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Page 25

by Unknown

  The man was within ten feet of Ricks when a voice called out from the open area. “Get your ass back over here. I’m not going to have to rescue you from some animal. This place is too dangerous,” one of the men called out.

  Ricks watched as the young man seemed to deflate. He was obviously tired of always being told what to do. With a mournful look, he turned back toward the clearing and away from Ricks.

  Ricks didn’t move. The young man didn’t know how close he had come to being dead, and Ricks was relieved that he hadn’t been forced to give the team away. He watched as the young soldier returned to the clearing and sat back down next to a tree.

  Chapman watched all that had happened. He also heard the comments. Thankful the team hadn’t been discovered. He eased back and keyed the communications device. “Capricorn, this is Team Leader. Squad in sight. They are saying President will be at compound tonight. There are increased patrols until event over. Waiting for area to clear,” he whispered into the microphone.

  The response was immediate. “We suspected something was happening, just not sure what. Will inform if more on the way.” Chapman placed his chin on his arm and waited. True to their word, after an hour, the men gathered their things and started back down the trail from where they came.

  The Ceremonial Village

  Wei awoke at his usual time. Once again, he was alone. Rising from his feathered mattress, he placed his loin cloth around his waist and walked to the table which had the prepared fruits and sweets he enjoyed each day. Taking a long drink of his chichi, he could feel its effect almost immediately. Stretching his muscles, he headed out the door and down to the pond. As usual, there was a naked girl there, except this time he was amazed to find someone who looked like himself. She had light pale skin and very long wavy blond hair much like his own. As she came up out of the water, her hair glistened in the bright morning sun. She saw him and began moving slowly toward him in the water.

  Akia had been surprised when her teacher had told her it was her day to meet their god. The others had told the girls how handsome he was and when she saw him, it almost took her breath away. Her teacher had told her she was to be special. If she pleased him, she might become a goddess. The other women had taught them many things of how to please Wei, and she was eager to make him happy. Only 17, her body had grown to become very feminine and shapely. She made sure her hair remained clean, soft and controlled. An older man had come by just a few days before and told her teachers to get her ready. Now, after several years at her special school, she felt it the perfect time for her to be presented. She remembered the words she must say, although the young god before her had almost immediately taken her breath away.

  Wei could not believe the girl coming toward him. Her beauty was far beyond any of the others. Could this be another sign he was becoming more and more of a god? As she came up out of the water, he was captivated by her shapeliness. Better yet, her smile struck something deep and almost animal-like within him. Even her moves while walking toward him fed the flames.

  Unlike the other girls, she walked directly up to him, opened her arms and brought him in and placed her cheek against both of his. Rubbing against him, she took his hands in her own and looked up into his eyes. They were a pale blue, like hers. “I am from Tuenkaron, have you cleared the cunoco yet?” she whispered.

  The sound of her soft voice sent tremors through his body. His excitement was evident. He stared into her eyes and smiled. “You are different from the others. Why are you here?” he asked.

  She blushed slightly. “I am here to serve you, and if you will have me, to be yours forever,” she said with a smile. It was not what she was told he would say, but that was no matter. He seemed to be pleased and that was everything.

  She felt him pull her to him. His lips moved closer and soon were upon hers. The kiss was more thrilling than anything either had ever experienced. When he pulled away he smiled and reached down to pick her up. Wei carried her deep into the water to the waterfall at the other end. Placing her upon the rock under the shower of water from above, he kissed her again. Her body felt so warm and alive in his arms. Everywhere she touched him felt new and alive. After a few minutes, she reached down and undid his loin cloth, allowing it to fall into the water. They both watched as it left his body and she could see all of him. The look of excitement filled her face. She stood and reached down to help lift him up one the ledge. He took her hand and jumped up to join her. After another kiss, she stood back and looked at him. “I am supposed to bathe you,” she said as she began to reach for the special soap she was to use.

  He stopped her and pulled her back up to him. “Not now,” he said as he pulled her in for another passionate kiss. As they kissed, she began to run her hands all along his body, caressing his arms, legs and torso. He began kissing her neck and shoulders. For the first time, this wasn’t a ceremony. He didn’t want just the sex, he wanted to please her. Something was happening inside him. It made him feel stronger and much happier. As she began toughing him in other areas, he returned the effort, causing her to swoon several times in his arms. Many minutes later she whispered in his ear, “Please take all of me. I want you so.”

  They made love under the waterfall and then left for his bedroom. They didn’t work the garden, instead spending the day wrapped in each other’s arms. Wei had found his mate.

  The Presidential Palace

  Parente was anxious to get things going. It seemed as if everyone had some message they had to deliver as the day wore on. Finally, his personal guard commander came into his office.

  “I have made arrangements,” he said. “Once we get you to the compound, he will be called back to the capitol and will be arrested. I will send another pilot back to bring you home,” the commander said. “His family will have already been detained. He will join them in prison.”

  Parente glanced at his watch. We are running a little late. Let’s talk on the way,” he said as he pressed the switch to open the hidden door. They had already reached the car when Parente realized he had left the briefcase he always carried with him. He had left it sitting open on his desk.

  Cursing himself, he picked up his cell and dialed a number. “My Colonel, I seem to have left my briefcase on my desk. Can you please retrieve it and place the papers on my desk inside. Then come down the passageway and meet me at the car,” he instructed.

  Rojas quickly entered the office and walked to the desk. The briefcase was sitting open. As he gathered the papers, he noticed the files inside the briefcase. Although some were state papers, several of the files were marked with the names of banks. His curiosity overtook him and he opened one of the files. It contained account numbers, ledgers, passwords, and other banking documents. Glancing at the numbers, it was obvious that El Presidente was putting away millions.

  Rojas placed the file back into the case and closed it. He quickly pressed the switch and entered the hallway. Running down the stairs and to the guard at the other end, he quickly exited the door and handed the case to Parente, who was smiling at him.

  “Thank you, My Colonel. Enjoy your evening. I will see you in the morning,” Parente said.

  Rojas watched the limo leave the basement and turned back to the passageway. Once again, the guard waved him through and he made his way back to El Presidente’s office. He had just returned to his desk when the phone rang.

  “I was able to procure those bowls you were wanting,” said Carlos Verdes from outside the building.

  Rojas was startled to be hearing from the man, but didn’t give it away. “Excellent! I wanted to get those for one of my relatives for Christmas. Where are you?” he asked.

  “In the park across from your office. I will be here when you are ready,” Verdes said.

  “I will come at once,” Rojas said.

  Something must be up, or the man wouldn’t be getting in touch. He grabbed his hat and made his way out of the building and across the street. He saw Verdes and his truck along the side street. He w
as selling to some passersby. When Rojas came up, he welcomed him with excitement. “I am so glad I could get up with you. These things just came in,” Verdes said as he ushered Rojas to the street side of the truck. He picked up two of the bowls and handed them over. As Rojas looked them over Verdes leaned in.

  “Your friend Messina and his family are about to be arrested. We just found out. Is there any way you can get them out of danger?” he asked in a low tone.

  “He’s just taken off with Parente for some event. I can get the family, but where could I take them?” Rojas asked. The fear in his voice was evident.

  Picking up another piece of pottery, he held it up for Rojas to see. “Is there a way to get to him?”

  “I have a secure line, but what about the family?”

  Thinking quickly, Verdes smiled and reached over to shake Rojas’ hand as if they had made a deal. “The rescue team will be making their move tonight. Call him and have him come back here. Then go get his family. Have him pick all of you up and take you to the airstrip he is taking Parente to. Our plane will be there tonight and take you all away.”

  “All of us?”

  “There’s no way you can remain now. He has told his people to kill the hostages. You are next,” said Verdes forcefully. “You must all leave,” he said.

  Rojas nodded and took the man’s hands again. “Thank you, my friend. I’ll do my best.”

  “If this goes well, maybe I will see you again. Vaya con Dios, my friend,” Verdes said with a smile. “Now pay me for these things and get going.”

  Rojas pulled out his wallet and pulled out some bills. Then he took the pottery and made his way back to his office where he closed everything up and then walked into a small closet where the communications gear was. He switched on the encryption gear and patched it into the radio.

  Messina was surprised to hear a call come in on the Presidential frequency, since Parente was onboard the helicopter. He pressed the decryption switch and pressed the key. “Helo One responding.”

  “Can he hear us?” asked Rojas.

  Messina was shocked that Rojas was on the radio. It meant something bad was happening. “Pilot only. What’s wrong Juan?”

  “Parente has ordered your family and you arrested. Drop him off and then come back. Meet me at the lacrosse fields. I am going to get your family,” Rojas said.

  “He’s already told me to come back anyway,” said Messina.

  “And you’ll be arrested when you land. It’s time to leave, Carl. He’s going to kill the hostages. I’m going to get your family now,” Rojas said.

  “I’ll see you at the lacrosse fields,” said Messina. “Take care of yourself.”

  After shutting down the equipment, Rojas grabbed the pottery and made his way to his car. He thanked his lucky stars that he had purchased one of the American SUVs. He thought about calling Messina’s wife, but thought he had tempted fate already using the radio. He hurriedly drove to Messina’s home and down the alley behind his residence. The back gate was open and their car was sitting in the covered drive. He parked his car and made his way to the back door. He started pounding forcefully.

  After a minute, a startled Christina Messina came to the door. “Juan, what is going on? You look desperate,” she said with alarm.

  “Christina, grab the children. We have to leave now,” he said quickly.

  “But why? The children just got home from school and I’m starting supper for them.” She obviously didn’t know of what had been going on.

  Rojas took her arms. “Christina, Presidente Parente thinks your husband has turned against him. He has ordered you all arrested. The secret police are probably on their way here right now. Get the children and let’s go!”

  “Surely Parente wouldn’t…”

  Rojas became insistent. “He plans to have you all killed. I know this for fact. Get them now!” he insisted.

  Christina saw the fear in his eyes and heard the danger in his voice. She nodded and called the children down to her. Ushering them out the door, he noticed the oldest boy grab his lacrosse stick and ball to take with him. They packed the children in his car and he backed out into the alley. Telling everyone to get down, he pulled out on the side street and then out onto the main boulevard. They were a half mile down the road when they were passed in the other direction by several cars and trucks with flashing lights.

  The Mountain Landing Strip

  The helicopter landed and as the engines shut down, Parente got out. Messina watched him get into his limousine, then motioned for the airstrip crew to pull out the fueling hoses. Not knowing what was going on, they filled the tanks of the helicopter to the brim and watched as Messina restarted the helicopter and took off, waving to the crew as he usually did. Once in the air, Messina flew the aircraft as fast as it would go back toward Caracas.

  The Mountains of Venezuela

  It had been a near miss. The squads of soldiers formed a near circle around the compound guarding known trails and roads leading anywhere near the place. Guided by the satellite imagery, Chapman skirted around the positions, but at one, as he began crossing a small dirt road across their way, a truck began making its way toward them from only 100 yards away. One of the men suddenly found himself illuminated by the light of the truck. Fortunately, it was too far away to see the camouflaged figure dart into the gulley on the far side. As the truck passed, it slowed slightly, but then continued on its way. Once the darkness returned, the men climbed over a small hill and found themselves overlooking the compound.

  The entire compound was bathed in light. There were two guard towers with an armed man in each one. Soldiers were lined up in the courtyard as if they were expecting someone important. The walls, over 12 feet high, were topped with broken bottle glass and razor wire. There was a ten foot cleared area around the outer wall.

  Chapman spread his men out along the ridge to watch and wait for a bit. Earlier in the afternoon, the men had been able to get a good look at the place from about half a mile away on another ridge. Everything had looked normal then, but now something had changed. The clouds had rolled in and on occasion, there was the rumble of thunder echoing across the mountains. In the compound they appeared to be waiting for something. Chapman found out why when a black limousine with an escort pulled up the far road and up to the wooden gates at the far end of the compound. The gates were opened and the car pulled in.

  Both rows of troops came to attention as Parente got out of the car. He returned their salutes and made his way to the Sergeant. He was surprised at what he saw. Both of the man’s eyes were swollen and one was red with blood. With a look of concern he addressed him. “Sergeant, what has happened?”

  “Nothing of importance, Señor Presidente. One of the people attacked me. It appears they cannot stand a little discipline in their lives,” he said.

  “Well, you won’t have to put up with them much longer. Have you sent one up to the ceremonial grounds?” Parente asked.

  “Si, Señor Presidente. I took the liberty of sending up the one who attacked me. She will regret her actions,” he said boastfully.

  “A woman? That is good. Which one?”

  “The woman named Hammond,” said the Sergeant as another clap of thunder sounded far away.

  Parente smiled. “A very good choice. I will see that she makes the perfect sacrifice to our god,” Parente said with glee. “I leave you with one final order for the day. Once the drums start, you are free to execute the remaining hostages. Take them in the truck to a place far from here tomorrow and get rid of the bodies. Make it look like the FARC has taken out their revenge,” he said.

  “Very good, Señor Presidente. I also had to imprison one of our troops. He objects to what is being done here and knows more than he needs. Should I include him in the effort?”

  Parente nodded his head. It gave him an opportunity. He quickly entered the car and pulled out a sheet of paper that had some orders on it. The orders appeared to be signed by Colonel Rojas. He handed the
sergeant the papers. “Dress the soldier in one of the FARC uniforms and have this placed in one of his pockets. When he is found, it will suit me well,” Parente said.

  The sergeant saluted. “It will be done!” he said.

  The salute was returned. “You have served well. You all have. Once this is done, I will see you all in the capitol,” Parente said as he turned and got back into the car. The limo backed out of the compound and drove back to the road, turning up the mountain instead of back down.

  The sergeant rubbed his hands together. “Finally it is over and we can go home. Get the men together to form a firing squad. I will call them when the time is ready,” he said to a corporal. With some glee he turned and reentered his quarters where the air conditioning awaited.

  The Ceremonial Village

  Wei awoke from an exhausted sleep. The distant thunder had roused him and he looked over to see that the young girl was still lying beside him. Their lovemaking had consumed almost an entire day with only brief stops to refresh themselves. She had given her all, and had performed feats he could have only imagined. But unlike the others, he had responded by giving just as much as he had received. He looked as her lying next to him and couldn’t believe the feelings pouring through him. His Chief Priest had been right. By waiting for the right moment, he would experience many of the new emotions and feelings of a god. Right now, he felt as if he was more powerful than ever.

  She stirred beside him and her eyes slowly opened. He smiled as she looked at him, reaching over the rub his smooth, chiseled face. He responded by kissing her lightly. She ran her hand down his shoulders and along his body, finally holding him in her hands. “You have filled me. How can I please you more?” she asked.

  They were interrupted by more thunder and the sounds of voices outside. He picked up the blanket and placed it over her. “I must attend my people. When it is done, I will return to you,” Wei said gently.


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