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13.Kylie Jean Valentine Queen

Page 4

by Marci Peschke

  challenge (CHAL-uhnj)—something difficult that requires extra work or effort to do

  conversation (kon-vur-SAY-shuhn)—when you talk with someone for a while

  decorate (DEK-uh-rate)—adding things to make something prettier

  mysterious (miss-TIHR-ee-uhss)—very hard to explain or understand

  permission (pur-MISH-uhn)—if you give permission for something, you say that you will allow it to happen

  project (PROJ-ekt)—a plan or proposal

  request (ri-KWEST)—something that you ask for

  resident (REZ-uh-duhnt)—someone who lives in a particular place

  veteran (VET-ur-uhn)—someone who has served in the armed forces, especially during a war

  1. Talk about your favorite holiday. Is it Valentine’s Day or a different holiday? What do you like about that holiday?

  2. Kylie Jean didn’t know what to do when Randall Jeremiah was teasing her. What are some other things she could have done?

  3. What do you think happens after this story ends? Talk about what else might happen at Nanny and Pa’s surprise party.

  1. Pretend that it’s Valentine’s Day. Create a special valentine for someone you know.

  2. Do your own Be Sweet project! Make a list of sweet deeds you do during the next week.

  3. Pretend that you are in charge of planning a surprise party. Who would you invite? What would your theme be? What decorations would you choose?

  From Momma’s Kitchen

  This is the perfect treat for any Valentine Queen! Just make sure to ask a grown-up for help.

  Love, Kylie Jean



  1 tube of premade cookie dough, sugar-cookie flavor

  Pink frosting

  Red, white, and pink sprinkles

  A heart-shaped cookie cutter

  A rolling pin

  A cookie sheet

  A grown-up helper

  1. Ask your grown-up to help you roll out the cookie dough into a 1/2-inch thick circle. Use your cookie cutter to cut out heart shapes.

  2. Bake the cookies as directed, with grown-up help, watching to make sure they don’t get too crispy. Cool completely.

  3. Decorate each cookie with pink frosting. Add sprinkles to the top to make your sweet treats sparkle!

  Yum, yum!

  Kylie Jean is published by Picture Window Books

  A Capstone Imprint

  1710 Roe Crest Drive

  North Mankato, Minnesota 56003

  Copyright © 2014 by Picture Window Books

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Peschke, M. (Marci), author.

  Valentine queen / by Marci Peschke ; illustrated by Tuesday Mourning.

  pages cm. -- (Kylie Jean)

  ISBN 978-1-4795-2352-8 (hardcover)

  ISBN 978-1-4795-3814-0 (paper over board)

  ISBN 978-1-4795-5958-9 (ebook)

  1. Valentine’s Day--Texas--Juvenile fiction. 2. Wedding anniversaries--Texas--Juvenile fiction. 3. Families--Texas--Juvenile fiction. 4. Parties--Texas--Juvenile fiction. 5. Elementary schools--Texas--Juvenile fiction. 6. Texas--Juvenile fiction. [1. Valentine’s Day--Fiction. 2. Old age--Fiction. 3. Family life--Fiction. 4. Parties--Fiction. 5. Schools--Fiction. 6. Texas--Fiction.] I. Mourning, Tuesday, illustrator. II. Title. III. Series: Peschke, M. (Marci) Kylie Jean.

  PZ7.P441245Val 2014



  Summary: Kylie Jean’s grandparents fiftieth wedding anniversary is on Valentine’s Day, and the whole family is planning a surprise party--but Kylie also wants her class to spread valentine cheer to Oak Manor, the local assisted living facility.

  Graphic Designer: Kristi Carlson

  Editor: Alison Deering

  Production Specialist: Eric Manske

  Design Element Credit:





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