,” Earth answered dryly. The only thing on Earth’s mind now was the fact that she was glad she had gone with her first instinct and traveled to her old stomping grounds with her. 40 cal., seeing the body-infested area before them now. She knew it was a bad idea agreeing to bring Melissa up to the area historically known for its trouble during the early hours of the evening. The power of the pussy thought Earth as she internally cursed herself for allowing Melissa to persuade her.

  “You wanna go somewhere else?” Melissa asked, seeing the disturbed look on Earth’s face. She too now regretted her request to eat at the popular in-town after-hour spot legendary for its violence over the years.

  “Nah, we good,” Earth replied, pulling alongside the curb of Red Towers Restaurant as she crossed the light of West Fifth Street. Her mind was telling her to keep going, but her ego and pride convinced her to stop. It was times like this when Earth really felt that she was intended to be a dude at birth, but in the midst of the formation, was changed to a female.

  Throwing the Benz in park, Earth couldn’t help but reflect back to the good ole days of 1988 and ’89 when the monumental spots The Diner and Red Towers were the places to be after a function or an event. Back when shootings and deaths were minimum, hating on another that was doing their thing didn’t exist, cars were customized inside and out, stereo systems could be heard from blocks and blocks away, and guys and girls sported and rocked gold like they were kings and queens from the pyramid days. Those were the days, thought Earth while exiting the coupe.

  All eyes were on Earth and Melissa immediately upon exiting the luxury vehicle. Earth caught the stares but paid them no attention. Everyone really began to lock in on the two when Melissa came from around the passenger side of the CLS and hooked her arm around Earth’s. Guys’ stares turned into mean mugs while chicks threw visual daggers and rolled eyes. With her red St. Louis Cardinals fitted, multicolored LRG jacket, baggy True Religion jeans, and white-on-white Uptowns on, Earth knew that it was difficult to distinguish her gender, so she was certain that she was being mistaken for a dude, which created the majority of the funny stares. Being from Plainfield herself, she knew how funny people in the streets were about out-of-towners coming to their neck of the woods. They did not take too kindly to it, especially if it was a male coming to visit a female from the town. Earth herself had joined in an occasional beat down of an out-of-towner at The Diner or local hangout back in the day on both males and females. But despite Plainfield being her birthplace and original stomping grounds, she continued to let the crowd assume she was a foreigner as well as mistaking her gender. She could care less about the opinions they all were formulating.

  As she and Melissa waited for incoming traffic to pass to cross the street, Earth noticed a clique of females having a conversation with two guys off to her far left. Although she didn’t know them, she had seen them before. She remembered as if it were yesterday when she had seen the four chicks in the Cinderella strip club out in Elizabeth the night she had escorted Lite out there to dance. She wondered if they remembered her or if they had even noticed her presence. A familiar feeling began to overcome Earth. A feeling that had been a part of her since she was a youngin’. It was the same feeling she had gotten when danger was near, something she had named her “spider senses.”

  As she and Melissa floated across the street, Earth felt the crowd’s eyes on her. At that moment, she knew she had two choices. One, she could keep it moving and not entertain what she knew would come behind looking in the clique’s direction, or two, match their stares and let the chips fall where they may. Without hesitation, Earth chose the option she normally would under any similar circumstance. As she turned her head in the crowd’s direction, there was no doubt in her mind whether she had been remembered as she and one of the girls with whom she had a minor verbal spar and altercation over a spilled drink made eye contact.

  Earth recalled the manly looking heavyset chick next to her receiving a lap dance at the bar from one of the dancers while Lite slow grinded on her. Unable to control herself from the dance, Earth remembered the girl bumping her and knocking over her own drink, but credited the spill to Earth, demanding that she replace the cranberry and Rémy. Earth saw that the girl was more than tipsy and had brushed the statement off, returning back to her session with Lite. However, she was interrupted with a tap on the shoulder. Knowing who was the cause of the interruption, without even bothering to turn around, Earth grabbed the pudgy hand and squeezed the girl’s fat fingers tightly, then spun around.

  Before anything could jump off, the girl’s female entourage had observed the commotion and peacefully escorted their partner out of the strip club, knowing that she was drunk and most likely the instigator. As they were literally dragging their girl out of the club, Earth was able to hear the loose threat the heavyset female had thrown her way. Judging by the constant stares from the particular crowd, it was apparent to Earth that this may well be the night that the girl intended to cash in on her threat. It was also apparent to her that the same burly chick was intoxicated again. Earth went on full alert. She stopped in her tracks and watched as the girl drunkenly staggered in her direction with her crew trailing. They too seemed to have had one too many, thought Earth.

  “E, let’s just go,” Melissa suggested, now tugging on Earth’s arm.

  “Just go get in the car,” Earth said, hitting the alarm to the Benz while keeping her eyes locked on the intoxicated women.

  “What’s really good now, bitch, you in my hood now,” Earth heard the drunken girl slur.

  Seeing the potential altercation arising, people began to pour out of the two after-hour spots and spill out into the streets. That was one thing about Plainfield, thought Earth. They loved drama and loved beef even more.

  Earth continued to stand there as the drunken girl approached. Once the girl was within three feet of Earth, she threw up her fist in the air in attack mode. Still, Earth didn’t budge. She remained calm, contemplating on how she intended to handle the situation. By now, both dudes and chicks began to yell out, hyping up the situation.

  “Beat dat bitch ass,” her girls called out in unison.

  “What the fuck
she fightin’ a dude for?” Earth heard someone among the crowd of people asked.

  “Represent, Tee-Tee,” others screamed.

  The fact that the raw Hennessy she had been downing the entire night at Richmond Beer Gardens strip club had her thinking she was Queen Kong, Tee-Tee made her move.

  “Bitch!” she yelled as the right hook she intended to land on Earth’s face was launched. Earth smiled as she sidestepped the weak punch that was televised. The throw reminded her of The Matrix as she watched it go by as the girl stumbled and fell to the ground. As she looked, she saw Melissa still standing there. The look on her face told Earth that more trouble was behind her. When she turned, Earth saw the remainder of Tee-Tee’s crew headed her way.

  “Bitch, you think you just gonna come to the muthafuckin’ Field and get that shit off on our homegirl?” another rough but slimmer-looking chick shouted.

  “We gonna beat cha ass,” another joined. Growing tired of the situation, before the three approaching girls could reach where she stood, Earth pulled the .40 caliber from behind her back and cocked it. The facial expressions on the three hood rat-looking females were priceless, thought Earth as she pointed the barrel of the gun in their direction. Instantly, those in fear scattered and scurried, while others who were used to seeing weapons drawn stood at bay.

  “E, no,” Melissa cried.

  “Shut the fuck up and get in the funkin’ car,” Earth barked without looking back. Her demeanor had switched from calm to deadly.

  Melissa did as she was told as tears began to form in her eyes. The last thing she wanted was for something to happen to her lover, but what she didn’t know was Earth was the one in full control.

  “You li’l bitches think you gangstas,” Earth spit. “You dirty bitches ain’t gangstas,” she roared, becoming angered at what the four apparently young girls thought they were going to do to her.

  “You don’t rep the Field, you bum-ass bitches. I’m from the Field too,” Earth announced, feeling the need to let everyone know in case someone decided to play super-save-a-ho just because they thought someone from out of town had the hometown hostages at gunpoint.

  “We’re sorry, we didn’t kn—” one of the girls tried to apologize for her crew’s stupid behavior, but Earth cut her short.

  “I don’t wanna hear that shit,” she spat. She was beyond reasoning. She wanted to do more than just inflict fear into the females who intended to bring her harm. She wanted to embarrass and humiliate them for their disrespect toward her. Earth waved her gun at each female that stood before her. “You low-budget bitches take all of that country shit you wearing off,” she ordered.

  Each girl gave Earth a puzzling look as if she was speaking a language foreign to them, then looked back and forth at each other.

  “Bwow!” The echoing sound came out of nowhere. “You heard what the fuck I said,” Earth barked. The shot she let off was within inches of the women, sobering them all instantly. Wide-eyed, each woman began to rapidly peel out of their weekend party outfits. At one point, Tee-Tee was thinking of ways to sneak attack Earth from behind but hearing the shot that Earth had let off only confirmed that it would be a costly mistake.

  Thinking better of it, Tee-Tee remained in her position under the parked SUV as she watched her three partners strip naked in the middle of the street. Onlookers couldn’t help but stare as the three females, in tears, peeled out of their clothing. Some of the men and women shot heckles and laughed at the mismatched and worn-out panty and bra sets the females wore while others made comments about stretch marks, scars, and the body shapes of the trio. Earth also watched while admiring one of the young girl’s body in spite of her rage. She was tempted to further her humiliation by gun fucking them all in front of everyone but decided against it. Now was not the time to go overboard any more than she already had. Instead, she had other plans.

  “Now, back the fuck up!”

  The three girls did as they were told. Earth then walked over and scooped up all the debris of clothing.

  “Oh, shit, that’s Earth, from my hood,” one of the older heads laughed, recognizing his friend. He was now glad he hadn’t pulled out his own. 40 cal to assist the young girls. It was his intent to bed one of the girls for the night until the incident transpired.

  Earth knew the voice without having to see the face. She knew it belonged to a childhood friend from the housing projects where she had lived. There was no time for socializing or strolling down memory lane, she thought. She was surprised she had managed to get all that she had just done off without any police showing up. With weapon still drawn, Earth backed up to her Benz counting her blessings, not wanting to wear out her welcome any longer. She then threw the clothes in the backseat of her car and hopped in the driver’s seat. Everyone was still standing around watching, each person in their own thought having their own opinion of what had just taken place. When Earth got in the car, she didn’t have to look over at Melissa to know she was fuming. Serves her right, thought Earth, placing some of the blame on Mel for the situation that could have gotten ugly and gone against her favor had she not been strapped. Just as she peeled off, Earth rolled down her passenger window as she made a quick U-turn and screeched to a halt.

  “Krush, let them dizzy bitches know who I am!” and then she was gone.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Three weeks later, Heaven and Earth went out to their favorite eating spot to celebrate their peaceful weeks around their hood. Despite the countless altercations they had been involved in, things around their way were mellow, and it was back to business as usual.

  “Damn, a bitch full off them steak and eggs,” Earth complimented as she and Heaven exited the late-night diner.

  “You ain’t never lied,” Heaven agreed, feeling the same way about the blueberry waffles with ice cream she had just eaten. “I could use a blunt right about now.”

  “You ain’t said nothing,” Earth shot back, pulling out a fluffy dime bag of Haze and a Dutch Master cigar from the inside pocket of her Rocawear leather. “I’ll drive while you roll up,” she told Heaven.

  Heaven shot her a funny look. “What?” she said as if Earth had lost her mind. It was no secret; Heaven had never let anyone drive her GT Bentley, not even her road dawg, Earth. That was her baby, her pride and joy, and she had vowed never to let anyone behind the wheel as long as she owned it. “Girl, you buggin’!” Heaven exclaimed. “You know how I am about my baby.”

  “Bitch, ain’t nobody gonna crash ya shit up,” Earth spit. “Besides, we’re only five minutes away from your crib. Gimme the keys and stop playin’.”

  Heaven listened while Earth talked but was still skeptical. Earth was right; they were only a few minutes away from her house, but anything could happen in five minutes. Especially when Heaven knew that Earth was known to be a reckless driver. In three years, Earth had crashed one car, a truck, and totaled another one. And Heaven did not want to include her prized possession in that ratio.

  “Heaven, throw me the keys. I promise I’ll do under the limit and even put on my seat belt,” Earth promised as if to read Heaven’s mind. Against her better judgment and with extreme reluctance, Heaven tossed her Bentley keys to Earth. In exchange, Earth handed her the bag of marijuana and a cigar.

  Earth disarmed the alarm and climbed into the driver’s seat. She immediately began to adjust the butter soft seat to a comfortable position while Heaven hopped in the passenger side.

  “What other CDs you got in here?” Earth asked, searching through her console.

  “I got Jay-Z’s Blueprint 3.”

  “Oh yeah? Where’s that at?”

  “It’s already in there,” Heaven replied.

  “A’ight. I wanna hear the first track.”

  “That shit hard, right?”

  “Hell yeah,” Earth answered putting the key into the ignition.

  Earth reached for the stereo dial and increased the volume before backing out while Heaven rolled up the fluffy bag of weed.

/>   “What we talkin’ about? Real shit, or we talkin’ about rhymes. You talkin’ about millions, or you talkin’ about mine?” were the words that came blaring out of the GT’s speakers. Earth began to nod her head to Jay-Z’s metaphor as she rapped along.

  “What we talkin’ about? Fiction, or we talkin’ about fact?” Jay-Z continued as Heaven joined in with him and Earth.

  Between both of them being engrossed in the song, Earth focused on backing out of the parking lot and Heaven preoccupied with the drying process of the blunt with her cigarette lighter, neither of the two ever noticed the two 750 CBR motorcycles approaching from the left side—until it was too late.

  “Brrrgaah! Brrrgaah! Brrrgaah!”

  “Brrrgaah! Brrrgaah! Brrrgaah!”

  The GT Bentley slammed into the back of a parked car as the bullets tore into Earth from the shooters’ .40 cal., causing her to lose control of the wheel while Heaven’s own body was pumped with hot slugs.

  They never knew what hit them as they sat slumped over and motionless in the GT Bentley.

  Chapter Nineteen

  One week later . . .

  “Omg, I think I just seen her eyelids move,” Le Le screamed.

  “You sure?” Shell and Sonya both asked in unison, hopping out of their chairs.


  “Shell, go and get the nurse,” Sonya instructed.

  “Okay,” Shell replied, already making her way toward the nurses’ station.

  It had been a long and stressful seven days for the three women ever since they had found out about the incident that night at The Diner involving Heaven and Earth. Day in and day out, they had been at the hospital faithfully. The word had spread throughout all of New Brunswick like wildfire about Heaven’s Bentley being shot up with both her and Earth inside. Many had come to pay their respects, but that had soon fizzled out after a week. Neither Heaven nor Earth had any immediate family that was worth notifying, aside for Le Le, Shell, and Sonya. All they had were one another.


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