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Right Kiss Wrong Guy (Offsides Book 2)

Page 16

by Natalie Decker

  Whatever possessed me to give Jared let alone one but two of my all-time favorite cookies, I don’t know. I must be lacking a lot of sleep. I’m supposed to be avoiding his sexy eyes and chiseled jaw. Not agreeing to go ice skating with him and giving him bakery goods.

  As I slide into the back of Tyler’s jeep I try to make myself as small as possible. Considering I’m already tiny compared to Jared, this seems like a simple task. I press myself against the back-driver side door. I refuse to check-out Jared even if I desperately want to. Nope. The typical scenery outside, I’ve grown up knowing my whole life is good enough for me.

  Mrs. Fairwood our super old neighbor is on her front lawn with her black chow named Dottie. She is probably telling Dottie to go pees in the yard or poos. That’s what she does anytime I pass her house while I’m running. Dottie doesn’t bark. Not like the huge St. Bernard named Rex who lives three doors down. Rex barks non-stop.

  As we start to leave my neighborhood and basically the end of our addition, Tyler turns us onto Reed. This is one of the main drags that feeds into our neighborhood, it also leads us to our old elementary school as well as our middle school.

  “Hey, did I do something wrong?” Jared’s voice seeps through my thoughts and causes me to face him.

  He has a worried expression. I sigh. “No.”

  “You’re awfully quiet. You’re also squished against the door as if you’re preparing to jump out any second.”

  I fiddle with a stray string on my frayed jeans. “I thought you needed more room.”

  “As thoughtful as that may be, I don’t need two and a half seats. My ass isn’t that big.” He laughs.

  I don’t want to laugh but I can’t help it. I chuckle then shake my head. “Isn’t your girlfriend going to get mad that I’m here with you?”

  Jared chews on his lower lip. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “Don’t you? Aren’t you dating my teammate Kimber?”

  He rolls his eyes and sighs. “Ugh. Okay, it was an accident. I was dropping Justin off at the mall and she railroaded me into taking her to see some movie. I couldn’t even tell you the title of it because I fell asleep.”

  Prickly sensations of anger swish through me. “Really? Did she surgically attach herself to your leg at lunch too? Because she practically humped you like a dog Friday.”

  I hear Tyler choke and Layla slaps his arm. Great now these two are going to weed their way through our conversation.

  Jared doesn’t seem to care because he shoots off, “Why does it bother you so much? Is your boyfriend going to be jealous?”

  “What boyfriend?”

  “The one sending you all your love-grams. It’s probably your bestie Chase. I mean there is no way that’s strictly platonic.” Jared gives me a side-eyed glare before he shifts his gaze out the window.

  I punch his shoulder a lot harder than I hit Chase. He curses under his breath and snarls, “What the hell was that for?”

  “For being a total asshat! Chase and I are like brother and sister for you to suggest that we like each other as anything more is revolting. Second, you know damn well, that secret admirer was Mark. I had no intention of taking him back anyway. Thank God he got that message through his thick ass skull because he hasn’t sent me one since … you switched seats.”

  Jared pales and Tyler laughs. “Oh wow. You two bicker as if you’re married. Classic! Please do not kill each other on the ice. I think there is an extra fee involved for cleaning that up.”

  Oh, my God. No. Could it really be possible that Mark wasn’t sending those things at all?

  “Juliet, you look sick. Did you eat too many cookies?” Layla asks.

  I stare at her hoping that for once she could twin vibe and read my current thoughts. I know physically that isn’t possible, still. “I’ll tell you later.”

  She nods.

  Jared doesn’t say another word to me. I think he knows I’m onto him. That’s ridiculous though. If he liked me like those notes suggested why didn’t he just say they were from him? Why did he let me believe they were from Mark? Why in the world did he change all his seats?

  Tyler pulls into the ice rink. I hop out and snatch my sister up before Tyler can sweep her away. I plow us through the packed entrance and yank us into the bathroom. “Jeez Juliet, slow your roll.”

  “It was Jared!” I scream at her as soon as the door to the ladies restroom closes. “Layla, it was Jared sending me those love grams.”

  She smiles. Odd. She’s not freaking out or doesn’t even look a bit shocked. “Did you know?” I snap.

  “Sis, calm down. This is a good thing yeah? You like him. He likes you. It’s all good,” she says.

  I jerk away from her. “How long have you known Layla?”

  “Does it really matter?”

  “Um yeah! I’m your sister. You kept this from me? This whole flipping time I thought it was Mark. I begged him to quit. I threw shit at him. And it wasn’t even him. Omigod. How is it physically possible to feel like more of an ass than ever?”

  Layla tries to reach out and touch my shoulder or something and I smack it away. “Don’t you dare touch me. I can’t believe you would do something like this to me. How many other people know?”

  “Juliet, it was never like that. Come on! You have to know that I would never intentionally hurt you. You’re my sister and I love you!”

  “How many people Layla?” I yell.

  She drops her gaze. “Tyler knows. I think Rachel knows. Me. Chase.”

  “Chase? My best friend Chase?”

  “Yeah, Juls. It’s really not that bad. Lots of people want you together. You’re good for each other.”

  I shove my sister. “Family first Layla!” I storm out of the bathroom feeling utterly humiliated. Tyler and Jared are near the rental area. I pass right by.

  “Hey,” Tyler says. “Where are you going?”

  “Go to hell!” Then I point at Jared. “And you. Don’t you ever talk to me again!”

  “What did I do?” Jared asks.

  “Yeah. What the hell did I do?” Tyler asks utterly confused.

  “Both of you are going to stand there and treat me like I’m stupid? Fine. The other night Tyler I cried over this one and you failed to mention that he liked me back. And you, you had me believing this whole time Mark was sending those damn love grams to me, but it was you! How and why would you let me do that?”

  “I kept telling you it wasn’t from Mark. You insisted it was. What was I supposed to do?” Jared answers in a raised voice.

  “Gee. How about, ‘Those were from me’ huh genius?”

  Jared looks up at the ceiling. “I will never win with you. If I said I sent them you wouldn’t have believed me. If you did you would have chucked them right at my face and told me to piss off.”

  “Whatever! I’m not going to be a part of this sick twisted game!”

  Layla is wrapped up in Tyler’s arms sobbing. She isn’t going to stop me from leaving. Jared, on the other hand, looks like he wants to. I make a break for the door, but arms come around my waist. I’m about to scream, but he carries me outside.

  The parking lot is empty of people. I’m ready to launch at him but he spins me around and says, “I’m sorry.”

  “Why?” I ask as tears slip from my eyes.

  His thumb brushes under my eye. “Juliet the last thing in this world I ever wanted to do to you was hurt you. I didn’t tell you those love-grams were from me because you were so gun ho in believing they were from Mark. I didn’t know if you secretly wanted them to be from him.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “I know that now. It doesn’t change the fact I wasn’t sure.”

  I make a noise. “You’re an asshole. You should have just told me.”

  “Right. And when could I do that? Before or after you seem to think I was a brainless football player? Let’s not forget the sobering fact that you won’t date one ever again because we’re all a bunch of cheating douches
like Mark,” Jared says.

  “I never.” I start.

  “Bullshit! The first day of Chem you told me my dad must have influenced the teachers to have me in all the honor classes. Then when you found out I’m actually smart, you still gave me the cold shoulder because I play football. Excuse me for misunderstanding any of those signs meant for lust as pure loathing.” He shakes his head. “Stop being mad at me. Please,” Jared begs.

  “I don’t know if I can. I feel like you’ve been secretly laughing at me this whole time.”

  He sighs. “I haven’t. I’ve been super pissed off whenever you’d groan and mutter that dumbasses name. I’m not sorry I like you. I am sorry for not telling you sooner. Can you blame me though? You’ve kept me at a distance for a while. I’m not going to move past this.”

  “You probably should,” I simper.

  “You don’t want that, do you?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know anymore.”

  Jared rolls his eyes. “You’re the most stubborn person I’ve ever met.”

  “No more than you.”

  The door behind us opens. “Hey, are you two coming?” Tyler asks.

  I peer around Jared and sigh. “I’ll skate, and we can hang out, but this does not count as a date!”

  Jared rubs a spot on the back of his neck and nods. “All right. It’s not a date.”

  We head to the doors of the ice rink where my sister and Tyler are standing by.

  “Can I convince you to hold my hand?” Jared asks as he outstretches his hand.

  I raise a brow. “No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. This isn’t a date, remember?”

  Jared looks frustrated with me as he stands by the door leading to the ice. He stares at his hand then back at me three times until I huff. “Fine.” I drop my hand into his. “This is still not a date.”

  “I know. Tyler wasn’t lying earlier when he said I sucked at skating.”

  Pffft. “Sure. You probably concocted this whole plan to get me out here.”

  “I actually didn’t.” We push off the wall and I realize very quick that Jared is definitely not fibbing about sucking at ice skating. He jerks one way and I guide us another and somehow right him before we both fall.

  “If I can teach Addy to skate I guess I can teach you too.”

  He smirks. “You taught Addy how to skate?”

  I swing out of his grip and face him while skating backward. He flounders a bit as his arms do a windmill motion and I giggle. “Don’t be so shocked. I can teach people how to skate, play soccer, and how to beat most video games in less than two hours.”

  “Well … aren’t … we …” his butt slams down against the ice. “Ouch!”

  I hold in a snicker.

  “I know you’re dying to laugh,” Jared says with a frown.

  “If you are so horrible at this why did you agree to come?” I ask.

  “How else am I going to get better at this?”

  Smartypants has a point. Still, I can’t help but tease him a bit more. “I think you came here so you can try and hold my hand.”

  Jared blushes. He tries to get off the ground but keeps slipping in the process. I extend my hand and he latches on. I help pull him to his feet. He wobbles a bit, but I gently guide him to me.

  “Easy. Left then right. Left then right.”

  Jared does exactly as I tell him. He stares at his feet gliding across the ice. “Hey, trust me. Look at me and keep following my instructions.”

  He slowly raises his head. “Is this how you taught Adaline?” he asks.

  “No. Not everyone learns the same.”

  I keep ahold of his hands and we skate one side of the rink. Maybe it’s a little selfish of me because Jared is getting the hang of this but I’m not letting go. I swivel myself so now we’re side by side still holding hands. “How can I look at you if you’re not in front of me?” he asks.

  “This is where you have to really trust me.” I have no idea what makes me say this. This isn’t a trust drill. Believe me, those are not exactly fun, more nerve-racking than anything. “Don’t let go of my hand and keep following the movements.”


  We skate for the remainder of the time in silence. Do I like he is so quiet? No. Do I like his grip on my hand is loose and not firm? No. This was terrible, and I wish I had never agreed to come here.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  As we’re skating, I realize this isn’t how I want to win Juliet over. I don’t want to be seen as a putz. She also made it clear this was not a date. I don’t want her to look back on this day and retell it to others like, “Yeah, he fell on his ass a lot.”

  I lessen my grip on her hand. I don’t say anything to her the rest of the time because I don’t know what to say. When we finish up I realize I’ve done something majorly wrong. Her eyes are full of sadness and I’m certain I caused it.

  After Tyler drops the girls off and I slip into the passenger seat, he snaps. “What did you do?”

  “I skated.”

  “No, bro. I mean you royally effed up. Don’t you like her?”

  “Of course, I do. Things are complicated.”

  He slaps his hand over his face and drags it down while growling. “It’s not though. You’re making it complicated. What’s the matter with you? Where the hell is your game? Did you leave it at home with your balls?”

  “Screw off. She’s fine,” I defend.

  “Bro, you basically shunned her the entire car ride over here. I didn’t see you talking much during the whole her teaching you how to skate bit either. If this was a reality show your ass would have gotten booted off.”

  “She told me this wasn’t a date. I was respecting her wishes.”

  He starts up his Jeep. “My God you are so clueless. That was her hint that she wanted you to treat this like a date. She wanted to be wanted.”

  I rub the knot forming in the back of my neck. “Why do girls have to be so difficult? I’m not a damn mind reader. She should have told me what she really wanted.”

  Tyler laughs. “And make it boring? Where’s the fun in that?” He turns out of their neighborhood and I almost want him to turn around. We can’t because it’s getting late and I’ve got curfew. “Better find your A-game soon; rumor has it Lincoln Tilman is looking to ask Juliet out.”

  I look over at Tyler. “Bullshit. He’s dating Carrie.”

  “Nope. She hooked up with Raphe at my New Year’s Eve party.”

  How did I miss all this? Why is Lincoln Tilman, the baseball jackass, after Juliet? He never showed interest in her before. He is always in the locker room bragging about all the shit him and Carrie have done. Well, not only Carrie, anyone he’s hooked up at a party or dated.“Juliet can’t date him.” I’ll break his legs then his neck as soon as that twit breathes a single word about any of the depraved things he has done to Juliet if she dates him. Yes, I’ll go completely insane.

  Tyler smacks my arm. “Then step it up, or prepare to lose her. The girl has enough sense to turn down a jackass like Tilman, but the next guy might not be, and Juliet will say yes.”

  He pulls up to my house and I sigh. “I’m not losing.”

  “Good to hear. You should text her then. You still have her number, right?” He asks.


  “Maybe apologize for being aloof.”

  I pop open the door. “Anything else I should know Captain Suave?”

  He grins. “I like that. I think that should be my name from now on.”

  I roll my eyes. “Hey, Jared.” I look back at Tyler. “You got this.”

  I give him a slight nod then shut the door. As he takes off I head into my house. The house is quiet. That’s not normal. “Mom? Dad?”

  No one answers. Not even mumbles. “Justin?”

  Again, no response. Is it possible I might have the house to myself? I check around all the rooms and notice a note in the kitchen. It’s in my Dad’s handwriting.

  Jared, />
  Do some drills. No cheating. Cheaters never win. We’ll be back at 10:30.

  I check the clock. It’s 9:20, and he wants me to do drills? No. I go straight up to my room. I’ll pretend that note never existed. Will I regret this decision? Possibly. Right now, nope.

  I slap my door close and type a message to Juliet.

  Me: I’m sry 4 being odd.

  My phone pings back instantly.

  Juliet: Y do u still have my #?

  Me: Bc. I do.

  Juliet: U should delete it.

  Me: Y?

  Juliet: U have a GF.

  I call her. The phone rings a few times before she answers. “This isn’t a good idea, Jared.”

  “Talking to you? Yes, it is. I don’t have a girlfriend. I’m not a player either.”

  She snorts. “Are you sure about that?”

  “About which part?”

  “All of it,” she grinds out.

  This girl. Ugh. She frustrates me and fascinates me all at the same time. “You’re damn right I’m sure. Kimber is the first person I went out on a date with in almost a year and a half. Before that, I went on maybe five blind dates. Happy? I am not equipped to run through a string of girls. I barely have enough time for one person.”

  “Kimber’s statuses all state you are in a relationship together.”

  “Wh … how would you know that? You don’t even have Facebook.”

  I can hear her huffing. “Who says I need it? You can pull up her stupid page without an account. Why am I even defending myself here? You’re the one who has a girlfriend. I don’t know why you bothered calling me.”

  This is not going as planned. Not in the slightest. “I called to apologize.”

  “There is no need. I’m fine. I taught you how to skate end of story. Now, you can probably take Kimber and not be so embarrassed.”


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